Beispiel #1
if ($gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 0) {
    // Module is not active
if ($getMode != 6 || $gPreferences['enable_dates_module'] == 2) {
    // Alle Funktionen, ausser Exportieren und anmelden, duerfen nur eingeloggte User
    require_once '../../system/login_valid.php';
// erst prüfen, ob der User auch die entsprechenden Rechte hat
if (!$gCurrentUser->editDates() && $getMode != 3 && $getMode != 4 && $getMode != 6) {
// Terminobjekt anlegen
$date = new TableDate($gDb);
if ($getDateId > 0) {
    // Pruefung, ob der Termin zur aktuellen Organisation gehoert bzw. global ist
    if ($date->editRight() == false) {
if ($getMode == 1 || $getMode == 5) {
    $_SESSION['dates_request'] = $_POST;
    error_log(print_r($_POST, true));
    // ------------------------------------------------
    // pruefen ob alle notwendigen Felder gefuellt sind
    // ------------------------------------------------
    if (strlen($_POST['dat_headline']) == 0) {
        $gMessage->show($gL10n->get('SYS_FIELD_EMPTY', $gL10n->get('SYS_TITLE')));
    if (strlen($_POST['date_from']) == 0) {
Beispiel #2
$datesTotalCount = $dates->getDataSetCount();
if ($getId == 0 || $getViewMode === 'compact' && $getId > 0) {
    // Navigation of the module starts here
    $gNavigation->addStartUrl(CURRENT_URL, $dates->getHeadline($getHeadline));
// read all events for output
if ($datesTotalCount != 0) {
    // Initialize counter and object instances
    $count = 0;
    $date = new TableDate($gDb);
    $participants = new Participants($gDb);
    // New array for the participants of a date
    $memberElements = array();
    // Loop date array and add further information in right position of each date.
    foreach ($datesResult['recordset'] as $row) {
        // get avaiable room information
        if ($date->getValue('dat_room_id') > 0) {
            $room = new TableRooms($gDb, $date->getValue('dat_room_id'));
            $datesResult['recordset'][$count]['room_name'] = $room->getValue('room_name');
        // count members and leaders of the date role and push the result to the array
        if ($date->getValue('dat_rol_id') !== null) {
            $datesResult['recordset'][$count]['dat_num_members'] = $participants->getCount($date->getValue('dat_rol_id'));
            $datesResult['recordset'][$count]['dat_num_leaders'] = $participants->getNumLeaders($date->getValue('dat_rol_id'));
        // For print view also read the participants and push the result to the array with index 'dat_rol_id'
        if ($getViewMode === 'print') {
            if ($date->getValue('dat_rol_id') > 0) {
                $memberElements[$date->getValue('dat_rol_id')] = $participants->getParticipantsArray($date->getValue('dat_rol_id'));