function __construct() { // Get all the access values from Database $url = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('soap_booking'); $this->username = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('soap_username'); $this->password = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('soap_password'); $this->header_name = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('header_name'); $this->name_space = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('soap_namespace'); $this->soap = new SoapClient($url, array("trace" => false, "exceptions" => true)); }
public static function ca_handler() { $cacheName = 'ca_api_external.xml.cache'; $cacheNameReview = 'ca_api_reviews.xml.cache'; $ageInSeconds = 86400; // one day $globalStatistics = ''; $portalStatistics = ''; $errors = array(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); // generate the cache version if it doesn't exist or it's too old! clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists($cacheName) || filemtime($cacheName) + $ageInSeconds < time()) { $ca_api_external = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('ca_api_external'); if (($response_xml_data = file_get_contents($ca_api_external)) !== false) { file_put_contents($cacheName, $response_xml_data); } } if (!file_exists($cacheNameReview) || filemtime($cacheNameReview) + $ageInSeconds < time()) { $ca_api_reviews = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('ca_api_reviews'); if (($response_xml_data = file_get_contents($ca_api_reviews)) !== false) { file_put_contents($cacheNameReview, $response_xml_data); } } $data = simplexml_load_file($cacheName); if (!$data) { $errors[] = "Error loading XML " . $cacheName; foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors[] = $error->message; } libxml_clear_errors(); } else { $globalStatistics = $data->globalStatistics; $portalStatistics = $data->portalStatistics; } $data_review = simplexml_load_file($cacheNameReview); if (!$data_review) { $errors[] = "Error loading XML " . $cacheNameReview; foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) { $errors[] = $error->message; } libxml_clear_errors(); } else { $data_review = $data_review->reviews->review; } if (!empty($errors)) { TauchTerminal::view('tulamben/rating_default', array('error' => $errors)); } else { // pagination global $wp_query; $page = $wp_query->query_vars['page'] ? $wp_query->query_vars['page'] : 1; $pagination = new LimitPagination($page, $data_review->count(), 20); TauchTerminal::view('tulamben/rating', array('data_review' => $pagination->getLimitIterator($data_review), 'globalStatistics' => $globalStatistics, 'portalStatistics' => $portalStatistics, 'pagination' => $pagination)); } }
function discount_when_room_winter_in_cart() { global $woocommerce; $cart = $woocommerce->cart->get_cart(); $_pf = new WC_Product_Factory(); foreach ($cart as $item) { $_product = $_pf->get_product($item['product_id']); if (TauchTerminal_Tulamben::isRoomProduct($_product->get_sku())) { $winderDays = 0; $start = strtotime($item['start_date']); $end = strtotime($item['end_date']); $threemonths = strtotime("+3 months", strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); $wstart = strtotime(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('winter_start')); $wend = strtotime(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('winter_end')); if ($start >= $wstart && $end <= $wend) { $winderDays += floor(($end - $start) / (60 * 60 * 24)); // var_dump('all days'); } else { if ($start >= $wstart) { $winderDays += floor(($wend - $start) / (60 * 60 * 24)); // var_dump('start in season'); } else { if ($end <= $wend) { $winderDays += floor(($end - $wstart) / (60 * 60 * 24)); // var_dump('End in season'); } } } if ($winderDays != 0) { $title = 'Winter Season' . "\n" . $winderDays . ' Day'; if ($winderDays > 1) { $title .= 's'; } $discount = floatval(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('winter_discount')) * $winderDays * -1; $woocommerce->cart->add_fee($title, $discount, true, ''); // Early bird if ($start >= $threemonths) { $_product = new WC_Product_Variation($item['variation_id']); $discountP = floatval(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('earlybird')); $price = floatval(preg_replace('#[^\\d.]#', '', $woocommerce->cart->get_product_price($_product))); $discount = $price * $discountP / 100 * $winderDays * -1; $title = 'Earlybird ' . $discountP . '%' . "\n" . 'for ' . $winderDays . ' Day'; if ($winderDays > 1) { $title .= 's'; } $woocommerce->cart->add_fee($title, $discount, true, ''); } } } } }
echo __('Winter season discount!', 'tauchterminal'); ?> </strong> <?php echo __('You are entitled to an winter season discount. Go to the cart to see how much discount you get.', 'tauchterminal'); ?> "; var winterSeasonDiscountFewMsg = "<strong><?php echo __('Winter season discount! But only REPLACE_COUNT left!', 'tauchterminal'); ?> </strong> <?php echo __('You are entitled to an winter season discount. Go to the cart to see how much discount you get.', 'tauchterminal'); ?> <?php echo __('Book now, there are not many rooms left.', 'tauchterminal'); ?> "; var wstart = '<?php echo strtotime(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption("winter_start")); ?> ' var wend = '<?php echo strtotime(TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption("winter_end")); ?> ' </script> <script src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /js/room.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
private static function getPrefix() { global $wpdb; $prefix = $wpdb->prefix; $url = TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('default_prefix'); if (get_current_blog_id() != 1 && $url) { $prefix = $url; } return $prefix; }
onReady: function(e) {; } } }); } // Written by @labnol </script> </div> <?php } elseif ($post && $post->post_name == 'contact' && TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('contacts_map')) { ?> <div class="carousel-header"> <iframe src="<?php echo TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('contacts_map'); ?> " width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" style="border:0; display: inherit;" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <?php } elseif (is_plugin_active('slick-carousel/slick-carousel.php')) { ?> <div class="carousel-header"> <?php $langcode = defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : 'de'; ?> <?php echo do_shortcode('[slick-carousel category="header-' . $langcode . '"]'); ?> </div> <?php
function tt_update_db_check() { if (version_compare(get_site_option('tt_version'), TAUCHTERMINAL_VERSION, '<')) { TauchTerminal_DB::migrations(TAUCHTERMINAL_VERSION); } }
<th scope="row"><?php echo __('Contacts Map'); ?> </th> <td><input class="form-control" type="text" name="settings['contacts_map']" value="<?php echo TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('contacts_map') ? TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('contacts_map') : ''; ?> " /></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><?php echo __('Rooms (JSON)'); ?> </th> <td><textarea class="form-control" name="settings['rooms']" rows="10" ><?php echo TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('rooms') ? TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption('rooms') : ''; ?> </textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" /> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><?php echo __('Save'); ?> </button> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
?> " /></div> </div> </div><!-- #product-<?php the_ID(); ?> --> <?php do_action('woocommerce_after_single_product'); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var roomjson = JSON.parse('<?php echo TauchTerminal_DB::getTTOption("rooms"); ?> '); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { var rooms = {}; var count_similarities = function(arrayA, arrayB) { var matches = []; for (i=0;i<arrayA.length;i++) { if (arrayB.indexOf(arrayA[i]) != -1) matches.push(arrayA[i]); } return matches; } var checkSpecialRequests = function() { var sku = $('span.sku').text(); var isFamily = $('input[name="isFamily"]').val();