Beispiel #1
 * @package AEC - Account Control Expiration - Membership Manager
 * @subpackage Install Includes
 * @copyright 2006-2015 Copyright (C) David Deutsch
 * @author David Deutsch <*****@*****.**> & Team AEC -
 * @license GNU/GPL v.3 or, at your option, any later version
// Dont allow direct linking
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.');
// Check for a root group
$db->setQuery("SELECT id FROM  #__acctexp_itemgroups WHERE id='1'");
// Create root group completely out of thin air (tadaa!)
if ($db->loadResult() != 1) {
    $rootgroup = new ItemGroup();
    $rootgroup->id = 0;
    $rootgroup->active = 1;
    $rootgroup->visible = 1;
    $rootgroup->name = JText::_('AEC_INST_ROOT_GROUP_NAME');
    $rootgroup->desc = JText::_('AEC_INST_ROOT_GROUP_DESC');
    $rootgroup->params = array('color' => 'bbddff', 'icon' => 'flag_blue', 'reveal_child_items' => 1);
    if ($rootgroup->id != 1) {
        $db->setQuery("UPDATE #__acctexp_itemgroups SET id='1' WHERE id='" . $rootgroup->id . "'");
    // Adding in root group relation for all plans
    $planlist = SubscriptionPlanHandler::listPlans();
    $db->setQuery("SELECT count(*) FROM  #__acctexp_itemxgroup");
    if (count($planlist) > $db->loadResult()) {
        ItemGroupHandler::setChildren(1, $planlist);