Beispiel #1
  * Get the configuration for this version of halite
  * @param string $stored   A stored password hash
  * @return SymmetricConfig
  * @throws InvalidMessage
 protected static function getConfig(string $stored) : SymmetricConfig
     $length = Util::safeStrlen($stored);
     // This doesn't even have a header.
     if ($length < 8) {
         throw new InvalidMessage('Encrypted password hash is way too short.');
     if (\hash_equals(Util::safeSubstr($stored, 0, 5), Halite::VERSION_PREFIX)) {
         return SymmetricConfig::getConfig(Base64UrlSafe::decode($stored), 'encrypt');
     $v = \Sodium\hex2bin(Util::safeSubstr($stored, 0, 8));
     return SymmetricConfig::getConfig($v, 'encrypt');
Beispiel #2
  * Verify the authenticity of a message, given a shared MAC key
  * @param string $message
  * @param AuthenticationKey $secretKey
  * @param string $mac
  * @param mixed $encoding
  * @param SymmetricConfig $config
  * @return bool
 public static function verify(string $message, AuthenticationKey $secretKey, string $mac, $encoding = Halite::ENCODE_BASE64URLSAFE, SymmetricConfig $config = null) : bool
     $decoder = Halite::chooseEncoder($encoding, true);
     if ($decoder) {
         // We were given hex data:
         $mac = $decoder($mac);
     if ($config === null) {
         // Default to the current version
         $config = SymmetricConfig::getConfig(Halite::HALITE_VERSION, 'auth');
     return self::verifyMAC($mac, $message, $secretKey->getRawKeyMaterial(), $config);
Beispiel #3
  * Unpack a message string into an array.
  * @param string $ciphertext
  * @return array
  * @throws CryptoException\InvalidMessage
 public static function unpackMessageForDecryption(string $ciphertext) : array
     $length = CryptoUtil::safeStrlen($ciphertext);
     // The first 4 bytes are reserved for the version size
     $version = CryptoUtil::safeSubstr($ciphertext, 0, Halite::VERSION_TAG_LEN);
     $config = SymmetricConfig::getConfig($version, 'encrypt');
     if ($length < $config->SHORTEST_CIPHERTEXT_LENGTH) {
         throw new CryptoException\InvalidMessage('Message is too short');
     // The HKDF is used for key splitting
     $salt = CryptoUtil::safeSubstr($ciphertext, Halite::VERSION_TAG_LEN, $config->HKDF_SALT_LEN);
     // This is the nonce (we authenticated it):
     $nonce = CryptoUtil::safeSubstr($ciphertext, Halite::VERSION_TAG_LEN + $config->HKDF_SALT_LEN, \Sodium\CRYPTO_STREAM_NONCEBYTES);
     // This is the crypto_stream_xor()ed ciphertext
     $xored = CryptoUtil::safeSubstr($ciphertext, Halite::VERSION_TAG_LEN + $config->HKDF_SALT_LEN + \Sodium\CRYPTO_STREAM_NONCEBYTES, $length - (Halite::VERSION_TAG_LEN + $config->HKDF_SALT_LEN + \Sodium\CRYPTO_STREAM_NONCEBYTES + \Sodium\CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTES));
     // $auth is the last 32 bytes
     $auth = CryptoUtil::safeSubstr($ciphertext, $length - \Sodium\CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTES);
     // We don't need this anymore.
     return [$version, $config, $salt, $nonce, $xored, $auth];