/** * 关闭这个主题 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { //取回用户需要关闭的帖子id $id = $this->getParameterFromGET('id'); if (!$id) { $this->AlertAndBack(CT_ID_IS_EMPTY); return; } //验证主题是否存在 if (!TopicUtil::isExists($this->db, $id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(CT_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //验证用户的身份 $sql = 'select id, group_dep from base_user_info where lower(user_name) =?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array(strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']))); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $user_id = $rows['id']; $user_group = $rows['group_dep']; if ($user_group != 1 && $user_group != 2 && $user_group != 3) { //用户就没有权限关闭主题 $this->AlertAndBack(CT_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } if ($user_group == 3) { //如果用户是版主 //则查看用户是否是本版的版主 //或者是其父版版主 $layout_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutId($this->db, $id); $temp_array = array(); LayoutUtil::getParentId($this->db, $layout_id, $temp_array); array_push($temp_array, $layout_id); $sql = 'select count(*) as num from bbs_layout_manager where user_id=? and ' . ' layout_id in (' . implode(',', $temp_array) . ')'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($user_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (!$rows['num']) { $this->AlertAndBack(CT_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } } //其他的情况中用户是可以关闭这个主题的。 //用户是这个版块的版主 //用户是超级版主 //用户是系统管理员 $sql = 'update bbs_subject set subject_status=2 where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); if ($this->db->ErrorNo()) { $this->AlertAndBack($this->db->ErrorMsg()); return; } $this->TipsAndForward(TAF_CLOSE_TOPIC_SUCCESS, 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $id); return; }
/** * 关闭这个主题 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { //取回用户需要删除的帖子id $id = $this->getParameterFromGET('id'); if (!$id) { $this->AlertAndBack(ST_ID_IS_EMPTY); return; } //验证主题是否存在 if (!TopicUtil::isExists($this->db, $id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(ST_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //验证用户的身份 $sql = 'select id, group_dep from base_user_info where lower(user_name) =?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array(strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']))); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $user_id = $rows['id']; $user_group = $rows['group_dep']; if ($user_group != 1 && $user_group != 2 && $user_group != 3) { //用户就没有权限打开主题 $this->AlertAndBack(ST_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } if ($user_group == 3) { //如果用户是版主 //则查看用户是否是本版的版主 $layout_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutId($this->db, $id); $temp_array = array(); LayoutUtil::getParentId($this->db, $layout_id, $temp_array); array_push($temp_array, $layout_id); $sql = 'select count(*) as num from bbs_layout_manager where user_id=? and ' . ' layout_id in (' . implode(',', $temp_array) . ')'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($user_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (!$rows['num']) { $this->AlertAndBack(ST_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } } //其他的情况中用户是可以关闭这个主题的。 //用户是这个版块的版主 //用户是超级版主 //用户是系统管理员 $smarty = $this->getSmarty(); $smarty->assign('clone_title', ST_DELETE_TOPIC); $smarty->assign('id', $id); $smarty->display('deltopic.tmpl'); }
/** * 关闭这个主题 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { //取回用户需要设置帖子id $id = $this->getParameterFromGET('id'); if (!$id) { $this->AlertAndBack(SB_ID_IS_EMPTY); return; } //验证主题是否存在 if (!TopicUtil::isExists($this->db, $id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(SB_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //验证用户的身份 $sql = 'select id, group_dep from base_user_info where lower(user_name) =?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array(strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']))); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $user_id = $rows['id']; $user_group = $rows['group_dep']; if ($user_group != 1 && $user_group != 2 && $user_group != 3) { //用户就没有权限设置主题 $this->AlertAndBack(SB_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } if ($user_group == 3) { //如果用户是版主 //则查看用户是否是本版的版主 $layout_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutId($this->db, $id); $sql = 'select count(*) as num from bbs_layout_manager where user_id=? and ' . ' layout_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($user_id, $layout_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (!$rows['num']) { $this->AlertAndBack(SB_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } } //其他的情况中用户是可以关闭这个主题的。 //用户是这个版块的版主 //用户是超级版主 //用户是系统管理员 $sql = 'update bbs_subject set is_best=1 where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); //成功后,则转向 $this->TipsAndForward(SB_SET_SUCCESS_LABEL, 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $id); }
/** * 保存新回复 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { //取得主题的id $topic_id = $this->getParameterFromPOST('id'); //验证帖子的是否存在 if (!TopicUtil::isExists($this->db, $topic_id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(TOPIC_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //验证帖子的状态 $status = TopicUtil::getTopicStatus($this->db, $topic_id); //注意状态为3,则为帖子被锁定,不能回复了。 if ($status == 2) { $this->AlertAndBack(TOPIC_HAD_BE_CLOSED); return; } else { if ($status == 3) { $this->AlertAndBack(TOPIC_HAD_BE_LOCK); return; } } //取得版块的id $bbs_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutId($this->db, $topic_id); if (!$bbs_id) { $this->forward('index.php'); } //验证论坛是否存在 if (!LayoutUtil::isExists($this->db, $bbs_id)) { //论坛不存在,则转向首页 $this->forward('index.php'); } //更新用户在本版的信息 LayoutUtil::updateOnlineUser($this->db, $bbs_id); $bbs_status = LayoutUtil::getLayoutStatus($this->db, $bbs_id); if ($bbs_status == 1 && !isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $this->AlertAndForward(SNT_NEED_LOGIN, 'index.php?module=user&action=showlogin'); return; } else { if ($bbs_status == 2) { $this->AlertAndForward(SNT_LAYOUT_WAS_CLOSED, 'index.php'); return; } else { if ($bbs_status == 3) { //等于三不允许发帖 $this->AlertAndBack(SNT_NOW_ALLOW_NEW_TOPIC); return; } else { if (LayoutUtil::isClosedByParent($this->db, $bbs_id)) { $this->AlertAndForward(SNT_LAYOUT_WAS_CLOSED, 'index.php'); return; } } } } //取得各种参数 //帖子的表情 $express = $this->getParameterFromPost('express'); //上传的帖子标题 $title = $this->getParameterFromPost('title'); //上传的内容 $content = $this->getParameterFromPost('content'); //记录在Session里 $_SESSION['temp_title'] = $title; $_SESSION['temp_content'] = $content; $_SESSION['temp_express'] = $express; //看文件是否有文件上传 if ($_FILES['attach']['tmp_name']) { //用户有上传文件 if ($_FILES['attach']['type'] != 'image/gif' && $_FILES['attach']['type'] != 'image/jpeg' && $_FILES['attach']['type'] != 'image/jpg' && $_FILES['attach']['type'] != 'image/pjpeg' && $_FILES['attach']['type'] != 'image/png') { $this->AlertandBack(ST_PHONE_FILE_LIMIT); } //判断上传的文件大小是否合乎要求 if ($_FILES['attach']['size'] > 1048576) { $this->AlertAndBack(ST_PHONE_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT); return; } } //回复标题可以为空 //如果标题为空,则自动生成一个标题 if (!$title || strlen($title) <= 0) { $sql = 'select title from bbs_subject where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($topic_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $title = "Re:" . $rows['title']; } /* if ( strlen($title) > 143 ) { $this->AlertAndBack(ST_TITLE_TOO_LONG); return; }*/ if (!$content || strlen($content) <= 0) { $this->AlertAndBack(ST_CONTENT_IS_EMPTY); return; } //插入新回复 $ip_temp = getIp(); $ip = $ip_temp['ip']; $user_name = $_SESSION['user']['name']; $now = time(); $sql = 'insert into bbs_reply ( layout_id, title, author, content, post_ip, ' . 'post_date, express, subject_id ) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) '; $sth = $this->{'db'}->Prepare($sql); $this->{'db'}->Execute($sth, array($bbs_id, $title, $user_name, $content, $ip, $now, $express, $topic_id)); if ($this->{'db'}->ErrorNo()) { $this->AlertAndBack($this->{'db'}->ErrorMsg()); return; } //得到最后的id $insert_id = $this->{'db'}->Insert_id(); if ($_FILES['attach']['tmp_name']) { //取得文件的大小 list($image_width, $image_height, $image_type, $image_attr) = getimagesize($_FILES['attach']['tmp_name']); //判断文件的类型 switch ($image_type) { case 1: $image_left_type = '.gif'; break; case 2: $image_left_type = '.jpg'; break; case 3: $image_left_type = '.png'; break; } //存储的文件名 $file_name = ROOT_PATH . 'upload/attach/reply/' . $insert_id . $image_left_type; if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['attach']['tmp_name'], $file_name)) { $sql = 'delete from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->{'db'}->Prepare($sql); $this->{'db'}->Execute($sth, array($insert_id)); $this->AlertAndBack(ST_UPLOAD_ERROR); return; } else { $sql = 'insert into bbs_reply_attach (reply_id, file_type) ' . ' values (?, ?)'; $sth = $this->{'db'}->Prepare($sql); $this->{'db'}->Execute($sth, array($insert_id, $image_left_type)); } } unset($_SESSION['temp_title']); unset($_SESSION['temp_content']); unset($_SESSION['temp_express']); //发送短信,通知各个用户有回复了你的帖子 //发送邮件,通知各个用户有回复了你的帖子 $mail_user = array(); $message_user = array(); $sql = 'select a.author, b.user_email, b.id from bbs_subject a join ' . ' base_user_info b on a.author = b.user_name ' . ' join user_setting c on b.id=c.user_id where a.id=? and c.user_whether_receive_email=1'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($topic_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if ($rows['id']) { $mail_user[] = $rows['user_email']; } $sql = 'select distinct a.author, b.user_email, b.id from bbs_reply a join base_user_info b ' . ' on a.author = b.user_name join user_setting c on b.id=c.user_id ' . ' where a.subject_id=? and c.user_whether_receive_email=1'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($topic_id)); while ($rows = $res->FetchRow()) { if ($rows['id']) { $mail_user[] = $rows['user_email']; } } $mail_user = array_unique($mail_user); //计算发送短信的用户数组 $sql = 'select a.author, b.id from bbs_subject a join ' . ' base_user_info b on a.author = b.user_name ' . ' join user_setting c on b.id=c.user_id where a.id=? and c.receive_system_message=1'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($topic_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if ($rows['id']) { $message_user[] = $rows['id']; } $sql = 'select distinct a.author, b.id from bbs_reply a join base_user_info b ' . ' on a.author = b.user_name join user_setting c on b.id=c.user_id ' . ' where a.subject_id=? and c.receive_system_message=1'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($topic_id)); while ($rows = $res->FetchRow()) { if ($rows['id']) { $message_user[] = $rows['id']; } } $message_user = array_unique($message_user); //开始发送邮件 $to_address = implode(',', $mail_user); $mail_content = ST_MAIL_CONTENT . "\n\n"; $mail_content .= ROOT_URL . 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $topic_id . "\n\n"; $headers = "To:" . $to_address . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From:" . WEBSITE_EMAIL . "\r\n"; //发送邮件: @mail($to_address, ST_MAIL_SUBJECT, $mail_content, $headers); //发送短消息 //发件人 $sender = '0'; $message_content = ST_MESSAGE_CONTENT . "\n"; $now = getNoFormateCurrentDate(); $message_content .= "[url=" . 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $topic_id . "][color=red]" . ST_CLICK_HERE . "[/color]" . "[/url]"; $sql = 'insert into message_inbox ( user_id, send_user_id, title, receive_time, content ) ' . ' values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) '; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); foreach ($message_user as $user) { $this->db->Execute($sth, array($user, $sender, ST_MAIL_SUBJECT, $now, $message_content)); } $now = time(); //更新主题的最后更新时间 $update_sql = 'update bbs_subject set last_access_date=?,reply_number=reply_number+1 where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($update_sql); $this->db->Execute($sth, array($now, $topic_id)); //求这个回帖的位置所在的位置 $sort_number = TopicUtil::getSortNumber($this->db, $topic_id, $insert_id); $page = ceil($sort_number / $this->pre_page); //这里还有很多的工作需要做 $this->TipsAndForward(ST_SAVE_REPLY_SUCCESS, 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $topic_id . '&page=' . $page . '#topic' . $sort_number); }
/** * 取得查询后的帖子的情况 * @param: &$id Database Connection * @param: $id 论坛板块的id * @return; array * @acess: public * @static */ public static function &getCacheSubjectInfo(&$db, $pre_page, $offset_page, $q) { /*{{{*/ $sql = 'select id, title, author, subject_status, express, is_best, click_number, reply_number,' . ' last_access_date from bbs_subject ' . $q . ' order by last_access_date desc'; $info_array = array(); $res = $db->CacheSelectLimit(1800, $sql, $pre_page, $offset_page); $now_user_id = UserUtil::getUserId($db, $_SESSION['user']['name']); while ($rows = $res->FetchRow()) { $user_id = UserUtil::getUserId($db, $rows['author']); //看状态。 //==0, 开放 //==1, 需要验证 //==2, 帖子被关闭 //如果被关闭,则不需看是否有新帖 $status_image = 'no_topic.gif'; if ($rows['subject_status'] == 2) { $status_image = 'topic_lock.gif'; } else { if (!isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $status_iamge = 'no_topic.gif'; } else { if (TopicUtil::haveNewReply($db, $rows['id'], $now_user_id)) { $status_image = 'new_topic.gif'; } else { $status_image = 'no_topic.gif'; } } } $last_user_name = ''; $last_user_id = ''; $total_page = 0; $find_number = 0; if ($rows['reply_number'] > 0) { $temp_sql = 'select author from bbs_reply where subject_id=? order by id desc '; $temp_res = $db->SelectLimit($temp_sql, 1, 0, array($rows['id'])); $temp_rows = $temp_res->FetchRow(); $last_user_name = $temp_rows['author']; $last_user_id = UserUtil::getUserId($db, $last_user_name); $temp_sql = 'select count(*) as num from bbs_reply where subject_id=?'; $temp_sth = $db->Prepare($temp_sql); $temp_res = $db->Execute($temp_sth, array($rows['id'])); $temp_rows = $temp_res->FetchRow(); $total_number = $temp_rows['num']; $total_page = ceil(($total_number + 1) / 10); if ($total_page > 10) { $find_number = ($total_number + 1) % 10; } else { $find_number = $total_number + 1; } } $temp_sql = 'select count(*) as num from bbs_subject_attach where subject_id=?'; $temp_sth = $db->Prepare($temp_sql); $temp_res = $db->Execute($temp_sth, array($rows['id'])); $temp_rows = $temp_res->FetchRow(); $is_have_attach = $temp_rows['num']; $title = ""; if ($rows['is_best']) { $title .= " <font color=red>[" . LU_IS_BEST . "]</font>"; } $title .= $rows['title']; $info_array[] = array('image' => $status_image, 'id' => $rows['id'], 'title' => $title, 'have_new_reply' => $status_image == 'new_topic.gif' ? 1 : 0, 'userid' => $user_id, 'username' => $rows['author'], 'clicks_number' => $rows['click_number'], 'reply_number' => $rows['reply_number'], 'last_time' => set_locale_time($rows['last_access_date']), 'last_username' => $last_user_name, 'last_userid' => $last_user_id, 'last_page' => $total_page, 'last_number' => $find_number, 'have_attach' => $is_have_attach, 'express' => $rows['express']); } return $info_array; }
/** * 关闭这个主题 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { //取回用户需要设置帖子id $id = $this->getParameterFromGET('id'); if (!$id) { $this->AlertAndBack(CR_ID_IS_EMPTY); return; } //验证主题是否存在 if (!TopicUtil::replyIsExists($this->db, $id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(CR_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //验证用户的身份 $sql = 'select id, group_dep from base_user_info where lower(user_name) =?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array(strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']))); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $user_id = $rows['id']; $user_group = $rows['group_dep']; if ($user_group != 1 && $user_group != 2 && $user_group != 3) { //用户没有权限锁定回复 $this->AlertAndBack(CR_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } if ($user_group == 3) { //如果用户是版主 //则查看用户是否是本版的版主 $layout_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutFromReplyId($this->db, $id); $temp_array = array(); LayoutUtil::getParentId($this->db, $layout_id, $temp_array); array_push($temp_array, $layout_id); $sql = 'select count(*) as num from bbs_layout_manager where user_id=? and ' . ' layout_id in (' . implode(',', $temp_array) . ')'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($user_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (!$rows['num']) { $this->AlertAndBack(CR_USER_HAVE_NO_PRIVILEGES); return; } } //其他的情况中用户是可以解锁这个回复的 //用户是这个版块的版主 //用户是超级版主 //用户是系统管理员 $sql = 'update bbs_reply set reply_status=1 where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); //成功后,则转向 //求这个回帖的位置所在的位置 $sql = 'select subject_id from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $topic_id = $rows['subject_id']; $sort_number = TopicUtil::getSortNumber($this->db, $topic_id, $id); $page = ceil($sort_number / 10); //这里还有很多的工作需要做 $this->forward('index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $topic_id . '&page=' . $page . '#topic' . $sort_number); }
/** * 查看帖子 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { //取得帖子的id $topic_id = $this->getParameterFromGET('id'); $topic_id = (int) $topic_id; if (!$topic_id || $topic_id < 1) { $this->AlertAndBack(VT_TOPIC_ID_IS_NOT_VALID); return; } //验证帖子的id是否存在 if (!TopicUtil::isExists($this->db, $topic_id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(VT_TOPIC_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //查询帖子的版块id $layout_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutId($this->db, $topic_id); //验证论坛的版块 if (!LayoutUtil::isExists($this->db, $layout_id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(VT_LAYOUT_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //得出论坛版块的状态 $layout_status = LayoutUtil::getLayoutStatus($this->db, $layout_id); //状态为0则为全部开放 //状态为1则为需要验证 //状态为2则为关闭 //如果为2 if ($layout_status == 2) { $this->AlertAndBack(VT_LAYOUT_IS_CLOSED); return; } else { if ($layout_status == 1) { if (!$_SESSION['user']['name']) { $this->AlertAndBack(VT_LAYOUT_NEED_AUTHOR); return; } } } //取得帖子的状态 $topic_status = TopicUtil::getTopicStatus($this->db, $topic_id); /** * 为0, 则开放 * 为1, 则需要认证 * 为2,则关闭 */ if ($topic_status == 1) { if (!$_SESSION['user']['name']) { $this->AlertAndBack(VT_TOPIC_NEED_AUTHOR); return; } } //增加帖子的浏览次数 TopicUtil::updateViewNumber($this->db, $topic_id); //取得Smarty的对象 $smarty = $this->getSmarty(); //先删除已经不存在的用户 LayoutUtil::delNotExistsUser($this->db); //取得站点的公告,并显示在页面上 $is_have_post = false; $post_str = ''; if (PostUtil::haveNotExpirePost($this->getDB())) { $is_have_post = true; $post_array = PostUtil::getPost($this->getDB(), 3); foreach ($post_array as $post_rows) { $post_str .= '<a href=\'index.php?module=post&action=view&id=' . $post_rows['id'] . '\' title=\'' . $post_rows['title'] . '\'>' . utf8_substr($post_rows['title'], 0, 35) . '</a>' . ' '; } } $smarty->assign('have_system_post', $is_have_post); $smarty->assign('post_str', $post_str); //求帖子的访问的导航菜单 $nav_array = LayoutUtil::getParentLayoutInfo($this->db, $layout_id); //导航栏 $smarty->assign('nav_array', $nav_array); //求帖子的标题 $title = TopicUtil::getTitle($this->db, $topic_id); $smarty->assign('topic_title', $title); $smarty->assign('clone_title', ' -> ' . $title); //取得页面 $page = $this->getParameterFromGET('page'); if (!$page || $page <= 0) { $page = 1; } //求总的页面 $total_page = TopicUtil::getTotalPage($this->db, $topic_id, $this->pre_page); if ($page > $total_page && $total_page > 0) { $page = $total_page; } //帖子的id和版块的id $smarty->assign('topic_id', $topic_id); $smarty->assign('bbs_id', $layout_id); //页面 $smarty->assign('now_page', $page); $smarty->assign('total_page', $total_page); $begin_page = 1; $end_page = $total_page; if ($page <= 10 && $total_page >= 10) { $end_page = 10; } else { if ($page > 10) { if ($page % 10 == 0) { //向前翻 $end_page = $page; $begin_page = $end_page - 9; } else { if ($page % 10 == 1) { //向后翻 //确定开始的页数 $begin_page = $page; if ($begin_page > $total_page) { $begin_page = $page - 9; } if ($begin_page + 9 > $total_page) { $end_page = $total_page; } else { $end_page = $begin_page + 9; } } else { $num = $page % 10; $pre_num = floor($page / 10); $begin_page = $pre_num * 10 + 1; $end_page = $begin_page + 9; } } } } if ($end_page > $total_page) { $end_page = $total_page; } $nav_page_array = array(); for ($i = $begin_page; $i <= $end_page; $i++) { array_push($nav_page_array, $i); } //帖子导航栏 $smarty->assign('nav_page', $nav_page_array); $offset_page = ($page - 1) * $this->pre_page; $topic_array = TopicUtil::getTopicInfo($this->db, $topic_id, $this->pre_page, $offset_page); $smarty->assign('topic', $topic_array); //取得当前用户的身份 $user_name = $_SESSION['user']['name']; $user_id = UserUtil::getUserId($this->db, $user_name); if (strlen($user_name)) { //验证用户的身份 $sql = 'select group_dep from base_user_info where lower(user_name) =?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array(strtolower($user_name))); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $user_group = $rows['group_dep']; if ($user_group == 1 || $user_group == 2) { $smarty->assign('can_be_close', 1); } else { if ($user_group == 3) { $layout_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutId($this->db, $topic_id); $sql = 'select count(*) as num from bbs_layout_manager where user_id=? and ' . ' layout_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($user_id, $layout_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (!$rows['num']) { $smarty->assign('can_be_close', 0); } else { $smarty->assign('can_be_close', 1); } } } } else { $smarty->assign('can_be_close', 0); } //加密一个返回的url $backurl = 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $topic_id . '&page=' . $page; $backurl = base64_encode($backurl); $smarty->assign('backurl', $backurl); $smarty->display('viewtopic.tmpl'); }
/** * 运行本类 */ public function run() { /*{{{*/ $id = $this->getParameterFromGET('id'); $is_topic = $this->getParameterFromGET('topic'); $bbs_id = 0; //判断$id是否存在。 if ($is_topic == 1) { //如果等于1,则为主题 if (!TopicUtil::isExists($this->db, $id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_TOPIC_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } else { //如果存在,则判断用户是否有权利修改 $sql = 'select author, layout_id from bbs_subject where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $user_name = $rows['author']; $bbs_id = $rows['layout_id']; $user_can_be_edit = 0; if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) == strtolower($user_name)) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) != strtolower($user_name)) { //判断用户是否是这个版块的版主。 $dep = UserUtil::getUserDep($this->db, $_SESSION['user']['name']); if ($dep == 1 || $dep == 2) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if ($dep == 3) { $user_can_be_edit = UserUtil::isThisLayoutAdmin($this->db, $id, $bbs_id, $_SESSION['user']['name']); } } } } if (!$user_can_be_edit) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_YOU_HAVE_NO_PRIVIATE); return; } } } else { //$topic 为其他值,那么就是回帖,而不是主题 $sql = 'select author, subject_id, layout_id from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (!$rows['author']) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_TOPIC_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //如果存在, //则判断用户是否有权限 $user_name = $rows['author']; $subject_id = $rows['subject_id']; $bbs_id = $rows['layout_id']; $user_can_be_edit = 0; if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) == strtolower($user_name)) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) != strtolower($user_name)) { //判断用户是否是这个版块的版主。 $dep = UserUtil::getUserDep($this->db, $_SESSION['user']['name']); if ($dep == 1 || $dep == 2) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if ($dep == 3) { $user_can_be_edit = UserUtil::isThisLayoutAdmin($this->db, $subject_id, $bbs_id, $_SESSION['user']['name']); } } } } if (!$user_can_be_edit) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_YOU_HAVE_NO_PRIVIATE); return; } } $smarty = $this->getSmarty(); if ($is_topic) { $smarty->assign('clone_title', SE_EDIT_TOPIC); } else { $smarty->assign('clone_title', SE_EDIT_REPLY); } //更新用户在本版的信息 LayoutUtil::updateOnlineUser($this->db, $bbs_id); //返回论坛上面的导行栏。 $nav_array = LayoutUtil::getParentLayoutInfo($this->db, $bbs_id); //导航栏 $smarty->assign('nav_array', $nav_array); //先删除已经不存在的用户 LayoutUtil::delNotExistsUser($this->db); //用户有权限了。 //则可以开始显示用户帖子的内容 $smarty->assign('id_edit', 1); $smarty->assign('is_topic', $is_topic); $smarty->assign('is_edit', 1); $smarty->assign('bbsid', $id); if ($is_topic == 1) { //如果$is_topic 等于1, 则为主题 $sql = 'select title, content, express from bbs_subject where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sql, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $smarty->assign('temp_title', $rows['title']); $fck = new FCKeditor("content"); $fck->BasePath = FCKEDITOR_BASEPATH; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $fck->Value = stripslashes($rows['content']); } else { $fck->Value = $rows['content']; } $smarty->assign('fck', $fck); $smarty->assign('temp_express', $rows['express']); //查询是否有附件 $sql = 'select subject_id, file_type from bbs_subject_attach where subject_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if ($rows['subject_id']) { $filename = ROOT_URL . 'upload/attach/' . $rows['subject_id'] . $rows['file_type']; $smarty->assign('image_name', $filename); } } else { $sql = 'select title, content, express from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sql, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $smarty->assign('temp_title', $rows['title']); $fck = new FCKeditor("content"); $fck->BasePath = FCKEDITOR_BASEPATH; // $fck->Value = $rows['content']; if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $fck->Value = stripslashes($rows['content']); } else { $fck->Value = $rows['content']; } $smarty->assign('fck', $fck); $smarty->assign('temp_express', $rows['express']); //查询是否有附件 $sql = 'select reply_id, file_type from bbs_reply_attach where reply_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if ($rows['reply_id']) { $filename = ROOT_URL . 'upload/attach/reply/' . $rows['reply_id'] . $rows['file_type']; $smarty->assign('image_name', $filename); } } $smarty->display('topic.tmpl'); return; }
/** * 保存编辑后的帖子 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { //收集变量 $topic = $this->getParameterFromPOST('topic'); $id = $this->getParameterFromPOST('id'); $title = $this->getParameterFromPOST('title'); $content = $this->getParameterFromPOST('content'); $express = $this->getParameterFromPOST('express'); $delattach = $this->getParameterFromPOST('delattach'); if (!$title || strlen($title) <= 0) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_TITLE_IS_EMPTY); return; } /* if ( strlen($title) > 140 ) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_TITLE_TOO_LONG); return; }*/ if (!$content || strlen($content) <= 0) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_CONTENT_IS_EMPTY); return; } //做出基本的判断/*{{{*/ if (!$id) { $this->AlertandBack(SE_NO_TOPIC_ID); return; } //找出这个帖子所在的版块的id, 作者。 $layout_id = 0; $author = ''; if ($topic) { //如果是主题 $sql = 'select layout_id, author from bbs_subject where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $layout_id = $rows['layout_id']; $author = $rows['author']; } else { $sql = 'select layout_id, author from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $layout_id = $rows['layout_id']; $author = $rows['author']; } if (!$layout_id) { //保存的帖子根本不存在。 $this->AlertAndBlack(SE_TOPIC_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //判断用户是否可以编辑 if ($topic) { //如果等于1,则为主题 //如果存在,则判断用户是否有权利修改 $sql = 'select author, layout_id from bbs_subject where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $user_name = $rows['author']; $bbs_id = $rows['layout_id']; $user_can_be_edit = 0; if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) == strtolower($user_name)) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) != strtolower($user_name)) { //判断用户是否是这个版块的版主。 $dep = UserUtil::getUserDep($db, $_SESSION['user']['name']); if ($dep == 1 || $dep == 2) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if ($dep == 3) { $user_can_be_edit = UserUtil::isThisLayoutAdmin($db, $id, $_SESSION['user']['name']); } } } } if (!$user_can_be_edit) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_YOU_HAVE_NO_PRIVIATE); return; } } else { //$topic 为其他值,那么就是回帖,而不是主题 $sql = 'select author, subject_id, layout_id from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (!$rows['author']) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_TOPIC_ID_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //如果存在, //则判断用户是否有权限 $user_name = $rows['author']; $subject_id = $rows['subject_id']; $bbs_id = $rows['layout_id']; $user_can_be_edit = 0; if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) == strtolower($user_name)) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if (strtolower($_SESSION['user']['name']) != strtolower($user_name)) { //判断用户是否是这个版块的版主。 $dep = UserUtil::getUserDep($db, $_SESSION['user']['name']); if ($dep == 1 || $dep == 2) { $user_can_be_edit = 1; } else { if ($dep == 3) { $user_can_be_edit = UserUtil::isThisLayoutAdmin($db, $subject_id, $_SESSION['user']['name']); } } } } if (!$user_can_be_edit) { $this->AlertAndBack(SE_YOU_HAVE_NO_PRIVIATE); return; } } /*}}}*/ //判断做完了,则可以开始进行更新了。 //求现在的时间 $now = getNoFormateCurrentDate(); if ($topic) { $user_name = $_SESSION['user']['name']; $sql = 'update bbs_subject set title=?, content=?, express=?, is_edit=1, ' . ' edit_user=?, edit_time=? where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $this->db->execute($sth, array($title, $content, $express, $user_name, $now, $id)); if ($this->db->ErrorNo()) { $this->AlertAndBack($this->db->ErrorMsg()); return; } if ($delattach) { //删除这个附件 $sql = 'select file_type from bbs_subject_attach where subject_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $file_type = $rows['file_type']; $del_sql = 'delete from bbs_subject_attach where subject_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($del_sql); $this->db->execute($sth, array($id)); //删除文件。 $filename = ROOT_PATH . 'upload/attach/' . $id . $file_type; unlink($filename); } } else { $user_name = $_SESSION['user']['name']; $sql = 'update bbs_reply set title=?, content=?, express=?, is_edit=1, ' . ' edit_user=?, edit_time=? where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $this->db->execute($sth, array($title, $content, $express, $user_name, $now, $id)); if ($this->db->ErrorNo()) { $this->AlertAndBack($this->db->ErrorMsg()); return; } if ($delattach) { //删除这个附件 $sql = 'select file_type from bbs_reply_attach where reply_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $file_type = $rows['file_type']; $del_sql = 'delete from bbs_reply_attach where reply_id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($del_sql); $this->db->execute($sth, array($id)); //删除文件。 $filename = ROOT_PATH . 'upload/attach/reply/' . $id . $file_type; unlink($filename); } } //编辑成功后,返回当时的页面 if ($topic) { //如果是主页 //则返回第一页 $this->TipsAndForward(SE_SAVE_EDIT_SUCCESS, 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $id); return; } else { //不是主题 //则是回复 //求这个回帖的位置所在的位置 $sql = 'select subject_id from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); $sort_number = TopicUtil::getSortNumber($this->db, $rows['subject_id'], $id); $page = ceil($sort_number / 10); //这里还有很多的工作需要做 $this->TipsAndForward(SE_SAVE_EDIT_SUCCESS, 'index.php?module=bbs&action=viewtopic&id=' . $rows['subject_id'] . '&page=' . $page . '#topic' . $sort_number); } }
/** * 运行本类 * @param: NULL * @return: NULL * @access: public */ public function run() { /*{{{*/ $smarty = $this->getSmarty(); $smarty->assign('clone_title', CREATE_NEW_REPLY); //取得主题的id $topic_id = $this->getParameterFromGET('id'); //验证帖子的是否存在 if (!TopicUtil::isExists($this->db, $topic_id)) { $this->AlertAndBack(TOPIC_IS_NOT_EXISTS); return; } //验证帖子的状态 $status = TopicUtil::getTopicStatus($this->db, $topic_id); //注意状态为3,则为帖子被锁定,不能回复了。 if ($status == 2) { $this->AlertAndBack(TOPIC_HAD_BE_CLOSED); return; } else { if ($status == 3) { $this->AlertAndBack(TOPIC_HAD_BE_LOCK); return; } } //取得该帖子所在的版块 $layout_id = TopicUtil::getLayoutId($this->db, $topic_id); if (!LayoutUtil::isExists($this->db, $layout_id)) { //论坛不存在,则转向首页 $this->forward('index.php'); } //更新用户在本版的信息 LayoutUtil::updateOnlineUser($this->db, $layout_id); $bbs_status = LayoutUtil::getLayoutStatus($this->db, $layout_id); if ($bbs_status == 1 && !isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $this->AlertAndForward(SRY_NEED_LOGIN, 'index.php?module=user&action=showlogin'); return; } else { if ($bbs_status == 2) { $this->AlertAndForward(SRY_LAYOUT_WAS_CLOSED, 'index.php'); return; } else { if ($bbs_status == 3) { //等于三不允许发帖 $this->AlertAndBack(SRY_NOW_ALLOW_NEW_TOPIC); return; } else { if (LayoutUtil::isClosedByParent($this->db, $bbs_id)) { $this->AlertAndForward(SRY_LAYOUT_WAS_CLOSED, 'index.php'); return; } } } } //返回论坛上面的导行栏。 $nav_array = LayoutUtil::getParentLayoutInfo($this->db, $layout_id); //导航栏 $smarty->assign('nav_array', $nav_array); //先删除已经不存在的用户 LayoutUtil::delNotExistsUser($this->db); //从Session里读出数据 $temp_title = $_SESSION['temp_title']; if (strlen($temp_title) <= 0) { $smarty->assign('temp_title', $temp_title); } //看看是否是引用 $quote = $this->getParameterFromGET('quote'); $reply_id = $this->getParameterFromGET('replyid'); $temp_content = $_SESSION['temp_content']; $fck = new FCKeditor("content"); $fck->BasePath = FCKEDITOR_BASEPATH; if ($temp_content) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $fck->Value = stripslashes($temp_content); } else { $fck->Value = $temp_content; } } else { if ($quote == 1) { if ($reply_id == 0) { $sql = 'select content from bbs_subject where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($topic_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $temp_content1 = stripslashes($rows['content']); } else { $temp_content1 = $rows['content']; } $fck->Value = '[quote]' . $temp_content1 . '[/quote]'; } else { $sql = 'select content from bbs_reply where id=?'; $sth = $this->db->Prepare($sql); $res = $this->db->Execute($sth, array($reply_id)); $rows = $res->FetchRow(); if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $temp_content1 = stripslashes($rows['content']); } else { $temp_content1 = $rows['content']; } $fck->Value = '[quote]' . $temp_content1 . '[/quote]'; } } } $smarty->assign('fck', $fck); $temp_express = $_SESSION['temp_express']; $smarty->assign('temp_express', $temp_express); $smarty->assign('is_new_topic', 0); $smarty->assign('is_new_reply', 1); $smarty->assign('bbsid', $topic_id); $smarty->display('topic.tmpl'); }