public function update_author_sale_history($debug = false, $do_all = false)
     // todo: save sale history in db with no username/api key just for stats
     $api = $this->get_api();
     // how many days do we want to go back? maybe 60 days to start with?
     $last_sale = get_option('supporthub_envato_author_sales_last', false);
     if (!$last_sale) {
         $last_sale = strtotime('-360 days');
     $last_sale_in_this_batch = 0;
     $page = 1;
     while (true) {
         $recent_sales = $api->api('v2/market/author/sales?page=' . $page, array(), true);
         //            echo "Recent sales are: ";print_r($recent_sales);exit;
         if ($debug) {
             echo "Page {$page} of sales data contained " . count($recent_sales) . " results.<br>\n";
         if (!$recent_sales || !is_array($recent_sales)) {
         foreach ($recent_sales as $recent_sale) {
             if ($recent_sale && !empty($recent_sale['sold_at']) && !empty($recent_sale['code']) && !empty($recent_sale['item']['id'])) {
                 //                    echo $recent_sale['sold_at']."<br>";
                 // add this to the database, or break if we already have this one in the db.
                 $sale_time = strtotime($recent_sale['sold_at']);
                 // we might already have this one in our database
                 // unless we are doing the intial seed
                 $existing_purchase = shub_get_single('shub_envato_purchase', array('purchase_code'), array($recent_sale['code']));
                 if ($existing_purchase) {
                     if (!$do_all) {
                         break 2;
                         // stop processing once we reach one we've already saved
                     // exists already in the db, skip to next one.
                 $last_sale_in_this_batch = max($last_sale_in_this_batch, $sale_time);
                 // todo: check if they add username to the system, for now we use a 0 shub_user_id because we're unsure which user this purchase is related to (without doing another separate purchase call)
                 if ($debug) {
                     echo " - adding new sale to database ( " . shub_print_date($sale_time, true) . " - " . $recent_sale['item']['name'] . " )...<br>\n";
                 // for now we do all processing based on this purchase code. SLOW. but until we get usernames in the buyer result there is no other way.
                 //                    echo "Query this code: ".$recent_sale['code'];exit;
                 SupportHub::getInstance()->message_managers['envato']->pull_purchase_code($api, $recent_sale['code'], $recent_sale);
                 update_option('supporthub_envato_author_sales_last', $last_sale_in_this_batch);
                 // save this purchase code into the db
                 // find the product this purchase is related to
                 $existing_products = SupportHub::getInstance()->get_products();
                 // check if this item exists already
                 $exists = false;
                 foreach ($existing_products as $existing_product) {
                     if (isset($existing_product['product_data']['envato_item_id']) && $existing_product['product_data']['envato_item_id'] == $recent_sale['item']['id']) {
                         $exists = $existing_product['shub_product_id'];
                 $newproduct = new SupportHubProduct();
                 if (!$exists) {
                     if (!$newproduct->get('product_name')) {
                         $newproduct->update('product_name', $recent_sale['item']['name']);
                     $existing_product_data = $newproduct->get('product_data');
                     if (!is_array($existing_product_data)) {
                         $existing_product_data = array();
                     if (empty($existing_product_data['envato_item_id'])) {
                         $existing_product_data['envato_item_id'] = $recent_sale['item']['id'];
                     if (empty($existing_product_data['envato_item_data'])) {
                         $existing_product_data['envato_item_data'] = $recent_sale['item'];
                     if (empty($existing_product_data['image'])) {
                         $existing_product_data['image'] = $recent_sale['item']['thumbnail_url'];
                     if (empty($existing_product_data['url'])) {
                         $existing_product_data['url'] = $recent_sale['item']['url'];
                     $newproduct->update('product_data', $existing_product_data);
                 } else {
                 if ($newproduct->get('shub_product_id')) {
                     // product has been added
                     // time to add it to the purchase db
                     // check if this already exists in the db
                     $existing_purchase = shub_get_single('shub_envato_purchase', array('purchase_code'), array($recent_sale['code']));
                     if (!$existing_purchase) {
                         $shub_envato_purchase_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', false, 'shub_envato_purchase', array('shub_user_id' => 0, 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'purchase_time' => $sale_time, 'envato_user_id' => 0, 'purchase_code' => $recent_sale['code'], 'api_type' => 'author/sales', 'purchase_data' => json_encode($recent_sale)));
                     } else {
                         $shub_envato_purchase_id = $existing_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id'];
                     if ($shub_envato_purchase_id) {
                         // we have a purchase in the db
                         // add or update the support expiry based on this purchase history.
                         // work out when this purchase support expires
                         // this is the expiry date returned in the api or just 6 months from the original purchase date.
                         $support_expiry_time = strtotime("+6 months", $sale_time);
                         // todo - check for this expiry time in the new api results.
                         $existing_support = shub_get_single('shub_envato_support', array('shub_envato_purchase_id'), array($shub_envato_purchase_id));
                         if ($existing_support && $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'] && $existing_support['start_time'] == $sale_time) {
                             // check the existing support expiry matches the one we have in the database.
                             if ($existing_support['end_time'] < $support_expiry_time) {
                                 // we have a support extension!
                                 $shub_envato_support_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'], 'shub_envato_support', array('end_time' => $support_expiry_time, 'api_type' => 'buyer/purchases', 'support_data' => json_encode($recent_sale)));
                         } else {
                             // we are adding a new support entry
                             $shub_envato_support_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', false, 'shub_envato_support', array('shub_user_id' => 0, 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'shub_envato_purchase_id' => $shub_envato_purchase_id, 'start_time' => $sale_time, 'end_time' => $support_expiry_time, 'api_type' => 'author/sales', 'support_data' => json_encode($recent_sale)));
 public function init()
     if (isset($_REQUEST['_process'])) {
         // fix up WordPress bork:
         // todo: don't overwrite default superglobals, run stripslashes every time before we use the content, because another plugin might be stripslashing already
         $_POST = stripslashes_deep($_POST);
         $_GET = stripslashes_deep($_GET);
         $_REQUEST = stripslashes_deep($_REQUEST);
         $process_action = $_REQUEST['_process'];
         $process_options = array();
         $shub_message_id = false;
         if ($process_action == 'send_shub_message' && check_admin_referer('shub_send-message')) {
             // we are sending a social message! yay!
             $send_time = time();
             // default: now
             if (isset($_POST['schedule_date']) && isset($_POST['schedule_time']) && !empty($_POST['schedule_date']) && !empty($_POST['schedule_time'])) {
                 $date = $_POST['schedule_date'];
                 $time_hack = $_POST['schedule_time'];
                 $time_hack = str_ireplace('am', '', $time_hack);
                 $time_hack = str_ireplace('pm', '', $time_hack);
                 $bits = explode(':', $time_hack);
                 if (strpos($_POST['schedule_time'], 'pm')) {
                     $bits[0] += 12;
                 // add the time if it exists
                 $date .= ' ' . implode(':', $bits) . ':00';
                 $send_time = strtotime($date);
                 //echo $date."<br>".$send_time."<br>".shub_print_date($send_time,true);exit;
             } else {
                 if (isset($_POST['schedule_date']) && !empty($_POST['schedule_date'])) {
                     $send_time = strtotime($_POST['schedule_date']);
             // wack a new entry into the shub_message database table and pass that onto our message_managers below
             $shub_message_id = shub_update_insert('shub_message_id', false, 'shub_message', array('post_id' => isset($_POST['post_id']) ? $_POST['post_id'] : 0, 'sent_time' => $send_time));
             if ($shub_message_id) {
                 $process_options['shub_message_id'] = $shub_message_id;
                 $process_options['send_time'] = $send_time;
             } else {
                 die('Failed to create social message');
             /* @var $message_manager shub_facebook */
             $message_count = 0;
             foreach ($this->message_managers as $name => $message_manager) {
                 $message_count += $message_manager->handle_process($process_action, $process_options);
             if ($shub_message_id && !$message_count) {
                 // remove the gobal social message as nothing worked.
                 shub_delete_from_db('shub_message', 'shub_message_id', $shub_message_id);
             } else {
                 if ($shub_message_id) {
                     shub_update_insert('shub_message_id', $shub_message_id, 'shub_message', array('message_count' => $message_count));
             if (isset($_POST['debug']) && $_POST['debug']) {
                 echo "<br><hr> Successfully sent {$message_count} messages <hr><br><pre>";
                 echo "</pre><hr><br>Completed";
             header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_sent");
         } else {
             if ($process_action == 'save_general_settings') {
                 if (check_admin_referer('save-general-settings')) {
                     if (isset($_POST['possible_shub_manager_enabled'])) {
                         foreach ($_POST['possible_shub_manager_enabled'] as $id => $tf) {
                             if (isset($_POST['shub_manager_enabled'][$id]) && $_POST['shub_manager_enabled'][$id]) {
                                 update_option('shub_manager_enabled_' . $id, 1);
                             } else {
                                 update_option('shub_manager_enabled_' . $id, 0);
                         header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_settings");
             } else {
                 if ($process_action == 'save_log_settings') {
                     if (check_admin_referer('save-log-settings')) {
                         if (!empty($_POST['enable_logging'])) {
                             update_option('shub_logging_enabled', time() + 3600 * 24);
                         if (!empty($_POST['remove_logs'])) {
                             global $wpdb;
                             $wpdb->query($wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM `" . _support_hub_DB_PREFIX . "shub_log` WHERE log_time <= %d", $_POST['remove_logs']));
                         header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_settings&tab=logs");
                 } else {
                     if ($process_action == 'save_encrypted_vault') {
                         if (check_admin_referer('save-encrypted-vault') && !empty($_POST['public_key']) && !empty($_POST['private_key'])) {
                             update_option('shub_encrypt_public_key', $_POST['public_key']);
                             update_option('shub_encrypt_private_key', $_POST['private_key']);
                             header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_settings&tab=extra");
                     } else {
                         if ($process_action == 'save_extra_details') {
                             $shub_extra_id = !empty($_REQUEST['shub_extra_id']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['shub_extra_id'] : 0;
                             if (check_admin_referer('save-extra' . $shub_extra_id)) {
                                 $shub_extra = new SupportHubExtra($shub_extra_id);
                                 if (isset($_REQUEST['butt_delete'])) {
                                     header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_settings&tab=extra");
                                 if (!$shub_extra->get('shub_extra_id')) {
                                 $shub_extra_id = $shub_extra->get('shub_extra_id');
                                 header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_settings&tab=extra");
                                 //&shub_extra_id=" . $shub_extra_id );
                         } else {
                             if ($process_action == 'save_product_details') {
                                 $shub_product_id = !empty($_REQUEST['shub_product_id']) ? (int) $_REQUEST['shub_product_id'] : 0;
                                 if (check_admin_referer('save-product' . $shub_product_id)) {
                                     $shub_product = new SupportHubProduct($shub_product_id);
                                     if (isset($_REQUEST['butt_delete'])) {
                                         header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_settings&tab=products");
                                     if (!$shub_product->get('shub_product_id')) {
                                     $shub_product_id = $shub_product->get('shub_product_id');
                                     header("Location: admin.php?page=support_hub_settings&tab=products");
                                     //&shub_product_id=" . $shub_product_id );
                             } else {
                                 // just process each request normally:
                                 /* @var $message_manager shub_facebook */
                                 foreach ($this->message_managers as $name => $message_manager) {
                                     $message_manager->handle_process($process_action, $process_options);
 public function pull_purchase_code($api, $purchase_code, $api_raw_data = array(), $existing_shub_user_id = false)
     $purchase_code = strtolower(preg_replace('#([a-z0-9]{8})-?([a-z0-9]{4})-?([a-z0-9]{4})-?([a-z0-9]{4})-?([a-z0-9]{12})#', '$1-$2-$3-$4-$5', $purchase_code));
     // todo: add documentation that it needs to be named "Purchase Code"
     // todo: add a default extra value called Purchase Code.
     if (strlen($purchase_code) != 36) {
         return false;
     // check existing purchase code and return that if it's cached
     $existing_purchase = shub_get_single('shub_envato_purchase', 'purchase_code', $purchase_code);
     if ($existing_purchase && $existing_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id']) {
         // if there is a matching support id, grab that cached support data, add shub_user_id do it and return it
         // this matches our return data below.
         // if we don't find this then we continue below and call the API again to get fresh data.
         $existing_support = shub_get_single('shub_envato_support', array('shub_envato_purchase_id'), array($existing_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id']));
         if ($existing_support && $existing_support['shub_user_id'] && $existing_support['support_data']) {
             $return = @json_decode($existing_support['support_data'], true);
             if ($return) {
                 $return['shub_user_id'] = $existing_support['shub_user_id'];
                 return $return;
     $accounts = array();
     if (!$api) {
         // loop through accounts and try an API call on each one.
         $accounts = $this->get_accounts();
     do {
         if ($accounts) {
             // grab an API from this account.
             $account = array_shift($accounts);
             $shub_envato_account = new shub_envato_account($account['shub_account_id']);
             // found the account, pull in the API and build the url
             $api = $shub_envato_account->get_api();
         if (!$api) {
         //            $result = $api->api('v1/market/private/user/verify-purchase:' . $purchase_code . '.json');
         $result = $api->api('v2/market/author/sale?code=' . $purchase_code);
                       "amount": "12.60",
                       "sold_at": "2015-08-18T21:30:02+10:00",
                       "item": {
                         "id": 1299019,
                         "name": "WooCommerce Australia Post Shipping Calculator",
                         "description": ...
                         "site": "",
                         "classification": "wordpress/ecommerce/woocommerce/shipping",
                         "classification_url": "",
                         "price_cents": 1800,
                         "number_of_sales": 1054,
                         "author_username": "******",
                         "author_url": "",
                         "author_image": "",
                         "url": "",
                         "thumbnail_url": "",
                         "summary": "High Resolution: No, Compatible With: WooCommerce 2.3.x, Software Version: WordPress 4.2, WordPress 4.1, WordPress 4.0, WordPress 3.9, WordPress 3.8, WordPress 3.7",
                         "rating": {
                           "rating": 3.82,
                           "count": 49
                         "updated_at": "2015-08-13T12:34:59+10:00",
                         "published_at": "2012-01-15T17:59:18+11:00",
                         "trending": false,
                         "previews": {
                           "landscape_preview": {
                             "landscape_url": ""
                       "license": "Regular License",
                       "code": "c77ff344-9be4-4ba1-9e50-ce92e37c33e0",
                       "support_amount": ""
         if ($result && !empty($result['item']) && !empty($result['item']['id'])) {
             // valid purchase code.
             // what is the username attached to this purchase result?
             $envato_username = $result['buyer'];
             // find this user in our system.
             $shub_user = new SupportHubUser_Envato();
             if ($existing_shub_user_id) {
             } else {
                 $shub_user->load_by_meta('envato_username', strtolower($envato_username));
             if (!$shub_user->get('shub_user_id')) {
                 // no users exists in our system with this username.
                 // add a new one.
             if (!$shub_user->get('user_username')) {
                 $shub_user->update('user_username', $envato_username);
             $shub_user->add_unique_meta('envato_username', strtolower($envato_username));
             // find out which product this purchase code is relating to
             $existing_products = SupportHub::getInstance()->get_products();
             // check if this item exists already
             $exists = false;
             foreach ($existing_products as $existing_product) {
                 if (isset($existing_product['product_data']['envato_item_id']) && $existing_product['product_data']['envato_item_id'] == $result['item']['id']) {
                     $exists = $existing_product['shub_product_id'];
             $newproduct = new SupportHubProduct();
             if (!$exists) {
             } else {
             if (!$newproduct->get('product_name')) {
                 $newproduct->update('product_name', $result['item']['name']);
             $existing_product_data = $newproduct->get('product_data');
             if (!is_array($existing_product_data)) {
                 $existing_product_data = array();
             if (empty($existing_product_data['envato_item_id'])) {
                 $existing_product_data['envato_item_id'] = $result['item']['id'];
             if (empty($existing_product_data['envato_item_data'])) {
                 // get these item details from api
                 $existing_product_data['envato_item_data'] = $result['item'];
                 if (empty($existing_product_data['image'])) {
                     $existing_product_data['image'] = $result['item']['thumbnail_url'];
                 if (empty($existing_product_data['url'])) {
                     $existing_product_data['url'] = $result['item']['url'];
             $newproduct->update('product_data', $existing_product_data);
             if ($newproduct->get('shub_product_id')) {
             $shub_envato_purchase_id = false;
             // store this in our purchase code database so we can access it easier later on
             $existing_purchase = shub_get_single('shub_envato_purchase', 'purchase_code', $purchase_code);
             if (!$existing_purchase) {
                 // see if we can find an existing purchase by this user at the same time, without a purchase code.
                 // (because results from the purchase api do not contian purchase codes)
                 $possible_purchases = shub_get_multiple('shub_envato_purchase', array('shub_user_id' => $shub_user->get('shub_user_id'), 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'purchase_time' => strtotime($result['sold_at'])));
                 foreach ($possible_purchases as $possible_purchase) {
                     if (empty($possible_purchases['purchase_code'])) {
                         // this purchase came from the other api and doesn't have a purchase code.
                         // add it in!
                         $shub_envato_purchase_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', $possible_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id'], 'shub_envato_purchase', array('purchase_code' => $purchase_code, 'api_time' => time()));
                         if (empty($possible_purchases['purchase_data'])) {
                             $raw_purchase_data = array_merge(array('author/sale' => $result), is_array($api_raw_data) ? $api_raw_data : array());
                             $shub_envato_purchase_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', $possible_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id'], 'shub_envato_purchase', array('purchase_data' => json_encode($raw_purchase_data)));
             } else {
                 // we do have an existing purchase.
                 $shub_envato_purchase_id = $existing_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id'];
                 //                    if (empty($existing_purchase['shub_user_id'])) {
                 shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', $shub_envato_purchase_id, 'shub_envato_purchase', array('shub_user_id' => $shub_user->get('shub_user_id'), 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'purchase_time' => strtotime($result['sold_at'])));
                 //                    }
             if (!$shub_envato_purchase_id) {
                 // add new one
                 $raw_purchase_data = array_merge(array('author/sale' => $result), is_array($api_raw_data) ? $api_raw_data : array());
                 $shub_envato_purchase_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', false, 'shub_envato_purchase', array('shub_user_id' => $shub_user->get('shub_user_id'), 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'envato_user_id' => 0, 'api_time' => time(), 'api_type' => 'author/sale', 'purchase_time' => strtotime($result['sold_at']), 'purchase_code' => $purchase_code, 'purchase_data' => json_encode($raw_purchase_data)));
             if ($shub_envato_purchase_id) {
                 // support expiry time is 6 months from the purchase date, or as specified by the api result.
                 if (strtotime($result['sold_at']) < strtotime("2015-09-01")) {
                     $support_expiry_time = strtotime("+6 months", strtotime("2015-09-01"));
                 } else {
                     $support_expiry_time = strtotime("+6 months", strtotime($result['sold_at']));
                 if (!empty($result['supported_until'])) {
                     $support_expiry_time = strtotime($result['supported_until']);
                 $existing_support = shub_get_single('shub_envato_support', array('shub_envato_purchase_id'), array($shub_envato_purchase_id));
                 if ($existing_support && empty($existing_support['shub_user_id'])) {
                     shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'], 'shub_envato_support', array('shub_user_id' => $shub_user->get('shub_user_id')));
                 if ($existing_support && $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'] && $existing_support['start_time'] == strtotime($result['sold_at'])) {
                     // check the existing support expiry matches the one we have in the database.
                     if ($existing_support['end_time'] < $support_expiry_time) {
                         // we have a support extension!
                         $shub_envato_support_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'], 'shub_envato_support', array('end_time' => $support_expiry_time, 'api_type' => 'author/sale', 'support_data' => json_encode($result)));
                 } else {
                     // we are adding a new support entry
                     $shub_envato_support_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', false, 'shub_envato_support', array('shub_user_id' => $shub_user->get('shub_user_id'), 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'shub_envato_purchase_id' => $shub_envato_purchase_id, 'api_type' => 'author/sale', 'start_time' => strtotime($result['sold_at']), 'end_time' => $support_expiry_time, 'support_data' => json_encode($result)));
             $result['shub_user_id'] = $shub_user->get('shub_user_id');
             return $result;
     } while (count($accounts));
     // if we get here it means the API request failed or it's an invalid purchase code.
     // log it in our database so we can at least re-check it at a later point in time or show it as failed in the UI somehow.
     $existing_purchase = shub_get_single('shub_envato_purchase', 'purchase_code', $purchase_code);
     if (!$existing_purchase) {
         $shub_envato_purchase_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', false, 'shub_envato_purchase', array('shub_user_id' => $existing_shub_user_id, 'shub_product_id' => 0, 'envato_user_id' => 0, 'api_type' => 'fail', 'purchase_time' => 0, 'purchase_code' => $purchase_code, 'purchase_data' => ''));
     return false;
 public function update_purchase_history()
     $tokens = shub_get_multiple('shub_envato_oauth', array('shub_user_id' => $this->shub_user_id));
     // find the latest token for this user, per account.
     $account_tokens = array();
     // if any of them have expired, refresh the token from the api
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         if (!$token['shub_account_id']) {
         if (!isset($account_tokens[$token['shub_account_id']]) || $token['expire_time'] > $account_tokens[$token['shub_account_id']]['expire_time']) {
             $account_tokens[$token['shub_account_id']] = $token;
     foreach ($account_tokens as $account_token) {
         $shub_envato_account = new shub_envato_account($account_token['shub_account_id']);
         // found the account, pull in the API and build the url
         $api = $shub_envato_account->get_api();
         if ($account_token['expire_time'] <= time()) {
             // renew this token!
             $new_access_token = $api->refresh_token();
             if ($new_access_token) {
                 shub_update_insert('shub_envato_oauth_id', $account_token['shub_envato_oauth_id'], 'shub_envato_oauth', array('access_token' => $new_access_token, 'expire_time' => time() + 3600));
             } else {
                 echo 'Token refresh failed';
                 return false;
         $api_result = $api->api('v1/market/private/user/username.json', array(), false);
         $api_result_email = $api->api('v1/market/private/user/email.json', array(), false);
         if ($api_result && !empty($api_result['username'])) {
             $this->add_unique_meta('envato_username', $api_result['username']);
         if ($api_result_email && !empty($api_result_email['email'])) {
             $email = trim(strtolower($api_result_email['email']));
             // todo: not sure if best to update users eamail , if they change email accounts and stuff
             $this->update('user_email', $email);
         $api_result_purchase_history = $api->api('v2/market/buyer/purchases', array(), false);
         // store this purchase history in our db for later use.
         if ($api_result_purchase_history && !empty($api_result_purchase_history['buyer']['id']) && !empty($api_result_purchase_history['buyer']['username']) && $api_result_purchase_history['buyer']['username'] == $api_result['username']) {
             // we have the buyer ID! yay! this is better than a username.
             $this->add_unique_meta('envato_user_id', $api_result_purchase_history['buyer']['id']);
             if (!empty($api_result_purchase_history['purchases']) && is_array($api_result_purchase_history['purchases'])) {
                 foreach ($api_result_purchase_history['purchases'] as $purchase) {
                     if (!empty($purchase['item']['id'])) {
                         // todo: beg envato to add the purchase code to this output so we can link it together correctly.
                         // find out which shub product this is for
                         // if we cannot find one then we create one. this helps when new items are made.
                         $existing_products = SupportHub::getInstance()->get_products();
                         // check if this item exists already
                         $exists = false;
                         foreach ($existing_products as $existing_product) {
                             if (isset($existing_product['product_data']['envato_item_id']) && $existing_product['product_data']['envato_item_id'] == $purchase['item']['id']) {
                                 $exists = $existing_product['shub_product_id'];
                         $newproduct = new SupportHubProduct();
                         if (!$exists) {
                         } else {
                         if (!$newproduct->get('product_name')) {
                             $newproduct->update('product_name', $purchase['item']['name']);
                         $existing_product_data = $newproduct->get('product_data');
                         if (!is_array($existing_product_data)) {
                             $existing_product_data = array();
                         if (empty($existing_product_data['envato_item_id'])) {
                             $existing_product_data['envato_item_id'] = $purchase['item']['id'];
                         if (empty($existing_product_data['envato_item_data'])) {
                             $existing_product_data['envato_item_data'] = $purchase['item'];
                         if (empty($existing_product_data['image'])) {
                             $existing_product_data['image'] = $purchase['item']['thumbnail_url'];
                         if (empty($existing_product_data['url'])) {
                             $existing_product_data['url'] = $purchase['item']['url'];
                         $newproduct->update('product_data', $existing_product_data);
                         if ($newproduct->get('shub_product_id')) {
                             // product has been added
                             // time to add it to the purchase db
                             // check if this already exists in the db
                             $existing_purchase = shub_get_single('shub_envato_purchase', array('purchase_code'), array($purchase['code']));
                             if (!$existing_purchase) {
                                 $shub_envato_purchase_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', false, 'shub_envato_purchase', array('shub_user_id' => $this->get('shub_user_id'), 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'purchase_time' => strtotime($purchase['sold_at']), 'envato_user_id' => $api_result_purchase_history['buyer']['id'], 'purchase_code' => $purchase['code'], 'api_type' => 'buyer/purchases', 'purchase_data' => json_encode($purchase)));
                             } else {
                                 if (!$existing_purchase['shub_user_id']) {
                                     shub_update_insert('shub_envato_purchase_id', $existing_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id'], 'shub_envato_purchase', array('shub_user_id' => $this->get('shub_user_id')));
                                 $shub_envato_purchase_id = $existing_purchase['shub_envato_purchase_id'];
                             if ($shub_envato_purchase_id) {
                                 // we have a purchase in the db
                                 // add or update the support expiry based on this purchase history.
                                 // work out when this purchase support expires
                                 // this is the expiry date returned in the api or just 6 months from the original purchase date.
                                 $support_expiry_time = strtotime("+6 months", strtotime($purchase['sold_at']));
                                 // todo - check for this expiry time in the new api results.
                                 $existing_support = shub_get_single('shub_envato_support', array('shub_envato_purchase_id'), array($shub_envato_purchase_id));
                                 if ($existing_support && empty($existing_support['shub_user_id'])) {
                                     shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'], 'shub_envato_support', array('shub_user_id' => $this->get('shub_user_id')));
                                 if ($existing_support && $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'] && $existing_support['start_time'] == strtotime($purchase['sold_at'])) {
                                     // check the existing support expiry matches the one we have in the database.
                                     if ($existing_support['end_time'] < $support_expiry_time) {
                                         // we have a support extension!
                                         $shub_envato_support_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', $existing_support['shub_envato_support_id'], 'shub_envato_support', array('end_time' => $support_expiry_time, 'api_type' => 'buyer/purchases', 'support_data' => json_encode($purchase)));
                                 } else {
                                     // we are adding a new support entry
                                     $shub_envato_support_id = shub_update_insert('shub_envato_support_id', false, 'shub_envato_support', array('shub_user_id' => $this->get('shub_user_id'), 'shub_product_id' => $newproduct->get('shub_product_id'), 'shub_envato_purchase_id' => $shub_envato_purchase_id, 'start_time' => strtotime($purchase['sold_at']), 'end_time' => $support_expiry_time, 'api_type' => 'buyer/purchases', 'support_data' => json_encode($purchase)));
     return true;