public function index() { $city = array(); $Model = new \Think\Model(); $city = $Model->query('SELECT * FROM `cloud_city` ORDER BY `gdp_order` ASC'); $domain_name = $Model->query('select * from cloud_domain_first'); $tpl_dir = "./Application/Home/Common/template"; $tpl_info = array(); if (is_dir($tpl_dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($tpl_dir)) { $i = 0; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $tpl_info[$i] = stat($tpl_dir . "\\{$file}"); $tpl_info[$i]['filename'] = $file; $i++; } } closedir($dh); } } $this->assign('city', $city); $this->assign('domain_name', $domain_name); $this->assign('tpl_info', $tpl_info); $this->display('Index:city_admin'); }
public function index() { $view_dir = "./Application/Home/View"; $view_info = array(); if (is_dir($view_dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($view_dir)) { $i = 0; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $view_info[$i] = stat($view_dir . "\\{$file}"); $view_info[$i]['filename'] = $file; $i++; } } closedir($dh); } } //for($i=0; $i<count($tpl_info); $i++){ // $temp[] = explode('.', $tpl_info[$i]['filename']); // $tpl_info[$i]['filename'] = $tpl_info[$i]['filename']; //} $this->assign('view_info', $view_info); $Model = new \Think\Model(); $city = $Model->query('SELECT * FROM `cloud_city` ORDER BY `gdp_order` ASC'); $city_keywords = $Model->query('SELECT `title` FROM `cloud_tpl_info` WHERE `tpl_name`="index.html"'); $city_keywords = explode(',', $city_keywords[0][title]); $external_link = $Model->query('SELECT * FROM `cloud_external_link` ORDER BY `keywords` ASC'); $this->assign('city', $city); $this->assign('city_keywords', $city_keywords[0]); $this->assign('external_link', $external_link); $this->display('Index:web_station_statistics'); }
public function index() { global $custom_config; $data['username'] = cookie("userinfo")['username']; $user = M("user")->where($data)->find(); //$orders = M("orders")->where($data)->select(); //$order_goods = M("orders_goods")->where($data)->select(); $Model = new \Think\Model(); $sql = "select og.*,o.addtime,o.is_deal from cz_orders o inner join cz_orders_goods og on where o.username= '******'username']}' order by desc limit 10"; $order_goods = $Model->query($sql); //$jdNums = M("orders")->where($data)->sum('jidou'); $jdNums = $Model->query("select sum(og.jidou) as jd_nums from cz_orders o left join cz_orders_goods og on where o.username= '******'username']}' limit 10"); $prizes = M("prize")->select(); //兑换的礼品 $user_id = cookie("userinfo")['user_id']; $exchange = M("exchange")->limit("10")->order("id desc")->where(array("user_id" => $user_id))->select(); $answer_jidou = M("user_answer")->where(array("user_id" => $user_id))->sum("test_paper_jidou"); $answers = M("user_answer")->where(array("user_id" => $user_id))->select(); $this->assign("exchange", $exchange); $this->assign("jdNums", $jdNums[0]['jd_nums']); $this->assign("user", $user); $this->assign("order_goods", $order_goods); $this->assign("answer_jidou", $answer_jidou); $this->assign("answers", $answers); $this->assign("prizes", $prizes); $this->assign("custom_config", $custom_config); $this->assign("title", "用户中心"); $this->display(); }
public function exportallAction() { $current_page = I("page"); $this->current_page = $current_page; $start_time = I("start_time"); $end_time = I("end_time"); if (empty($start_time)) { $start_time = '1970-01-01'; } if (empty($end_time)) { $end_time = '2970-01-01'; } //查询 $brands = D("Brand")->relation(true)->field("id,brand_name")->select(); $brand_id = I("brand_id"); $club_id = I("club_id"); $valuesql = "select b.status as bstatus, b.card_type_extension, b.free_rest,b.free_trans,b.rest_count,b.trans_count, b.is_review,b.description as `desc`, as contract_id,b.contract_number, b.create_time as bc, a.*,,, ,c.card_number , as card_name,d.type as card_type ,d.price as card_type_price,b.invalid,b.type as btype,b.present_day,b.present_num,b.start_time,b.end_time,b.active_type,b.used_num,b.total_num from yoga_bill_project a inner join yoga_contract b on and a.type in(0,3,4,5) and b.create_time >'{$start_time}' and b.create_time<'{$end_time}' and b.sale_club_id={$club_id} inner join yoga_member_basic e on left join yoga_card c on left join yoga_card_type d on where a.sale_club_id={$club_id} "; $countsql = "select count(*) as count from yoga_bill_project a inner join yoga_contract b on and a.type in(0,4,5) and b.create_time >'{$start_time}' and b.create_time<'{$end_time}' and b.sale_club_id={$club_id} inner join yoga_member_basic e on left join yoga_card c on left join yoga_card_type d on where a.sale_club_id={$club_id} "; $tail = ""; $model = new \Think\Model(); $countsql = $countsql . " " . $sql . $tail; $count = $model->query($countsql); $count = $count[0]["count"]; $pages = ceil($count / 20); $valuesql = $valuesql . " " . $sql . $tail . "order by desc "; $vv = $model->query($valuesql); foreach ($vv as $key => $value) { $mc = M("UserExtension")->find($value['mc_id']); $recorder = M("UserExtension")->find($value['record_id']); $vv[$key]['mc_name'] = !empty($mc) ? $mc['name_cn'] : "NO MC!"; $vv[$key]['recorder_name'] = !empty($recorder) ? $recorder['name_cn'] : "品牌帐号"; } $head = array('姓名', '电话', '卡种', '卡号', '合同开始', '合同结束', '顾问', '入会时间', '录入人', '备注'); $file_name = "/var/www/tmp/export.csv"; header('Content-Type: application/'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="' . $start_time . '-' . $end_time . '.csv"'); header('Cache-Control: max-age=0'); $fp = fopen('php://output', 'a'); foreach ($head as $i => $v) { $head[$i] = iconv('utf-8', 'GBK', $v); } fputcsv($fp, $head); $cnt = 0; $limit = 100000; foreach ($vv as $key => $row) { $cnt++; if ($limit == $cnt) { ob_flush(); flush(); $cnt = 0; } $ret = array($row['name'], $row['phone'], $row['card_name'], $row['card_number'], $row['start_time'], $row['end_time'], $row['mc_name'], $row['bc'], $row['recorder_name'], $row['desc']); foreach ($ret as $i => $v) { $ret[$i] = iconv('utf-8', 'GBK', $v); } fputcsv($fp, $ret); } }
function upgrade_20140527_to_20140602() { $db_prefix = C('db_prefix'); $Model = new \Think\Model(); $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$db_prefix}user_sns`"; $Model->query($sql); $sql = "CREATE TABLE `{$db_prefix}user_sns` (\n `us_id` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `user_id` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0',\n `access_token` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n `refresh_token` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n `remind_in` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n `expires_in` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n `openid` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n `type` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,\n `expires_time` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`us_id`),\n KEY `useropen` (`user_id`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=5 DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;"; $Model->query($sql); }
public function getEmployeesAction() { list($page, $sidx, $limit, $sord, $start) = getRequestParams(); $model = M("User"); $brand_id = get_brand_id(); $condition = array("brand_id" => $brand_id, "is_brand" => 0); $valuesql = "select * from yoga_user a,yoga_user_extension b where a.brand_id={$brand_id} and a.is_brand=0 and and a.invalid=1 "; $countsql = "select count(*) as count from yoga_user a,yoga_user_extension b where a.brand_id={$brand_id} and a.is_brand=0 and and a.invalid=1 "; $filters = I("filters", '', ''); $filters = json_decode($filters); $sql = ""; if ($filters->groupOp == 'AND') { $rules = $filters->rules; foreach ($rules as $key => $value) { if ($value->field == "club" && $value->data != 0) { $sql .= " and a.club_id " . getOPerationMysql($value->op) . " '{$value->data}'"; } if ($value->field == "work_status" && $value->data != -1) { $sql .= " and b.work_status " . getOPerationMysql($value->op) . " '{$value->data}'"; } if ($value->field == "name_cn") { $sql .= " and b.name_cn like '%{$value->data}%'"; } if ($value->field == "name_en") { $sql .= " and b.name_en like '%{$value->data}%'"; } if ($value->field == "role" && $value->data != -1) { $ids = M("AuthGroupAccess")->where("group_id=" . $value->data)->select(); $id = array(); foreach ($ids as $key => $value) { $id[] = $value['uid']; } $ids = implode(",", $id); $sql .= " and in({$ids})"; } } } $model = new \Think\Model(); $countsql = $countsql . " " . $sql; $count = $model->query($countsql); $count = $count[0]["count"]; $valuesql = $valuesql . " " . $sql . $tail . " order by a.{$sidx} {$sord} limit {$start},{$limit}"; $ret = $model->query($valuesql); foreach ($ret as $key => $value) { $ret[$key]['role'] = D("User")->getRole($value['id']); } if ($count > 0 && $limit > 0) { $total_pages = ceil($count / $limit); } else { $total_pages = 0; } $response = array("page" => $page, "total" => $total_pages, "records" => $count, "rows" => $ret); $this->ajaxReturn($response); }
public function learnto() { $user_id = $data['user_id'] = I("user_id", 0, "int"); //$orders = M("orders")->where($data)->select(); $Model = new \Think\Model(); $sql = "select * from cz_orders o inner join cz_orders_goods og on where o.user_id={$user_id} and og.jidou>0 order by desc limit 5"; $orders = $Model->query($sql); $esql = "select,e.title,p.thumb from cz_exchange e inner join cz_prize p on e.prize_id=p.prize_id where e.user_id={$user_id} order by desc limit 3"; $exchanges = $Model->query($esql); $this->assign("exchanges", $exchanges); $this->assign("orders", $orders); $this->assign("title", "向他学习"); $this->display(); }
public function add() { if (!IS_AJAX) { $this->error(L('_ERROR_ACTION_')); } if (IS_POST) { $Group = D('AuthGroup'); if ($Group->create()) { $Model = new \Think\Model(); $query = $Model->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '__AUTH_GROUP__'"); $nextid = $query[0]['auto_increment']; $data = array('title' => 'A_G_T_' . $nextid, 'remark' => 'A_G_R_' . $nextid, 'status' => I('post.status') ? 1 : 0); if ($Group->add($data)) { $info[$data['title']] = I('post.title'); $info[$data['remark']] = addcslashes(I('post.remark', '', NULL), '\'\\'); write_lang($info, 'group_title'); $this->success(L('ADD_SUCCESS'), U('Group/index', $this->vl)); } else { $this->error(L('ADD_ERROR')); } } else { $this->error($Group->getError()); } } else { $this->display('edit'); } }
public function index() { //$Line_type = M('Line_type'); $catid = I('get.catid', 1); $sql = "select count(*) as num from __LINE_TYPE__ as a,__LINE__ as b\n where a.type_id = {$catid} and a.line_id = b.line_id and b.status=1"; $pageNum = 10; $_page = pages($sql, $pageNum); $nowPage = I('get.p', 1); $firstRow = ($nowPage - 1) * $pageNum; $Model = new \Think\Model(); $line_lists = $Model->query("select a.*, b.* from __LINE_TYPE__ as a,\n __LINE__ as b where a.type_id = {$catid} and a.line_id = b.line_id and b.status=1\n order by b.update_time desc, b.line_id desc limit {$firstRow},{$pageNum}"); $line_lists = array_filter($line_lists); foreach ($line_lists as $key => $val) { $map_two = array(); $map_two['line_id&is_default'] = array($val['line_id'], 1, '_multi' => true); $res = get_tc_val($map_two); $line_lists[$key]['price'] = $res['price']; $line_lists[$key]['best_price'] = $res['best_price']; $line_lists[$key]['start_date'] = get_start_date($res['date_price_data']); $line_lists[$key]['img'] = get_cover(array_shift(explode(',', $val['images'])), 'path'); $line_lists[$key]['url'] = U('Line/show', array('id' => $val['line_id'])); } $this->assign('line_lists', $line_lists); $this->assign('_page', $_page); $this->display(); }
public function index() { session_start(); header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8'); //防止出现乱码 $username = $_SESSION['username']; $this->assign('username', $username); //投资内容 $Model = new \Think\Model(); $investarr = $Model->query("select a.f_uid userid,a.f_username username,b.f_id vid,round(b.f_yield*100,2) yield,round(b.f_money) money,round(b.f_danbaomoney,2) danbaomoney,b.f_horizon horizon,b.f_state state,DATE_FORMAT(b.f_addtime,'%Y-%m-%d') addtime from t_userinfo a,t_invest b where a.f_uid=b.f_userid and b.f_state=1 order by b.f_addtime desc limit 10"); $this->assign('invest', $investarr); //贷款内容 $loantarr = $Model->query("select a.f_uid userid,a.f_username username,b.f_id vid,round(b.f_yield*100,2) yield,round(b.f_money,2) money,round(b.f_danbaomoney,2) danbaomoney,b.f_horizon horizon,b.f_state state,DATE_FORMAT(b.f_addtime,'%Y-%m-%d') addtime from t_userinfo a,t_loan b where a.f_uid=b.f_userid and b.f_state=1 order by b.f_addtime desc limit 10"); $this->assign('loan', $loantarr); $this->display(); }
/** * 产品管理 */ public function productList($page = 1, $rows = 10, $search = array(), $sort = 'id', $order = 'asc') { if (IS_POST) { $product_db = D('product'); $total = $product_db->count(); $order = $sort . ' ' . $order; $limit = ($page - 1) * $rows . "," . $rows; $Model = new \Think\Model(); $sql = "SELECT a.*, COUNT( as contractcount, SUM( as contractmoney FROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\tapp2_product a \n\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN \n\t\t\t\t\t\tapp2_contract b \n\t\t\t\t\tON \n\t\t\t\t\t\\n\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY\n\t\t\t\t\t\\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY \n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$order} \n\t\t\t\t\tLIMIT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t{$limit}"; $list = $Model->query($sql); if (!$list) { $list = array(); } $data = array('total' => $total, 'rows' => $list); $this->ajaxReturn($data); } else { $admin_db = D('admin'); $area_db = D('Area'); $currentAdmin = $admin_db->where(array('userid' => session('userid')))->find(); $adminArea = $area_db->where(array('id' => $currentAdmin['area']))->find(); if ($currentAdmin['position'] != "超级管理员") { echo "<p>你无权访问该内容</p>"; exit; } $menu_db = D('Menu'); $currentpos = $menu_db->currentPos(I('get.menuid')); //栏目位置 $datagrid = array('options' => array('title' => $currentpos, 'url' => U('Product/productList', array('grid' => 'datagrid')), 'toolbar' => 'ProductproductModule.toolbar'), 'fields' => array('项目代号' => array('field' => 'code', 'width' => 15, 'sortable' => true), '项目名称' => array('field' => 'name', 'width' => 15), '募集额度' => array('field' => 'money_total', 'width' => 15), '已募集数量' => array('field' => 'contractcount', 'width' => 15), '已募集金额' => array('field' => 'contractmoney', 'width' => 15), '募集进度' => array('field' => 'progess', 'width' => 15, 'formatter' => 'ProductproductModule.progess'), '客户方案' => array('field' => 'remark', 'width' => 20), '操作' => array('field' => 'id', 'width' => 20, 'formatter' => 'ProductproductModule.operate'))); $this->assign('datagrid', $datagrid); $this->display('product_list'); } }
public function edit() { if (!IS_AJAX) { $this->error(L('_ERROR_ACTION_')); } $Type = M('Type'); $lang = I('get.lang') ? I('get.lang') : $this->clang; $list = $Type->field('id,pid,name')->where('status=1 AND lang=\'' . $lang . '\'')->select(); $tree = new \Common\Lib\Tree($list); if (IS_POST) { if ($Type->create()) { $Model = new \Think\Model(); $query = $Model->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '__TYPE__'"); $nextid = $query[0]['auto_increment']; $top = I('') == 0 ? $nextid : $tree->get_top(I('')); $data = array('pid' => I(''), 'name' => I(''), 'description' => I('post.description'), 'status' => I('post.status') ? 1 : 0, 'keyid' => $top['id'], 'lang' => I('post.lang')); $result = $Type->where('id=' . I(''))->save($data); if ($result !== FALSE) { $this->success(L('SAVE_OK'), U('Type/index', $this->vl . '&pid=' . $data['pid'])); } else { $this->error(L('SAVE_ERROR')); } } else { $this->error($Type->getError()); } } else { $str = "<li data-val='\$id'>\$spacer\$name</li>"; $vo = $Type->where('id=' . I(''))->find(); $this->assign('pids', $tree->get_tree(0, $str)); $this->assign('vo', $vo); $this->display(); } }
/** * 判断是否已经满足今天的加分上限 */ function isFull($stu_num, $act, $pro) { //首先用php获取当天的年份 $y = date("Y"); //首先用php获取当天的月份 $m = date("m"); //首先用php获取当天的号数(也就是几日,那今天来讲就是:11日) $d = date("d"); //将今天开始的年月日时分秒,转换成unix时间戳(开始示例:2014-03-11 00:00:00) $day_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y); //将今天结束的年月日时分秒,转换成unix时间戳 (结束示例:2014-03-11 23:59:59) $day_end = mktime(23, 59, 59, $m, $d, $y); $user = M('user_member')->where(array('stu_num' => $stu_num))->find(); $userid = $user['id']; $desc = $act['description']; //create_time > ".$day_start." and create_time < ".$day_end." and user_id = ".$userid." and project = ".$pro." and action = ".$desc $Model = new \Think\Model(); $todayLog = $Model->query("select * from user_log where create_time > " . $day_start . " and create_time < " . $day_end . " and user_id = " . $userid . " and project = '" . $pro . "'and action = '" . $desc . "'"); if (!$todayLog) { return false; } $todayScore = 0; foreach ($todayLog as $each) { foreach ($each as $key => $value) { if ($key == 'score') { $todayScore += $value; } } } if ($todayScore < $act['limit_day']) { return false; } else { return true; } }
public function groups() { $aKeyword = $this->parseSearchKey('keyword'); $aPage = I('', 1, 'intval'); $r = 20; $aOrder = I('get.order', 'create_time', 'text'); $aReverse = I('get.reverse', 'desc', 'text'); $aCate = I('get.cate', 0, 'intval'); $aUid = I('get.uid', 0, 'intval'); if ($aOrder == 'activity') { $this->assign('order', '按活跃度排序'); } elseif ($aOrder == 'member') { //todo 根据成员数排序 $Model = new \Think\Model(); // 实例化一个model对象 没有对应任何数据表 $count = $Model->query("SELECT group_id,count(group_id) as count from opensns_group_member group by group_id order by count desc"); $ids = getSubByKey($count, 'group_id'); $ids = implode(',', $ids); $aOrder = "find_in_set( id ,'" . $ids . "') "; $this->assign('order', '按成员数排序'); } else { $aOrder = 'create_time'; $this->assign('order', '按最新创建排序'); } if (!empty($aCate)) { $gid = D('GroupType')->where('pid=' . $aCate)->field('id')->select(); $gids = getSubByKey($gid, 'id'); $gids[] = $aCate; $param['where']['type_id'] = array('in', $gids); $this->assign('name', get_type_name($aCate)); $this->assign('group_cate', $aCate); $this->assign('keyword', array(0 => 'cate', 1 => $aCate)); $this->setTitle('{$name}'); } if (!empty($aKeyword)) { $param['where']['title'] = array('like', '%' . $aKeyword . '%'); $this->assign('name', $aKeyword); $this->assign('keyword', array(0 => 'keywords', 1 => $aKeyword)); } if ($aUid != 0) { $param['where']['uid'] = $aUid; $this->assign('name', get_nickname($aUid) . '的群组'); $this->assign('keyword', array(0 => 'uid', 1 => $aUid)); } $param['where']['status'] = 1; $param['page'] = $aPage; $param['count'] = $r; $param['order'] = $aOrder . ' ' . $aReverse; $param['field'] = 'id'; $group_list = D('Group/Group')->getList($param); //获取总数 $totalCount = D('Group/Group')->where($param['where'])->count(); $this->assign('totalCount', $totalCount); $this->assign('r', $r); $this->assign('group_list', $group_list); $this->assignGroupTypes(); $this->setTitle('群组首页'); $this->assign('current', 'groups'); $this->display(); }
public function getStatistics($user_id, $start_time, $end_time) { $club_id = get_club_id(); if (empty($user_id)) { if (empty($end_time)) { $sql = "select,,b.level,count(a.channel_id) as protential,COALESCE(sum(a.is_member),0) as mcount from yoga_channel b left join yoga_member_basic a on and a.channel_id!=0 and a.create_time>='{$start_time}' where b.club_id={$club_id} group by order by protential desc"; } else { $sql = "select,,b.level,count(a.channel_id) as protential,COALESCE(sum(a.is_member),0) as mcount from yoga_channel b left join yoga_member_basic a on and a.channel_id!=0 and a.create_time>='{$start_time}' and a.create_time<'{$end_time}' where b.club_id={$club_id} group by order by protential desc"; } } else { if (empty($end_time)) { $sql = "select,,b.level,count(a.channel_id) as protential,COALESCE(sum(a.is_member),0) as mcount from yoga_channel b left join yoga_member_basic a on and a.channel_id!=0 and a.create_time>='{$start_time}' where b.club_id={$club_id} and b.user_id={$user_id} group by order by protential desc"; } else { $sql = "select,,b.level,count(a.channel_id) as protential,COALESCE(sum(a.is_member),0) as mcount from yoga_channel b left join yoga_member_basic a on and a.channel_id!=0 and a.create_time>='{$start_time}' and a.create_time<'{$end_time}' where b.club_id={$club_id} and b.user_id={$user_id} group by order by protential desc"; } } $model = new \Think\Model(); $ret = $model->query($sql); foreach ($ret as $key => $value) { $end_time = empty($end_time) ? $start_time : $end_time; $total = $this->getChannelTotal($value["id"], $end_time); $ret[$key]["protential_total"] = $total['protential_total']; $ret[$key]["mcount_total"] = $total['transform_total']; } return $ret; }
public function getCities($province) { $sql = "select city from t_cities where provinceid like \r\n (select provinceid from t_provinces where province like '" . $province . "')"; // echo $sql; $m = new \Think\Model(); $result = $m->query($sql); return $result; }
public function index() { $article = array(); $Model = new \Think\Model(); $article = $Model->query('SELECT * FROM `cloud_article` ORDER BY `id` DESC'); $this->assign('article', $article); $this->display('Index:article_admin'); }
public function update() { $tag = $_GET['tag']; $Model = new \Think\Model(); $title_number = $Model->query("SELECT count(*) FROM `cloud_title`"); $article_number = $Model->query("SELECT count(*) FROM `cloud_article`"); if ($title_number[0]['count(*)'] == 0) { $this->error('请添加至少一条标题', '/index.php/Admin/TitleAdmin/index'); } if ($article_number[0]['count(*)'] < 2) { $this->error('请添加至少两个文章段落', '/index.php/Admin/ArticleAdmin/index'); } $title = $Model->query("SELECT * FROM `cloud_title`"); $article = $Model->query("SELECT * FROM `cloud_article`"); if ($article_number[0]['count(*)'] < 6) { for ($i = 0; $i < $title_number[0]['count(*)']; $i++) { $article_rand_number = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < 6; $j++) { $article_rand_number[] = rand(0, $article_number[0]['count(*)'] - 1); } $article_ids = $article[$article_rand_number[0]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[1]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[2]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[3]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[4]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[5]]['id']; $result = $Model->execute("UPDATE `cloud_title` SET `article_ids`='" . $article_ids . "' WHERE `id`=" . $title[$i]['id']); if (!$result) { $this->error('更新失败', '/index.php/Admin/TitleAdmin/index'); } } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $title_number[0]['count(*)']; $i++) { $article_rand_number = $this->unique_rand(0, $article_number[0]['count(*)'] - 1, 6); $article_ids = $article[$article_rand_number[0]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[1]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[2]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[3]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[4]]['id'] . '|' . $article[$article_rand_number[5]]['id']; $result = $Model->execute("UPDATE `cloud_title` SET `article_ids`='" . $article_ids . "' WHERE `id`=" . $title[$i]['id']); if (!$result) { $this->error('更新失败', '/index.php/Admin/TitleAdmin/index'); } } } if ($tag == 'title') { $this->success('更新成功', 'index'); } else { if ($tag == 'article') { $this->success('更新成功', '../ArticleAdmin/index'); } } }
public function show() { $table = I('get.table'); $Model = new \Think\Model(); $sql = 'show columns from ' . $table . ';'; $tabel_info = $Model->query($sql); $data = $Model->table($table)->select(); $this->assign('table', $table); $this->assign('data', $data); $this->assign('tabel_info', $tabel_info); $this->display(); }
public function get_message_list() { if (check_login(I('user_id'), I('login'))) { $Model = new \Think\Model(); $time = time(); if (I('state')) { $time = '>=' . $time; } else { $time = '<=' . $time; } $page = I('page') * C('PAGE_NUM'); $sql = "SELECT u.user_nickname,l.lable_name,m.notepad_id,m.user_id,m.notepad_time,m.notepad_endtime,m.notepad FROM `user_lable` `o`,`lable` `l` ,`message` `m`,`user` `u` WHERE o.lable_id=l.lable_id and m.lable_id=o.lable_id and o.user_id=u.user_id and o.user_id = " . I('user_id') . ' and m.notepad_endtime' . $time . ' order by m.notepad_endtime limit ' . $page . ',20'; //echo $sql; $sql1 = "SELECT count(*)/" . C('PAGE_NUM') . " a FROM `order` `o`,`lable` `l` ,`message` `m`,`user` `u` WHERE o.lable_id=l.lable_id and m.lable_id=o.lable_id and o.user_id=u.user_id and o.user_id = " . I('user_id') . ' and m.notepad_endtime' . $time . ' order by m.notepad_endtime '; $ans = $Model->query($sql); $ans['page'] = $Model->query($sql1); $this->ajaxReturn($ans); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(0); } }
public function indexProvince($province = '湖南') { //标记当前菜单为激活状态 $currentmenu['report'] = "active"; $this->assign('currentmenu', $currentmenu); $this->assign('province', $province); $m = new \Think\Model(); $result = $m->query('select bpbtype from t_batteryconfig group by bpbtype order by bpbtype'); $this->assign('batteryTypes', $result); $this->embed_display('province_sales'); }
public function add_domain() { if ($_POST['domainname']) { $domainname = $_POST['domainname']; } else { $domainname = ''; } $Model = new \Think\Model(); if ($domainname != '') { $resulte = $Model->query('INSERT INTO `cloud_domain_first` (`domain_first_name`) VALUES ("' . $domainname . '")'); } $this->success('添加成功', '/index.php/Admin/DomainFirstAdmin/index'); }
public function do_Login() { $Model = new \Think\Model(); $login_name = $_POST['login_name']; $login_pwd = $_POST['login_pwd']; $member = $Model->query('select * from cloud_member'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($member); $i++) { if ($member[$i]['name'] == $login_name && $member[$i]['pwd'] == $login_pwd) { session('check', '1'); $this->success('登陆成功', '../Index/checkUser'); } } $this->error('登陆失败', '/index.php/Admin'); }
function get_all_lable_by_userid() { if (check_login(I('user_id'), I('login'))) { $Order = M('Order'); $Model = new \Think\Model(); //$map['l.lable_id']='o.lable_id'; //$map['o.user_id']=I('user_id'); $ans = $Model->query("SELECT * FROM `order` `o`,`lable` `l` WHERE o.lable_id=l.lable_id and o.user_id = " . I('user_id')); //$Model->table(array('order'=>'o','lable'=>'l'))->where($map)->select(); //var_dump($ans); $this->ajaxReturn($ans); } else { $this->ajaxReturn(0); } }
public function index() { session_start(); header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8'); //防止出现乱码 $username = $_SESSION['username']; $guarantee = PublicController::getDanbaoRate(); $this->assign('username', $username); $this->assign('guarantee', $guarantee * 100); //借贷列表 $Model = new \Think\Model(); $loanarr = $Model->query("select a.f_uid userid,a.f_username username,b.f_id vid,round(b.f_yield*100,2) yield,round(b.f_money) money,round(b.f_danbaomoney,2) danbaomoney,b.f_horizon horizon,b.f_state state,DATE_FORMAT(b.f_addtime,'%Y-%m-%d') addtime from t_userinfo a,t_loan b where a.f_uid=b.f_userid and b.f_state=0 order by b.f_addtime desc limit 20"); $this->assign('loanlist', $loanarr); $this->display(); }
public function delete_tpl() { $filename = $_GET['filename']; $Model = new \Think\Model(); $city = $Model->query('SELECT * FROM `cloud_city`'); for ($i = 0; $i < count($city); $i++) { if ($city[$i]['tpl_name'] == $filename) { $temp_id = $city[$i]['id']; $Model->execute("UPDATE `cloud_city` SET `tpl_name`='rand' WHERE `id`={$temp_id}"); } } $delete_dir = './Application/Home/Common/template/' . $filename; $this->deldir($delete_dir); $this->success('删除成功', '/index.php/Admin/TemplateAdmin/index'); }
public function viewrw() { $bid = I('', '', 'string'); preg_match_all("/\\d+/", $bid, $m); //$sid = I('get.sid'); //加入权限判定则通过登录用户 $model_kt = new \Think\Model(); $rs_kt = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($m[0]); $i++) { $push_data = $model_kt->query("SELECT as tname,bs_kt.*, as sname, user_student.class FROM user_student,bs_kt,bs_xt,user_teacher WHERE bs_xt.sid = user_student.user AND = AND bs_kt.teacher = user_teacher.user AND" . $m[0][$i]); array_push($rs_kt, $push_data[0]); } //print_r($rs_kt); $this->assign('kt', $rs_kt); $this->display(); }
/** * 拆字查询 * @param string $key [查询关键字词] * @param string $table_name [查询的表名] * @param string $table_field_id [$table_name表的主键ID字段名] * @param array $fields [指定要与关键字匹配的字段集] * @param integer $page [分页] * @param integer $pageSize [分页大小] * @param string $where [附加条件] * @return array [返回三维数组,1、以出现次数降序的数据表结果的二维数组;2、分页信息] */ function searchOfDivisionWord($key, $table_name, $table_field_id, $fields = array(), $page = 1, $pageSize = 10, $where = "1=1") { if (count($fields) > 0) { $m = D($table_name); //拆字 preg_match_all("/./u", $key, $keyArr); // var_dump($keyArr); $resultArr = array(); foreach ($keyArr[0] as $key1 => $word) { foreach ($fields as $key2 => $field) { $arr = $m->where($field . " like '%" . $word . "%'")->select(); //var_dump($arr); foreach ($arr as $key3 => $cursor) { //统计整体出现次数 $total = $resultArr[$cursor[$table_field_id]]; if (empty($total)) { $total = 0; } $resultArr[$cursor[$table_field_id]] = $total + 1; } } } //var_dump($resultArr); if (count($resultArr) > 0) { //带键降序 arsort($resultArr); //var_dump($resultArr); //获得数组的键 $resultKeyArr = array_keys($resultArr); //$searchResultArr = $m->where($table_field_id." in (".implode($resultKeyArr,",").")")->select(); //数组转换字符串 $resultKeyStr = implode($resultKeyArr, ","); $pageObj = new \Think\Page(count($resultKeyArr), $pageSize); $pageView = $pageObj->show(); if ($page > 1) { $pageObj->firstRow = ($page - 1) * $pageSize; } $Model = new \Think\Model(); $searchResultArr = $Model->query("select * from " . $table_name . " where " . $where . " and " . $table_field_id . " in (" . $resultKeyStr . ") order by instr('" . $resultKeyStr . "'," . $table_field_id . ") limit " . $pageObj->firstRow . "," . $pageObj->listRows); //var_dump($searchResultArr); return array($searchResultArr, $pageView); } else { return false; } } }
function addAllSql($store_db_name, $matrix, $field = null, $db_prefix = '') { // (empty($matrix))&&(E('matrix is empty')); if (empty($matrix)) { echo 'fail inserting at ', time(), '<br/>'; return false; } !checkIfMatrix($matrix) && E('matrix\'s format is wrong'); //data_array应该是一个二维数组 $Model = new \Think\Model(); $sql_comm = 'show columns from ' . $store_db_name; $column_info_matrix = $Model->query($sql_comm); $column_info_array = tran2Array($column_info_matrix, 'field'); /*按照field过滤下matrix-->data_matrix*/ $data_matrix = array(); if ($field !== null) { /*field_combine为二者交集*/ $field_combine = array(); foreach ($field as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value, $column_info_array)) { $field_combine[] = $value; } } } else { $field_combine = $column_info_array; } $data_matrix = fieldMatrix($matrix, $field_combine); foreach ($data_matrix as $key => $data_array) { foreach ($data_array as $key_lv2 => $value) { $data_array_tmp[$key_lv2] = "'" . $value . "'"; } $insert_data_string_row[] = '(' . implode(',', $data_array_tmp) . ')'; } $insert_data_string = implode(',', $insert_data_string_row); foreach ($data_matrix as $key => $value) { //得到col_name $col_array = array_keys($value); break; } $col_string = '`' . implode('`,`', $col_array) . '`'; $sql_comm = "insert into `" . $db_prefix . $store_db_name . "` (" . $col_string . ") VALUES" . $insert_data_string; // pd($sql_comm); return $Model->execute($sql_comm); }
public function index() { session_start(); header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8'); //防止出现乱码 $uid = $_SESSION['uid']; $username = $_SESSION['username']; $this->assign('username', $username); //用户抵押物品信息 $goods = new \Think\Model(); $condition['f_uid'] = $uid; $goodsarr = $goods->table('t_user_stock a')->field('a.f_uid uid,a.f_sid sid,a.f_shares shares,f_shares_frozen frozenshares,b.f_id id,b.f_stockcode stockcode,b.f_stockname stockname,b.f_price price')->join('t_stockinfo b on a.f_sid = b.f_id')->where($condition)->select(); $this->assign('goodsarr', $goodsarr); //投资列表 $Model = new \Think\Model(); $investarr = $Model->query("select a.f_uid userid,a.f_username username,b.f_id vid,round(b.f_yield*100,2) yield,round(b.f_money) money,round(b.f_danbaomoney,2) danbaomoney,b.f_horizon horizon,b.f_state state,DATE_FORMAT(b.f_addtime,'%Y-%m-%d') addtime from t_userinfo a,t_invest b where a.f_uid=b.f_userid and b.f_state=200 order by b.f_addtime desc limit 20"); $this->assign('investlist', $investarr); $this->display(); }