Beispiel #1
 function safecracker_submit_entry_end($obj)
     $this->site_pages = $this->sql->get_site_pages(TRUE);
     // The constants in this safecracker game.
     $channel_id = $obj->channel['channel_id'];
     $channel_type = $this->sql->get_channel_type($channel_id);
     if ($channel_type == NULL) {
     // If we're not working with Structure data, let's kill this quickly.
     if (!isset($obj->entry['entry_id']) || $channel_type != 'page' && $channel_type != 'listing') {
     // These may not always be available so putting them *after* the conditional
     $entry_id = $obj->entry['entry_id'];
     // This defaults to false if not a listing entry
     $listing_entry = $this->sql->get_listing_entry($entry_id);
     | Template ID
     $default_template = $listing_entry ? $listing_entry['template_id'] : $this->sql->get_default_template($channel_id);
     $template_id = pick(structure_array_get($obj->EE->api_sc_channel_entries->data, 'structure_template_id'), structure_array_get($this->site_pages['templates'], $entry_id));
     if (!$this->sql->is_valid_template($template_id)) {
         $template_id = $default_template;
     | URI
     $default_uri = $listing_entry ? structure_array_get($listing_entry, 'uri') : structure_array_get($this->site_pages['uris'], $entry_id);
     $uri = Structure_Helper::tidy_url(pick(structure_array_get($obj->EE->api_sc_channel_entries->data, 'structure_uri'), Structure_Helper::get_slug($default_uri), $obj->entry['url_title']));
     | Parent ID
     $default_parent_id = $channel_type == 'listing' ? $this->sql->get_listing_parent($channel_id) : 0;
     $parent_id = pick(structure_array_get($obj->EE->api_sc_channel_entries->data, 'structure_parent_id'), $this->sql->get_parent_id($entry_id, null), $default_parent_id);
     | Parent URI
     $parent_uri = structure_array_get($this->site_pages['uris'], $parent_id, '/');
     | URL
     $url = $channel_type == 'listing' ? $uri : $this->sql->create_full_uri($parent_uri, $uri);
     | Listing Channel ID
     $listing_cid = $this->sql->get_listing_channel($parent_id);
     | Hidden State
     $hidden = pick(structure_array_get($obj->EE->api_sc_channel_entries->data, 'structure_hidden'), $this->sql->get_hidden_state($entry_id), 'n');
     | Entry data to be processed and saved
     $entry_data = array('channel_id' => $channel_id, 'entry_id' => $entry_id, 'uri' => $url, 'parent_uri' => $parent_uri, 'template_id' => $template_id, 'parent_id' => $parent_id, 'listing_cid' => $listing_cid, 'hidden' => $hidden);
     if ($channel_type == 'listing') {
     } else {
         require_once PATH_THIRD . 'structure/mod.structure.php';
         $this->structure = new Structure();
Beispiel #2
 function upgrade_to_ee2()
     | Adios, sayonara, and farewell to "Weblogs"!
     | We need to remap any references to weblogs or "wid"s to their proper
     | channel equivelants.
     if (!$this->EE->db->field_exists('channel_id', 'structure') && !$this->EE->db->field_exists('listing_cid', 'structure')) {
         $this->EE->dbforge->modify_column('structure', array('weblog_id' => array('name' => 'channel_id', 'type' => 'INT', 'constraint' => 6), 'listing_wid' => array('name' => 'listing_cid', 'type' => 'INT', 'constraint' => 6)));
     | Table: Structure Channels
     | EE1's table structure was heinous. We need to juggle data around for
     | a bit and reformat it before sticking it in the database.
     // Grab the EE1 settings and empty them out.
     $ee1_settings = $this->EE->db->get('structure_settings')->result_array();
     // Prep the new table
     $structure_channels = array();
     // Convert the old data format
     foreach ($ee1_settings as $setting) {
         if ($setting['var'] == "action_ajax_move" || $setting['var'] == "module_id" || $setting['var'] == "picker" || $setting['var'] == "url") {
         if (strpos($setting['var'], 'type_weblog_') !== FALSE) {
             $channel_id = str_replace('type_weblog_', '', $setting['var']);
             $structure_channels[$channel_id]['channel_id'] = $channel_id;
             $structure_channels[$channel_id]['type'] = $this->resolve_channel_type($setting['var_value']);
         } elseif (strpos($setting['var'], 'template_weblog_') !== FALSE) {
             $channel_id = str_replace('template_weblog_', '', $setting['var']);
             $structure_channels[$channel_id]['channel_id'] = $channel_id;
             $structure_channels[$channel_id]['template_id'] = $setting['var_value'];
         } else {
             // How...?
         $structure_channels[$channel_id]['site_id'] = $setting['site_id'];
         $structure_channels[$channel_id]['channel_id'] = $channel_id;
         $structure_channels[$channel_id]['split_assets'] = 'n';
         $structure_channels[$channel_id]['show_in_page_selector'] = 'y';
         // @todo listing channel check
     // Populate the Structure Channels table
     foreach ($structure_channels as $data) {
         $this->EE->db->insert('structure_channels', $data);
     | Table: Structure Listings
     | Structure for EE1 just jammed everything into two tables without respect
     | or a care in the world . Let's try to be better citizens, shall we?
     //get all structure entries that have listings
     $structure_entries = $this->EE->db->from('structure as s')->join('structure_channels as sc', 'sc.channel_id = s.listing_cid')->where('listing_cid !=', 0)->get()->result_array();
     $site_pages = $this->EE->config->item('site_pages');
     foreach ($structure_entries as $listing_entry) {
         $data = array('site_id' => $listing_entry['site_id'], 'parent_id' => $listing_entry['channel_id'], 'channel_id' => $listing_entry['listing_cid'], 'template_id' => $listing_entry['template_id']);
         //find all the entries for this listing
         $channel_entries = $this->EE->db->from('channel_titles')->where('channel_id', $listing_entry['listing_cid'])->get()->result_array();
         foreach ($channel_entries as $channel_entry) {
             //if this entry is in site_pages get it uri and add it to the structure listings table
             if (isset($site_pages[$channel_entry['site_id']]['uris'][$channel_entry['entry_id']])) {
                 $listing_entry = array_merge($data, array('entry_id' => $channel_entry['entry_id'], 'uri' => Structure_Helper::get_slug($site_pages[$channel_entry['site_id']]['uris'][$channel_entry['entry_id']])));
                 $this->EE->db->insert('structure_listings', $listing_entry);
     | Extension
     | We don't store any data in the extension, so it's much simpler to just
     | blow it out and reinstall it ourselves.
     $this->EE->db->delete('extensions', array('class' => 'Structure_ext'));
     require_once PATH_THIRD . 'structure/ext.structure.php';
     $ext = new Structure_ext();
     | Publish Tab
     | We need to tell ExpressionEngine that we have a pile of useful fields to
     | add into the Publish Tab.
     $this->EE->layout->add_layout_tabs($this->tabs(), 'structure');
     $this->EE->db->where('module_name', "Structure");
     $this->EE->db->update('modules', array('has_publish_fields' => 'y'));