public function ChangePasswd() { $pass_result = $this->model->CheckEmail(); $loaction = UR_MP; // check if logined go dashoard or not go back or default login page and show message switch ($pass_result[0]) { // login ssuccess case 1: TMail::SendMail($_POST['manager_email'], _lg("Remenber password"), _lg("Hi dear %s <br> Your new password is " . $pass_result['passwd']), array($_POST['manager_username'])); if (!_DEVELOPER_) { RedirectNotification($loaction . 'Access/Forget', 'Password sent, please check your mail.', NF_INFO); } else { // die('zz'); RedirectNotification($loaction . 'Access/Forget', 'Password sent, please check your mail. [dev] Password is: %s', NF_INFO, array($pass_result['passwd'])); } break; // login failed // login failed case 2: RedirectNotification($loaction . 'Access/Forget', 'Send new password failed: Username or email is incorrect.', NI_ERROR); break; // try failed tried more than max // try failed tried more than max case 3: $args = array($login_result['max'], $login_result['time']); RedirectNotification($loaction . 'Access/Forget', 'You have used up your failed login quota (%d)! Please wait %d minutes before trying again.', NI_ERROR, $args); break; default: if (_DBG_) { echo 'unknow request'; } break; return false; } }
function sendMailToUser($subject, $body, $user, $content, $conf, $type) { $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $from = JOOMLA_J3 ? $config->get('mailfrom') : $config->getValue('config.mailfrom'); $fromname = JOOMLA_J3 ? $config->get('fromname') : $config->getValue('config.fromname'); $sitename = JOOMLA_J3 ? $config->get('sitename') : $config->getValue('config.sitename'); $content = $this->getContent($content->id, false); $this->prepareMail($subject, $body, $user, $content, $conf, "user", $type); if ($user->email == '') { $mail = $content->email; } else { $mail = $user->email; } if ($mail != '') { if (!TMail::sendMail($from, $fromname, $mail, $subject, $body, 1)) { $this->setError(JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL')); return false; } } return true; }
function sendmessage() { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); // Check for request forgeries JRequest::checkToken() or jexit('Invalid Token'); $contentid = JRequest::getInt('contentid', 0); $this->addModelPath(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_adsmanager' . DS . 'models'); $contentmodel = $this->getModel("content"); $content = $contentmodel->getContent($contentid); $configurationmodel = $this->getModel("configuration"); $conf = $configurationmodel->getConfiguration(); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('adsmanagercontent'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('adsmanagercontent'); try { $results = $dispatcher->trigger('ADSonMessageBeforeSend', array()); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorMsg = $e->getMessage(); $app->redirect(TRoute::_('index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=message&contentid=' . $contentid), $errorMsg, 'message'); } $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $from = JOOMLA_J3 ? $config->get('mailfrom') : $config->getValue('config.mailfrom'); $fromname = JOOMLA_J3 ? $config->get('fromname') : $config->getValue('config.fromname'); if (isset($content)) { $name = JRequest::getVar('name', ""); $email = JRequest::getVar('email', ""); jimport('joomla.mail.helper'); if (!JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($email)) { $this->setError(JText::_('INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS')); $app->redirect(TRoute::_('index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=details&catid=' . $content->catid . '&id=' . $contentid), 'INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS', 'message'); } $subject = JRequest::getVar('title', ""); $body = JRequest::getVar('body', ""); $body = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n", "\r"), "<br />", $body); $files = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $conf->number_allow_attachement; $i++) { $file = JRequest::getVar('attach_file' . $i, null, 'FILES'); if ($file != null && is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) { $tempPath = $config->get('tmp_path'); move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $tempPath . '/' . basename($file['name'])); $files[] = $tempPath . '/' . basename($file['name']); } } if (empty($files)) { $files = null; } if ($files != null) { //TODO manage replyto, the problem is that replyto doesn't replace sender if (!TMail::sendMail($email, $name, $content->email, $subject, $body, 1, NULL, NULL, $files)) { $this->setError(JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL')); $app->redirect(TRoute::_('index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=details&catid=' . $content->catid . '&id=' . $contentid), JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL'), 'message'); } //Uncomment if you want a copy of all email send between users if (isset($conf->copy_to_admin) && $conf->copy_to_admin == 1) { $mailcontent = "Sender: {$name} - {$email}<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Ad Owner: {$content->email} (userid={$content->userid})<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Ad id: {$content->id}<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Ad title: {$content->ad_headline}<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Message: {$body}"; if (!TMail::sendMail($from, $fromname, $from, $subject, $mailcontent, 1, NULL, NULL, $filename)) { $this->setError(JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL')); $app->redirect(TRoute::_('index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=details&catid=' . $content->catid . '&id=' . $contentid), JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL'), 'message'); } } foreach ($files as $file) { unlink($tempPath . '/' . basename($file['name'])); } } else { if (!TMail::sendMail($email, $name, $content->email, $subject, $body, 1)) { $this->setError(JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL')); $app->redirect(TRoute::_('index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=details&catid=' . $content->catid . '&id=' . $contentid), JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL'), 'message'); } $mailcontent = "Sender: {$name} - {$email}<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Ad Owner: {$content->email} (userid={$content->userid})<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Ad id: {$content->id}<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Ad title: {$content->ad_headline}<br/>"; $mailcontent .= "Message: {$body}"; //Uncomment if you want a copy of all email send between users if (isset($conf->copy_to_admin) && $conf->copy_to_admin == 1) { if (!TMail::sendMail($from, $fromname, $from, $subject, $body, 1)) { $this->setError(JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL')); $app->redirect(TRoute::_('index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=details&catid=' . $content->catid . '&id=' . $contentid), JText::_('ADSMANAGER_ERROR_SENDING_MAIL'), 'message'); } } } } $app->redirect(TRoute::_('index.php?option=com_adsmanager&view=details&catid=' . $content->catid . '&id=' . $contentid), JText::_('ADSMANAGER_EMAIL_SENT'), 'message'); }
$doc = new RReporte(); $doc->setCubiculo($_POST['cubiculo']); $doc->setDoctor($_POST['usuario']); $doc->setConsultorio($_POST['consultorio']); $doc->setTurno($_POST['turno']); $doc->setMes($_POST['mes']); $doc->setAnio($_POST['anio']); $documento = $doc->output(); if ($documento == '') { $result = array("doc" => "", "band" => false); } else { if ($_POST['enviar'] == 'no') { $result = array("doc" => $documento, "band" => true); } else { global $sesion; $email = new TMail(); $consultorio = new TConsultorio($_POST['consultorio']); $email->setTema("Reporte " . utf8_decode($consultorio->getClave() . " " . $consultorio->getNombre())); $email->setDestino($consultorio->supervisor->getEmail(), utf8_decode($consultorio->supervisor->getNombreCompleto())); $doctor = new TDoctor($_POST['usuario'] == '' ? $sesion['usuario'] : $_POST['usuario']); $datos = array(); $datos['nombreCompleto'] = $consultorio->supervisor->getNombreCompleto(); $datos['nombreDoctor'] = $doctor->getNombreCompleto(); $email->setBodyHTML(utf8_decode($email->construyeMail(file_get_contents("repositorio/mail/reporteDoctor.txt"), $datos))); $email->adjuntar($documento); $result = array("doc" => $documento, "band" => $email->send(), "emailSupervisor" => $consultorio->supervisor->getEmail()); } } print json_encode($result); break; case 'generalExcel2':
} echo json_encode($datos); break; case 'pdf': require_once getcwd() . "/repositorio/pdf/cotizacion.php"; $obj = new RCotizacion($_GET['id']); $obj->generar(); $documento = $obj->Output(); if ($documento == '') { $result = array("doc" => "", "band" => false); } else { if ($_GET['email'] == 'no') { $result = array("band" => true, "documento" => $obj->Output()); } else { global $sesion; $email = new TMail(); $cotizacion = new TCotizacion($_GET['id']); $email->setTema("Su cotización"); $email->setDestino($cotizacion->cliente->getEmail(), utf8_decode($cotizacion->cliente->getNombre())); $datos = array(); $datos['nombreCompleto'] = $cotizacion->cliente->getNombre(); $datos['ligaActualizacionDatosCliente'] = $ini["sistema"]["url"] . "?mod=clienteDatos&data=" . base64_encode($cotizacion->cliente->getId()); $email->setBodyHTML(utf8_decode($email->construyeMail(file_get_contents("repositorio/mail/cotizacion.txt"), $datos))); $email->adjuntar($documento); $result = array("doc" => $documento, "band" => $email->send(), "email" => $cotizacion->cliente->getEmail()); } } print json_encode($result); break; case 'autocompleteRopa': $db = TBase::conectaDB();
/** * method onSave() * Executed whenever the user clicks at the save button */ function onSave() { try { // open a transaction with database 'changeman' TTransaction::open('changeman'); // get the form data into an active record Note $object = $this->form->getData('Note'); $logged = Member::newFromLogin(TSession::getValue('login')); $object->id_user = $logged->id; $object->register_date = date('Y-m-d'); $object->register_time = date('H:i'); // form validation $this->form->validate(); // stores the object $object->store(); $issue = new Issue($object->id_issue); $project = new Project($issue->id_project); $member = new Member($issue->id_user); // who has opened the issue // read email configuration file $ini = parse_ini_file('app/config/email.ini'); $members = $project->getMembers(array('MEMBER', 'MANAGER')); $members = array_merge($members, array($member)); // merge the logged user $mail_template = file_get_contents('app/resources/note.html'); $mail_template = str_replace('{DESCRIPTION}', $issue->description, $mail_template); $mail_template = str_replace('{OPENER}', $member->name . ' ' . $issue->register_date . ' ' . $issue->issue_time, $mail_template); $mail_template = str_replace('{NOTE}', $object->note, $mail_template); $mail_template = str_replace('{MEMBER}', $logged->name . ' ' . $object->register_date . ' ' . $object->register_time, $mail_template); $mail = new TMail(); $mail->setFrom($ini['from'], $ini['name']); $mail->setSubject(_t('Note') . ' #' . $issue->id . ': ' . $issue->title); $mail->setHtmlBody($mail_template); foreach ($members as $member) { $emails = explode(',', $member->email); foreach ($emails as $email) { $mail->addAddress(trim($email), $member->name); // echo "{$email}, {$member-> name} <br>"; } } $mail->SetUseSmtp(); $mail->SetSmtpHost($ini['host'], $ini['port']); $mail->SetSmtpUser($ini['user'], $ini['pass']); $mail->setReplyTo($ini['repl']); $mail->send(); // fill the form with the active record data $this->form->setData($object); // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); // shows the success message new TMessage('info', TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Record saved')); // reload the listing } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
/** * method onSave() * Executed whenever the user clicks at the save button */ function onSave() { try { // open a transaction with database 'changeman' TTransaction::open('changeman'); // get the form data into an active record Release $object = $this->form->getData('Release'); $sendmail = $object->sendmail == 'Y'; unset($object->sendmail); // form validation $this->form->validate(); // stores the object $object->store(); if ($sendmail) { // read email configuration file $ini = parse_ini_file('app/config/email.ini'); $project = new Project($object->id_project); $members = $project->getMembers(); foreach ($members as $member) { $emails = explode(',', $member->email); foreach ($emails as $email) { $mail = new TMail(); $mail->setFrom($ini['from'], $ini['name']); $mail->setSubject(_t('Release') . ': ' . $object->name); $mail->setHtmlBody($object->description); $mail->addAddress(trim($email), $member->name); $mail->SetUseSmtp(); $mail->SetSmtpHost($ini['host'], $ini['port']); $mail->SetSmtpUser($ini['user'], $ini['pass']); $mail->setReplyTo($ini['repl']); $mail->send(); echo "{$email}, {$member->name}<br>"; } } } // fill the form with the active record data $this->form->setData($object); // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); // shows the success message new TMessage('info', TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Record saved')); // reload the listing } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage()); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
public function onEnviaEmail() { try { TTransaction::open('atividade'); $object = $this->form->getData('Ticket'); $vars['tipo_origens'] = $object->tipo_origens; $vars['codigo_cadastro_origem'] = $object->codigo_cadastro_origem; $vars['solicitante_id'] = $object->solicitante_id; $this->onChangeOrigem($vars); $this->onChangeTipoOrigem($vars); $this->onSetarValoresCombo($vars); $status = $object->status_ticket->nome; $solicitante = new Pessoa($object->solicitante_id); $cliente = $solicitante->pessoa_nome; $email1 = $solicitante->email1; $empresa = $solicitante->origem_nome; $responsavel = new Pessoa($object->responsavel_id); $colaborador = $responsavel->pessoa_nome; $email2 = $responsavel->email1; $table = new TTable(); $table->border = 0; $table1 = new TTable(); $table1->border = 1; $table2 = new TTable(); $table2->border = 1; $table3 = new TTable(); $table3->border = 1; $table4 = new TTable(); $table4->border = 1; $imagem = new TImage('app/images/tecbiz.jpg'); $imagem->height = 63; $imagem->width = 96; $row = $table->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell($imagem); $cell->style = 'width: 100px;'; $cell = $row->addCell("Prezado <br /> {$cliente} do(a) {$empresa} <br /> Foi registrado um ticket com sua solicitação conforme os dados a seguir:"); $cell->style = 'width: 700px;'; $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell('<span style="color: DarkOliveGreen;"><b><u>Inicial:</b></u></span>'); $row = $table1->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell('<b>No. Ticket:</b>'); $cell->style = 'width: 200px;'; $cell = $row->addCell($object->id); $cell->style = 'width: 600px;'; $row = $table1->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Título Ticket:</b>'); $row->addCell($object->titulo); $row = $table1->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Data/Hora:</b>'); $row->addCell(date('d/m/Y H:i')); $row = $table1->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Status:</b>'); $row->addCell($status); $row = $table1->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Solicitante:</b>'); $row->addCell($cliente); $row = $table1->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Colaborador TecBiz:</b>'); $row->addCell($colaborador); $row = $table->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell($table1); $cell->colspan = 2; $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell('<span style="color: DarkOliveGreen;"><b><u>Solicitação:</b></u></span>'); $row = $table2->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell('<b>Descrição:</b>'); $cell->style = 'width: 200px;'; $cell = $row->addCell($object->solicitacao_descricao); $cell->style = 'width: 520px;'; $cell = $row->addCell($object->data_cadastro); $cell->style = 'width: 80px;'; $row = $table->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell($table2); $cell->colspan = 2; $row = $table->addRow(); $row->addCell('<span style="color: DarkOliveGreen;"><b><u>Orçamento:</b></u></span>'); $row = $table3->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell('<b>Horas orçadas:</b>'); $cell->style = 'width: 200px;'; $cell = $row->addCell($object->orcamento_horas); $cell->style = 'width: 600px;'; $row = $table3->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Valor Hora:</b>'); $row->addCell('R$ ' . $object->orcamento_valor_hora); $row = $table3->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Valor Total:</b>'); $row->addCell('R$ ' . $object->valor_total); $row = $table3->addRow(); $row->addCell('<b>Forma de pagamento:</b>'); $row->addCell($object->forma_pagamento); $row = $table3->addRow(); $row = $table->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell($table3); $cell->colspan = 2; $row = $table4->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell('<span style="color: red;"><b>Importante:</b></span> Para dar seguimento a esta solicitação será necessário a aprovação da descrição e orçamento deste Ticket'); $cell->style = 'width: 800px;'; $row = $table->addRow(); $cell = $row->addCell($table4); $cell->colspan = 2; TTransaction::close(); $ini = parse_ini_file('app/config/email.ini'); $mail = new TMail(); $mail->setFrom($ini['from'], $ini['name']); $mail->setSubject('TecBiz criou um ticket para voce'); $mail->setHtmlBody($table); $mail->addAddress($email1); $mail->addCC($email2); $mail->addBCC('*****@*****.**'); // Se tiver anexo if (isset($target_file)) { $mail->addAttach($target_file); } $mail->SetUseSmtp(); $mail->SetSmtpHost($ini['host'], $ini['port']); $mail->SetSmtpUser($ini['user'], $ini['pass']); $mail->setReplyTo($ini['repl']); $mail->send(); new TMessage('info', 'Email enviado com sucesso'); } catch (Exception $e) { new TMessage('error', $e->getMessage()); } $this->form->setData($object); }
/** * method onSave() * Executed whenever the user clicks at the save button */ function onSave() { try { // open a transaction with database 'changeman' TTransaction::open('changeman'); // get the form data into an active record Issue $object = $this->form->getData('Issue'); $member = Member::newFromLogin(TSession::getValue('login')); // standard values $object->id_user = $member->id; $object->id_status = 1; // NEW // form validation $this->form->validate(); // stores the object $object->store(); // have attachments if ($object->file) { $target_folder = 'attach/' . $object->id; $target_file = $target_folder . '/' . $object->file; @mkdir($target_folder); rename('tmp/' . $object->file, $target_file); } $project = new Project($object->id_project); // read email configuration file $ini = parse_ini_file('app/config/email.ini'); $members = $project->getMembers(array('MEMBER', 'MANAGER')); $members = array_merge($members, array($member)); // merge the logged user $mail_template = file_get_contents('app/resources/ticket_open.html'); $mail_template = str_replace('{DESCRIPTION}', $object->description, $mail_template); $mail_template = str_replace('{OPENER}', $member->name . ' ' . $object->register_date . ' ' . $object->issue_time, $mail_template); $mail = new TMail(); $mail->setFrom($ini['from'], $ini['name']); $mail->setSubject(_t('Issue') . ' #' . $object->id . ': ' . $object->title . ' (' . $object->status . ')'); $mail->setHtmlBody($mail_template); foreach ($members as $member) { $emails = explode(',', $member->email); foreach ($emails as $email) { $mail->addAddress(trim($email), $member->name); // echo "{$email}, {$member-> name} <br>"; } } if (isset($target_file)) { $mail->addAttach($target_file); } $mail->SetUseSmtp(); $mail->SetSmtpHost($ini['host'], $ini['port']); $mail->SetSmtpUser($ini['user'], $ini['pass']); $mail->setReplyTo($ini['repl']); $mail->send(); // fill the form with the active record data $this->form->setData($object); // close the transaction TTransaction::close(); // shows the success message new TMessage('info', TAdiantiCoreTranslator::translate('Record saved')); // reload the listing } catch (Exception $e) { // shows the exception error message new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage() . '<br>' . _t('Try again')); // undo all pending operations TTransaction::rollback(); } }
$datos['Fecha'] = $reporte->getFecha(); $datos['Direccion'] = $reporte->getDireccion(); $datos['comentario1'] = $reporte->getCampo1(); $datos['comentario2'] = $reporte->getCampo2(); $datos['comentario3'] = $reporte->getCampo3(); $email->setBodyHTML(utf8_decode($email->construyeMail(file_get_contents("repositorio/mail/ubicacion.txt"), $datos))); $email->adjuntar($img); $email->send(); $rs->moveNext(); } $result = array("doc" => $documento, "band" => true); echo json_encode($result); break; case 'solicitarUbicacionMail': $db = TBase::conectaDB(); $email = new TMail(); $usuario = new TUsuario($_GET['user']); $origen = new TUsuario($_GET['solicita']); $datos = json_decode(file_get_contents("data.json")); foreach ($datos as $key => $val) { $config[$key] = $val; } $email->setTema(utf8_decode("Solicitud de ubicación")); $email->setDestino($usuario->getEmail(), utf8_decode($usuario->getNombre())); $datos = array(); $datos['nombreCompleto'] = $usuario->getNombre(); $datos['direccionReportar'] = $config['web'] . "/?mod=reportarUbicacion&usuario=" . base64_encode($usuario->getId()) . "&solicita=" . base64_encode($origen->getId()); $email->setBodyHTML(utf8_decode($email->construyeMail(file_get_contents("repositorio/mail/ubicar.txt"), $datos))); echo json_encode(array("band" => $email->send())); break; }