Beispiel #1
     * Generates payment drop down list for this shop
     * @param array $basketArray Array of template marker
     * @return array Template marker
    public function makePayment(array $basketArray = array())
        $this->paymentProduct = GeneralUtility::makeInstance('Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Product', $this->conf['payProdId'], $this->getFrontendController()->tmpl->setup['config.']['sys_language_uid']);
        $this->basketPaymentArticles = $this->basket->getArticlesByArticleTypeUidAsUidlist(PAYMENTARTICLETYPE);
        $select = '<select name="' . $this->prefixId . '[payArt]" onChange="this.form.submit();">';
        $addPleaseSelect = FALSE;
        $addDefaultPaymentToBasket = FALSE;
        // Check if a Payment is selected if not, add standard payment
        if (count($this->basketPaymentArticles) == 0) {
            // Check if Payment selection is forced
            if ($this->conf['payment.']['forceSelection']) {
                // Add Please Select Option
                $select .= '<option value="-1" selected="selected">' . $this->pi_getLL('lang_payment_force') . '</option>';
                $addPleaseSelect = TRUE;
            } else {
                // No payment article is in the basket, so add the first one
                $addDefaultPaymentToBasket = TRUE;
        $allowedArticles = array();
        if ($this->conf['payment.']['allowedArticles']) {
            $allowedArticles = explode(',', $this->conf['payment.']['allowedArticles']);
        // Check if payment articles are allowed
        $newAllowedArticles = array();
         * Article
         * @var Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Article $article
        foreach ($this->paymentProduct->getArticleObjects() as $articleUid => $article) {
            if (!count($allowedArticles) || in_array($articleUid, $allowedArticles)) {
                $payment = $this->getPaymentObject($article->getClassname());
                if ($payment->isAllowed()) {
                    $newAllowedArticles[] = $articleUid;
        // If default Paymentarticle is, for example, credit card
        // but when we have an article in the basket with the only possible
        // payment method like debit, this ensures that there is still the correct
        // payment article in the basket.
        // @todo: Refactor default handling
        if (count($newAllowedArticles) == 1 && $this->conf['defaultPaymentArticleId'] != $newAllowedArticles[0]) {
            $this->conf['defaultPaymentArticleId'] = $newAllowedArticles[0];
        $allowedArticles = $newAllowedArticles;
        // Hook to allow to define/overwrite individually, which payment
        // articles are allowed
        if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/pi2/class.tx_commerce_pi2.php']['paymentArticles'])) {
				is deprecated since commerce 1.0.0, it will be removed in commerce 1.4.0, please use instead
            foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/pi2/class.tx_commerce_pi2.php']['paymentArticles'] as $classRef) {
                $hookObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
                if (method_exists($hookObj, 'paymentAllowedArticles')) {
                    $allowedArticles = $hookObj->paymentAllowedArticles($this, $allowedArticles);
        if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/Classes/Controller/BasketController.php']['paymentArticles'])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/Classes/Controller/BasketController.php']['paymentArticles'] as $classRef) {
                $hookObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
                if (method_exists($hookObj, 'paymentAllowedArticles')) {
                    $allowedArticles = $hookObj->paymentAllowedArticles($this, $allowedArticles);
        $first = FALSE;
        $priceNet = '';
        $priceGross = '';
         * Article
         * @var $article Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Article
        foreach ($this->paymentProduct->getArticleObjects() as $articleUid => $article) {
            if (!count($allowedArticles) || in_array($articleUid, $allowedArticles)) {
                $select .= '<option value="' . $articleUid . '"';
                if ($articleUid == $this->basketPaymentArticles[0] || $addDefaultPaymentToBasket && $articleUid == $this->conf['defaultPaymentArticleId'] && !$addPleaseSelect) {
                    $addDefaultPaymentToBasket = FALSE;
                    $first = TRUE;
                    $select .= ' selected="selected"';
                    $priceNet = Tx_Commerce_ViewHelpers_Money::format($article->getPriceNet(), $this->currency);
                    $priceGross = Tx_Commerce_ViewHelpers_Money::format($article->getPriceGross(), $this->currency);
                } elseif (!$first) {
                    $priceNet = Tx_Commerce_ViewHelpers_Money::format($article->getPriceNet(), $this->currency);
                    $priceGross = Tx_Commerce_ViewHelpers_Money::format($article->getPriceGross(), $this->currency);
                $select .= '>' . $article->getTitle() . '</option>';
        $select .= '</select>';
        // Set Prices to 0, if "please select " is shown
        if ($addPleaseSelect) {
            $priceGross = Tx_Commerce_ViewHelpers_Money::format(0, $this->currency);
            $priceNet = Tx_Commerce_ViewHelpers_Money::format(0, $this->currency);
        $basketArray['###PAYMENT_SELECT_BOX###'] = $select;
        $basketArray['###PAYMENT_PRICE_GROSS###'] = $priceGross;
        $basketArray['###PAYMENT_PRICE_NET###'] = $priceNet;
        return $basketArray;
Beispiel #2
  * Remove article from product for frontendviewing, if articles
  * with no stock should not shown
  * @param Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Product $productObj ProductObject to work on
  * @param int $dontRemoveArticles Switch to show or not show articles
  * @return Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Product Cleaned up Productobjectt
 public static function removeNoStockArticles(Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Product $productObj, $dontRemoveArticles = 1)
     if ($dontRemoveArticles == 1) {
         return $productObj;
     $articleUids = $productObj->getArticleUids();
     $articles = $productObj->getArticleObjects();
     foreach ($articleUids as $arrayKey => $articleUid) {
          * Article
          * @var Tx_Commerce_Domain_Model_Article $article
         $article = $articles[$articleUid];
         if ($article->getStock() <= 0) {
     return $productObj;