  * updates an album in the db
  * @param album A GalleryAlbum object that already exists in the db.
  * @param Returns true if successful or false otherwise.
 function updateAlbum($album)
     if ($album->getId() == $album->getParentId()) {
         return false;
     $tf = new TextFilter();
     $query = "UPDATE " . $this->getPrefix() . "gallery_albums SET\n                      description = '" . Db::qstr($album->getDescription()) . "',\n                      name = '" . Db::qstr($album->getName()) . "',\n                      parent_id = " . $album->getParentId() . ",\n                      properties = '" . serialize($album->getProperties()) . "',\n                      show_album = " . $album->getShowAlbum() . ",\n                      normalized_name = '" . Db::qstr($tf->normalizeText($album->getName())) . "',\n                      normalized_description = '" . Db::qstr($tf->normalizeText($album->getDescription())) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t  mangled_name = '" . $tf->urlize($album->getName()) . "'\n                      WHERE id = " . $album->getId() . ";";
     return $this->Execute($query);
Beispiel #2
 function perform()
     // get a connection to the db
     $db = connectDb();
     $dbPrefix = getDbPrefix();
     $db->debug = false;
     // no errors here
     $errors = false;
     // see how many records we have
     $queryCount = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM {$dbPrefix}articles";
     $result = $db->Execute($queryCount);
     $row = $result->FetchRow();
     $numRecords = $row["total"];
     $this->_totalPosts = $numRecords;
     // check whether we should use multiple steps
     $multipleSteps = $numRecords > WIZARD_MAX_RECORDS_THRESHOLD;
     if ($multipleSteps) {
         // how many steps do we need?
         $numSteps = ceil($numRecords / WIZARD_MAX_RECORDS_PER_STEP);
         $this->_numSteps = $numSteps;
         //print("using different steps! numSteps = $numSteps<br/>");
     // run the query and loop through the results
     $query = "SELECT * FROM {$dbPrefix}articles";
     if ($multipleSteps) {
         // generate the LIMIT condition for this page
         $query .= " LIMIT " . $this->_curStep * WIZARD_MAX_RECORDS_PER_STEP . ", " . WIZARD_MAX_RECORDS_PER_STEP;
     //print("query = $query<br/>");
     $result = $db->Execute($query);
     $tf = new TextFilter();
     $numPosts = $result->RowCount();
     while ($row = $result->FetchRow()) {
         // for each one of the articles, fill in the mangled_topic, normalized_text and normalized_value
         $normalizedTopic = Db::qstr($tf->normalizeText($row["topic"]));
         $postTopic = Db::qstr($row["topic"]);
         $normalizedText = Db::qstr($tf->normalizeText($row["text"]));
         $postText = Db::qstr($row["text"]);
         $mangledTopic = Db::qstr($tf->urlize($row["topic"]));
         $status = $this->getStatusId($row["old_status"]);
         $artId = $row["id"];
         $catId = $row["category_id"];
         $query = "UPDATE {$dbPrefix}articles SET slug = '{$mangledTopic}', date = date, status = {$status}\n                          WHERE id = {$artId}";
         $query2 = "INSERT INTO {$dbPrefix}article_categories_link(article_id, category_id)\n                          VALUES ( {$artId}, {$catId} )";
         $query3 = "INSERT INTO {$dbPrefix}articles_text (article_id,text,topic,normalized_text,normalized_topic,mangled_topic)\n                          VALUES('{$artId}','{$postText}','{$postTopic}','{$normalizedTopic}','{$normalizedText}','{$mangledTopic}')";
         // execute the two queries
         $res = $db->Execute($query);
         $res2 = $db->Execute($query2);
         $res3 = $db->Execute($query3);
         /*if( !$res || !$res2 || !$res3 )
           $errors = true;*/
     // check whether we've already done the last step or not
     $lastStepDone = $this->_curStep >= $this->_numSteps;
     // if error
     if ($errors) {
         $this->_view = new WizardView("update2");
         $this->_view->setErrorMessage("There was an error updating the articles table.");
         return false;
     //$query1 = "ALTER TABLE {$dbPrefix}articles DROP COLUMN old_status, DROP COLUMN category_id";
     //$db->Execute( $query1 );
     // if everyhting's fine, say so...
     if (!$multipleSteps || $lastStepDone) {
         $this->_view = new WizardView("update3");
         $this->_view->setValue("totalPosts", $this->_totalPosts);
     } else {
         // if we're using multiple steps, show the same page
         $this->_view = new WizardView("update2");
         $this->_view->setValue("numPosts", $numPosts);
         $this->_view->setValue("curStep", $this->_curStep + 1);
         $this->_view->setValue("totalPosts", $this->_totalPosts);
         $this->_view->setValue("numSteps", $this->_numSteps);
         $this->_view->setValue("multipleSteps", true);
     return true;
  * updates a resource in the database.
  * @param resource A GalleryResource object with the information of the
  * resource we'd like to update.
  * @return Returns true if successful or false otherwise
 function updateResource($resource)
     $tf = new TextFilter();
     $query = "UPDATE " . $this->getPrefix() . "gallery_resources\n                      SET album_id = " . $resource->getAlbumId() . ",\n                      description = '" . Db::qstr($resource->getDescription()) . "',\n                      flags = " . $resource->getFlags() . ",\n                      resource_type = " . $resource->getResourceType() . ",\n                      file_path = '" . $resource->getFilePath() . "',\n                      file_name = '" . $resource->getFileName() . "',\n                      metadata = '" . Db::qstr(serialize($resource->getMetadata())) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\t  thumbnail_format ='" . $resource->getThumbnailFormat() . "',\n                      date = '" . $resource->getDate() . "',\n                      normalized_description = '" . Db::qstr($tf->normalizeText($resource->getDescription())) . "'\n                      WHERE id = " . $resource->getId();
     $result = $this->Execute($query);
     if (!$result) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;