public function createLog($user_id) { $model = new SysLog(); $time = time(); $model->user_id = $user_id; $model->user_name = User::getNameById($user_id); $model->log_time = $time; $model->message = "登陆成功!"; $model->log_ip = Yii::app()->request->userHostAddress; if (SysLog::model()->count("user_id=:user_id and log_time=:log_time", array(":user_id" => $user_id, ":lig_time" => $time)) == 0) { $model->save(); } }
public function onRequest($request, $response) { //SysLog::debug(__METHOD__ . print_r($request,true), __CLASS__); //统一进行路由和数据的预处理 $req = HttpHelper::httpReqHandle($request); // SysLog::info(__METHOD__.print_r($req,true),__CLASS__); if ($req['r'] === HttpHelper::HTTP_ERROR_URI) { $response->status(404); //todo:log $response->end("not found"); return; } //SysLog::info(__METHOD__.' '.__LINE__ . " REQUEST IS ".print_r($req,true),__CLASS__); $class = $req['route']['controller'] . 'Controller'; $fun = 'action' . $req['route']['action']; //判断类是否存在 if (!class_exists($class) || !method_exists($class, $fun)) { $response->status(404); SysLog::error(__METHOD__ . " class or fun not found class == {$class} fun == {$fun}", __CLASS__); $response->end("uri not found"); return; } $obj = new $class($this->server, array('request' => $req['request'], 'response' => $response), $request->fd); //代入参数 $request->scheduler->newTask($obj->{$fun}()); $request->scheduler->run(); }
public function onReceive($server, $clientId, $fromId, $data) { $data = Yaaf::unpackAll($data); SysLog::notice(__METHOD__ . " fd = {$clientId} fromId = {$fromId} data = " . print_r($data, true), __CLASS__); $info = $server->connection_info($clientId, $fromId); //yaaf 协议 路由 $req = YaafHelper::yaafReqHandle($data); SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . print_r($req, true), __CLASS__); //路由失败 直接返回错误 if ($req['r'] === YaafHelper::YAAF_ERROR_CMD) { //todo 协议搞成yaaf $yaaf_data = Yaaf::packHeader() . Yaaf::packBody(array('errCode' => -1, 'errMsg' => 'not found class')); $server->sendto($info['remote_ip'], $info['remote_port'], $yaaf_data); return; } $class = $req['route']['controller'] . 'Controller'; $fun = 'action' . $req['route']['action']; //判断类是否存在 if (!class_exists($class) || !method_exists($class, $fun)) { SysLog::error(__METHOD__ . print_r($req, true), __CLASS__); $yaaf_data = Yaaf::packHeader() . Yaaf::packBody(array('errCode' => -1, 'errMsg' => 'not found class')); $server->sendto($info['remote_ip'], $info['remote_port'], $yaaf_data); return; } $obj = new $class($this->server, array('request' => $data, 'info' => $info), $clientId); //代入参数 $server->scheduler->newTask($obj->doFun($fun)); $server->scheduler->run(); }
public function send(callable $callback) { $client = new \swoole_client(SWOOLE_SOCK_TCP, SWOOLE_SOCK_ASYNC); $client->on("connect", function ($cli) { $cli->send($this->data); }); $client->on('close', function ($cli) { }); $client->on('error', function ($cli) use($callback) { $cli->close(); call_user_func_array($callback, array('r' => 1, 'key' => $this->key, 'calltime' => $this->calltime, 'error_msg' => 'conncet error')); }); $client->on("receive", function ($cli, $data) use($callback) { $this->calltime = microtime(true) - $this->calltime; $cli->close(); call_user_func_array($callback, array('r' => 0, 'key' => $this->key, 'calltime' => $this->calltime, 'data' => $data)); }); if ($client->connect($this->ip, $this->port, $this->timeout, 1)) { $this->calltime = microtime(true); if (floatval($this->timeout) > 0) { $this->timer = swoole_timer_after(floatval($this->timeout) * 1000, function () use($client, $callback) { $client->close(); \SysLog::error(__METHOD__ . " TIMEOUT ", __CLASS__); $this->calltime = microtime(true) - $this->calltime; call_user_func_array($callback, array('r' => 2, 'key' => '', 'calltime' => $this->calltime, 'error_msg' => 'timeout')); }); } } }
function DoLogin() { SysLog::Instance()->log('Login(sso)::DoLogin', "login"); $ssoclient = SsoClient::Instance(); SysLog::Instance()->log('Login(sso)::DoLogin poke me!!', "login"); // echo "Is sso alive? "; // var_dump($ssoclient->isSsoAlive()); // die(); $SsoAuth = $ssoclient->authenticateSsoUser($this->mUsername, $this->mPassword, $this->mSsoSystemId); // echo "<pre>"; // var_dump($SsoAuth); // echo "</pre>"; // die(); SysLog::Instance()->log("DoLogin got SsoAuth: " . print_r($SsoAuth, true), "login"); if ($SsoAuth['status'] === true) { // save SSID $ssoclient->saveSsIdToLocal($SsoAuth['ssid'], Configuration::Instance()->GetValue('application', 'sso_group')); // request details on SSID $SsoAttr = $ssoclient->requestSsIdAttributes($SsoAuth['ssid'], $this->mSsoSystemId); SysLog::Instance()->log("DoLogin got SsoAttr: " . print_r($SsoAttr, true), "login"); $local_username = $SsoAttr['mSsoLocalUsername']; $this->mUser->mUserName = $local_username; $this->mUser->GetUser(); } // echo "<pre>"; // var_dump($SsoAttr); // echo "</pre>"; // die($local_username); return $SsoAuth['status']; }
function DoLogin() { $this->mUser->mUserName = $this->mUserName; $this->FetchUserInfo(); SysLog::Instance()->log('User (' . $this->mUserName . ') active: ' . $this->GetCurrentUser()->GetActive(), 'login'); if ($this->GetCurrentUser()->GetActive() != 'Yes') { return FALSE; } $hashed = $this->IsPasswordHashed(); $salt = $this->GetSalt(); if ($hashed) { $hash = md5(md5($salt . $this->GetCurrentUser()->GetPassword())); } else { $hash = $this->mUser->mPassword; } SysLog::Instance()->log('comparing: ' . $this->mPassword . ' == ' . $hash . ' hashed=' . $hashed . ' salt=' . $salt, 'login'); if (md5($this->mPassword) == $hash) { SysLog::Instance()->log('Logged in!', 'login'); $this->mIsLoggedIn = true; $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = true; $_SESSION['username'] = (string) $this->mUserName; Session::Instance()->Restart(); // regenerate session_id, prevent session fixation } else { $this->mIsLoggedIn = false; $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = false; $_SESSION['username'] = Configuration::Instance()->GetValue('application', 'default_user'); } return $this->mIsLoggedIn; }
public static function createUdpApplication($config) { AutoLoad::addRoot(dirname(dirname($config))); SysLog::init(UserConfig::getConfig('log')); return new YaafUdpServ(); // return $class; //进行路由解析等 }
/** * [init 启动定时器] * @return [type] [description] */ public static function init() { if (!isset(self::$tickKey)) { self::$tickKey = swoole_timer_tick(1000 * self::LOOPTIME, function () { //循环数组,踢出超时情况 self::loop(); }); \SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . " init timer tick key == " . self::$tickKey, __CLASS__); } }
function SessionGc($maxExpireTime) { SysLog::Log('Garbage collecting...', 'Session'); $result = $this->Execute($this->mSqlQueries['gc_data'], array(time(), $maxExpireTime)); if (!$result) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
function test($test_value) { if (trim($test_value) == '') { SysLog::Log('RuleRequired: Field ' . $this->mElementName . ' harus diisi', 'formhelper'); $this->setError('Field ' . $this->mElementName . ' harus diisi'); return false; } else { SysLog::Log('RuleRequired: Field ' . $this->mElementName . ' is not empty', 'formhelper'); return true; } }
/** * [packRsp 回调函数,收包,合包,回调] * @param [type] $r [description] * @param [type] $client_key [description] * @param [type] $data [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function recv($r, $client_key, $calltime, $data) { \SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . " r = {$r} client_key = {$client_key} callList = " . count($this->callRsp), __CLASS__); $this->callRsp[$client_key] = array('r' => $r, 'calltime' => $calltime, 'data' => $data); //收包完成 if (count($this->callRsp) == count($this->callList)) { \SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . " get all the rsp ==== " . print_r($this->callRsp, true), __CLASS__); $this->calltime = microtime(true) - $this->calltime; call_user_func_array($this->callback, array('r' => $r, 'key' => '', 'calltime' => $calltime, 'data' => $this->callRsp)); } }
function DoLogout() { SysLog::Instance()->log('DoLogout sso', 'login'); $ssoclient = SsoClient::Instance(); $ssid = $ssoclient->getLocalSsId(Configuration::Instance()->GetValue('application', 'sso_group')); $result = $ssoclient->invalidateSsId($ssid); SysLog::Instance()->log('DoLogout sso invalidate result' . print_r($result, true), 'login'); $result2 = $ssoclient->removeLocalSsId(Configuration::Instance()->GetValue('application', 'sso_group')); SysLog::Instance()->log('DoLogout sso removeLocalSsId result' . print_r($result2, true), 'login'); return $result; }
function GetFormHelperManagerJs($standalone = true) { $js1 = ""; if (!empty($this->mFormHelpers)) { $js_formhelper .= <<<_FORM_HELPER_ <script type="text/javascript"> /* must preceed behaviour Library to get the desired effect: add validation selector and then let the rest handled by the simple_validator */ function GtfwFormHelper() { _FORM_HELPER_; // foreach ($this->mFormHelpers as $item) { $js_formhelper .= "\n" . $item->getJsCode() . "\n"; } $js_formhelper .= <<<_FORM_HELPER_ } _FORM_HELPER_; if ($standalone) { $js_formhelper .= "\nFormHelperManager.addLoadEvent(GtfwFormHelper); /* apply */"; // use loadevent SysLog::Log('Preparing formHelper for fullpage request', 'formhelpermanager'); } else { $js_formhelper .= "\nGtfwFormHelper(); /* run immediately */"; // run immediately SysLog::Log('Preparing formHelper for component requiremnt', 'formhelpermanager'); } $js_formhelper .= '</script>'; } else { SysLog::Log('No FormHelper set', 'formhelpermanager'); $js_formhelper = ''; } if ($standalone) { $js = <<<_RAW_HEAD_ <script type="text/javascript" src="js/FormHelper.js"></script> _RAW_HEAD_; $js1 .= <<<_RAW_HEAD_ <script type="text/javascript" src="js/behaviour.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/balloon.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/simple_validator.js"></script> _RAW_HEAD_; // load available js rules foreach (FormHelper::$JsRuleFiles as $item) { SysLog::Log('Loading JsRulesFiles: ' . $item . '.js', 'formhelpermanager'); $js1 .= <<<_RAW_HEAD_ <script type="text/javascript" src="js/formhelper_rules/{$item}.js"></script> _RAW_HEAD_; } } if ($standalone) { return $js . $js_formhelper . $js1; } else { return $js_formhelper; } }
/** * 处理request对象 * @param req swoole yaaf server 获得的request对象 */ public static function yaafReqHandle($req) { $cmd = $req['reqHead']['cmd']; //路由 $appRoute = YaafRoute::getRoute($cmd); SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . print_r($appRoute, true), __CLASS__); if (!$appRoute) { return array('r' => self::YAAF_ERROR_CMD); } //这里考虑以后根据appName路由到后端svr yaafUdpServ作为代理 分发流量 return array('r' => self::YAAF_OK, 'route' => $appRoute, 'request' => array('reqHead' => $req['reqHead'], 'reqBody' => $req['reqBody'])); }
function test($test_value) { SysLog::Log('TypeEmail: testing TestValue: "' . $test_value . '"', 'formhelper'); if (filter_var($test_value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === FALSE) { SysLog::Log('TypeEmail: Field ' . $this->mElementName . ' harus berupa alamat email', 'formhelper'); $this->setError('Field ' . $this->mElementName . ' harus berupa alamat email'); return false; } else { SysLog::Log('TypeEmail: Field ' . $this->mElementName . ' adalah alamat email', 'formhelper'); return true; } }
/** * 处理request对象 * @param req swoole http server 获得的request对象 */ public static function httpReqHandle($req) { $method = $req->server['request_method']; $uri = $req->server['request_uri']; //路由 $appRoute = HttpRoute::urlrouter_rewrite($uri, $method); SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . print_r($appRoute, true), __CLASS__); if (!$appRoute) { return array('r' => self::HTTP_ERROR_URI); } return array('r' => self::HTTP_OK, 'route' => $appRoute, 'request' => array('uri' => $uri, 'header' => $req->header, 'get' => array_merge((array) (isset($req->get) ? $req->get : array()), (array) $appRoute['get']), 'post' => isset($req->post) ? $req->post : '', 'files' => isset($req->files) ? $req->files : '', 'cookie' => isset($req->cookie) ? $req->cookie : '', 'rawcontent' => $req->rawContent(), 'method' => $method)); }
function __construct($dbConfig = NULL) { parent::__construct($dbConfig); SysLog::Instance()->log("creating AdodbLiteDatabaseEngine", "database"); require_once Configuration::Instance()->GetValue('application', 'gtfw_base') . 'main/lib/adodb_lite/'; $GLOBALS['ADODB_FETCH_MODE'] = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC; // this should be in config, but how? SysLog::Instance()->log("AdodbLiteDatabaseEngine::Preparing dbtype:" . $this->mDbConfig['db_type']); $this->mrDbConnection = ADONewConnection($this->mDbConfig['db_type']); // set debug mode via configuration $this->mrDbConnection->debug = (bool) $this->mDbConfig['db_debug_enabled']; SysLog::Instance()->log("AdodbLiteDatabaseEngine::Done preparing dbtype:" . $this->mDbConfig['db_type']); }
final function Send() { $result = $this->ProcessRequest(); $dbMsg = SysLog::Instance()->getAllError(); if (isset($result["exec"]) && !empty($dbMsg)) { $result["exec"] = "message=" . json_encode($dbMsg) . ";for(var msg in message){console.log(message[msg]);};" . $result["exec"]; } elseif (isset($result["exec"]) && empty($dbMsg)) { $result["exec"] = "if(console.clear != undefined)console.clear(); if(window.clear != undefined) window.clear();" . $result["exec"]; } elseif (!isset($result["exec"]) && !empty($dbMsg)) { $result["exec"] = "message=" . json_encode($dbMsg) . ";for(var msg in message){console.log(message[msg]);};" . $result; } $result = $this->returnJSON($result); echo "{$result}"; }
final function validate() { $test_value = $this->mTestValue; SysLog::Log($this->getRuleName() . ': testing TestValue: "' . print_r($test_value, true) . '"', 'formhelper'); if (is_array($test_value)) { foreach ($test_value as $key => $value) { if (!$this->test($value)) { return false; } } return true; } else { return $this->test($test_value); } }
private function test() { $test = new TestModel(); $res = (yield $test->MysqlMuticallTest()); SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . " res == " . print_r($res, true), __CLASS__); if ($res['r'] == 0) { //yield success SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . " yield success data == " . print_r($res['data'], true), __CLASS__); (yield $res); } else { //yield failed SysLog::error(__METHOD__ . " yield failed res == " . print_r($res, true), __CLASS__); (yield array('r' => 1, 'error_msg' => 'yield failed')); } }
/** * [createClient description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function createClient($ip, $port, $data, $timeout, $protocolType) { switch ($protocolType) { case 'udp': $client = new UDP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout); break; case 'tcp': $client = new TCP($ip, $port, $data, $timeout); break; default: \SysLog::error(__METHOD__ . " protocolType valid ==> {$protocolType}", __CLASS__); return false; break; } return $client; }
function test($test_value) { $regexp = '/\\d+/'; if ($test_value != '') { SysLog::Log('TypeNumber(' . $this->mElementName . '): Field is not empty: ' . $test_value, 'formhelper'); if (!preg_match($regexp, $test_value, $matches)) { $this->setError('Field ' . $this->mElementName . ' harus berupa angka'); return false; } else { return true; } } else { SysLog::Log('TypeNumber(' . $this->mElementName . '): Field is empty', 'formhelper'); return true; } }
/** * this method offers a default result caching technique, * but you can override this method as needed when the default isn't satisfying * @param string sql, within the form for sprintf * @param array params */ public function OpenCache($sql, $params, $varMarker = NULL) { $sql_parsed = $this->GetCacheIdentifier($sql, $params); if (($result = $this->GetCache($sql_parsed)) === FALSE) { SysLog::Log('cache MISS for ' . $sql, 'cache'); // cache miss $result = $this->Open($sql, $params, $varMarker); if ($result !== FALSE) { $this->CacheResult($sql_parsed, $result); } // cache valid only result } else { SysLog::Log('cache HIT for ' . $sql, 'cache'); } SysLog::Log("OpenCache returns:\n" . print_r($result, true), 'cache'); return $result; }
public static function loop() { \SysLog::info(__METHOD__, __CLASS__); /* 遍历自己的数组,发现时间超过预定时间段,且该IO的状态依然是未回包状态,则走超时逻辑 */ foreach (self::$event as $socket => $e) { $now = microtime(true); \SysLog::debug(__METHOD__ . " key == {$socket} now == {$now} timeout == " . $e['timeout'], __CLASS__); if ($now > $e['timeout']) { self::del($socket); $cli = $e['cli']; $cli->close(); call_user_func_array($e['callback'], $e['params']); } } }
/** * 处理request对象 * @param req swoole http server 获得的request对象 */ public static function httpReqHandle($req) { $method = $req->server['request_method']; $uri = $req->server['request_uri']; //正则匹配的路由 支持restful 提供给深度用户使用 // $appRoute = HttpRoute::urlrouter_rewrite($uri,$method); // explode 解析类似于 controller/action类型的url //默认会解析到default/index $mvcArr = explode('/', $uri); $appRoute['controller'] = isset($mvcArr[1]) ? $mvcArr[1] : 'default'; $appRoute['action'] = isset($mvcArr[2]) ? $mvcArr[2] : 'index'; SysLog::info(__METHOD__ . print_r($appRoute, true), __CLASS__); if (!$appRoute) { return array('r' => self::HTTP_ERROR_URI); } return array('r' => self::HTTP_OK, 'route' => $appRoute, 'request' => array('uri' => $uri, 'header' => $req->header, 'get' => array_merge((array) (isset($req->get) ? $req->get : array()), (array) $appRoute['get']), 'post' => isset($req->post) ? $req->post : '', 'files' => isset($req->files) ? $req->files : '', 'cookie' => isset($req->cookie) ? $req->cookie : '', 'rawcontent' => $req->rawContent(), 'method' => $method)); }
function __construct($dbConfig = NULL) { parent::__construct($dbConfig); // preparing wsdl cache configuration if (!isset($this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_enabled'])) { $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_enabled'] = TRUE; } ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', (string) intval($this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_enabled'])); $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_lifetime'] = $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_lifetime'] != '' ? (int) $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_lifetime'] : 60 * 60 * 24; // defaults to 1 day ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_ttl', $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_lifetime']); $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_path'] = file_exists($this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_path']) ? $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_path'] : Configuration::Instance()->GetTempDir(); ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_dir', $this->mDbConfig['db_wsdl_cache_path']); $this->mDbConfig['db_connection_timeout'] = $this->mDbConfig['db_connection_timeout'] != '' ? (int) $this->mDbConfig['db_connection_timeout'] : 30; // default to 30 SysLog::Instance()->Log('PhpSoapDatabaseEngine::__construct', 'DatabaseEngine'); }
/** * Request SSID atribute (eg: username, etc) which will then be used to log into local system and run the system as usual (without SSO) * @param string $Ssid * @param string $domain system id * @return array Refer to SsidAttributes class (ssolib.php) * @todo make return value an object * @see SsidAttributes */ function requestSsidAttributes($Ssid, $domain) { // TODO: makesure it's ecrypted before trasmited over the net //$this->mSoapClient->debug = true; $result = $this->mSoapClient->call('RequestSsidAttributes', array('sso_ssid' => $Ssid, 'sso_systemid' => $domain)); SysLog::Instance()->log("requestSsidAttributes soaprequest: " . print_r($this->mSoapClient->request, true), "SsoClient"); SysLog::Instance()->log("requestSsidAttributes soapresponse: " . print_r($this->mSoapClient->response, true), "SsoClient"); //SysLog::Instance()->log("requestSsidAttributes response data: ".print_r($this->mSoapClient->responseData, true), "SsoClient"); SysLog::Instance()->log("requestSsidAttributes got SsidAttributes: " . print_r($result, true), "SsoClient"); //SysLog::Instance()->log("requestSsidAttributes debug: ".$this->mSoapClient->getDebug(), "SsoClient"); //echo htmlentities($this->mSoapClient->getDebugAsXMLComment()); //$this->mSoapClient->debug = false; // echo "<pre>".htmlentities($this->mSoapClient->Response); // var_dump($this->mSoapClient); // echo "</pre>"; // die(); return $result; }
public function AllowedToAccess($module, $submodule, $action, $type) { if (Authentication::instance()->checkValidationAppClint() && Authorization::instance()->IsAllowedToAccess($module, $submodule, $action, $type, Authentication::instance()->getApplicationId())) { return true; } elseif (!Authentication::instance()->checkValidationAppClint() && Authorization::instance()->IsAllowedToAccess($module, $submodule, $action, $type, Authentication::instance()->getApplicationId())) { return true; } else { $dbMsg = SysLog::Instance()->getAllError(); if (!empty($dbMsg)) { echo "<pre>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($dbMsg); $i++) { echo $dbMsg[$i]; } echo "</pre>"; } Log::Instance()->SendLog('Gagal akses, request denied'); die('You don\'t have permission to access this service'); } }
function GetUserGroup() { // fecth user groups $this->mUserGroup = array(); $result = $this->Open($this->mSqlQueries['get_user_group'], array($this->mUserId, $this->mApplicationId)); if ($result) { foreach ($result as $row => $val) { $this->mUserGroup[$val['GroupId']] = $val['GroupName']; } } // determine default user group & unit id $result = $this->Open($this->mSqlQueries['get_default_user_group'], array($this->mUserId, $this->mApplicationId)); $this->mDefaultUserGroupId = $result[0]['GroupId']; $this->mDefaultUnitId = $result[0]['UnitId']; SysLog::Log('Got default GUID: ' . $this->mDefaultUserGroupId, get_class()); if (!isset($_SESSION['active_user_group_id'])) { SysLog::Log('SetActiveUserGroupId to DefaultGUID: ' . $this->mDefaultUserGroupId, get_class()); $_SESSION['active_user_group_id'] = $this->mDefaultUserGroupId; } }
function DoLogin() { $this->mUser->mUserName = $this->mUserName; $this->FetchUserInfo(); SysLog::Instance()->log('User (' . $this->mUserName . ') active: ' . $this->GetCurrentUser()->GetActive(), 'login'); if ($this->GetCurrentUser()->GetActive() != 'Yes') { return FALSE; } SysLog::Instance()->log('Comparing: (supplied) ' . md5($this->mPassword) . ' == (original) ' . $this->GetCurrentUser()->GetPassword(), 'login'); if ($this->GetCurrentUser()->GetPassword() == md5($this->mPassword)) { SysLog::Instance()->log('Logged in!', 'login'); $this->mIsLoggedIn = true; $_SESSION['is_logged_in'] = true; $_SESSION['username'] = $this->mUserName; Session::Instance()->Restart(); // regenerate session_id, prevent session fixation } else { $this->mIsLoggedIn = false; } return $this->mIsLoggedIn; }