  * Constructor ContactForm
  * @param Page $page_object 
  * @param string $send_method 
  * @param string $table_style 
 function __construct($page_object, $send_method, $table_style = '')
     if (!isset($page_object) || !isset($send_method)) {
         throw new NewException("2 arguments for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() are mandatory", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     if (gettype($page_object) != "object" || !is_subclass_of($page_object, "Page")) {
         throw new NewException("Argument page_object for " . get_class($this) . "::__construct() error", 0, getDebugBacktrace(1));
     $this->page_object = $page_object;
     $this->mail_to = SMTP_MAIL;
     $this->mail_to_name = SMTP_NAME;
     $table_main = new Table();
     $form = new Form($this->page_object);
     $name = new TextBox($form, "contact_name");
     $name_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRowColumns(__(CONTACTFORM_NAME) . ": ", $name->setFocus())->setColumnWidth(2, "100%");
     $email = new TextBox($form, "contact_email");
     $email_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRowColumns(__(CONTACTFORM_EMAIL) . ": ", $email);
     $subject = new TextBox($form, "contact_subject");
     $subject_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRowColumns(__(CONTACTFORM_SUBJECT) . ": ", $subject);
     $editor = new Editor($form, "contact_message");
     $editor_validation = new LiveValidation();
     $table_main->addRow(new Object(__(CONTACTFORM_MESSAGE) . ": ", "<br/>", $editor))->setColspan(3)->setAlign(RowTable::ALIGN_LEFT);
     $this->captcha = new Captcha($form, "contact_captcha");
     $this->send_button = new Button($form, "contact_send", "", __(CONTACTFORM_SEND));
     $this->render = $form;
Beispiel #2

$win = new SDPanel();
$maintable = new Table();
$label_budget = new Label();
$label_budget->setCaption("Add Budget");
$label_income = new Label();
$label_outcome = new Label();
$maintable->addControl($label_budget, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$maintable->addControl($label_income, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$maintable->addControl($label_outcome, 3, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
function budget()
function income()
Beispiel #3

 * Edit my data.
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("My Account");
$token = new InputText(80);
$table = new Table();
$table_form = new Table();
$name = new InputText();
$last_name = new InputText();
$email = new InputEmail();
$btn_save = new Button();
$table_form->addControl($name, 1, 1);
$table_form->addControl($last_name, 2, 1);
$table_form->addControl($email, 3, 1);
$table_button = new Table();
$table_button->addControl($btn_save, 1, 1);
$table->addControl($table_form, 1, 1);
$table->addControl($table_button, 2, 1);
Beispiel #4
$table_facebook->addControl($img_facebook, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_facebook->addControl($lbl_facebook, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$table_twitter = new Table();
$img_twitter = new Image();
$lbl_twitter = new Label();
$table_twitter->addControl($img_twitter, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_twitter->addControl($lbl_twitter, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$table_map = new Table();
$img_map = new Image();
$lbl_map = new Label();
$table_map->addControl($img_map, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_map->addControl($lbl_map, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$mainTable->addControl($table_home, 2, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($table_facebook, 3, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($table_twitter, 4, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($table_map, 5, 1);
$image = new InputImage();
$name = new InputText();
$address = new InputAddress();
$phone = new InputPhone();
$tableImg->addControl($image, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$tableImg->addControl($name, 3, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$tableDesc = new Table();
$tableDesc->addControl($address, 1, 1);
$tableDesc->addControl($phone, 2, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($tableImg, 1, 1);
$mainTable->addControl($tableDesc, 2, 1);
function start()
    $url = "http://demo.kikapptools.com/CRMManager/crud/getCompanies.php?companyId=" . $id;
    $httpClient = new httpClient();
    $result = $httpClient->Execute('GET', $url);
    $struct = array("CompanyName" => DataType::Character(100), "CompanyImage" => DataType::Character(200), "CompanyPhone" => DataType::Phone(), "CompanyAddress" => DataType::Address());
    Data::FromJson($struct, $result);
    $image = $struct['CompanyImage'];
    $name = $struct['CompanyName'];
    $address = $struct['CompanyAddress'];
Beispiel #6

 * Navigation Style - Slide.
 * Main screen.
$win = new SDPanel();
$table = new Table();
$table_home = new Table();
$img_home = new Image();
$lbl_home = new Label();
$table_home->addControl($img_home, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table_home->addControl($lbl_home, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$table_account = new Table();
$table_account->setInvisibleMode("Collapse Space");
$img_account = new Image();
$lbl_account = new Label();
Beispiel #7

 * Home.
$win = new SDPanel();
$token = new InputText(80);
$maintable = new Table();
$table_first = new Table();
$table_canvas = new Table();
$canvas = new Canvas();
$label_account = new Label();
$input_account = new InputNumeric(11);

 * Detail of product
$win = new SDPanel();
//$win -> setCaption("Detail of product");
$id = new InputNumeric();
$productUrl = new InputText();
Data::getParm($id, $title, $desc, $price, $stock, $productUrl);
$table = new Table();
//Action Bar and Action Group.
$apb1 = new ActionBar();
$acg1 = new ActionGroup();
$btn_facebook = new ButtonBar();
$btn_tw = new ButtonBar();
$btn_sms = new ButtonBar();
$btn_email = new ButtonBar();
Beispiel #9

 * Main object.
 * @author Kikapp
 * @version 1.0
$win = new SDPanel();
$actionBar = new ActionBar();
$mainTable = new Table();
$label = new Label();
$label->setCaption("Welcome to the Global Example!");
$label2 = new Label();
$label2->setCaption("Use the Slide to open Facebook, Twitter and Map!");
$image = new Image();
$mainTable->addControl($label, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$mainTable->addControl($label2, 3, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$mainTable->addControl($image, 4, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
Beispiel #10
$table_grid = new Canvas();
//inputs and controls
$title = new InputText(150);
$image = new InputImage();
$desc = new InputText(300);
$price = new InputText(10);
$table_desc = new Table();
$table_desc->addControl($title, 1, 1);
$table_desc->addControl($desc, 2, 1);
$table_desc->addControl($price, 3, 1);
$table_grid->addPosition($image, "0%", "100%", "0", "230dip", "0%", "100%");
$table_grid->addPosition($table_desc, "0%", "100%", "140dip", "83dip", "0", "0");
$mainTable->addControl($grid_home, 1, 1);
function grid_load()
    $url = "http://www.demo.kikapptools.com/magento/apiGecko/productos.php?display=home";
    $httpClient = new httpClient();
    $result = $httpClient->Execute('GET', $url);
    $struct = array(array("id" => DataType::Numeric(6), "name" => DataType::Character(150), "description" => DataType::Character(300), "pirce" => DataType::Character(10), "thumb" => DataType::Character(200)));
 * My shopping cart
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("My cart");
$token = new InputText(80);
$acb = new ActionBar();
$btn_delete = new ButtonBar();
$table = new Table();
$list = new Grid();
$list->setEmptyGridText("Your cart is empty");
$id = new InputNumeric();
$image = new InputImage();
$name = new InputText();
$qty = new InputText();
$price = new InputNumeric(12, 4);
Beispiel #12
$token = new InputText(80);
$maintable = new Table();
$input = new InputNumeric(11);
$label = new Label();
$label->setCaption("Total balance:");
$table = new Table();
$table->addControl($label, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table->addControl($input, 1, 2, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$maintable->addControl($table, 1, 1);
function clientStart()
    $token = StorageAPI::Get("token");
    $url = "http://demo.kikapptools.com/Gastos/crud/getAccount.php";
    $httpClient = new httpClient();
    $httpClient->addVariable("id", $token);
    $result = $httpClient->Execute('POST', $url);
    $struct = array("money" => DataType::Numeric(11));
    Data::FromJson($struct, $result);
    $input = $struct['money'];
Data::getParm($id, $title);
$table = new Table();
$grid = new HorizontalGrid();
$table_grid = new Table();
$image = new InputImage();
$table_grid->addControl($image, 1, 1);
$grid->addControl($table_grid, 1, 1);
$table->addControl($grid, 1, 1);
function load_image()
    $url = "http://demo.kikapptools.com/magento/apiKikApp/ProductImages.php?pId=" . $id;
    $httpClient = new httpClient();
    echo $id;
    $result = $httpClient->Execute('GET', $url);
    $str_images = array(array("url" => DataType::Character(350)));
    Data::FromJson($str_images, $result);
    foreach ($str_images as $img) {
        $image = $img['url'];
function start()
 * Sub categories list.
$win = new SDPanel();
$cat = new InputNumeric();
Data::getParm($cat, $name);
$table = new Table();
$list = new Grid();
$list->setEmptyGridText("No items available");
$id = new InputNumeric();
$name = new InputText();
$table_list = new Table();
$table_list->addControl($name, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Left", "Middle");
$list->addControl($table_list, 1, 1);
$table->addControl($list, 1, 1);
function action()
    $win->Open("ProductList", $id);
function load_grid()
    $url = "http://demo.kikapptools.com/magento/apiKikApp/Categories.php?cId=" . $cat;
    $httpClient = new httpClient();
    $result = $httpClient->Execute('GET', $url);
    $struct = array(array("id" => DataType::Numeric(6), "name" => DataType::Character(150)));
Beispiel #15

 * Table example.
 * mainTable.php
//Create SDPanel
$win = new SDPanel();
$win->setCaption("Hello world!");
//Labels to add to the table
$label_one = new Label();
$label_one->setCaption("Text 1");
$label_two = new Label();
$label_two->setCaption("Text 2");
//Inner table
$table = new Table();
$table->addControl($label_one, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");
$table->addControl($label_two, 2, 1, 1, 1, "Center", "Middle");