Beispiel #1
 public function init()
     $Param = $this->getRequest('Params');
     $Action = $this->getRequest()->getActionName();
     // echo $Action;
     if ($Action != "site-map") {
         $langId = Zend_Registry::get('languageID');
         $this->view->headLink()->offsetSetStylesheet($this->_moduleID, $this->view->locateFile('catalog.css'));
         //        $oTypes       = new TypesObject();
         $oCollections = new SubCategoriesObject();
         //        $oClientele   = new ClienteleObject();
         //        $types       = $oTypes->getAll($langId);
         $collections = $oCollections->getAll($langId);
         //        $clienteles  = $oClientele->clienteleList($langId);
         //        $this->view->types       = $types;
         $this->view->collections = $collections;
         //        $this->view->clientele   = $clienteles;
 public function listSubCatAction()
     // web page title
     $this->view->title = "Sous-catégories";
     if ($this->view->aclIsAllowed($this->_moduleTitle, 'edit', true)) {
         $tables = array('Catalog_CategoriesData' => array('CC_ID'), 'Catalog_CategoriesIndex' => array('CCI_CategoryID', 'CCI_Name'), 'Catalog_SousCategoriesData' => array('SC_ID', 'SC_CategoryID'), 'Catalog_SousCategoriesIndex' => array('SCI_SousCategoryID', 'SCI_LanguageID', 'SCI_Name'));
         $field_list = array('SC_ID' => array('width' => '50px'), 'SCI_Name' => array('width' => '150px'), 'CCI_Name' => array('width' => '150px'));
         $this->view->params = $this->_getAllParams();
         $pageID = $this->_getParam('pageID');
         $lang = $this->_getParam('lang');
         if (!$lang) {
             $this->_registry->currentEditLanguage = $this->_defaultEditLanguage;
             $langId = $this->_defaultEditLanguage;
         } else {
             $langId = Cible_FunctionsGeneral::getLanguageID($lang);
             $this->_registry->currentEditLanguage = $langId;
         $oSubCategories = new SubCategoriesObject();
         $select = $oSubCategories->getAll($langId, false);
         $select->joinLeft('Catalog_CategoriesData', 'CC_ID = SC_CategoryID');
         $select->joinLeft('BannerGroup', 'BG_ID = SC_BannerGroupID');
         $select->joinLeft('Catalog_CategoriesIndex', 'CC_ID = CCI_CategoryID AND CCI_LanguageID = "' . $langId . '"');
         $commands = array();
         if ($langId == $this->_defaultEditLanguage) {
             $commands = array($this->view->link($this->view->url(array('controller' => $this->_name, 'action' => 'add')), $this->view->getCibleText('button_add_news'), array('class' => 'action_submit add')));
         $options = array('commands' => $commands, 'disable-export-to-excel' => 'true', 'action_panel' => array('width' => '50', 'actions' => array('edit' => array('label' => $this->view->getCibleText('button_edit'), 'url' => $this->view->baseUrl() . "/" . $this->_moduleTitle . "/" . $this->_name . "/edit/" . $this->_paramId . "/%ID%", 'findReplace' => array('search' => '%ID%', 'replace' => 'SC_ID')), 'delete' => array('label' => $this->view->getCibleText('button_delete'), 'url' => $this->view->baseUrl() . "/" . $this->_moduleTitle . "/" . $this->_name . "/delete/" . $this->_paramId . "/%ID%/" . $pageID, 'findReplace' => array('search' => '%ID%', 'replace' => 'SC_ID')))));
         $mylist = new Cible_Paginator($select, $tables, $field_list, $options);
         $this->view->assign('mylist', $mylist);
Beispiel #3
  * Get the list of the products for the current category
  * @param int $limit
  * @return array
 public function getList()
     $products = array();
     $oProducts = new ProductsObject();
     $oSubCat = new SubCategoriesObject();
     $oCategory = new CatalogCategoriesObject();
     //        $oType     = new TypesObject();
     //        $oCli      = new ClienteleObject();
     if (isset($this->_blockParams['1'])) {
         Zend_Registry::set('defaultCategory', $this->_blockParams['1']);
     if (!$this->_prodId) {
         // If no category selected, set the default one.
         if (!$this->_catId && !$this->_keywords && isset($this->_blockParams['1'])) {
             $categoryId = $this->_blockParams['1'];
         } else {
             $categoryId = $this->_catId;
         Zend_Registry::set('catId_', $categoryId);
         $subCategories = $oSubCat->getSubCatByCategory($categoryId, false, $this->_currentLang);
         //            if($this->_subCatId)
         //                $subCategories->where('SC_ID = ?', $this->_subCatId);
         $categoryQuery = $oCategory->getDataCatagory($this->_currentLang, false);
         $select = $oProducts->getProducts($this->_currentLang, false);
         //            $oType->setQuery($select);
         //            $select = $oType->getDataTypes($this->_currentLang, false);
         //            $oCli->setQuery($select);
         //            $select = $oCli->getDataClientele($this->_currentLang, false);
         $select->order('PI_Seq ASC');
         if ($this->_subCatId) {
             $select->where('P_SubCategoryID = ?', $this->_subCatId);
             Zend_Registry::set('subCatId_', $this->_subCatId);
         if (count($this->_keywords)) {
         if (count($this->_filter)) {
             $filterClause = "";
             foreach ($this->_filter as $key => $value) {
                 $select = $this->_addFilterQuery($key, $value, $select);
         $products = $this->_db->fetchAll($select);
         $num_products = count($products);
     } else {
         $product = $oProducts->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $this->_prodId);
         $tmpArray = $product[0];
         $dataSubCat = $oSubCat->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $tmpArray['P_SubCategoryID']);
         $subCategory = $dataSubCat[0];
         $dataCategory = $oCategory->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $subCategory['SC_CategoryID']);
         $category = $dataCategory[0];
         $products = array_merge($tmpArray, $subCategory, $category);
         //            $type = $oType->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $tmpArray['P_TypeID']);
         //            $cli  = $oCli->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $tmpArray['P_ClienteleID']);
         $products['type'] = $type[0];
         $products['clientele'] = $cli[0];
         //            $oItems       = new ItemsObject();
         //            $items        = $oItems->getItemsByProductId($this->_prodId);
         Zend_Registry::set('catId_', $subCategory['SC_CategoryID']);
         Zend_Registry::set('subCatId_', $tmpArray['P_SubCategoryID']);
         //            $products['items'] = $items;
         //            $oAssocProd = new ProductsAssociationObject();
         //            $relations  = $oAssocProd->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $this->_prodId );
         //            $tmp        = array();
         //            $relatedProd    = array();
         //            foreach ($relations as $relProd)
         //            {
         //                if ($relProd['AP_RelatedProductID'] != -1)
         //                {
         //                    $tmp = $oProducts->populate($relProd['AP_RelatedProductID'], $this->_currentLang);
         //                    $subCat    = $oSubCat->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $tmp['P_SubCategoryID']);
         //                    $tmpSubCat = $subCat[0];
         //                    $category  = $oCategory->getAll($this->_currentLang, true, $tmpSubCat['SC_CategoryID']);
         //                    $tmpCat    = $category[0];
         //                    $tmp       = array_merge($tmp, $tmpSubCat, $tmpCat);
         //                    $relatedProd[]  = $tmp;
         //                }
         //            }
         //            $products['relatedProducts'] = $relatedProd;
     //            $products['relatedProducts'] = $relatedProd;
     //        }
     return $products;