Beispiel #1
 } else {
     $postid = intval($_GET['post']);
     // SQL injection protection :]
     $postarray = $db->getsinglepost($postid, $board_id);
     // Make sure it exists
     if ($postarray == null) {
         $message = "Post with global ID of " . $postid . " and board /" . $board_folder . "/ does not exist.";
     } else {
         $message = "Moderation actions on post " . $postid . " in /" . $board_folder . "/ performed:";
         // Let's ban.  This is quicker mod, so we ban with default reason
         $reason = "USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST";
         $duration = 0;
         // perma
         $isthread = $postarray['thread'] == 0;
         // thread of 0 means it's a thread
         $db->banipfrompost($postarray['id'], $isthread, 0, $reason, "", $reason, $duration, $_SESSION['username'] . " via mod panel");
         $message = $message . "<br />Banning";
         // Delete, if they're an admin
         if ($_SESSION['admin'] == 1) {
             // Let's assume this is a thread and only change if necessary
             $thread = $postarray['globalid'];
             // thread global ID for cache wiping
             $targetisthread = true;
             $targetid = $postarray['id'];
             // unique ID for post deletion
             if ($postarray['thread'] != 0) {
                 $postdbi = new ThornPostDBI();
                 $fetched_thread = $postdbi->gettinfo($postarray['thread']);
                 $thread = $fetched_thread['globalid'];
                 $targetisthread = false;
Beispiel #2
if (isset($_POST['modban']) || isset($_POST['moddo'])) {
    if ($_POST['modban'] != "nil" || $_POST['moddo'] != "nil") {
        $moddb = new ThornModDBI();
        //Get post
        $targetid = $postarray['id'];
        // Find out if this is a thread
        if ($postarray['thread'] != 0) {
            $targetisthread = false;
        } else {
            $targetisthread = true;
        if ($_POST['modban'] == "banip") {
            $moddb->banipfrompost($targetid, $targetisthread, 0, $_POST['privatebanreason'], $_POST['publicbanreason'], $_POST['adminbanreason'], $_POST['banduration'], $_SESSION['username'] . " via mod panel");
        } elseif ($_POST['modban'] == "bansub") {
            $moddb->banipfrompost($targetid, $targetisthread, 1, $_POST['privatebanreason'], $_POST['publicbanreason'], $_POST['adminbanreason'], $_POST['banduration'], $_SESSION['username'] . " via mod panel");
        } elseif ($_POST['modban'] == "banthread" && $adminpowers > 0) {
            $moddb->banipfromthread($targetid, $_POST['privatebanreason'], $_POST['publicbanreason'], $_POST['adminbanreason'], $_POST['banduration'], $_SESSION['username'] . " via mod panel (threadban)");
        // Post deletion, if they have access
        if ($adminpowers > 0 && $_POST['moddo'] != "nil") {
            if ($targetisthread) {
                $actionstring = "delete\tt:" . $postarray['globalid'] . "\tb:" . $postarray['board'];
                if (THuserewrite) {
                    $diereturn = 'Post(s) deleted.<br /><a href="' . THurl . $boardname . '">Return to board</a>';
                } else {
                    $diereturn = 'Post(s) deleted.<br /><a href="' . THurl . 'drydock.php?b=' . $boardname . '">Return to board</a>';
            } else {