  * Show the highlighted source code
 public function show()
     $span = new TElement('span');
     $span->style = 'font-size:10pt';
     $span->add(highlight_string($this->content, TRUE));
  * method onEdit()
  * Executed whenever the user clicks at the edit button da datagrid
 function onView($param)
     try {
         if (isset($param['key'])) {
             // get the parameter $key
             $key = $param['key'];
             // open a transaction with database 'changeman'
             // instantiates object Document
             $object = new Document($key);
             $element = new TElement('div');
             // close the transaction
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // shows the exception error message
         new TMessage('error', '<b>Error</b> ' . $e->getMessage());
         // undo all pending operations
Beispiel #3
  * Class Constructor
  * @param $type    Type of the message (info, error)
  * @param $message Message to be shown
  * @param $action  Action to process
 public function __construct($type, $message, TAction $action = NULL)
     $this->id = uniqid();
     if (!is_null($action)) {
         $this->action = '__adianti_load_page(\'' . $action->serialize() . '\');';
     if (TPage::isMobile()) {
         $img = new TElement('img');
         $img->src = "lib/adianti/images/{$type}.png";
         $table = new TTable();
         $table->width = '250px';
         $table->bgcolor = '#E5E5E5';
         $table->style = "border-collapse:collapse";
         $row = $table->addRow();
     } else {
         // creates a pannel to show the dialog
         $painel = new TElement('div');
         $painel->{'class'} = 'tmessage';
         $painel->id = 'tmessage_' . $this->id;
         // creates a table for layout
         $table = new TTable();
         // creates a row for the icon and the message
         $row = $table->addRow();
         $row->addCell(new TImage("lib/adianti/images/{$type}.png"));
         $scroll = new TScroll();
         $scroll->setSize(350, 70);
         $cell = $row->addCell($scroll);
         // add the table to the pannel
         // show the pannel
         $script = new TElement('script');
         $script->{'type'} = 'text/javascript';
         $script->add(' $(function() {
             $( "#' . $painel->id . '" ).dialog({
                 height: 180,
                 width: 440,
                 stack: false,
                 zIndex: 3000,
                 modal: true,
                 buttons: {
                     OK: function() {
                         $( this ).dialog( "close" ); ' . $this->action . '
                 }).css("visibility", "visible");
             	$( "#' . $painel->id . ' a" ).click(function () {
  * Show the widget at the screen
 public function show()
     if ($this->items) {
         // iterate the RadioButton options
         foreach ($this->items as $index => $label) {
             $button = new TRadioButton($this->name);
             // check if contains any value
             if ($this->value == $index) {
                 // mark as checked
                 $button->setProperty('checked', '1');
             // check whether the widget is non-editable
             if (!parent::getEditable()) {
             // create the label for the button
             $obj = new TLabel($label);
             if ($this->layout == 'vertical') {
                 // shows a line break
                 $br = new TElement('br');
             echo "\n";
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page
 function __construct()
     // loads the galleria javascript library
     // creates a table
     $table = new TTable();
     // creates the DIV element with the images
     $galleria = new TElement('div');
     $galleria->id = 'images';
     $galleria->style = "width:600px;height:460px";
     for ($n = 1; $n <= 4; $n++) {
         $img = new TElement('img');
         $img->src = "app/images/nature/nature{$n}.jpg";
     // add the DIV to the table
     // creates the script element
     $script = new TElement('script');
     $script->type = 'text/javascript';
     // add the script to the table
     // wrap the page content using vertical box
     $vbox = new TVBox();
     $vbox->add(new TXMLBreadCrumb('menu.xml', __CLASS__));
  * método construtor
  * instancia objeto TQuestion
  * @param $message = pergunta ao usuário
  * @param $action_yes = ação para resposta positiva
  * @param $action_no = ação para resposta negativa
 function __construct($message, $url_yes, $url_no)
     // instancia o painel para exibir o diálogo
     $painel = new TElement('div');
     $painel->class = "tquestion";
     // cria um botão para a resposta positiva
     $button1 = new TElement('input');
     $button1->type = 'button';
     $button1->value = 'Sim';
     $button1->onclick = "javascript:location='{$url_yes}'";
     $button1->id = 'bt1';
     // cria um botão para a resposta negativa
     $button2 = new TElement('input');
     $button2->type = 'button';
     $button2->value = 'Não';
     $button2->onclick = "javascript:location='{$url_no}'";
     // cria uma tabela para organizar o layout
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->align = 'center';
     $table->cellspacing = 10;
     // cria uma linha para o ícone e a mensagem
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TImage('app.misc/images/question.png'));
     // cria uma linha para os botões
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->align = 'left';
     // adiciona a tabela ao painél
     // exibe o painél
Beispiel #7
  * Shows the widget at the screen
 public function show()
     if ($this->items) {
         // iterate the checkgroup options
         foreach ($this->items as $index => $label) {
             // instantiates a new CheckButton
             $button = new TCheckButton("{$this->name}[]");
             $button->setProperty('checkgroup', $this->name);
             // verify if the checkbutton is checked
             if (@in_array($index, $this->value)) {
                 //$button->setProperty('checked', '1');
                 // value=indexvalue (checked)
             // check whether the widget is non-editable
             if (!parent::getEditable()) {
             // create the label for the button
             $obj = new TLabel($label);
             if ($this->layout == 'vertical') {
                 // shows a line break
                 $br = new TElement('br');
                 echo "\n";
  * Add an child element
  * @param $child Any object that implements the show() method
 public function add($child)
     $wrapper = new TElement('div');
     $wrapper->{'style'} = 'display:inline-block;';
     return $wrapper;
  * Add an child element
  * @param $child Any object that implements the show() method
 public function add($child)
     $wrapper = new TElement('div');
     $wrapper->style = 'clear:both';
     return $wrapper;
 public function addCellTitle($content, $align, $stylename = 'active', $colspan = 1)
     $td = new TElement('th');
     $td->class = $stylename;
     $td->style = "text-align: {$align}";
     $td->colspan = $colspan;
 public function show()
     $time = new TElement('div');
     $time->id = "ptimer_" . uniqid();
     $url = 'engine.php';
     $code = "\n\ntimer({$url},'{$this->page}',{$this->time},'{$time->id}');\n\n";
  * Class constructor
  * Creates the page and the registration form
 function __construct()
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->width = '100%';
     // creates the form
     $this->form = new TForm('form_User');
     $this->form->class = 'tform';
     $this->form->style = 'width: 450px;margin:auto; margin-top:10px;';
     // add the notebook inside the form
     // create the form fields
     $login = new TEntry('login');
     $password = new TPassword('password');
     // define the sizes
     $login->setSize(320, 40);
     $password->setSize(320, 40);
     $login->style = 'height:35px; font-size:14px;float:left;border-bottom-left-radius: 0;border-top-left-radius: 0;';
     $password->style = 'height:35px;margin-bottom: 15px;font-size:14px;float:left;border-bottom-left-radius: 0;border-top-left-radius: 0;';
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TLabel('Login'))->colspan = 2;
     $row->class = 'tformtitle';
     $login->placeholder = _t('User');
     $password->placeholder = _t('Password');
     $user = '******';
     $locker = '<span style="float:left;width:35px;margin-left:45px;height:35px;" class="input-group-addon"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-lock"></span></span>';
     $container1 = new TElement('div');
     $container2 = new TElement('div');
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell($container1)->colspan = 2;
     // add a row for the field password
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell($container2)->colspan = 2;
     // create an action button (save)
     $save_button = new TButton('save');
     // define the button action
     $save_button->setAction(new TAction(array($this, 'onLogin')), _t('Log in'));
     $save_button->class = 'btn btn-success btn-defualt';
     $save_button->style = 'margin-left:32px;width:355px;height:40px;border-radius:6px;font-size:18px';
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->class = 'tformaction';
     $cell = $row->addCell($save_button);
     $cell->colspan = 2;
     $this->form->setFields(array($login, $password, $save_button));
     // add the form to the page
     $caixa = new TVBox();
     $caixa->style = "text-align:center";
     $caixa->add(new TImage("app/images/pgo.png"));
Beispiel #13
  * Show
 public function show()
     $script = new TElement('script');
     $script->{'type'} = 'text/javascript';
     $code = '$(document).ready( function() {
  * método put()
  * posiciona um objeto no painel
  * @param $widget = objeto a ser inserido no painel
  * @param $col     = coluna em pixels.
  * @param $row     = linha em pixels.
 public function put($widget, $col, $row)
     // cria uma camada para o widget
     $camada = new TElement('div');
     // define a posição da camada
     $camada->style = "position:absolute; left:{$col}px; top:{$row}px;";
     // adiciona o objeto (widget) à camada recém-criada
     // adiciona widget no array de elementos
Beispiel #15
  * Create an element
  * @param $tagname Element name
  * @param $value Element value
  * @param $attributes Element attributes
 public static function tag($tagname, $value, $attributes = NULL)
     $object = new TElement($tagname);
     if ($attributes) {
         foreach ($attributes as $att_name => $att_value) {
             $object->{$att_name} = $att_value;
     return $object;
  * Put a widget inside the panel
  * @param  $widget = widget to be shown
  * @param  $col    = column in pixels.
  * @param  $row    = row in pixels.
 public function put($widget, $col, $row)
     // creates a layer to put the widget inside
     $camada = new TElement('div');
     // define the layer position
     $camada->style = "position:absolute; left:{$col}px; top:{$row}px;";
     // add the widget to the layer
     // add the widget to the element's array
Beispiel #17
  * Shows the widget at the screen
 public function show()
     $js_mask = str_replace('yyyy', 'yy', $this->mask);
     if (parent::getEditable()) {
         $script = new TElement('script');
         $script->type = 'text/javascript';
         $script->add("\n            \t\$(function() {\n                \$(\"#{$this->id}\").datepicker({\n                    showOn: 'button',\n                    buttonImage: 'lib/adianti/images/tdate.png',\n                    buttonImageOnly: true,    \n            \t\tchangeMonth: true,\n            \t\tchangeYear: true,\n            \t\tdateFormat: '{$js_mask}',\n            \t\tshowButtonPanel: true\n            \t});\n            });");
 public function __construct()
     $this->class = 'dropdown-menu dropdown-messages';
     $messages = array();
     $messages[] = array(TSession::getValue('login'), 'Yesterday', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend...');
     $messages[] = array(TSession::getValue('login'), 'Yesterday', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend...');
     $messages[] = array(TSession::getValue('login'), 'Yesterday', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque eleifend...');
     $a = new TElement('a');
     $a->{'class'} = "dropdown-toggle";
     $a->{'data-toggle'} = "dropdown";
     $a->{'href'} = "#";
     $a->add(TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => "fa fa-envelope fa-fw")));
     $a->add(TElement::tag('span', count($messages), array('class' => "badge badge-notify")));
     $a->add(TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => "fa fa-caret-down")));
     foreach ($messages as $message) {
         $name = $message[0];
         $date = $message[1];
         $body = $message[2];
         $li = new TElement('li');
         $a = new TElement('a');
         $div = new TElement('div');
         $a->href = '#';
         $div->add(TElement::tag('strong', $name));
         $div->add(TElement::tag('span', TElement::tag('em', $date), array('class' => 'pull-right text-muted')));
         $div2 = new TElement('div');
         parent::add(TElement::tag('li', '', array('class' => 'divider')));
     $li = new TElement('li');
     $a = new TElement('a');
     $a->class = 'text-center';
     $a->href = '#';
     $a->add(TElement::tag('strong', 'Read messages'));
     $a->add($i = TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => 'fa fa-inbox')));
     parent::add(TElement::tag('li', '', array('class' => 'divider')));
     $li = new TElement('li');
     $a = new TElement('a');
     $a->class = 'text-center';
     $a->href = '#';
     $a->add(TElement::tag('strong', 'Send message'));
     $a->add($i = TElement::tag('i', '', array('class' => 'fa fa-envelope-o')));
  * método construtor
  * instancia objeto TQuestion
  * @param $message = pergunta ao usuário
  * @param $action_yes = ação para resposta positiva
  * @param $action_no = ação para resposta negativa
 function __construct($message, TAction $action_yes, TAction $action_no)
     $style = new TStyle('tquestion');
     $style->position = 'absolute';
     $style->left = '30%';
     $style->top = '30%';
     $style->width = '300';
     $style->height = '150';
     $style->border_width = '1px';
     $style->color = 'black';
     $style->background = '#DDDDDD';
     $style->border = '4px solid #000000';
     $style->z_index = '10000000000000000';
     // converte os nomes de métodos em URL's
     $url_yes = $action_yes->serialize();
     $url_no = $action_no->serialize();
     // exibe o estilo na tela
     // instancia o painel para exibir o diálogo
     $painel = new TElement('div');
     $painel->class = "tquestion";
     // cria um botão para a resposta positiva
     $button1 = new TElement('input');
     $button1->type = 'button';
     $button1->value = 'Sim';
     $button1->onclick = "javascript:location='{$url_yes}'";
     // cria um botão para a resposta negativa
     $button2 = new TElement('input');
     $button2->type = 'button';
     $button2->value = 'Não';
     $button2->onclick = "javascript:location='{$url_no}'";
     // cria uma tabela para organizar o layout
     $table = new TTable();
     $table->align = 'center';
     $table->cellspacing = 10;
     // cria uma linha para o ícone e a mensagem
     $row = $table->addRow();
     $row->addCell(new TImage('app.images/question.png'));
     // cria uma linha para os botões
     $row = $table->addRow();
     // adiciona a tabela ao painél
     // exibe o painél
Beispiel #20
  * Shows the widget at the screen
 public function show()
     // define the tag properties
     $this->tag->name = $this->name;
     // TAG name
     $this->tag->value = $this->value;
     // TAG value
     $this->tag->type = 'text';
     // input type
     $this->tag->style = "width:{$this->size}px";
     // size
     if ($this->id) {
         $this->tag->id = $this->id;
     // verify if the widget is editable
     if (parent::getEditable()) {
         $this->tag->readonly = "1";
         $this->tag->style = "width:40px;-moz-user-select:none;border:0;text-align:center";
         $div = new TElement('div');
         $div->id = $this->id . '_div';
         $div->style = "width:{$this->size}px";
         $main_div = new TElement('div');
         $main_div->style = "text-align:center;width:{$this->size}px";
         $script = new TElement('script');
         $script->add(' $(function() {
                     $( "#' . $this->id . '_div" ).slider({
                         value: ' . $this->value . ',
                         min: ' . $this->min . ',
                         max: ' . $this->max . ',
                         step: ' . $this->step . ',
                         slide: function( event, ui ) {
                             $( "#' . $this->id . '" ).val( ui.value );
     } else {
         $this->tag->readonly = "1";
         $this->tag->{'class'} = 'tfield_disabled';
         // CSS
         $this->tag->style = "width:40px;-moz-user-select:none;";
         $this->tag->onmouseover = "style.cursor='default'";
  * Shows the tag
 public function show()
     $stylename = 'tscroll' . $this->id;
     $style = new TStyle($stylename);
     if (!$this->transparency) {
         $style->border = '1px solid #c2c2c2';
         $style->background = '#ffffff';
     $style->padding_left = "{$this->margin}px";
     $style->padding_top = "{$this->margin}px";
     $style->padding_right = "{$this->margin}px";
     $style->padding_bottom = "{$this->margin}px";
     $style->width = $this->width . 'px';
     $style->height = $this->height . 'px';
     $style->overflow = 'auto';
     $style->scroll = 'none';
     // check if there's any TSourceCode inside
     if (is_array($this->children)) {
         foreach ($this->children as $child) {
             if ($child instanceof TSourceCode) {
                 $style->background_color = '#ffffff';
     // show the style
     $this->{'class'} = $stylename;
Beispiel #22
  * Class Constructor
  * @param $source Image path
 public function __construct($source)
     // assign the image path
     $this->src = $source;
     $this->border = 0;
Beispiel #23
 public function show()
     foreach ($this->sources as $s) {
  * método construtor
  * instancia objeto TImage
  * @param $source = localização da imagem
 public function __construct($source)
     // atribui a localização da imagem
     $this->src = $source;
     $this->border = 0;
Beispiel #25
  * Shows the widget at the screen
 public function show()
     $link = new TElement('a');
     if ($this->action) {
         //$url['class'] = $this->action;
         //$url_str = http_build_query($url);
         $action = str_replace('#', '&', $this->action);
         $link->href = "index.php?class={$action}";
         $link->generator = 'adianti';
     } else {
         $link->href = '#';
     if (isset($this->image)) {
         $image = new TImage($this->image);
         $image->style = 'padding-right: 8px';
     // converts into ISO
     if ($this->menu instanceof TMenu) {
         $this->{'class'} = 'dropdown-submenu';
Beispiel #26
 public function show()
     foreach ($this->elements as $item => $value) {
         $li = new TElement('li');
         $a = new TElement('a');
         $a->href = "#{$item}";
     foreach ($this->elements as $item => $value) {
         $conteudo = new TElement('div');
         $conteudo2 = new TElement('div');
         $conteudo->id = $item;
     $script = new TElement('script');
     $script->type = 'text/javascript';
     $code = "  \$(function() {\n\$( '#{$this->id}' ).tabs();\n});";
Beispiel #27
  * Add a new cell (TTableCell) to the Table Row
  * @param  $value Cell Content
  * @return TTableCell
 public function addCell($value)
     // creates a new Table Cell
     $cell = new TTableCell($value);
     // returns the cell object
     return $cell;
  * método addCell
  * agrega um novo objeto célula (TTableCell) à linha
  * @param $value = conteúdo da célula
 public function addCell($value)
     // instancia objeto célula
     $cell = new TTableCell($value);
     // retorna o objeto instanciado
     return $cell;
  * mщtodo addRow
  * agrega um novo objeto linha (TTableRow) na tabela
 public function addRow()
     // instancia objeto linha
     $row = new TTableRow();
     // armazena no array de linhas
     return $row;
Beispiel #30
  * Add a new row (TTableRow object) to the table
  * @return TTableRow
 public function addRow()
     // creates a new Table Row
     $row = new TTableRow();
     // add this row to the table element
     return $row;