Beispiel #1
function create_account()
	global $CONF;
	$user = new RegUser();

	if (!preg_match("/^[".$CONF['nickname_chars']."]+$/i", $_POST['nickname_create_account']))
		return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'invalid nickname');

	if (trim($_POST['password_create_account'])=='')
		return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'no password');

	if (isset($_POST['signature_create_account']))

	if (isset($_POST['camefrom_create_account']))

	$r = $user->save();
	if ($r=='ok')
		$channel=new Channel();
		$r = $user->sendEmail();
		if (!$r)
			return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'we could not send the e-mail.');
			$GLOBALS['user'] = $user;
			$rc = new RegUser();
			$topic = new Topic();
			$topic->setSubject("Dêem boas vindas ao usuário " . $user->getNickname() . "!");
			$msg = "Seja bem-vindo(a), <b>" . $user->getNickname() . "</b>. Criamos este tópico para que você possa se apresentar e conhecer um pouco dos usuários do site. Boa estadia =)<br /><br />Equipe Rapid Coffee.";
			$msg = str_replace('&nbsp;',' ',$msg);
			return array('ok'=>true, 'error'=>'');
	return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>$r);
Beispiel #2
function add_topic()
	global $CONF;
	$user = $_SESSION['user'];

	if ($user->getBanned()>0){
		return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'banned '.$user->getBanned());

	if (isset($_SESSION['topic_last_flood_time'])){

		if ((time() - $_SESSION['topic_last_flood_time']) < $CONF['topic_time_to_wait_flood']){
			$time_to_wait = $CONF['topic_time_to_wait_flood'] - (time() - $_SESSION['topic_last_flood_time']);
			return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'flood '.$time_to_wait);


	$user = $_SESSION['user'];	

	$topic = new Topic();

	if (isset($_GET['channelid_add_topic'])){
		$channel = new Channel();
		if (!$channel->canITopic())
			return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'you cant create topic in this channel');


	$subject = strip_tags($_POST['subject']);
	if (strlen(str_replace(' ', '', $subject)) < $CONF['min_msg_chars'])
		return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'too short subject');

	$msg = $_POST['msg'];
	if (strlen(str_replace(' ', '', strip_tags($msg))) < $CONF['min_msg_chars'])
		return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'too short message');

	$msg = strip_tags($msg, $CONF['permitted_tags_msg']);
	//$msg = ereg_replace("[[:alpha:]]+://[^<>[:space:]]+[[:alnum:]/]","<a target=\"_BLANK\" href=\"\\0\">\\0</a>", $msg); //detectando URLs
	$msg = text_linkify($msg);
	$msg = str_replace('&nbsp;',' ',$msg);

	if ($topic->save()=='ok'){



		$headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
		$headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n";
		$headers .= "From: {$CONF['email_from']}\r\n";
		$headers .= "To: YOU <you>\r\n";
		$body='Acesse: <a href="'.$topic->getId().'/'.$_pretty.'">'.$topic->getId().'/'.$_pretty.'</a>';
		//system("echo \"".$body."\" > email.html");
		//mail(',', "Rapidcoffee-NOVO TOPICO", $body, $headers);
		return array('ok'=>true, 'error'=>'');
		return array('ok'=>false, 'error'=>'Problems with this topic.');