  * 業績報表(個人)
 public function actionRpt01()
     $empno = '';
     if (isset($_GET['empno'])) {
         Yii::app()->session['empno'] = $_GET['empno'];
     } else {
         if (Yii::app()->session['empno'] != '') {
             $empno = Yii::app()->session['empno'];
             //    unset(Yii::app()->session['empno']);
         } else {
             // 取得員工編號
             $empno = Yii::app()->user->id;
     // 查詢員工資料
     $user = User::model()->findByPk($empno);
     $achYM = isset($_POST['achYm']) ? $_POST['achYm'] : date('Ym');
     // 預設月初至今天
     $qryStart = date("Ym01");
     $qryEnd = date("Ymd");
     if (isset($_POST["qryDates"])) {
         if (isset($_POST['qryStart'])) {
             $qryStart = $_POST['qryStart'];
         if (isset($_POST['qryEnd'])) {
             $qryEnd = $_POST['qryEnd'];
     if ($qryEnd < $qryStart) {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', '結束日期不可小於起始日期!');
     $tmp_year = substr($achYM, 0, 4);
     $tmp_mon = substr($achYM, 4, 2);
     if (isset($_POST['achieveqry'])) {
         $qryStart = date("Ymd", mktime(24, 0, 0, $tmp_mon, 0, $tmp_year));
         $qryEnd = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp_mon + 1, 0, $tmp_year));
     $aStart = date("Ymd", mktime(24, 0, 0, $tmp_mon, 0, $tmp_year));
     $aEnd = date("Ymd", mktime(0, 0, 0, $tmp_mon + 1, 0, $tmp_year));
     // 先利用GROUP算出此員工在此日期區間內各項業績總和. 用來產生欄位數, 並取得中文名稱
     $sql = "SELECT a.serviceno, b.showname, a.num \n                     FROM (\n                            ( SELECT serviceno, SUM( num ) AS num FROM tbp_perform_emp_log \n                              WHERE empno = '{$empno}' AND pdate BETWEEN '{$aStart}' AND '{$aEnd}' GROUP BY serviceno ) a\n                          LEFT JOIN tbs_service b\n                                     ON a.serviceno = b.serviceno\n                    )\n                    ORDER BY a.serviceno ";
     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     // 門市. 門市ID
     $storeAry = array();
     $storeAreaId = array();
     $TbsStores = TbsStore::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsStores as $store) {
         $storeAry[$store->storecode] = $store->storename;
         $storeAreaId[$store->storecode] = $store->area_id;
     // 區域
     $areaAry = array();
     $TbsAreas = TbsArea::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsAreas as $area) {
         $areaAry[$area->id] = $area->areaname;
     // 職位
     $positionAry = array();
     $TbsPositions = TbsPosition::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsPositions as $pos) {
         $positionAry[$pos->id] = $pos->pcname;
     // 薪資, 責任額
     $salaryAry = array();
     $dutyAry = array();
     $TbsBaseSalary = TbsBasesalary::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('opt1' => 1));
     foreach ($TbsBaseSalary as $salary) {
         $salaryAry[$salary->id] = $salary->salary;
         $dutyAry[$salary->id] = $salary->duty;
     $acol = $this->getRpt01Col();
     $atitle = $this->getRpt01Title($acol);
     $colAry = array();
     $col = $this->getRpt01Col2();
     // 欄位ID
     $title = $this->getRpt01Title2($col);
     // 抬頭
     // 合計
     $sum = array('col1' => 0, 'col2' => 0, 'col3' => 0, 'col4' => 0, 'col5' => 0, 'col6' => 0, 'col9' => 0, 'col10' => 0, 'col11' => 0, 'col12' => 0, 'col13' => 0, 'col14' => 0, 'col15' => 0, 'col16' => 0, 'col17' => 0);
     $logArray = array();
     // 個人業績紀錄
     // 利用 col 把每一個ARRAY的值丟進入
     // col[0]='A01', col[1]='B01'
     // title['A01']='剪髮, title['B01']='燙髮'
     // sum['A01]=剪髮合計, sum['B01]=燙髮合計
     $empMonth = TbsEmpMonth::model()->findByDayMonth($empno, $achYM);
     if ($empMonth != NULL) {
         if ($result != NULL) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', $tmp_year . '年' . $tmp_mon . '月' . '業績查詢成功!染髮顆數包含燙髮,洗髮(促)為洗髮不加十元顆數!');
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', $tmp_year . '年' . $tmp_mon . '月' . '查無業績!');
         $row = array();
         // 年月
         $row['ym'] = $achYM;
         // 營業區
         $row['area'] = $areaAry[$empMonth->area];
         // 門市
         $row['store'] = $storeAry[$empMonth->storecode];
         // 職稱
         $row['position'] = $positionAry[$empMonth->position1];
         // 員編
         $row['empno'] = $empno;
         // 姓名
         $row['name'] = $user->emp ? $user->emp->empname : '';
         // 到職日
         $row['arrivedate'] = Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format("yyyy-MM-dd", $empMonth->arrivedate, "yyyy-MM-dd");
         // 狀態
         $row['status'] = TbsEmp::model()->getHireType($empMonth->hiretype);
         // 保底
         $row['salary'] = $salaryAry[$empMonth->salary];
         // 責任業績, 區店長需動態算, opt2欄位設成管理門市數
         // 103/7/1 區店長責任額修正
         //            if($empMonth->position1 == 9){
         //                $areaduty = TbsAreaduty::model()->findByAttributes(array('storenum'=>$empMonth->opt2));
         //                if(isset($areaduty))
         //                    $row['duty'] = $areaduty->duty;
         //            }else
         $row['duty'] = $dutyAry[$empMonth->salary];
         $asum = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
             $asum[$result[$i]['serviceno']] = $result[$i]['num'];
         // 設定各欄位業績及洗助算法
         $row = $this->setRpt01RowData($row, $asum);
         // 達成率
         $rate = $row['duty'] == 0 ? 0 : round($row['perform'] / $row['duty'], 4);
         $row['rate'] = $rate * 100 . "%";
         //                //洗髮+10
         //                $row['col10'] = isset($empData['col10'])?$empData['col10']:0;
         //                //洗髮不加10
         ////                $row['col11'] = 0;
         //                $row['col11'] = isset($empData['col11'])?$empData['col11']:0;
         // 是否達成
         $row['achi'] = $rate >= 1 ? '達成' : '未達成';
         if ($row['perform'] + $row['assist'] > 0) {
             array_push($colAry, $row);
         // ================== 以下為業績區間 ======================================
         // 查詢業績區間
         for ($i = 0; $i <= $qryEnd - $qryStart; $i++) {
             $pdate = $qryEnd - $i;
             // 利用員編+日期查詢
             $emplog = TbpPerformEmpLog::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('empno' => $empno, 'pdate' => $pdate));
             $count = count($emplog);
             if ($count > 0) {
                 $ary = array('col1' => 0, 'col2' => 0, 'col3' => 0, 'col4' => 0, 'col5' => 0, 'col6' => 0, 'col9' => 0, 'col10' => 0, 'col11' => 0, 'col12' => 0, 'col13' => 0, 'col14' => 0, 'col15' => 0, 'col16' => 0, 'col17' => 0);
                 // 門市
                 $pstore = $emplog[0]->storecode;
                 // 如果同一天有2間門市以上之業績時, 會有多筆
                 for ($logi = 0; $logi < $count; $logi++) {
                     //  需要PUSH多筆
                     if ($pstore != $emplog[$logi]->storecode) {
                         $sum['store'] = '合計';
                         $sum['col1'] = $sum['col1'] + $ary['col1'];
                         $sum['col2'] = $sum['col2'] + $ary['col2'];
                         $sum['col3'] = $sum['col3'] + $ary['col3'];
                         $sum['col5'] = $sum['col5'] + $ary['col5'];
                         $sum['col6'] = $sum['col6'] + $ary['col6'];
                         //                        $sum['col7'] = $sum['col7'] + $ary['col7'];
                         //                        $sum['col8'] = $sum['col8'] + $ary['col8'];
                         $sum['col9'] = $sum['col9'] + $ary['col9'];
                         $sum['col10'] = $sum['col10'] + $ary['col10'];
                         $sum['col11'] = $sum['col11'] + $ary['col11'];
                         $sum['col12'] = $sum['col12'] + $ary['col12'];
                         $sum['col13'] = $sum['col13'] + $ary['col13'];
                         $sum['col14'] = $sum['col14'] + $ary['col14'];
                         $sum['col15'] = $sum['col15'] + $ary['col15'];
                         $sum['col16'] = $sum['col16'] + $ary['col16'];
                         $sum['col17'] = $sum['col17'] + $ary['col17'];
                         array_push($logArray, $ary);
                         $pstore = $emplog[$logi]->storecode;
                         $ary = array('col1' => 0, 'col2' => 0, 'col3' => 0, 'col4' => 0, 'col5' => 0, 'col6' => 0, 'col9' => 0, 'col10' => 0, 'col11' => 0, 'col12' => 0, 'col13' => 0, 'col14' => 0, 'col15' => 0, 'col16' => 0, 'col17' => 0);
                     // 日期
                     $ary['pdate'] = $emplog[$logi]->pdate;
                     // 門市
                     $ary['store'] = $emplog[$logi]->storename;
                     // 剪
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'A01') {
                         $ary['col1'] = $ary['col1'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'S01') {
                         $ary['col1'] = $ary['col1'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'S05') {
                         $ary['col1'] = $ary['col1'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'B01') {
                         $ary['col2'] = $ary['col2'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'B02') {
                         $ary['col3'] = $ary['col3'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'S03') {
                         $ary['col5'] = $ary['col5'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'S04') {
                         $ary['col6'] = $ary['col6'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     //                    if($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'E01') $ary['col7'] = $ary['col7'] +$emplog[$logi]->num;
                     //                    if($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'E02') $ary['col8'] = $ary['col8'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'N041') {
                         $ary['col9'] = $ary['col9'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'N042') {
                         $ary['col12'] = $ary['col12'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'N043') {
                         $ary['col13'] = $ary['col13'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'D01') {
                         $ary['col10'] = $ary['col10'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'S02') {
                         $ary['col11'] = $ary['col11'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'S06') {
                         $ary['col11'] = $ary['col11'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'N051') {
                         $ary['col14'] = $ary['col14'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'F07') {
                         $ary['col15'] = $ary['col15'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'F08') {
                         $ary['col16'] = $ary['col16'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                     if ($emplog[$logi]->serviceno == 'N052') {
                         $ary['col17'] = $ary['col17'] + $emplog[$logi]->num;
                 $sum['store'] = '合計';
                 $sum['col1'] = $sum['col1'] + $ary['col1'];
                 $sum['col2'] = $sum['col2'] + $ary['col2'];
                 $sum['col3'] = $sum['col3'] + $ary['col3'];
                 $sum['col5'] = $sum['col5'] + $ary['col5'];
                 $sum['col6'] = $sum['col6'] + $ary['col6'];
                 //                    $sum['col7'] = $sum['col7'] + $ary['col7'];
                 //                    $sum['col8'] = $sum['col8'] + $ary['col8'];
                 $sum['col9'] = $sum['col9'] + $ary['col9'];
                 $sum['col10'] = $sum['col10'] + $ary['col10'];
                 $sum['col11'] = $sum['col11'] + $ary['col11'];
                 $sum['col12'] = $sum['col12'] + $ary['col12'];
                 $sum['col13'] = $sum['col13'] + $ary['col13'];
                 $sum['col14'] = $sum['col14'] + $ary['col14'];
                 $sum['col15'] = $sum['col15'] + $ary['col15'];
                 $sum['col16'] = $sum['col16'] + $ary['col16'];
                 $sum['col17'] = $sum['col17'] + $ary['col17'];
                 array_push($logArray, $ary);
         array_push($logArray, $sum);
     $com = new ComFunction();
     $attendance = $com->getAbsenceByEmp($achYM, $empno, TRUE);
     $weight = $com->getWeightByEmp($achYM, $empno);
     $this->render('rpt01', array('user' => $user, 'achYM' => $achYM, 'qryStart' => $qryStart, 'qryEnd' => $qryEnd, 'acol' => $acol, 'atitle' => $atitle, 'col' => $col, 'title' => $title, 'sum' => $sum, 'logArray' => $logArray, 'colAry' => $colAry, 'attendance' => $attendance, 'weight' => $weight));
 public function actionAudit()
     //得到起始 結束的年月日
     $qry_dateS = date("Ymd", strtotime('-1 month'));
     $qry_dateE = date('Ymd');
     if (isset($_POST['qry_dateS'])) {
         $qry_dateS = $_POST['qry_dateS'];
     if (isset($_POST['qry_dateE'])) {
         $qry_dateE = $_POST['qry_dateE'];
     // 篩選 logtype != 2 、  opt2 != 1, 獎懲, 遲到早退開小差, 代理 及其他都不計
     $sql = "SELECT logday,empno ,logname, num ,opt2 FROM tba_log\n                    WHERE  logtype != 2 AND opt2 != 1 AND logitem !=16 AND logitem !=29  AND logday BETWEEN '{$qry_dateS}'  AND '{$qry_dateE}' \n                     ORDER BY logday DESC ";
     $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     // output array
     $_array = array();
     if (count(count($result) > 0)) {
         // 用來比較的日期
         if (isset($result[0]['logday'])) {
             $day = $result[0]['logday'];
         // 用來比較的員編
         if (isset($result[0]['empno'])) {
             $no = $result[0]['empno'];
         $logAry = array('logday' => '', 'empno' => '', 'logname' => '', 'num' => 0);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) {
             if ($result[$i]['logday'] == $day && $result[$i]['empno'] == $no) {
                 $logAry['logday'] = $result[$i]['logday'];
                 $logAry['empno'] = $result[$i]['empno'];
                 $logAry['logname'] = $logAry['logname'] . ' ' . $this->auditByEmpFormat($result[$i]);
                 $logAry['num'] = $logAry['num'] + $result[$i]['num'];
             } else {
                 array_push($_array, $logAry);
                 $day = $result[$i]['logday'];
                 $no = $result[$i]['empno'];
                 $logAry = array();
                 $logAry['logday'] = $result[$i]['logday'];
                 $logAry['empno'] = $result[$i]['empno'];
                 $logAry['logname'] = $this->auditByEmpFormat($result[$i]);
                 $logAry['num'] = $result[$i]['num'];
         array_push($_array, $logAry);
     $final_result = array();
     if (count($_array) > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($_array); $i++) {
             if ($_array[$i]['num'] >= 1) {
                 $logday = $_array[$i]['logday'];
                 $empno = $_array[$i]['empno'];
                 $isExist = TbpPerformEmpLog::model()->findByAttributes(array(), $conditon = " pdate = '{$logday}' and empno = {$empno} ORDER BY pdate DESC ");
                 if (isset($isExist)) {
                     $temp = array('logdate' => $logday, 'storename' => $isExist->storename, 'empno' => $isExist->empno, 'empname' => $isExist->empname, 'perform' => '有', 'logname' => $_array[$i]['logname']);
                     array_push($final_result, $temp);
     $this->render('audit', array('qry_dateS' => $qry_dateS, 'qry_dateE' => $qry_dateE, 'final_result' => $final_result));