// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]') . '<br>( ' . $campusName . ' )';
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end display heading
// If an Add Link Exists ... add it here.
if (isset($linkValues['add'])) {
    echo '<div align="right" class="text" ><a href="' . $linkValues['add'] . '">' . $linkLabels['add'] . '</a></div>';
// load the page labels
$textStyle = 'text';
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end if !disableHeading
// Any other special instructions etc...
if (isset($specialInfo)) {
    echo $specialInfo;
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
//Load the Keys for the XML based Form Item Objects
$formItemName = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_NAME;
$formItemValue = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_VALUE;
$formItemError = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_ERROR;
// Initialize the row color
$rowColor = "";
// load the page labels
$textStyle = 'text';
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
<input name="Process" type="hidden" id="Process" value="T" />
<table width="100%" border="0">
<!-- Form Data -->
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
// get page-specific labels array
//$superAdminLabels = $templateTools->loadSpecialLabels( $pageLabels, $superAdminPrefix );
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');

if (isset($isEventAdmin)) {
    if (isset($needsRecalculation) || isset($isRecalculated)) {
        echo '<p><span class="notice">';
        echo $recalcMessage;
        echo '</span></p>';

// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="bold"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
 * Display SideBar Links
foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
    echo '<p class="text"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel($key) . '</a></p>';
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    //echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
    if (isset($heading) && $heading != '') {
        echo $heading;
    if (isset($subheading) && $subheading != '') {
        echo '<br>( ' . $subheading . ' )';
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end display heading
// display Continue Link if provided
$continueLabel = '';
if (isset($linkValues['cont'])) {
    //<span class="text" align="right"></span>
    $continueLabel = '<table align="right"><tr><td align=right><a href="' . $linkValues['cont'] . '"><b>' . $linkLabels['cont'] . '</b></a>';
    $continueLabel .= '</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td></tr></table><br>';
    echo $continueLabel;
    echo '<br>';
echo '</p>';
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end if !disableHeading
// Any other special instructions etc...
if (isset($specialInfo)) {
    echo $specialInfo;
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// Initialize the row color
$rowColor = "";
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<div align="right" class="text" ><?php 
if (!isset($addLink)) {
    $addLink = '#';
echo '<a href="' . $addLink . '">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Add]') . '</a>';
<table width="100%" border="0">
 * Required Template Variables:
 *  $pageLabels :   The values of the labels to display on the page.
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');

/// ___________________
// 1. semester selection jump list
$itemType = 'jumplist';
$itemName = 'semester_id';
$itemValue = $semesterJumpLinkSelectedValue;
$itemError = 'errorerror';
$listName = 'list_semester_id';

$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
$rowColor = "";
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<p><span class="bold"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Description]');
: </span><span class="text"><?php 
echo $dataList->module_desc;
<div align="right" class="text" ><?php 
if (!isset($editLink)) {
    $editLink = '#';
echo '<a href="' . $links['edit'] . '">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Edit]') . '</a>';
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');

<div class="text" align="right">
    // display Continue Link if provided
    $continueLabel = '';
    if (isset($linkValues['cont'])) {
        $continueLabel = '<a href="' . $linkValues['cont'] . '">' . $linkLabels['cont'] . '</a>';
    echo $continueLabel;
    // Start output buffering
    $templateTools->showByFormType($itemType, $itemName, $itemValue, $itemError, ${$listName}, 2000, 2010);
    $formRowData .= ob_get_contents();
    // Get the contents of the buffer
    // close the column
    $formRowData .= "</td>\n";
// now add the button column
$formRowData .= '<td valign="top" >';
if ($editEntryID == '') {
    $buttonText = 'Add';
} else {
    $buttonText = 'Update';
$formRowData .= '<input name="Add" type="submit" value="' . $templateTools->getPageLabel('[' . $buttonText . ']') . '" />';
$formRowData .= "</td>\n";
// close the row
$formRowData .= "</tr>\n";
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
    $isSelected = false;
    $pageFieldEntryKey = RowManager_PageFieldManager::XML_NODE_NAME;
    // for each page field in the list
    foreach ($pageFieldList->{$pageFieldEntryKey} as $pageField) {
        // if the daField ID's match then current daFieldID is selected.
        if ((int) $daFieldID == (int) $pageField->dafield_id) {
            $isSelected = true;
    // end foreach
    return $isSelected;
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
<input name="Process" type="hidden" id="Process" value="T" />
<p class="bold" ><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[formFields]');

// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="bold"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Heading]');

if (!isset($regCompleted)) {
    echo '<p><span class="notice">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Notice]') . '</span></p>';
 * Display SideBar Links
foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
    echo '<p class="text"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel($key) . '</a></p>';
//   // only display this group if there is actually links
//   if ( count( $campusLevelLinks ) > 0 )
//   {
//      echo '<br/>';
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end display heading
// display Continue Link if provided
$continueLabel = '';
if (isset($linkValues['cont'])) {
    $continueLabel = '<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="text" align="right"><a href="' . $linkValues['cont'] . '">' . $linkLabels['cont'] . '</a></span></p>';
echo $continueLabel;
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
//Load the Keys for the XML based Form Item Objects
$formItemName = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_NAME;
$formItemValue = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_VALUE;
$formItemError = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_ERROR;
// Initialize the row color
$rowColor = "";
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
<input name="Process" type="hidden" id="Process" value="T" />
<table width="100%" border="0">
<!-- Form Data -->
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
    // If a navigation Link Exists ... add it here.
    if (isset($linkValues['back'])) {
        echo '<div align="right" class="text" ><a href="' . $linkValues['back'] . '">' . $linkLabels['back'] . '</a></div>';
// end if !disableHeading
// Any other special instructions etc...
if (isset($specialInfo)) {
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end display heading
// If an Add Link Exists ... add it here.
if (isset($linkValues['add'])) {
    echo '<div align="right" class="text" ><a href="' . $linkValues['add'] . '">' . $linkLabels['add'] . '</a></div>';
 * Required Template Variables:
 *  $pageLabels :   The values of the labels to display on the page.
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');

 * Display Links
if ($isAllStaff) {
    echo '<span class="bold">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel('[AllStaff]') . '</span><br/>';
    foreach ($linkValues as $key => $link) {
        echo '<span class="text"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel($key) . '</a></span><br/>';
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
    // If a navigation Link Exists ... add it here.
    if (isset($linkValues['back'])) {
        echo '<div align="right" class="text" ><a href="' . $linkValues['back'] . '">' . $linkLabels['back'] . '</a></div>';
// end if !disableHeading
// Any other special instructions etc...
if (isset($specialInfo)) {
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// Initialize the row color
$rowColor = "";
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
<input name="Process" type="hidden" id="Process" value="T" />
<table width="100%" border="0">
 * Required Template Variables:
 *  $pageLabels :   The values of the labels to display on the page.
 *  $pageContent :  The Account List generated by the siteDataList
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[ChooseGroup]');
</span> <?php 
// create JumpList
$templateTools->showJumpListByArray('accountGroup', $accountGroup, $jumpList);

// Variables required by the template
// $adminLinks - array of links to appear in the admin section
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="bold"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[General]');
 * Display SideBar Links
foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
    echo '<p class="text"><a href="' . $link . '">' . $templateTools->getPageLabel($key) . '</a></p>';
// only display this group if there is actually links
//  if ( count( $campusLevelLinks ) > 0 )
// {
// echo '<br/>';
// echo '<p><span class="bold">'.$templateTools->getPageLabel('[CampusLevelLinks]').'</span></p>';
<table border="0">

   <tr><td class="bold">News</td></tr>
   <tr><td>News to appear here.</td></tr>

if (isset($regCompleted)) {
    echo '<tr><td><b>' . $templateTools->getPageLabel('[RegComplete]') . $regStatus . '</b></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td class="notice"><b>' . $regMessage . '</b></td></tr>';
    echo '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>';
   <tr><td class="bold"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Events]');
if (isset($notice)) {
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
//Load the Keys for the XML based Form Item Objects
$formItemName = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_NAME;
$formItemValue = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_VALUE;
$formItemError = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_ERROR;
// Initialize the row color
$rowColor = "";
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
<input name="Process" type="hidden" id="Process" value="T" />
<table width="100%" border="0">
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
//Load the Keys for the XML based Form Item Objects
$formItemName = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_NAME;
$formItemValue = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_VALUE;
$formItemError = XMLObject_FormItem::XML_ELEMENT_ERROR;
// Initialize the row color
$rowColor = "";
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
<input name="Process" type="hidden" id="Process" value="T" />
<table width="100%" border="0">
 * Required Template Variables:
 *  $pageLabels :   The values of the labels to display on the page.
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');

// 2. campus selection jump list
$itemType = 'jumplist';
$itemName = 'year_id';
$itemValue = $yearJumpLinkSelectedValue;
$itemError = 'errorerror';
$listName = 'list_year_id';
echo $templateTools->showByFormType($itemType, $itemName, $itemValue, $itemError, ${$listName});
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end display heading
// indicate the deposit amount required for the event registration
if (isset($minPayNotice)) {
    echo '<p><span class="notice">' . $minPayNotice . '</span></p>';
// indicate the maximum amount required for the event registration
if (isset($maxPayNotice)) {
 *  $groupCollectionArray: an array of GroupCollection objects
// First load the common Template Tools object
// This object handles the common display of our form items and
// text formmatting tools.
$fileName = 'objects/TemplateTools.php';
$path = Page::findPathExtension($fileName);
require_once $path . $fileName;
$templateTools = new TemplateTools();
// load the page labels
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');

<form name="Form" id="Form" method="post" action="<?php 
echo $formAction;
<input name="Process" type="hidden" id="Process" value="T" />

<table border="0">
<tr valign="top">
// load the page labels
// This template displays a Title & Instr field by default.  If you don't
// want them displayed, then you send ($disableHeading = true) to the
// template.
// Now check to see if the disableHeading param has been sent
if (!isset($disableHeading)) {
    // if not default it to false
    $disableHeading = false;
// if we are to display the heading ...
if (!$disableHeading) {
<p><span class="heading"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Title]');
<p><span class="text"><?php 
    echo $templateTools->getPageLabel('[Instr]');
// end display heading
// display Continue Link if provided
$continueLabel = '';
if (isset($linkValues['cont'])) {
    $continueLabel = '<span class="text" align="right"><a href="' . $linkValues['cont'] . '">' . $linkLabels['cont'] . '</a></span>';
// only show error message if transaction was not approved