Beispiel #1
 function payAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ('POST' == $request->getMethod()) {
         $ssotoken = $this->post()->get("ssotoken");
         $payType = $this->post()->get("payType");
         $resource = $this->post()->get("resource");
         $amt = $this->post()->get("amt");
         $coinId = $this->post()->get("coinId");
         $platform = $this->post()->get("channel");
         $schoolId = $this->post()->get("schoolId");
     } else {
         $ssotoken = $this->get("ssotoken");
         $payType = $this->get("payType");
         $resource = $this->get("resource");
         $amt = $this->get("amt");
         $coinId = $this->get("coinId");
         $platform = $this->get("channel");
         $schoolId = $this->get("schoolId");
     //$resource = [];
     $resource = json_decode($resource, true);
     if (!$ssotoken || !$payType || !$amt) {
         $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::ERROR_PARAM, "", "缺少必选参数");
     $courseCount = 0;
     $schoolModel = new SchoolModel();
     if ($payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_COIN || $payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_CREDIT) {
         if (!is_array($resource) || !$schoolId) {
             $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::ERROR_PARAM, "", "缺少resource或schoolId参数");
         //$resourceType = 0;
         $resourceInfo = "";
         $courseName = "";
         foreach ($resource as $k => $value) {
             if ($value['resourceType'] == Common_Config::UDO_RESOURCE_COURSE) {
                 //$resourceType = Common_Config::UDO_RESOURCE_SCHOOL;
                 $resourceInfo = "频道";
                 $courseName = $courseName ? $courseName : $schoolModel->getSingleCourse($value['resourceId']);
         $resourceInfo = $courseName['name'] . "'等" . $courseCount . "个课程";
     } elseif ($payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_RECHARGE) {
         if (!$coinId || !$platform) {
             $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::ERROR_PARAM, "", "缺少channel或coinId参数");
     $accountModel = new AccountModel();
     $tradeModel = new TradeModel();
     $userModel = new UserModel();
     $uid = $userModel->getUserId($ssotoken);
     if (is_array($uid)) {
         $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::INVALID_TOKEN, "", $uid['msg']);
     $order = $accountModel->newOrder($ssotoken, $uid, $schoolId, $courseCount, $payType, $resource, $coinId, $amt, $platform);
     if ($order < 0) {
         $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::ERROR_SUCCESS, array("result" => $order));
      * @param payType
      * 1:U币支付
      * 2:U币充值
      * 3.学分支付
     switch ($payType) {
         case Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_COIN:
             $type = Common_Config::PUBLIC_PAYTYPE_AMOUNT;
             $subject = "U币购买'" . $resourceInfo;
             $score = 0;
             $balanceAmt = $amt;
             $channel = 0;
             $chargeAmt = 0;
         case Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_RECHARGE:
             $type = $type = Common_Config::PUBLIC_PAYTYPE_CHANNEL;
             $coinMoney = $tradeModel->getCoinMoney($coinId);
             $chargeAmt = $amt;
             $amt = $coinMoney['price'];
             $subject = "U币充值";
             $score = 0;
             $balanceAmt = 0;
             $channel = $platform;
         case Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_CREDIT:
             $type = Common_Config::PUBLIC_PAYTYPE_AMOUNT;
             $subject = "学分购买'" . $resourceInfo;
             $score = $amt;
             $amt = 0;
             $balanceAmt = 0;
             $channel = 0;
             $chargeAmt = 0;
     $notifyUrl = Common_Config::PAY_NOTIFY_URL;
     $remark = "支付";
     $result = $accountModel->pay($ssotoken, $type, $subject, $amt, $chargeAmt, $score, $balanceAmt, $channel, $notifyUrl, $remark);
     switch ($payType) {
         case Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_COIN:
         case Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_CREDIT:
             if ($result) {
                 $insertBought = $accountModel->insertBought($uid, $schoolId, $resource, $order, $result['transNo']);
                 $accountModel->insertTransLog($uid, 0 - ($payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_CREDIT ? $score : $amt), $subject, $payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_CREDIT ? Common_Config::CREDIT_LOG : Common_Config::COIN_LOG, $ssotoken, $schoolId);
                 if ($insertBought < 0) {
                     $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::ERROR_SUCCESS, array("result" => $insertBought));
             $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::ERROR_SUCCESS, array_merge(array("result" => Common_Error::ERROR_ORDER_SUCCESS), $result));
         case 2:
             if (array_key_exists("invoke", $result) && array_key_exists("transNo", $result) && $result['transNo'] && $result['invoke']) {
                 $accountModel->updateOrder($order, $result['transNo'], Common_Config::ORDER_NOT_PAY);
                 $this->displayJsonUdo(Common_Error::ERROR_SUCCESS, array_merge(array("result" => Common_Error::ERROR_ORDER_SUCCESS), array("transNo" => $result['transNo'], "invoke" => $result['invoke'])));
Beispiel #2
 function newOrder($ssotoken, $uid, $schoolId, $courseCount = 0, $payType, $resource = [], $coinId = 0, $amount, $platform = 0, $couponId = 0, $couponAmt = 0)
     $tblOrder = new DB_Udo_Order();
     $tblSchoolPrice = new DB_Udo_SchoolPrice();
     $tblResource = new DB_Sso_Resource();
     $tblCoinInfo = new DB_Udo_CoinInfo();
     $tblBought = new DB_Udo_UserBought();
     $tradeModel = new TradeModel();
     $correct = 0;
     $schoolPrice = $tblSchoolPrice->scalar("priceType,price", "where resourceId = {$schoolId}");
     $balance = $this->getSsoBalance($ssotoken);
     $userModel = new UserModel();
     $mobile = $userModel->getUserName($uid)['mobile'];
     if ($payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_COIN || $payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_CREDIT) {
         //$resource 获取所有非免费课程
         $charge = $tblResource->fetchAll("id", "where entrance_id = {$schoolId} and type = 6 and price_type <> 3 and enabled = 1");
         $totalPrice = 0;
         foreach ($resource as $k => $val) {
             if ($val['resourceType'] == 1) {
             $resourcePrice = $tblResource->scalar("id,type,entrance_id,price_type,cur_price", "where id = {$val['resourceId']}");
             $totalPrice += $resourcePrice['cur_price'];
             if ($payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_COIN && $resourcePrice['price_type'] == Common_Config::UDO_PRICETYPE_COIN || $payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_CREDIT && $resourcePrice['price_type'] == Common_Config::UDO_PRICETYPE_CREDIT) {
                 $correct = 1;
             } else {
                 return Common_Error::ERROR_COURSE_PRICETYPE;
             $bought = $tblBought->scalar("id", "where userId ={$uid} and resourceId= {$val['resourceId']} and schoolId = {$schoolId}");
             if ($bought) {
                 return Common_Error::ERROR_COURSE_BOUGHT;
         if (count($charge) == $courseCount) {
             $totalPrice = $schoolPrice['price'];
         if ($amount != $totalPrice) {
             return Common_Error::ERROR_COURSE_PRICE;
         if ($totalPrice > ($payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_COIN ? $balance['amt'] : $balance['score'])) {
             return Common_Error::ERROR_SHORT_BALANCE;
         $newOrder = [];
         $retry = 0;
         while ($retry <= 3 && !$newOrder) {
             $newOrder = $tblOrder->insert(array("userId" => $uid, "mobile" => $mobile, "payType" => $payType, "resource" => json_encode($resource), "amount" => $amount, "createTime" => time(), "status" => Common_Config::ORDER_NOT_PAY));
             if ($retry == 3) {
                 return Common_Error::ERROR_ORDER_FAIL;
         return $newOrder;
     } elseif ($payType == Common_Config::UDO_PAYTYPE_RECHARGE) {
         $coinInfo = $tblCoinInfo->scalar("amt", "where id = {$coinId}");
         if ($amount != $coinInfo['amt']) {
             return Common_Error::ERROR_COIN_INFO;
         $newOrder = [];
         $retry = 0;
         $coinMoney = $tradeModel->getCoinMoney($coinId);
         while ($retry <= 3 && !$newOrder) {
             $newOrder = $tblOrder->insert(array("userId" => $uid, "mobile" => $mobile, "payType" => $payType, "coinId" => $coinId, "money" => $coinMoney['price'], "amount" => $amount, "platform" => $platform, "createTime" => time(), "status" => Common_Config::ORDER_NOT_PAY));
             if ($retry == 3) {
                 return Common_Error::ERROR_ORDER_FAIL;
         return $newOrder;