public function testRetrieveRoots()
     $this->assertTrue(method_exists('Table10Peer', 'retrieveRoots'), 'nested_set adds a retrieveRoots() method for trees that use scope');
     $this->assertFalse(method_exists('Table9Peer', 'retrieveRoots'), 'nested_set does not add a retrieveRoots() method for trees that don\'t use scope');
     list($t1, $t2, $t3, $t4, $t5, $t6, $t7, $t8, $t9, $t10) = $this->initTreeWithScope();
     /* Tree used for tests
     		 Scope 1
     		 |  \
     		 t2 t3
     		    |  \
     		    t4 t5
     		       |  \
     		       t6 t7
     		 Scope 2
     		 | \
     		 t9 t10
     $this->assertEquals(array($t1, $t8), Table10Peer::retrieveRoots(), 'retrieveRoots() returns the tree roots');
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add(Table10Peer::TITLE, 't1');
     $this->assertEquals(array($t1), Table10Peer::retrieveRoots($c), 'retrieveRoots() accepts a Criteria as first parameter');