$this->buffer .= wfElement($this->openElement[0], $this->openElement[1], $style);
            $this->openElement = false;
$dumper = new TextPassDumper($argv);
if (true) {
} else {
This script postprocesses XML dumps from dumpBackup.php to add
page text which was stubbed out (using --stub).

XML input is accepted on stdin.
XML output is sent to stdout; progress reports are sent to stderr.

Usage: php dumpTextPass.php [<options>]
  --stub=<type>:<file> To load a compressed stub dump instead of stdin
  --prefetch=<type>:<file> Use a prior dump file as a text source, to save
              pressure on the database.
              (Requires PHP 5.0+ and the XMLReader PECL extension)
  --quiet     Don't dump status reports to stderr.
  --report=n  Report position and speed after every n pages processed.
              (Default: 100)
  --server=h  Force reading from MySQL server h
  --current   Base ETA on number of pages in database instead of all revisions
  --spawn     Spawn a subprocess for loading text records
Beispiel #2
        return $normalized;
$dumper = new TextPassDumper($argv);
if (!isset($options['help'])) {
} else {
This script postprocesses XML dumps from dumpBackup.php to add
page text which was stubbed out (using --stub).

XML input is accepted on stdin.
XML output is sent to stdout; progress reports are sent to stderr.

Usage: php dumpTextPass.php [<options>]
  --stub=<type>:<file> To load a compressed stub dump instead of stdin
  --prefetch=<type>:<file> Use a prior dump file as a text source, to save
\t\t\t  pressure on the database.
  --quiet\t  Don't dump status reports to stderr.
  --report=n  Report position and speed after every n pages processed.
\t\t\t  (Default: 100)
  --server=h  Force reading from MySQL server h
  --output=<type>:<file> Write to a file instead of stdout
              <type>s: file, gzip, bzip2, 7zip
  --current\t  Base ETA on number of pages in database instead of all revisions
  --spawn\t  Spawn a subprocess for loading text records
  --help      Display this help message
} else {
This script postprocesses XML dumps from dumpBackup.php to add
page text which was stubbed out (using --stub).

XML input is accepted on stdin.
XML output is sent to stdout; progress reports are sent to stderr.

Usage: php dumpTextPass.php [<options>]
  --stub=<type>:<file> To load a compressed stub dump instead of stdin
  --prefetch=<type>:<file> Use a prior dump file as a text source, to save
\t\t\t  pressure on the database.
\t\t\t  (Requires the XMLReader extension)
  --maxtime=<minutes> Write out checkpoint file after this many minutes (writing
\t          out complete page, closing xml file properly, and opening new one
\t          with header).  This option requires the checkpointfile option.
  --checkpointfile=<filenamepattern> Use this string for checkpoint filenames,
\t\t      substituting first pageid written for the first %s (required) and the
              last pageid written for the second %s if it exists.
  --quiet\t  Don't dump status reports to stderr.
  --report=n  Report position and speed after every n pages processed.
\t\t\t  (Default: 100)
  --server=h  Force reading from MySQL server h
  --current\t  Base ETA on number of pages in database instead of all revisions
  --spawn\t  Spawn a subprocess for loading text records
  --buffersize=<size> Buffer size in bytes to use for reading the stub.
              (Default: 512KB, Minimum: 4KB)
  --help      Display this help message