Beispiel #1
 private function getSortKey($eventFact, &$prevKey)
     $date = (string) $eventFact['date'];
     $type = (string) $eventFact['type'];
     $key = '';
     if (!$date) {
         if ($type == 'Death') {
             $key = 29999998;
         } else {
             if ($type == 'Burial') {
                 $key = 29999999;
     } else {
         $k = StructuredData::getDateKey($date, true);
         if ($k) {
             $key = $k;
             $prevKey = $key;
     if (!$key) {
         $key = $prevKey;
     // if no date, assume same as previous
     return $key;
Beispiel #2
 public static function standardizeValues($label, $values)
     $stdValues = array();
     if (is_array(@$values)) {
         foreach ($values as $value) {
             $stdValue = '';
             if (strpos($label, 'Surname') !== false || strpos($label, 'Given') !== false) {
                 $pieces = explode(' ', $value);
                 $sdxValue = '';
                 foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
                     $lowerPiece = mb_strtolower($piece);
                     if ($piece && $lowerPiece != 'unknown' && $lowerPiece != '?' && $lowerPiece != 'fnu' && $lowerPiece != 'lnu' && $lowerPiece != 'nn' && $lowerPiece != 'n.n.') {
                         if ($stdValue) {
                             $stdValue .= ' ';
                             $sdxValue .= ' ';
                         $stdValue .= $lowerPiece;
                         $sdxValue .= soundex($piece);
                 $stdValue .= '|' . $sdxValue;
             } else {
                 if (strpos($label, 'date') !== false) {
                     $stdValue = StructuredData::getDateKey($value);
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($label, 'place') !== false) {
                         $stdValue = StructuredData::getPlaceKey($value);
                         $pos = mb_strpos($stdValue, ', united states');
                         if ($pos !== false) {
                             $stdValue = mb_substr($stdValue, 0, $pos);
                             // remove united states for ,-check in scoreMatch below
                     } else {
                         if (strpos($label, 'ParentFamilyTitle') !== false || strpos($label, 'SpouseFamilyTitle') !== false) {
                             $pos = mb_strpos($value, '(');
                             if ($pos !== false) {
                                 $stdValue = mb_substr($value, 0, $pos);
                             } else {
                                 $stdValue = $value;
                             $stdValue = trim(mb_convert_case($stdValue, MB_CASE_LOWER));
                         } else {
                             $stdValue = $value;
             if ($stdValue) {
                 $stdValues[] = $stdValue;
     } else {
         if ($label == 'childGedcomMatchTitle' && @$values) {
             // keep this for matching
             $stdValues[] = $values;
     return $stdValues;
Beispiel #3
 private function cleanDate($str)
     return StructuredData::getDateKey($str);
     //		if($str == 'UNKNOWN')
     //			return '';
     //		$str = preg_replace('/abt\.?\s*/i', '', $str);
     //		$date = date_create($str); // function new in PHP 5.2
     //		return @date_format($date, DATE_ISO8601);
     //		$matches = array();
     //		$pattern = '/abt\.?\s+([0-9]{4})';
     //		preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches);
     //		if(isset($matches[1]))
     //			return $matches[1];
     //		$pattern = '([0-9]{1,2}\s+(\w+)\s+'
 private function getMapData($n, &$result)
     $family = @$this->families[$n];
     // calculate color index numbers
     list($familyNumber, $husbandNumber, $wifeNumber, $selfNumber, $spouseNumber) = ShowPedigree::getColorIndexes($n);
     if (@$family['exists']) {
         $endpoints = array();
         // get marriage
         $this->addEvent($family, 'marriage', $husbandNumber, $result);
         $this->addEndpoint($family, 'marriage', $endpoints);
         // get childbirths
         if (isset($family['children'])) {
             foreach ($family['children'] as $child) {
                 // get birth for children
                 $this->addEvent($child, 'birth', $familyNumber, $result);
                 $this->addEndpoint($child, 'birth', $endpoints);
         // calculate which spouse dies first
         $husbandDeath = StructuredData::getDateKey(@$family['husband']['deathdate']);
         $wifeDeath = StructuredData::getDateKey(@$family['wife']['deathdate']);
         if ($husbandDeath && $wifeDeath) {
             if ($husbandDeath < $wifeDeath) {
                 $firstDeathTag = 'husband';
                 $secondDeathTag = 'wife';
                 $secondDeathNumber = $wifeNumber;
             } else {
                 $firstDeathTag = 'wife';
                 $secondDeathTag = 'husband';
                 $secondDeathNumber = $husbandNumber;
         } else {
             if ($n >= ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE && $n < ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE + $this->numSpouseFamilies - 1) {
                 $firstDeathTag = $this->spouseTag;
                 $secondDeathTag = $this->selfTag;
                 $secondDeathNumber = $selfNumber;
             } else {
                 $firstDeathTag = 'husband';
                 $secondDeathTag = 'wife';
                 $secondDeathNumber = $wifeNumber;
         // include endpoint of first spouse to die in family endpoints
         $this->addEndpoint(@$family[$firstDeathTag], 'death', $endpoints);
         // generate edges from endpoints
         sort($endpoints, SORT_STRING);
         $firstFamilyEndpoint = count($endpoints) > 0 ? $endpoints[0] : null;
         $lastFamilyEndpoint = count($endpoints) > 0 ? $endpoints[count($endpoints) - 1] : null;
         $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $husbandNumber, $wifeNumber);
         // get death edge for last spouse to die (self's death on last spouse-family only)
         if ($lastFamilyEndpoint && ($secondDeathTag != $this->selfTag || $n <= ShowPedigree::MAX_FAMILIES || $n == ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE + $this->numSpouseFamilies - 1)) {
             $endpoints = array($lastFamilyEndpoint);
             $this->addEndpoint(@$family[$secondDeathTag], 'death', $endpoints);
             $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $secondDeathNumber);
         // get death info (self's death on last spouse-family only)
         if ($n >= ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE) {
             $this->addEvent(@$family[$this->spouseTag], 'death', $spouseNumber, $result);
             if ($n == ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE + $this->numSpouseFamilies - 1) {
                 // last spouse family
                 $this->addEvent(@$family[$this->selfTag], 'death', $selfNumber, $result);
         } else {
             $this->addEvent(@$family['husband'], 'death', $husbandNumber, $result);
             $this->addEvent(@$family['wife'], 'death', $wifeNumber, $result);
         // get birth for self-spouses and anyone who doesn't appear in a parent-family
         if ($n >= ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE) {
             $this->addEvent(@$family[$this->spouseTag], 'birth', $spouseNumber, $result);
             if ($n == ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE && @(!$this->families[1]['exists'])) {
                 // first family, and parent family doesn't exist
                 $this->addEvent(@$family[$this->selfTag], 'birth', $selfNumber, $result);
             // add edges from spouse and self to first family event (but don't do this for self for 2nd and later families)
             if ($firstFamilyEndpoint) {
                 $endpoints = array($firstFamilyEndpoint);
                 $this->addEndpoint(@$family[$this->spouseTag], 'birth', $endpoints);
                 $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $spouseNumber);
                 if ($n == ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE) {
                     // first family for self
                     $endpoints = array($firstFamilyEndpoint);
                     $this->addEndpoint(@$family[$this->selfTag], 'birth', $endpoints);
                     $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $selfNumber);
                 } else {
                     if ($this->prevLastFamilyEndpoint) {
                         // second or later family for self
                         $endpoints = array($this->prevLastFamilyEndpoint, $firstFamilyEndpoint);
                         $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $selfNumber);
         } else {
             if (@(!$this->families[$n * 2]['exists'])) {
                 $this->addEvent(@$family['husband'], 'birth', $husbandNumber, $result);
             if (@(!$this->families[$n * 2 + 1]['exists'])) {
                 $this->addEvent(@$family['wife'], 'birth', $wifeNumber, $result);
             if ($firstFamilyEndpoint) {
                 $endpoints = array($firstFamilyEndpoint);
                 $this->addEndpoint(@$family['husband'], 'birth', $endpoints);
                 $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $husbandNumber);
                 $endpoints = array($firstFamilyEndpoint);
                 $this->addEndpoint(@$family['wife'], 'birth', $endpoints);
                 $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $wifeNumber);
         $this->prevLastFamilyEndpoint = $lastFamilyEndpoint;
     // just in case there are no spouse-families and we're not doing a pedigree for a family, we still need to get info on self
     if ($this->numSpouseFamilies == 0 && $n == 1 && $this->selfTag) {
         $endpoints = array();
         if (@(!$this->families[1]['exists'])) {
             $this->addEvent(@$this->families[ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE][$this->selfTag], 'birth', $selfNumber, $result);
         $this->addEndpoint(@$this->families[ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE][$this->selfTag], 'birth', $endpoints);
         $this->addEvent(@$this->families[ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE][$this->selfTag], 'death', $selfNumber, $result);
         $this->addEndpoint(@$this->families[ShowPedigree::SPOUSE_FAMILY_BASE][$this->selfTag], 'death', $endpoints);
         $result .= $this->generateEdges($endpoints, $selfNumber);
Beispiel #5
 private function getEventData($xml, $eventTypes)
     $eventTypeIndex = 0;
     foreach ($eventTypes as $type) {
         foreach ($xml->event_fact as $event_fact) {
             if ((string) $event_fact['type'] == $type) {
                 $eventDate = (string) $event_fact['date'];
                 $eventYear = substr(StructuredData::getDateKey($eventDate), 0, 4);
                 $eventPlace = '';
                 //               $eventPlaceUrl = '';
                 $place = (string) $event_fact['place'];
                 if ($place) {
                     $pos = mb_strpos($place, '|');
                     if ($pos !== false) {
                         $eventPlace = mb_substr($place, $pos + 1);
                         //                     $placeTitle = mb_substr($place, 0, $pos);
                     } else {
                         $eventPlace = $place;
                         //                     $placeTitle = $place;
                     //                  $t = Title::newFromText($placeTitle, NS_PLACE);
                     //                  if ($t) {
                     //                     $eventPlaceUrl = $t->getFullURL();
                     //                  }
                 return array($eventYear, $eventDate, $eventPlace, $eventTypeIndex);
     return array('', '', '', -1);
Beispiel #6
 private static function readEvents($xml)
     $events = array();
     foreach ($xml->event_fact as $o) {
         $type = (string) $o['type'];
         $stdType = MergeForm::getStdType($type);
         $date = (string) $o['date'];
         $stdDate = (string) StructuredData::getDateKey($date);
         $place = (string) $o['place'];
         $stdPlace = StructuredData::getPlaceKey($place);
         $desc = (string) $o['desc'];
         // sometimes people put the references in the wrong fields, so gather them all together
         list($sources, $images, $notes) = MergeForm::readSourcesImagesNotes((string) $o['sources'], (string) $o['images'], (string) $o['notes']);
         $key = 'EVENT|' . $type . '|' . $date . '|' . $place . '|' . $desc . '|' . $sources . '|' . $notes . '|' . $images;
         $events[] = array('type' => $type, 'stdtype' => $stdType, 'date' => $date, 'stddate' => $stdDate, 'place' => $place, 'stdplace' => $stdPlace, 'description' => $desc, 'sources' => $sources, 'notes' => $notes, 'images' => $images, 'key' => $key);
     return $events;
Beispiel #7
 private function getRange($date, $range)
     if ($range) {
         $year = substr(StructuredData::getDateKey($date), 0, 4);
         if ($year && $range <= 5) {
             return '[' . ($year - $range) . ' TO ' . ($year + $range) . ']';
     return $this->addQuotes($date);
Beispiel #8
    protected function getFamilyBadge($family, $isParentsSiblings, $gender, $parentFamilies, &$marriageEvents)
        global $wrHostName;
        $marriageKey = 0;
        $title = (string) $family['title'];
        $warning = '';
        $subtitle = '';
        if ($isParentsSiblings) {
            $label = "Parents and Siblings";
            $husbandLabel = 'F';
            $wifeLabel = 'M';
            $childLabel = 'S';
            $class = "wr-infobox-parentssiblings";
            if (count($parentFamilies) > 1) {
                $pfs = array();
                foreach ($parentFamilies as $pf) {
                    $t = Title::newFromText($pf, NS_FAMILY);
                    $pfs[] = wfUrlencode($t->getDBkey());
                $warning = "Duplicate parents - <span class=\"plainlinks\">[http://{$wrHostName}/wiki/Special:Compare?ns=Family&compare=" . join('|', $pfs) . " compare]</span>";
        } else {
            $label = "Spouse and Children";
            $husbandLabel = 'H';
            $wifeLabel = 'W';
            $childLabel = 'C';
            $class = "wr-infobox-spousechildren";
        $spouses = '';
        $marriage = '';
        $children = '';
        $spouseLinks = array();
        if ($this->isGedcomPage) {
            if (mb_strpos($title, ' - Excluded (') > 0) {
                $label .= ' - Excluded';
            $spouses = "<li>[[Family:{$title}|View family members]]<br><span style=\"font-size:75%\">family members not shown in gedcom review</span></li>";
        } else {
            $familyObject = new Family($title);
            $familyXml = $familyObject->getPageXml(true);
            if (isset($familyXml)) {
                if (isset($familyXml->husband)) {
                    foreach ($familyXml->husband as $spouse) {
                        $spouses .= $this->getFamilyMember($spouse, $husbandLabel, !$isParentsSiblings && $gender == 'F', $spouseLinks);
                } else {
                    list($hg, $hs, $wg, $ws) = StructuredData::parseFamilyTitle($title);
                    if ($hg || $hs) {
                        $spouses .= $this->getFamilyMember(null, $husbandLabel, !$isParentsSiblings && $gender == 'F', $spouseLinks, "{$hg} {$hs}", 'M', $title);
                if (isset($familyXml->wife)) {
                    foreach ($familyXml->wife as $spouse) {
                        $spouses .= $this->getFamilyMember($spouse, $wifeLabel, !$isParentsSiblings && $gender == 'M', $spouseLinks);
                } else {
                    list($hg, $hs, $wg, $ws) = StructuredData::parseFamilyTitle($title);
                    if ($wg || $ws) {
                        $spouses .= $this->getFamilyMember(null, $wifeLabel, !$isParentsSiblings && $gender == 'M', $spouseLinks, "{$wg} {$ws}", 'F', $title);
                if (isset($familyXml->event_fact)) {
                    foreach ($familyXml->event_fact as $eventFact) {
                        if ((string) $eventFact['type'] == 'Marriage') {
                            $marriageDate = (string) $eventFact['date'];
                            $marriageKey = StructuredData::getDateKey($marriageDate, true);
                            $marriage = "<div class=\"wr-infobox-event\">m. <span class=\"wr-infobox-date\">{$marriageDate}</span></div>";
                        if (!$isParentsSiblings) {
                            $marriageDesc = (string) $eventFact['desc'];
                            if ($marriageDesc) {
                                $marriageDesc .= '<br/>';
                            // sometimes event type is "Reference Number" -- I don't know why
                            $conjunction = @Family::$EVENT_CONJUNCTIONS[(string) $eventFact['type']];
                            $marriageDesc .= $conjunction . ' ' . join(' or ', $spouseLinks);
                            $marriageEvents[] = array('type' => (string) $eventFact['type'], 'date' => (string) $eventFact['date'], 'place' => (string) $eventFact['place'], 'desc' => $marriageDesc, 'srcs' => (string) $eventFact['sources'], 'no_citation_needed' => true);
                foreach ($familyXml->child as $child) {
                    $children .= $this->getFamilyMember($child, $childLabel, false, $spouseLinks);
                if ($children) {
                    $children = "<ol>{$children}</ol>";
            } else {
                list($hg, $hs, $wg, $ws) = StructuredData::parseFamilyTitle($title);
                if ($hg || $hs) {
                    $spouses .= $this->getFamilyMember(null, $husbandLabel, false, $spouseLinks, "{$hg} {$hs}", 'M', $title);
                if ($wg || $ws) {
                    $spouses .= $this->getFamilyMember(null, $wifeLabel, false, $spouseLinks, "{$wg} {$ws}", 'F', $title);
            $t = Title::makeTitleSafe(NS_FAMILY, $title);
            $subtitle = "<div class=\"wr-infobox-editlink\"><span class=\"plainlinks\">([" . $t->getFullURL('action=edit') . " edit])</span></div>";
        if ($warning) {
            $subtitle = "<div class=\"wr-infobox-warning\">{$warning}</div>";
        $result = <<<END
<div class="wr-infobox wr-infobox-familybadge {$class}">
   <div class="wr-infobox-heading">[[Family:{$title}|{$label}]]</div>{$subtitle}<ul>{$spouses}</ul>{$marriage}{$children}
        return array($marriageKey, $result);
Beispiel #9
 private function getAllEventPlaces($xml)
     $events = array();
     foreach ($xml->event_fact as $event_fact) {
         list($eventPlace, $eventPlaceText) = $this->getEventPlace($event_fact);
         $eventDate = (string) StructuredData::getDateKey((string) $event_fact['date'], true);
         if ($eventPlace) {
             $events[] = $eventDate . '|' . $eventPlace;
     foreach ($xml->spouse_of_family as $spouseFamily) {
         $titleText = (string) $spouseFamily['title'];
         $family = @$this->families[$titleText];
         if ($family && $family['xml']) {
             foreach ($family['xml']->event_fact as $event_fact) {
                 list($eventPlace, $eventPlaceText) = $this->getEventPlace($event_fact);
                 $eventDate = (string) StructuredData::getDateKey((string) $event_fact['date'], true);
                 if ($eventPlace) {
                     $events[] = $eventDate . '|' . $eventPlace;
     // sort events by date
     $result = array();
     foreach ($events as $event) {
         $pos = mb_strpos($event, '|');
         $place = mb_substr($event, $pos + 1);
         if (!in_array($place, $result)) {
             $result[] = $place;
     return $result;