case 'Basic':
   define('INIT_FACTOR', 2);

CacheIMS::init(); // set bbox extent

//set the offset parameter
define('MOVE_FACTOR', 0.40);

$selectvalue = $_REQUEST['selectvalues'];

$tabs = new Tabs(selfURL(), "tab", array("Map", "Photo", "What's Here"));

if(!photoURL()) {

$data = Buildings::bldg_info($selectvalue);
$whats_here = whats_here($data);
$anything_here = (count($whats_here) > 0);
$snippets = snippets($data);

if(!$anything_here) {
  $tabs->hide("What's Here");

$tabs_html = $tabs->html($page->branch);
$tab = $tabs->active(); 

$photoURL = photoURL();
Beispiel #2


if (!$class) {
  // no such class or none entered
  $not_found_text = "Sorry, class '$class_id' not found for the $term term";
  $page->prepare_error_page('Stellar', 'stellar', $not_found_text);

} elseif (!has_stellar_site($class)) {
  // no stellarSite; show page with tabs disabled except Info
  $no_stellar_site = TRUE;
  $class['times'] = Array(); // empty array so foreach doesn't complain

  // tab options for Touch/Basic pages
  $tabs_html = $tabs->html($page->branch);
  $tab = $tabs->active();

  require "$page->branch/detail.html";

} else {
  // tab options for Touch/Basic pages
  $tabs_html = $tabs->html($page->branch);
  $tab = $tabs->active();

  $stellar_url = stellarURL($class);
  $announcements = StellarData::get_announcements($class_id);
  $has_news = count($announcements) > 0;
  $has_old_news = count($announcements) > 5;