Beispiel #1
  * creates a new reply on a ticket.
  * Creates a ticket_content entry and links it with a new created ticket_reply, a log entry will be written about this.
  * In case the ticket creator replies on a ticket, he will set the status by default to 'waiting on support'.
  * @param $content the content of the reply
  * @param $author the id of the reply creator.
  * @param $ticket_id the id of the ticket of which we want the replies.
  * @param $hidden should be 0 or 1
  * @param $ticket_creator the ticket's starter his id.
 public static function createReply($content, $author, $ticket_id, $hidden, $ticket_creator)
     $ticket_content = new Ticket_Content();
     $content_id = $ticket_content->getTContentId();
     $ticket_reply = new Ticket_Reply();
     $ticket_reply->set(array('Ticket' => $ticket_id, 'Content' => $content_id, 'Author' => $author, 'Hidden' => $hidden));
     $reply_id = $ticket_reply->getTReplyId();
     if ($ticket_creator == $author) {
         Ticket::updateTicketStatus($ticket_id, 1, $author);
     Ticket_Log::createLogEntry($ticket_id, $author, 4, $reply_id);
Beispiel #2
  * return the latest reply of a ticket
  * @param $ticket_id the id of the ticket.
  * @return a ticket_reply object.
 public static function getLatestReply($ticket_id)
     $dbl = new DBLayer("lib");
     $statement = $dbl->execute("SELECT * FROM ticket_reply WHERE Ticket =:id ORDER BY TReplyId DESC LIMIT 1 ", array('id' => $ticket_id));
     $reply = new Ticket_Reply();
     return $reply;