Beispiel #1
  * Returns an array with all attribute names not used in template
  * We accept Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DataInterface, but the model must also
  * implement IteratorAggregate!
  * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_Data $item
  * @param string $template
  * @param string $marker
  * @return array
 public static function findUnusedAttributes(Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DataInterface $item, $template, $marker)
     $ignore = array();
     $minfo = self::containsMarker($template, $marker . '___MINFO');
     $minfoArr = array();
     foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
         if ($minfo) {
             $minfoArr[$key] = $marker . '_' . strtoupper($key);
         if (!self::containsMarker($template, $marker . '_' . strtoupper($key))) {
             $ignore[] = $key;
     if ($minfo) {
         $item->setProperty('__MINFO', tx_rnbase_util_Debug::viewArray($minfoArr));
     return $ignore;
  * Links vorbereiten
  * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DataInterface $item
  * @param string $marker
  * @param array $markerArray
  * @param array $wrappedSubpartArray
  * @param string $confId
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormatUtil $formatter
 protected function prepareLinks($item, $marker, &$markerArray, &$subpartArray, &$wrappedSubpartArray, $confId, $formatter, $template)
     $configurations = $formatter->getConfigurations();
     $pluginData = $configurations->getCObj()->data;
     $configurations->getCObj()->data = $item->getProperty();
     $linkIds = $configurations->getKeyNames($confId . 'links.');
     for ($i = 0, $cnt = count($linkIds); $i < $cnt; $i++) {
         $linkId = $linkIds[$i];
         // Check if link is defined in template
         if (!self::checkLinkExistence($linkId, $marker, $template)) {
         $linkConfId = $confId . 'links.' . $linkId;
         // Die Parameter erzeugen
         $params = array();
         $paramMap = (array) $configurations->get($linkConfId . '._cfg.params.');
         foreach ($paramMap as $paramName => $colName) {
             if (is_scalar($colName) && array_key_exists($colName, $item->getProperty())) {
                 $params[$paramName] = $item->getProperty($colName);
             } elseif (is_array($colName)) {
                 $paramName = substr($paramName, 0, strlen($paramName) - 1);
                 $params[$paramName] = $this->createParam($paramName, $colName, $item);
         // check for charbrowser config and add the parameter
         if ($configurations->getBool($linkConfId . '._cfg.charbrowser')) {
             $cbId = $configurations->get($linkConfId . '._cfg.charbrowser.cbid');
             $cbId = empty($cbId) ? 'charpointer' : $cbId;
             $cbColname = $configurations->get($linkConfId . '._cfg.charbrowser.colname');
             $cbColname = empty($cbColname) ? 'uid' : $cbColname;
             $params[$cbId] = strtoupper(substr((string) $item->getProperty($cbColname), 0, 1));
         // @TODO: that only works on Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DomainInterface!
         if ($configurations->getBool($linkConfId . '.skipPersistedCheck') || $item->isPersisted()) {
             $this->initLink($markerArray, $subpartArray, $wrappedSubpartArray, $formatter, $confId, $linkId, $marker, $params, $template);
         } else {
             $linkMarker = $marker . '_' . strtoupper($linkId) . 'LINK';
             $remove = intval($configurations->get($linkConfId . '.removeIfDisabled'));
             $this->disableLink($markerArray, $subpartArray, $wrappedSubpartArray, $linkMarker, $remove > 0);
     $configurations->getCObj()->data = $pluginData;
  * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DataInterface $options
  * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_Base $obj
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormTool $formTool
  * @return string
 private static function addLinker($options, $obj, $formTool)
     $out = '';
     $linkerArr = $options->getLinker();
     if ((is_array($linkerArr) || $linkerArr instanceof Traversable) && !empty($linkerArr)) {
         $linkerimplode = $options->getLinkerimplode() ? $options->getLinkerimplode() : '<br />';
         $currentPid = (int) $options->getPid();
         foreach ($linkerArr as $linker) {
             if (!$linker instanceof tx_rnbase_mod_LinkerInterface) {
                 // backward compatibility, the interface with the makeLink method is new!
                 if (!is_callable(array($linker, 'makeLink'))) {
                     throw new Exception('Linker "' . get_class($linker) . '" has to implement interface "tx_rnbase_mod_LinkerInterface".');
                 $utility = tx_rnbase_util_Typo3Classes::getGeneralUtilityClass();
                 $utility::deprecationLog('Linker "' . get_class($linker) . '" has to implement interface "tx_rnbase_mod_LinkerInterface".');
             $out .= $linker->makeLink($obj, $formTool, $currentPid, $options);
             $out .= $linkerimplode;
     return $out;
  * Link zur Detailseite erzeugen
  * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_Base $item
  * @param tx_rnbase_util_FormTool $formTool
  * @param int $currentPid
  * @param Tx_Rnbase_Domain_Model_DataInterface $options
  * @return string
 public function makeLink($item, $formTool, $currentPid, $options)
     $uidkey = $options->getShowDetailsKey() ? $options->getShowDetailsKey() : 'showDetails[' . $item->getTableName() . ']';
     $label = $options->hasShowDetailsLabel() ? $options->getShowDetailsLabel() : '###LABEL_SHOW_DETAILS###';
     return $formTool->createSubmit($uidkey . '[' . $item->uid . ']', $label);