
$themes = TF_Model::prepare_themes_for_js();
wp_enqueue_script('tf-theme-js', $TF->framework_uri() . '/assets/js/tf/theme.js', array('jquery'), $TF->get_version(), true);
wp_localize_script('tf-theme-js', '_tfThemeSettings', array('themes' => $themes, 'settings' => array('canInstall' => !is_multisite() && current_user_can('install_themes'), 'confirmDelete' => __("Are you sure you want to delete this theme?\n\nClick 'Cancel' to go back, 'OK' to confirm the delete."), 'adminUrl' => parse_url(admin_url(), PHP_URL_PATH)), 'l10n' => array('addNew' => __('Add New Theme', 'themify-flow'), 'search' => __('Search Installed Themes', 'themify-flow'), 'searchPlaceholder' => __('Search installed themes...', 'themify-flow'), 'themesFound' => __('Number of Themes found: %d', 'themify-flow'), 'noThemesFound' => __('No themes found. Try a different search.', 'themify-flow'))));

<div class="wrap">
_e('Flow Themes', 'themify-flow');
		<span class="title-count theme-count"><?php 
echo count($themes);
		<a data-type="theme" class="add-new-h2 tf_lightbox_new" href="#"><?php 
_e('Add New', 'themify-flow');
		<a data-type="theme" class="add-new-h2 tf_lightbox_import" href="#"><?php 
_e('Add via Import', 'themify-flow');

	<div class="theme-browser tf-theme-browser">
		<div class="themes tf-themes">