public function create($tracker_id, $submitted_by, $submitted_on, $use_artifact_permissions)
     $tracker_id = $this->da->escapeInt($tracker_id);
     $use_artifact_permissions = $this->da->escapeInt($use_artifact_permissions);
     $submitted_on = $this->da->escapeInt($submitted_on);
     $submitted_by = $this->da->escapeInt($submitted_by);
     $sql = "SELECT IFNULL(MAX(per_tracker_artifact_id), 0) + 1 as per_tracker_artifact_id\n                FROM tracker_artifact\n                WHERE tracker_id = {$tracker_id}";
     $row = $this->retrieveFirstRow($sql);
     $per_tracker_id = $row['per_tracker_artifact_id'];
     $id_sharing = new TrackerIdSharingDao();
     if ($id = $id_sharing->generateArtifactId()) {
         if ($this->getPriorityManager()->putArtifactAtTheEnd($id)) {
             // We do not keep trace of the history change here because it doesn't have any sense to say
             // the newly created artifact has less priority than the one at the bottom of the priority chain.
             $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->table_name}\n                        (id, tracker_id, per_tracker_artifact_id, submitted_by, submitted_on, use_artifact_permissions)\n                        VALUES ({$id}, {$tracker_id}, {$per_tracker_id}, {$submitted_by}, {$submitted_on}, {$use_artifact_permissions})";
             if ($this->update($sql)) {
                 return $id;
     return false;
 public function create($tracker_id, $submitted_by, $use_artifact_permissions)
     $tracker_id = $this->da->escapeInt($tracker_id);
     $use_artifact_permissions = $this->da->escapeInt($use_artifact_permissions);
     $submitted_on = $this->da->escapeInt($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
     $submitted_by = $this->da->escapeInt($submitted_by);
     $id_sharing = new TrackerIdSharingDao();
     if ($id = $id_sharing->generateArtifactId()) {
         $priority_dao = new Tracker_Artifact_PriorityDao();
         if ($priority_dao->putArtifactAtTheEnd($id)) {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->table_name}\n                        (id, tracker_id, submitted_by, submitted_on, use_artifact_permissions)\n                        VALUES ({$id}, {$tracker_id}, {$submitted_by}, {$submitted_on}, {$use_artifact_permissions})";
             if ($this->update($sql)) {
                 return $id;
     return false;
Beispiel #3
  *  Create a new artifact (and its values) in the db
  * @param array $vfl the value-field-list. Array association pair of field_name => field_value. 
  *              If the function is called by the web-site submission form, the $vfl is set to false, and will be filled by the function extractFieldList function retrieving the HTTP parameters.
  *              If $vfl is not false, the fields expected in this array are *all* the fields of this tracker that are allowed to be submited by the user.
  *  @return boolean
 function create($vfl = false, $import = false, $row = 0)
     global $ath, $art_field_fact, $Language;
     $group = $ath->getGroup();
     $group_artifact_id = $ath->getID();
     $error_message = $import ? $Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'row', $row) : "";
     // Retrieve HTTP GET variables and store them in $vfl array
     if (!$vfl) {
         $vfl = $art_field_fact->extractFieldList();
     // We check the submitted fields to see if the user has the permissions to submit it
     if (!$import) {
         while (list($key, $val) = each($vfl)) {
             $field = $art_field_fact->getFieldFromName($key);
             if ($field && !$field->getName() == 'comment_type_id') {
                 // SR #684 we don't check the perms for the field comment type
                 if (!$field->userCanSubmit($group->getID(), $group_artifact_id, user_getid())) {
                     // The user does not have the permissions to update the current field,
                     // we exit the function with an error message
                     $this->setError($Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'bad_field_permission_submission', $field->getLabel()));
                     return false;
                 // we check if the given value is authorized for this field (for select box fields only)
                 // we don't check here the none value, we check after it with the function checkEmptyFields, to get a better error message if the field required (instead of value 100 is not a valid valid value for the field)
                 if ($field->isSelectBox() && $val != 100 && !$field->checkValueInPredefinedValues($this->ArtifactType->getID(), $val)) {
                     $this->setError($Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'bad_field_value', array($field->getLabel(), $val)));
                     return false;
                 if ($field->isMultiSelectBox()) {
                     foreach ($val as $a_value) {
                         if ($a_value != 100 && !$field->checkValueInPredefinedValues($this->ArtifactType->getID(), $a_value)) {
                             $this->setError($Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'bad_field_value', array($field->getLabel(), $val)));
                             return false;
         //When user is not autorised to submit some fields
         //we should block those artifact with mandatory fields and default value set to "None"
         $fieldsNotShown = $art_field_fact->getAllFieldsNotShownOnAdd();
         if ($art_field_fact->checkEmptyFields($fieldsNotShown, false) == false) {
             $this->setError($Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'mandatory_not_set'));
             return false;
     if (!$import) {
         // make sure  required fields are not empty
         if ($art_field_fact->checkEmptyFields($vfl) == false) {
     // we don't force them to be logged in to submit a bug
     if (!user_isloggedin()) {
         $user = 100;
     } else {
         $user = user_getid();
     // add default values for fields that have not been shown
     $add_fields = $art_field_fact->getAllFieldsNotShownOnAdd();
     while (list($key, $def_val) = each($add_fields)) {
         if (!array_key_exists($key, $vfl)) {
             $vfl[$key] = $def_val;
     if ($import && $vfl['submitted_by'] && $vfl['submitted_by'] != "") {
         $user = $vfl['submitted_by'];
     // first make sure this wasn't double-submitted
     $field = $art_field_fact->getFieldFromName('summary');
     if ($field && $field->isUsed()) {
         $res = db_query("SELECT * \n                FROM artifact \n                WHERE group_artifact_id = " . db_ei($ath->getID()) . " \n                AND submitted_by=" . db_ei($user) . " \n                AND summary='" . db_es(htmlspecialchars($vfl['summary'])) . "'");
         if ($res && db_numrows($res) > 0) {
             $this->setError($Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'double_subm', db_result($res, 0, 'artifact_id')));
             return false;
     //  Create the insert statement for standard field
     //Reference manager for cross reference
     $reference_manager =& ReferenceManager::instance();
     $vfl_cols = '';
     $vfl_values = '';
     $text_value_list = array();
     while (list($field_name, $value) = each($vfl)) {
         //echo "<br>field_name=$field_name, value=$value";
         $field = $art_field_fact->getFieldFromName($field_name);
         if ($field && $field->isStandardField()) {
             // skip over special fields
             if ($field->isSpecial()) {
             $vfl_cols .= ',' . $field->getName();
             $is_text = $field->isTextField() || $field->isTextArea();
             if ($is_text) {
                 $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
                 //Log for Cross references
                 $text_value_list[] = $value;
             } else {
                 if ($field->isDateField()) {
                     // if it's a date we must convert the format to unix time
                     list($value, $ok) = util_date_to_unixtime($value);
             $vfl_values .= ',\'' . db_es($value) . '\'';
     // while
     // Add all special fields that were not handled in the previous block
     $fixed_cols = 'open_date,last_update_date,group_artifact_id,submitted_by';
     if ($import) {
         if (!isset($vfl['open_date']) || !$vfl['open_date'] || $vfl['open_date'] == "") {
             $open_date = time();
         } else {
             list($open_date, $ok) = util_date_to_unixtime($vfl['open_date']);
         $fixed_values = "'" . db_ei($open_date) . "','" . time() . "','" . db_ei($group_artifact_id) . "','" . db_ei($user) . "'";
     } else {
         $fixed_values = "'" . time() . "','" . time() . "','" . db_ei($group_artifact_id) . "','" . db_ei($user) . "'";
     //  Finally, build the full SQL query and insert the artifact itself
     $id_sharing = new TrackerIdSharingDao();
     if ($artifact_id = $id_sharing->generateArtifactId()) {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO artifact (artifact_id, {$fixed_cols} {$vfl_cols}) VALUES ({$artifact_id}, {$fixed_values} {$vfl_values})";
         //echo "<br>DBG - SQL insert artifact: $sql";
         $result = db_query($sql);
         $was_error = false;
         if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) == 0) {
             $this->setError($Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'insert_err', $sql));
             $was_error = true;
         } else {
             //  Insert the field values for no standard field
             $fields = $art_field_fact->getAllUsedFields();
             while (list($field_name, $field) = each($fields)) {
                 // skip over special fields
                 if ($field->isSpecial() || $field->isStandardField()) {
                 if (array_key_exists($field_name, $vfl) && isset($vfl[$field_name]) && $vfl[$field_name]) {
                     // The field has a value from the user input
                     $value = $vfl[$field_name];
                     $is_text = $field->isTextField() || $field->isTextArea();
                     if ($is_text) {
                         $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
                         //Log for Cross references
                         $text_value_list[] = $value;
                     } else {
                         if ($field->isDateField()) {
                             // if it's a date we must convert the format to unix time
                             list($value, $ok) = util_date_to_unixtime($value);
                     // Insert the field value
                     if (!$field->insertValue($artifact_id, $value)) {
                         $error_message .= $Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'field_err', array($field->getLabel(), $value));
                         $was_error = true;
                 } else {
                     // The field hasn't a value from the user input
                     // We need to insert default value for this field
                     // because all SQL queries (from Report or Artifact read/update) don't allow
                     // empty record (we must use join and not left join for performance reasons).
                     if (!$field->insertValue($artifact_id, $field->getDefaultValue())) {
                         $error_message .= $Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'def_err', array($field->getLabel(), $field->getDefaultValue()));
                         $was_error = true;
             // while
         //Add Cross Reference
         for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($text_value_list); $i++) {
             $reference_manager->extractCrossRef($text_value_list[$i], $artifact_id, ReferenceManager::REFERENCE_NATURE_ARTIFACT, $ath->getGroupID());
         // artifact permissions
         $request = HTTPRequest::instance();
         $this->data_array['artifact_id'] = $artifact_id;
         // cheat
         $this->setPermissions($request->get('use_artifact_permissions_name'), $request->get('ugroups'));
         // All ok then reload the artifact data to make sure it is cached
         // correctly in memory
     } else {
         $this->setError($Language->getText('tracker_common_artifact', 'insert_err', $sql));
         $was_error = true;
     return !$was_error;
Beispiel #4
 function copyArtifact($from_atid, $from_aid)
     $aid = 0;
     $res = true;
     // copy common artifact fields
     $id_sharing = new TrackerIdSharingDao();
     if ($aid = $id_sharing->generateArtifactId()) {
         $result = db_query("INSERT INTO artifact (artifact_id, group_artifact_id,status_id,submitted_by,open_date,close_date,summary,details,severity) " . "SELECT {$aid}, " . db_ei($this->getID()) . ",status_id,submitted_by," . time() . ",close_date,summary,details,severity " . "FROM artifact " . "WHERE artifact_id='" . db_ei($from_aid) . "' " . "AND group_artifact_id='" . db_ei($from_atid) . "'");
         if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) == 0) {
             return false;
         // copy specific artifact fields
         $result = db_query("INSERT INTO artifact_field_value (field_id,artifact_id,valueInt,valueText,valueFloat,valueDate) " . "SELECT field_id," . db_ei($aid) . ",valueInt,valueText,valueFloat,valueDate " . "FROM artifact_field_value " . "WHERE artifact_id = '" . db_ei($from_aid) . "'");
         if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) <= 0) {
             $res = false;
         //copy cc addresses
         $result = db_query("INSERT INTO artifact_cc (artifact_id,email,added_by,comment,date) " . "SELECT " . db_ei($aid) . ",email,added_by,comment,date " . "FROM artifact_cc " . "WHERE artifact_id='" . db_ei($from_aid) . "'");
         if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) <= 0) {
             $res = false;
         //copy artifact files
         db_query("INSERT INTO artifact_file (artifact_id,description,bin_data,filename,filesize,filetype,adddate,submitted_by) " . "SELECT " . $aid . ",description,bin_data,filename,filesize,filetype,adddate,submitted_by " . "FROM artifact_file " . "WHERE artifact_id='" . db_ei($from_aid) . "'");
         if (!$result || db_affected_rows($result) <= 0) {
             $res = false;
         return $res;
     return false;