  * Export the locale files to the browser as a tarball.
  * Requires tar for operation (configured in config.inc.php).
  * @param $locale string Locale code for exported locale
 function export($locale)
     // Construct the tar command
     $tarBinary = Config::getVar('cli', 'tar');
     if (empty($tarBinary) || !file_exists($tarBinary)) {
         // We can use fatalError() here as we already have a user
         // friendly way of dealing with the missing tar on the
         // index page.
         fatalError('The tar binary must be configured in config.inc.php\'s cli section to use the export function of this plugin!');
     $command = $tarBinary . ' cz';
     $localeFilesList = TranslatorAction::getLocaleFiles($locale);
     $localeFilesList = array_merge($localeFilesList, TranslatorAction::getMiscLocaleFiles($locale));
     $emailTemplateDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('EmailTemplateDAO');
     $localeFilesList[] = $emailTemplateDao->getMainEmailTemplateDataFilename($locale);
     foreach (array_values(TranslatorAction::getEmailFileMap($locale)) as $emailFile) {
     // Include locale files (main file and plugin files)
     foreach ($localeFilesList as $file) {
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $command .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($file);
     header('Content-Type: application/x-gtar');
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$locale}.tar.gz\"");
     header('Cache-Control: private');
     // Workarounds for IE weirdness
  * @copydoc SetupListbuilderHandler::initialize()
 function initialize($request)
     $context = $request->getContext();
     // Get and validate the locale and filename parameters
     $this->locale = $request->getUserVar('locale');
     if (!AppLocale::isLocaleValid($this->locale)) {
         fatalError('Invalid locale.');
     $this->filename = $request->getUserVar('filename');
     if (!in_array($this->filename, TranslatorAction::getLocaleFiles($this->locale))) {
         fatalError('Invalid locale file specified!');
     // Basic configuration
     $cellProvider = new LocaleFileListbuilderGridCellProvider($this->locale);
     // Key column
     $this->addColumn(new ListbuilderGridColumn($this, 'key', 'plugins.generic.translator.localeKey', null, self::$plugin->getTemplatePath() . 'localeFileKeyGridCell.tpl', $cellProvider, array('tabIndex' => 1)));
     // Value column (custom template displays English text)
     $this->addColumn(new ListbuilderGridColumn($this, 'value', 'plugins.generic.translator.localeKeyValue', null, self::$plugin->getTemplatePath() . 'localeFileValueGridCell.tpl', $cellProvider, array('tabIndex' => 2, 'width' => 70, 'alignment' => COLUMN_ALIGNMENT_LEFT)));
 function isLocaleFile($locale, $filename)
     if (in_array($filename, TranslatorAction::getLocaleFiles($locale))) {
         return true;
     if (in_array($filename, TranslatorAction::getMiscLocaleFiles($locale))) {
         return true;
     if ($filename == Locale::getEmailTemplateFilename($locale)) {
         return true;
     return false;
  * Test the emails in the supplied locale against those in the supplied
  * reference locale.
  * @param $locale string
  * @param $referenceLocale string
  * @return array List of errors
 function testEmails($locale, $referenceLocale)
     $errors = array();
     $emails = TranslatorAction::getEmailTemplates($locale);
     $referenceEmails = TranslatorAction::getEmailTemplates($referenceLocale);
     // Pass 1: For all translated emails, check that they match
     // against reference translations.
     foreach ($emails as $emailKey => $email) {
         // Check if a matching reference email was found.
         if (!isset($referenceEmails[$emailKey])) {
             $errors[EMAIL_ERROR_EXTRA_EMAIL][] = array('key' => $emailKey);
         // We've successfully found a matching reference email.
         // Compare it against the translation.
         $bodyParams = AppLocale::getParameterNames($email['body']);
         $referenceBodyParams = AppLocale::getParameterNames($referenceEmails[$emailKey]['body']);
         $diff = array_diff($bodyParams, $referenceBodyParams);
         if (!empty($diff)) {
             $errors[EMAIL_ERROR_DIFFERING_PARAMS][] = array('key' => $emailKey, 'mismatch' => $diff);
         $subjectParams = AppLocale::getParameterNames($email['subject']);
         $referenceSubjectParams = AppLocale::getParameterNames($referenceEmails[$emailKey]['subject']);
         $diff = array_diff($subjectParams, $referenceSubjectParams);
         if (!empty($diff)) {
             $errors[EMAIL_ERROR_DIFFERING_PARAMS][] = array('key' => $emailKey, 'mismatch' => $diff);
         $matchedReferenceEmails[] = $emailKey;
     // Pass 2: Make sure that there are no missing translations.
     foreach ($referenceEmails as $emailKey => $email) {
         // Extract the fields from the email to be tested.
         if (!isset($emails[$emailKey])) {
             $errors[EMAIL_ERROR_MISSING_EMAIL][] = array('key' => $emailKey);
     return $errors;
Beispiel #5
    function saveEmail($args, $request)
        $plugin =& $this->plugin;
        $locale = array_shift($args);
        if (!AppLocale::isLocaleValid($locale)) {
            $request->redirect(null, null, 'index');
        $emails = TranslatorAction::getEmailTemplates($locale);
        $referenceEmails = TranslatorAction::getEmailTemplates(MASTER_LOCALE);
        $emailKey = array_shift($args);
        $targetFilename = str_replace(MASTER_LOCALE, $locale, $referenceEmails[$emailKey]['templateDataFile']);
        // FIXME: Ugly.
        if (!in_array($emailKey, array_keys($emails))) {
            // If it's not a reference or translation email, bail.
            if (!in_array($emailKey, array_keys($referenceEmails))) {
                $request->redirect(null, null, 'index');
            // If it's a reference email but not a translated one,
            // create a blank file. FIXME: This is ugly.
            if (!file_exists($targetFilename)) {
                $dir = dirname($targetFilename);
                if (!file_exists($dir)) {
                file_put_contents($targetFilename, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE email_texts SYSTEM "../../../../../lib/pkp/dtd/emailTemplateData.dtd">
  * emailTemplateData.xml
  * Copyright (c) 2003-2013 John Willinsky
  * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2. For full terms see the file docs/COPYING.
  * Localized email templates XML file.
<email_texts locale="' . $locale . '">
        $file = new EditableEmailFile($locale, $targetFilename);
        $subject = $this->correctCr($request->getUserVar('subject'));
        $body = $this->correctCr($request->getUserVar('body'));
        $description = $this->correctCr($request->getUserVar('description'));
        if (!$file->update($emailKey, $subject, $body, $description)) {
            $file->insert($emailKey, $subject, $body, $description);
        if ($request->getUserVar('returnToCheck') == 1) {
            $request->redirect(null, null, 'check', $locale);
        } else {
            $request->redirect(null, null, 'edit', $locale);
  * Get the (validated) filename for the current request.
  * @param $request PKPRequest
  * @return string Filename
 protected function _getFilename($request)
     $filename = $request->getUserVar('filename');
     if (!in_array($filename, TranslatorAction::getLocaleFiles($this->locale))) {
         fatalError('Invalid locale file specified!');
     return $filename;
  * Export the locale files to the browser as a tarball.
  * Requires tar (configured in config.inc.php) for operation.
  * @param $args array Parameters.
  * @param $request PKPRequest Request object.
 function export($args, $request)
     $locale = $request->getUserVar('locale');
     if (!AppLocale::isLocaleValid($locale)) {
         fatalError('Invalid locale.');
     // Construct the tar command
     $tarBinary = Config::getVar('cli', 'tar');
     if (empty($tarBinary) || !file_exists($tarBinary)) {
         fatalError('cli.tar binary not properly configured.');
     $command = $tarBinary . ' cz';
     $emailTemplateDao = DAORegistry::getDAO('EmailTemplateDAO');
     $localeFilesList = array_merge(TranslatorAction::getLocaleFiles($locale), TranslatorAction::getMiscLocaleFiles($locale), array($emailTemplateDao->getMainEmailTemplateDataFilename($locale)), array_values(TranslatorAction::getEmailFileMap($locale)));
     // Include locale files (main file and plugin files)
     foreach ($localeFilesList as $file) {
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             $command .= ' ' . escapeshellarg($file);
     header('Content-Type: application/x-gtar');
     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$locale}.tar.gz\"");
     header('Cache-Control: private');
     // Workarounds for IE weirdness
Beispiel #8
 function saveEmail($args)
     list($plugin) = TranslatorHandler::validate();
     $locale = array_shift($args);
     if (!Locale::isLocaleValid($locale)) {
         Request::redirect(null, null, 'index');
     $emails = TranslatorAction::getEmailTemplates($locale);
     $referenceEmails = TranslatorAction::getEmailTemplates(MASTER_LOCALE);
     $emailKey = array_shift($args);
     if (!in_array($emailKey, array_keys($referenceEmails)) && !in_array($emailKey, array_keys($emails))) {
         Request::redirect(null, null, 'index');
     $file =& new EditableEmailFile($locale, Locale::getEmailTemplateFilename($locale));
     $subject = TranslatorHandler::correctCr(Request::getUserVar('subject'));
     $body = TranslatorHandler::correctCr(Request::getUserVar('body'));
     $description = TranslatorHandler::correctCr(Request::getUserVar('description'));
     if (!$file->update($emailKey, $subject, $body, $description)) {
         $file->insert($emailKey, $subject, $body, $description);
     if (Request::getUserVar('returnToCheck') == 1) {
         Request::redirect(null, null, 'check', $locale);
     } else {
         Request::redirect(null, null, 'edit', $locale);
  * Get a list of email templates for the supplied locale. Returns data in the
  * following data structure:
  * array(
  *   'emailKey' => array(
  *     'subject' => 'Localized Subject',
  *     'body' => 'Localized Body',
  *     'description' => 'Localized Description',
  *     'templateFile' => '/path/to/template-file.xml',
  *     'templateDataFile' => '/path/to/localized/data-file.xml'
  *   ), ...
  * )
  * @param $locale string Locale code
  * @return array Email template data
 static function _getEmailTemplates($locale)
     $files = TranslatorAction::getEmailFileMap($locale);
     $returner = array();
     foreach ($files as $templateFile => $templateDataFile) {
         if (!file_exists($templateFile)) {
         $xmlParser = new XMLParser();
         $data = $xmlParser->parse($templateFile);
         foreach ($data->getChildren() as $emailNode) {
             $returner[$emailNode->getAttribute('key')] = array('subject' => null, 'body' => null, 'description' => null, 'templateFile' => $templateFile, 'statusCode' => 'doesNotExist');
         if (!file_exists($templateDataFile)) {
         $localeData = $xmlParser->parse($templateDataFile);
         if ($localeData) {
             foreach ($localeData->getChildren() as $emailNode) {
                 $key = $emailNode->getAttribute('key');
                 if (isset($returner[$key])) {
                     $returner[$key] = array_merge($returner[$key], array('subject' => $emailNode->getChildValue('subject'), 'body' => $emailNode->getChildValue('body'), 'description' => $emailNode->getChildValue('description'), 'templateDataFile' => $templateDataFile, 'statusCode' => 'exists'));
     // Fill in status
     if ($locale != MASTER_LOCALE) {
         $masterLocale = self::_getEmailTemplates(MASTER_LOCALE);
     foreach ($returner as $key => &$emailData) {
         switch ($emailData['statusCode']) {
             case 'doesNotExist':
                 $emailData['status'] = __('plugins.generic.translator.email.doesNotExist');
             case 'exists':
                 $emailData['status'] = __('plugins.generic.translator.email.complete');
                 if ($locale != MASTER_LOCALE) {
                     $referenceSubject = $masterLocale[$key]['subject'];
                     $referenceBody = $masterLocale[$key]['body'];
                     if (0 != count(array_diff(AppLocale::getParameterNames($emailData['subject']), AppLocale::getParameterNames($referenceSubject)))) {
                         $emailData['status'] = __('plugins.generic.translator.errors.EMAIL_ERROR_DIFFERING_PARAMS.title');
                     if (0 != count(array_diff(AppLocale::getParameterNames($emailData['body']), AppLocale::getParameterNames($referenceBody)))) {
                         $emailData['status'] = __('plugins.generic.translator.errors.LOCALE_ERROR_DIFFERING_PARAMS.title');
     return $returner;