  * Display a list of supported post types below the "automated integration" setting.
  * @access  public
  * @since   1.0.0
  * @return  string $html Rendered HTML markup.
 public function display_supported_post_types()
     $supported = Subscribe_And_Connect_Utils::get_supported_post_types();
     $html = '';
     if (0 < count($supported)) {
         $post_type_names = array();
         $last_one = '';
         if (1 < count($supported)) {
             $last_item_obj = array_pop($supported);
             $last_one = __('and', 'subscribe-and-connect') . ' <code>' . $last_item_obj->labels->name . '</code>';
         foreach ($supported as $k => $v) {
             $post_type_names[] = '<code>' . $v->labels->name . '</code>';
         $post_types = join($post_type_names) . $last_one;
         $html .= sprintf(__('If the automated integration is used, Subscribe & Connect will display on posts of the %1$s types.', 'subscribe-and-connect'), $post_types) . '<br /><br />';
     $html .= wpautop('<small>' . sprintf(__('To integrate a specific post type with Subscribe & Connect, add %1$s to your %2$s in your theme, or to your custom plugin.', 'subscribe-and-connect'), '<code><small>add_post_type_support( \'your-post-type\', \'subscribe-and-connect\' );</small></code>', '<code><small>functions.php</small></code>') . '</small>');
     return $html;