Beispiel #1
 public static function getMatchPrices($companyAliases, $sku, $myPrice)
     $myPrice = StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency($myPrice);
     //initialize values
     $finalOutputArray = array('sku' => $sku, 'myPrice' => $myPrice, 'minPrice' => 0, 'companyPrices' => array());
     foreach ($companyAliases as $key => $value) {
         $finalOutputArray['companyPrices'][$key] = array('price' => 0, 'priceURL' => '', 'PriceMatchCompanyId' => $value['PriceMatchCompanyId']);
     //getting actual values
     $productPriceArray = PriceMatchConnector::getMatchPrices($sku);
     foreach ($productPriceArray as $productPriceInfo) {
         $companyDetails = $productPriceInfo['PriceMatchCompany'];
         $companyDetails = $companyDetails->getCompanyAlias();
         if ($companyDetails === '') {
         foreach ($companyAliases as $key => $value) {
             if (is_array($value) === true && in_array(strtolower($companyDetails), array_map(create_function('$a', 'return strtolower($a);'), $value))) {
                 $price = str_replace(' ', '', str_replace('$', '', str_replace(',', '', $productPriceInfo['price'])));
                 if ($finalOutputArray['minPrice'] == 0 || $finalOutputArray['minPrice'] > $price) {
                     $finalOutputArray['minPrice'] = $price;
                 $finalOutputArray['companyPrices'][$key] = array('price' => $price, 'priceURL' => $productPriceInfo['url'], 'PriceMatchCompanyId' => $value['PriceMatchCompanyId']);
     $companyAliases = null;
     $price = null;
     $productPriceArray = null;
     //return the result
     $finalOutputArray['priceDiff'] = $finalOutputArray['myPrice'] - $finalOutputArray['minPrice'];
     return $finalOutputArray;
Beispiel #2
  * Getting the price match result
  * @param array  $companyAliases
  * @param string $sku
  * @param number $myPrice
  * @return multitype:number multitype: unknown Ambigous <number, mixed>
 public static function getPrices($companyAliases, $sku, $myPrice)
     $myPrice = StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency($myPrice);
     //initialize values
     $finalOutputArray = array('sku' => $sku, 'myPrice' => $myPrice, 'minPrice' => 0, 'companyPrices' => array());
     foreach ($companyAliases as $key => $value) {
         $finalOutputArray['companyPrices'][$key] = array('price' => 0, 'priceURL' => '', 'PriceMatchCompanyId' => $value['PriceMatchCompanyId']);
     $url = '';
     //getting actual values
     $productPriceArray = HTMLParser::getPriceListForProduct($url, $sku);
     foreach ($productPriceArray as $productPriceInfo) {
         if (($companyDetails = trim($productPriceInfo['companyDetails'])) === '') {
         $cdArray = explode('|', $companyDetails);
         $companyURL = isset($cdArray[count($cdArray) - 2]) ? trim($cdArray[count($cdArray) - 2]) : trim($companyDetails);
         foreach ($companyAliases as $key => $value) {
             if (is_array($value) === true && in_array(strtolower($companyURL), array_map(create_function('$a', 'return strtolower($a);'), $value))) {
                 $price = str_replace(' ', '', str_replace('$', '', str_replace(',', '', $productPriceInfo['price'])));
                 if ($finalOutputArray['minPrice'] == 0 || $finalOutputArray['minPrice'] > $price) {
                     $finalOutputArray['minPrice'] = $price;
                 $finalOutputArray['companyPrices'][$key] = array('price' => $price, 'priceURL' => HTMLParser::getHostUrl($url) . $productPriceInfo['priceLink'], 'PriceMatchCompanyId' => $value['PriceMatchCompanyId']);
     //return the result
     $finalOutputArray['priceDiff'] = $finalOutputArray['myPrice'] - $finalOutputArray['minPrice'];
     return $finalOutputArray;
Beispiel #3
 public function updateSetting($sender, $param)
     $result = $errors = array();
     try {
         $result = $products = array();
         $systemSetting = SystemSettings::getByType(SystemSettings::TYPE_SYSTEM_BUILD_PRODUCTS_ID);
         foreach ($param->CallbackParameter as $type => $ids) {
             $result[$type] = array();
             $products[$type] = array();
             foreach ($ids as $index => $id) {
                 $id = intval(trim($id));
                 if (($product = Product::get($id)) instanceof Product) {
                     $result[$type][] = $id;
                     $products[$type][] = $product->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         // 			Dao::rollbackTransaction();
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($products, $errors);
 protected static function _getData()
     if (count(self::$_dateRange) === 0) {
         $yesterdayLocal = new UDate('now', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $yesterdayLocal->modify('-1 day');
         $fromDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $toDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59', 'Australia/Melbourne');
     } else {
         $fromDate = self::$_dateRange['start'];
         $toDate = self::$_dateRange['end'];
     self::$_fromDate = $fromDate;
     self::$_toDate = $toDate;
     $orders = Order::getAllByCriteria('invDate >= :fromDate and invDate <= :toDate', array('fromDate' => trim($fromDate), 'toDate' => trim($toDate)));
     $return = array();
     foreach ($orders as $order) {
         //common fields
         $customer = $order->getCustomer();
         $creditNotes = CreditNote::getAllByCriteria('orderId = ?', array($order->getId()));
         $row = array('Invoice No.' => $order->getInvNo(), 'Invoice Date' => $order->getInvDate()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')->__toString(), 'Order No.' => $order->getOrderNo(), 'Order Date' => $order->getOrderDate()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')->__toString(), 'PO No.' => $order->getPONo(), 'Customer Name' => $customer->getName(), 'Customer Ph.' => $customer->getContactNo(), 'Customer Email' => $customer->getEmail(), 'Status' => $order->getStatus()->getName(), 'Total Amt.' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($order->getTotalAmount()), 'Total Paid' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($order->getTotalPaid()), 'Total Credited' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($order->getTotalCreditNoteValue()), 'Total Due' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($order->getTotalAmount() - $order->getTotalPaid() - $order->getTotalCreditNoteValue()), 'CreditNote Nos.' => implode(', ', array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getCreditNoteNo();'), $creditNotes)));
         $return[] = $row;
     return $return;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see DetailsPageAbstract::saveItem()
 public function saveItem($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->id)) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid supplier ID passed in!');
         $supplier = ($id = trim($param->CallbackParameter->id)) === '' ? new Supplier() : Supplier::get($id);
         if (!$supplier instanceof Supplier) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid supplier passed in!');
         $contactName = trim($param->CallbackParameter->address->contactName);
         $contactNo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->address->contactNo);
         $street = trim($param->CallbackParameter->address->street);
         $city = trim($param->CallbackParameter->address->city);
         $region = trim($param->CallbackParameter->address->region);
         $postCode = trim($param->CallbackParameter->address->postCode);
         $country = trim($param->CallbackParameter->address->country);
         $address = $supplier->getAddress();
         $supplier->setName(trim($param->CallbackParameter->name))->setDescription(trim($param->CallbackParameter->description))->setContactNo(trim($param->CallbackParameter->contactNo))->setEmail(trim($param->CallbackParameter->email))->setAddress(Address::create($street, $city, $region, $country, $postCode, $contactName, $contactNo, $address))->save();
         $results['url'] = '/supplier/' . $supplier->getId() . '.html' . (isset($_REQUEST['blanklayout']) ? '?blanklayout=' . $_REQUEST['blanklayout'] : '');
         $results['item'] = $supplier->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage() . $ex->getTraceAsString();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #6
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $params
 public function addComments($sender, $params)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->entityName) || ($entityName = trim($params->CallbackParameter->entityName)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: EntityName is not provided!');
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->entityId) || ($entityId = trim($params->CallbackParameter->entityId)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: entityId is not provided!');
         if (!($entity = $entityName::get($entityId)) instanceof $entityName) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: no such a entity exisits!');
         if (!isset($params->CallbackParameter->comments) || ($comments = trim($params->CallbackParameter->comments)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid comments passed in!');
         $comment = Comments::addComments($entity, $comments, Comments::TYPE_NORMAL);
         $results['item'] = $comment->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $params->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #7
  * Getting the transid
  * @param string $salt The salt of making the trans id
  * @return string
 public static function genGroupId($salt = '')
     if (!is_string(self::$_groupId)) {
         self::$_groupId = StringUtilsAbstract::getRandKey($salt);
     return self::$_groupId;
Beispiel #8
 public function getLatestETAs($sender, $param)
     $result = $error = array();
     try {
         $pageNo = $this->pageNumber;
         $pageSize = $this->pageSize;
         if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->pagination)) {
             $pageNo = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageNo;
             $pageSize = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageSize;
         $notSearchStatusIds = array(OrderStatus::ID_CANCELLED, OrderStatus::ID_PICKED, OrderStatus::ID_SHIPPED);
         OrderItem::getQuery()->eagerLoad('OrderItem.order', 'inner join', 'ord', ' = ord_item.orderId and = 1');
         $stats = array();
         $oiArray = OrderItem::getAllByCriteria("(eta != '' and eta IS NOT NULL and eta != ? and ord.statusId not in (" . implode(',', $notSearchStatusIds) . "))", array(trim(UDate::zeroDate())), true, $pageNo, $pageSize, array("ord_item.eta" => "ASC", "ord_item.orderId" => "DESC"), $stats);
         $result['pagination'] = $stats;
         $result['items'] = array();
         foreach ($oiArray as $oi) {
             if (!$oi->getProduct() instanceof product) {
             $tmp['eta'] = trim($oi->getEta());
             $tmp['orderNo'] = $oi->getOrder()->getOrderNo();
             $tmp['sku'] = $oi->getProduct() instanceof Product ? $oi->getProduct()->getSku() : '';
             $tmp['productName'] = $oi->getProduct()->getName();
             $tmp['id'] = $oi->getId();
             $tmp['orderId'] = $oi->getOrder()->getId();
             $result['items'][] = $tmp;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $error[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($result, $error);
Beispiel #9
  * Sending the email out
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function sendEmail($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->orderId) || !($order = Order::get($param->CallbackParameter->orderId)) instanceof Order) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid order provided!');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->emailAddress) || ($emailAddress = trim($param->CallbackParameter->emailAddress)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid emaill address provided!');
         $emailBody = '';
         if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->emailBody) && ($emailBody = trim($param->CallbackParameter->emailBody)) !== '') {
             $emailBody = str_replace("\n", "<br />", $emailBody);
         $pdfFile = EntityToPDF::getPDF($order);
         $asset = Asset::registerAsset($order->getOrderNo() . '.pdf', file_get_contents($pdfFile), Asset::TYPE_TMP);
         $type = $order->getType();
         EmailSender::addEmail('*****@*****.**', $emailAddress, 'BudgetPC ' . $type . ':' . $order->getOrderNo(), (trim($emailBody) === '' ? '' : $emailBody . "<br /><br />") . 'Please find attached ' . $type . ' (' . $order->getOrderNo() . '.pdf) from Budget PC Pty Ltd.', array($asset));
         $order->addComment('An email sent to "' . $emailAddress . '" with the attachment: ' . $asset->getAssetId(), Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);
         $results['item'] = $order->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see StaticsPageAbstract::getData()
 public function getData($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $dateFrom = trim($param->CallbackParameter->dateRange->from);
         $dateTo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->dateRange->to);
         $step = trim($param->CallbackParameter->dateRange->step);
         $showPrice = $param->CallbackParameter->showPrice;
         $timeRange = $this->_getXnames($dateFrom, $dateTo, $step);
         $names = array_keys($timeRange);
         $productIds = $param->CallbackParameter->productIds;
         if (count($productIds) === 0) {
             $productIds = $this->_topProductIds();
         $series = array();
         foreach ($productIds as $pid) {
             $data = array_fill(0, count($names), 0);
             $name = 'Invalid Pid=' . $pid;
             if (($product = Product::get($pid)) instanceof Product) {
                 $name = $product->getSku();
                 $data = $this->_getSeries($timeRange, $dateFrom, $dateTo, array($product->getId()), $showPrice);
             $series[] = array('name' => $name, 'data' => $data);
         $results = array('chart' => array('type' => 'line'), 'title' => array('text' => 'Product Sales Trend', 'x' => -20), 'subtitle' => array('text' => 'Data is based on date range between "' . $dateFrom . '" to "' . $dateTo . '"', 'x' => -20), 'xAxis' => array('categories' => $names), 'yAxis' => array('title' => array('text' => $showPrice === true ? 'Order Amount ($)' : 'Ordered Qty')), 'series' => $series);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #11
 protected static function _getData()
     if (count(self::$_dateRange) === 0) {
         $yesterdayLocal = new UDate('now', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $yesterdayLocal->modify('-1 day');
         $fromDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $toDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59', 'Australia/Melbourne');
     } else {
         $fromDate = self::$_dateRange['start'];
         $toDate = self::$_dateRange['end'];
     $orders = Order::getAllByCriteria('invDate >= :fromDate and invDate < :toDate and statusId != :cancelStatusId', array('fromDate' => trim($fromDate), 'toDate' => trim($toDate), 'cancelStatusId' => trim(OrderStatus::ID_CANCELLED)));
     $return = array();
     foreach ($orders as $order) {
         //common fields
         $customer = $order->getCustomer();
         $row = array('ContactName' => $customer->getName(), 'EmailAddress' => $customer->getEmail(), 'POAddressLine1' => '', 'POAddressLine2' => '', 'POAddressLine3' => '', 'POAddressLine4' => '', 'POCity' => '', 'PORegion' => '', 'POPostalCode' => '', 'POCountry' => '', 'InvoiceNumber' => $order->getInvNo(), 'Reference' => intval($order->getIsFromB2B()) === 1 ? $order->getOrderNo() : $order->getPONo(), 'InvoiceDate' => $order->getInvDate()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')->__toString(), 'DueDate' => $order->getInvDate()->modify('+' . self::getTerms($customer) . ' day')->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')->__toString());
         foreach ($order->getOrderItems() as $orderItem) {
             $product = $orderItem->getProduct();
             if (!$product instanceof Product) {
             $shouldTotal = $orderItem->getUnitPrice() * $orderItem->getQtyOrdered();
             $return[] = array_merge($row, array('InventoryItemCode' => $product->getSku(), 'Description' => $product->getShortDescription(), 'Quantity' => $orderItem->getQtyOrdered(), 'UnitAmount' => $orderItem->getUnitPrice(), 'Discount' => (floatval($shouldTotal) === 0.0 ? 0 : round(($shouldTotal - $orderItem->getTotalPrice()) * 100 / $shouldTotal, 2)) . '%', 'AccountCode' => $product->getRevenueAccNo(), 'TaxType' => "GST on Income", 'TrackingName1' => '', 'TrackingOption1' => '', 'TrackingName2' => '', 'TrackingOption2' => '', 'Currency' => '', 'BrandingTheme' => ''));
         if (($shippingMethod = trim(implode(',', $order->getInfo(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_SHIPPING_METHOD)))) !== '') {
             $shippingCost = $order->getInfo(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_SHIPPING_COST);
             $return[] = array_merge($row, array('InventoryItemCode' => $shippingMethod, 'Description' => $shippingMethod, 'Quantity' => 1, 'UnitAmount' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency(count($shippingCost) > 0 ? StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency($shippingCost[0]) : 0), 'Discount' => '', 'AccountCode' => '43300', 'TaxType' => "GST on Income", 'TrackingName1' => '', 'TrackingOption1' => '', 'TrackingName2' => '', 'TrackingOption2' => '', 'Currency' => '', 'BrandingTheme' => ''));
     return $return;
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see StaticsPageAbstract::getData()
 public function getData($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $timeRange = $this->_getXnames();
         $names = array_keys($timeRange);
         $series = array();
         $series[] = array('name' => 'All', 'data' => $this->_getSeries($timeRange, $timeRange[$names[0]]['from'], $timeRange[$names[count($names) - 1]]['to']));
         foreach (OrderStatus::getAll() as $status) {
             $series[] = array('name' => $status->getName(), 'data' => $this->_getSeries($timeRange, $timeRange[$names[0]]['from'], $timeRange[$names[count($names) - 1]]['to'], array($status->getId())));
         $results = array('chart' => array('type' => 'line'), 'title' => array('text' => 'BPC: Monthly Order Trend', 'x' => -20), 'subtitle' => array('text' => 'This is just order trend from last 12 month', 'x' => -20), 'xAxis' => array('categories' => $names), 'yAxis' => array('title' => array('text' => 'No of Orders')), 'series' => $series);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #13
 public function changePersonInfo($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->firstName) || ($firstName = trim($param->CallbackParameter->firstName)) === '') {
             throw new Exception("Invalid firstName!");
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->lastName) || ($lastName = trim($param->CallbackParameter->lastName)) === '') {
             throw new Exception("Invalid lastName!");
         Core::setUser(UserAccount::get(Core::getUser()->getId()), Core::getRole());
         $results['succ'] = true;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see StaticsPageAbstract::getData()
 public function getData($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $dateFrom = trim($param->CallbackParameter->dateRange->from);
         $dateTo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->dateRange->to);
         if (!($product = Product::get($param->CallbackParameter->productId)) instanceof Product) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid product id=' . $param->CallbackParameter->productId . ' provided');
         $series = array();
         $series[] = array('name' => 'Sales Unit Price (incl. GST)', 'data' => $this->_getSalesSeries($product->getId(), $dateFrom, $dateTo));
         $series[] = array('name' => 'Purchase Unit Price (incl. GST)', 'data' => $this->_getPurchaseSeries($product->getId(), $dateFrom, $dateTo));
         $results = array('chart' => array('type' => 'spline'), 'title' => array('text' => 'Product Price($) Trend', 'x' => -20), 'subtitle' => array('text' => 'Data is based on date range between "' . $dateFrom . '" to "' . $dateTo . '"', 'x' => -20), 'xAxis' => array('type' => 'datetime', 'dateTimeLabelFormats' => array('month' => '%e. %b', 'year' => '%b'), 'title' => array('text' => 'Date')), 'yAxis' => array('title' => array('text' => 'Price($)'), 'min' => 0), 'tooltip' => array('headerFormat' => '<b>{}</b><br>', 'pointFormat' => '{point.x:%e. %b}: ${point.y:.2f}'), 'series' => $series);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #15
  * Creating a new Memo
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $params
  * @throws Exception
 public function addMemo($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->entity) || !isset($param->CallbackParameter->entityId) || ($entityName = trim($param->CallbackParameter->entity)) === '' || !($entity = $entityName::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->entityId))) instanceof $entityName) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: no entity provided for the Memo');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->data) || !isset($param->CallbackParameter->data->comments) || ($comments = trim($param->CallbackParameter->data->comments)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('You can NOT create a Memo with a blank message.');
         $newComments = null;
         $entity->addComment($comments, Comments::TYPE_MEMO, '', $newComments);
         $results['item'] = $newComments->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
 protected static function _getData()
     if (count(self::$_dateRange) === 0) {
         $yesterdayLocal = new UDate('now', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $yesterdayLocal->modify('-1 day');
         $fromDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $toDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59', 'Australia/Melbourne');
     } else {
         $fromDate = self::$_dateRange['start'];
         $toDate = self::$_dateRange['end'];
     $creditNotes = CreditNote::getAllByCriteria('applyDate >= :fromDate and applyDate < :toDate', array('fromDate' => trim($fromDate), 'toDate' => trim($toDate)));
     $return = array();
     foreach ($creditNotes as $creditNote) {
         $orderStatus = $creditNote->getOrder()->getStatus()->getId();
         $orderType = $creditNote->getOrder()->getType();
         //file_put_contents('/tmp/datafeed/web.log', __FILE__ .':' . __FUNCTION__ . ':' . __LINE__ . ':' . $orderType .  ":" . $orderStatus . PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);
         if ($orderType == Order::TYPE_INVOICE && $orderStatus == OrderStatus::ID_CANCELLED) {
         //common fields
         $customer = $creditNote->getCustomer();
         $row = array('ContactName' => $customer->getName(), 'EmailAddress' => $customer->getEmail(), 'POAddressLine1' => '', 'POAddressLine2' => '', 'POAddressLine3' => '', 'POAddressLine4' => '', 'POCity' => '', 'PORegion' => '', 'POPostalCode' => '', 'POCountry' => '', 'InvoiceNumber' => $creditNote->getCreditNoteNo(), 'Reference' => $creditNote->getOrder() instanceof Order ? $creditNote->getOrder()->getInvNo() : '', 'InvoiceDate' => $creditNote->getApplyDate()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')->__toString(), 'DueDate' => '');
         foreach ($creditNote->getCreditNoteItems() as $item) {
             $product = $item->getProduct();
             if (!$product instanceof Product) {
             $shouldTotal = $item->getUnitPrice() * $item->getQty();
             $return[] = array_merge($row, array('InventoryItemCode' => $product->getSku(), 'Description' => $product->getShortDescription(), 'Quantity' => 0 - $item->getQty(), 'UnitAmount' => $item->getUnitPrice(), 'Discount' => (floatval($shouldTotal) === 0.0 ? 0 : round(($shouldTotal - $item->getTotalPrice()) * 100 / $shouldTotal, 2)) . '%', 'AccountCode' => $product->getRevenueAccNo(), 'TaxType' => "GST on Income", 'TrackingName1' => '', 'TrackingOption1' => '', 'TrackingName2' => '', 'TrackingOption2' => '', 'Currency' => '', 'BrandingTheme' => ''));
         if (($shippingValue = $creditNote->getShippingValue()) > 0) {
             $return[] = array_merge($row, array('InventoryItemCode' => 'Credit Note Shipping', 'Description' => 'Credit Note Shipping', 'Quantity' => 0 - 1, 'UnitAmount' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($shippingValue), 'Discount' => '', 'AccountCode' => '43300', 'TaxType' => "GST on Income", 'TrackingName1' => '', 'TrackingOption1' => '', 'TrackingName2' => '', 'TrackingOption2' => '', 'Currency' => '', 'BrandingTheme' => ''));
     return $return;
 protected static function _getData()
     if (count(self::$_dateRange) === 0) {
         $yesterdayLocal = new UDate('now', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $yesterdayLocal->modify('-1 day');
         $fromDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 00:00:00', 'Australia/Melbourne');
         $toDate = new UDate($yesterdayLocal->format('Y-m-d') . ' 23:59:59', 'Australia/Melbourne');
     } else {
         $fromDate = self::$_dateRange['start'];
         $toDate = self::$_dateRange['end'];
     $dataType = 'created';
     $items = Payment::getAllByCriteria($dataType . ' >= :fromDate and ' . $dataType . ' < :toDate', array('fromDate' => trim($fromDate), 'toDate' => trim($toDate)));
     $now = new UDate();
     $return = array();
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $return[] = array('Type' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? 'Payment' : 'Credit', 'InvNo' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? trim($item->getOrder()->getInvNo()) === '' ? '' : $item->getOrder()->getInvNo() : '', 'Payment Date' => $item->getPaymentDate()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')->format('Y-m-d'), 'Customer Name' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? $item->getOrder()->getCustomer() instanceof Customer ? $item->getOrder()->getCustomer()->getName() : '' : '', 'Order No.' => $item->getOrder() instanceof Order ? $item->getOrder()->getOrderNo() : '', 'CreditNote No' => $item->getCreditNote() instanceof CreditNote ? $item->getCreditNote()->getCreditNoteNo() : '', 'Processed Date' => trim($item->getCreated()->setTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne')), 'Processed By' => $item->getCreatedBy() instanceof UserAccount ? $item->getCreatedBy()->getPerson()->getFullName() : '', 'Method' => $item->getMethod() instanceof PaymentMethod ? trim($item->getMethod()->getName()) : '', 'Amount' => StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($item->getCreditNote() instanceof CreditNote ? 0 - $item->getValue() : $item->getValue()), 'Comments' => trim(implode(',', array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getComments();'), Comments::getAllByCriteria('entityName = ? and entityId = ?', array(get_class($item), $item->getId()))))));
     return $return;
 public function getAllPricesForProduct($sender, $param)
     $result = $errors = $outputArray = $finalOutputArray = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->sku) || ($sku = trim($param->CallbackParameter->sku)) === '') {
             throw new Exception('No SKU to search on!');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->companyAliases) || count($companyAliases = json_decode(json_encode($param->CallbackParameter->companyAliases), true)) === 0) {
             throw new Exception('No companyAliases to search on!');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->price) || ($myPrice = str_replace(' ', '', $param->CallbackParameter->price)) === '') {
             $myPrice = 0;
         } else {
             if (!is_numeric($myPrice = str_replace('$', '', str_replace(',', '', $myPrice)))) {
                 throw new Exception('No provided my price is NOT a number(=' . $myPrice . '!');
         $result['item'] = PriceMatcher::getPrices($companyAliases, $sku, $myPrice);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($result, $errors);
Beispiel #19
     * Getting the items
     * @param unknown $sender
     * @param unknown $param
     * @throws Exception
    public function getItems($sender, $param)
        $results = $errors = array();
        try {
            if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->supplierId) || !($supplier = Supplier::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->supplierId))) instanceof Supplier) {
                throw new Exception('Invalid Supplier provided');
            if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->invoiceNo) || ($invoiceNo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->invoiceNo)) === '') {
                throw new Exception('Invalid Invoice number provided');
            ReceivingItem::getQuery()->eagerLoad('ReceivingItem.purchaseOrder', 'inner join', 'rec_item_po', ' = rec_item.purchaseOrderId');
            if (ReceivingItem::countByCriteria('rec_item_po.supplierId = ? and rec_item.invoiceNo = ?', array($supplier->getId(), $invoiceNo)) === 0) {
                throw new Exception('There is no such a invoice(invoice No=' . $invoiceNo . ') for supplier:' . $supplier->getName());
            $sql = 'select ri.productId,
						ri.unitPrice `unitPrice`,
						sum(ri.qty) `qty`,
						group_concat(distinct `itemIds`,
						group_concat(distinct `poIds`
					from receivingitem ri
					inner join purchaseorder po on ( = ri.purchaseOrderId)
					where = 1 and ri.invoiceNo = ? and po.supplierId = ?
					group by ri.productId,  ri.unitPrice';
            $params = array($invoiceNo, $supplier->getId());
            $rows = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params);
            $results['supplier'] = $supplier->getJson();
            $results['items'] = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $items = count($itemIds = explode(',', $row['itemIds'])) === 0 ? array() : ReceivingItem::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($itemIds), '?')) . ')', $itemIds);
                $pos = count($poIds = explode(',', $row['poIds'])) === 0 ? array() : PurchaseOrder::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($poIds), '?')) . ')', $poIds);
                $results['items'][] = array('product' => Product::get($row['productId'])->getJson(), 'totalQty' => $row['qty'], 'totalPrice' => $row['unitPrice'] * $row['qty'], 'items' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $items), 'purchaseOrders' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $pos));
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
        $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #20
  * Import Orders
  * @param string $lastUpdatedTime The datatime string
  * @return B2BConnector
 public function importOrders($lastUpdatedTime = '')
     $totalItems = 0;
     $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'starting ...', self::LOG_TYPE, 'start', __FUNCTION__);
     if (($lastUpdatedTime = trim($lastUpdatedTime)) === '') {
         $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Getting the last updated time', self::LOG_TYPE, '$lastUpdatedTime is blank', __FUNCTION__);
         // 			$lastImportTime = new UDate(SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_LAST_IMPORT_TIME), SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_TIMEZONE));
         $lastUpdatedTime = trim(SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_LAST_IMPORT_TIME));
     //getting the lastest order since last updated time
     $orders = $this->getlastestOrders($lastUpdatedTime);
     $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Found ' . count($orders) . ' order(s) since "' . $lastUpdatedTime . '".', self::LOG_TYPE, '', __FUNCTION__);
     if (is_array($orders) && count($orders) > 0) {
         $transStarted = false;
         try {
             try {
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $transStarted = true;
             foreach ($orders as $index => $order) {
                 $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Found order from Magento with orderNo = ' . trim($order->increment_id) . '.', self::LOG_TYPE, '', __FUNCTION__);
                 $order = $this->getOrderInfo(trim($order->increment_id));
                 if (!is_object($order)) {
                     $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Found no object from $order, next element!', self::LOG_TYPE, '$index = ' . $index, __FUNCTION__);
                 if (($status = trim($order->state)) === '') {
                     $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Found no state Elment from $order, next element!', self::LOG_TYPE, '$index = ' . $index, __FUNCTION__);
                 //saving the order
                 $orderDate = new UDate(trim($order->created_at), SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_TIMEZONE));
                 // 				$totalPaid = (!isset($order->total_paid) ? 0 : trim($order->total_paid));
                 $shippingAddr = $billingAddr = null;
                 if (($o = Order::getByOrderNo(trim($order->increment_id))) instanceof Order) {
                     //skip, if order exsits
                     $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Found order from DB, ID = ' . $o->getId(), self::LOG_TYPE, '$index = ' . $index, __FUNCTION__);
                     // 					$shippingAddr = $o->getShippingAddr();
                     // 					$billingAddr = $o->getBillingAddr();
                 $o = new Order();
                 $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Found no order from DB, create new', self::LOG_TYPE, '$index = ' . $index, __FUNCTION__);
                 $customer = Customer::create(isset($order->billing_address) && isset($order->billing_address->company) && trim($order->billing_address->company) !== '' ? trim($order->billing_address->company) : (isset($order->customer_firstname) ? trim($order->customer_firstname) . ' ' . trim($order->customer_lastname) : ''), '', trim($order->customer_email), $this->_createAddr($order->billing_address, $billingAddr), true, '', $this->_createAddr($order->shipping_address, $shippingAddr), isset($order->customer_id) ? trim($order->customer_id) : 0);
                 $o->setOrderNo(trim($order->increment_id))->setOrderDate(trim($orderDate))->setTotalAmount(trim($order->grand_total))->setStatus(strtolower($status) === 'canceled' ? OrderStatus::get(OrderStatus::ID_CANCELLED) : OrderStatus::get(OrderStatus::ID_NEW))->setIsFromB2B(true)->setShippingAddr($customer->getShippingAddress())->setBillingAddr($customer->getBillingAddress())->setCustomer($customer)->save();
                 $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Saved the order, ID = ' . $o->getId(), self::LOG_TYPE, '$index = ' . $index, __FUNCTION__);
                 $totalShippingCost = StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency(trim($order->shipping_amount)) * 1.1;
                 //create order info
                 $this->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_CUS_NAME), trim($customer->getName()))->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_CUS_EMAIL), trim($customer->getEmail()))->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_QTY_ORDERED), intval(trim($order->total_qty_ordered)))->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_STATUS), trim($order->status))->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_STATE), trim($order->state))->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_TOTAL_AMOUNT), trim($order->grand_total))->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_SHIPPING_METHOD), trim($order->shipping_description))->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_SHIPPING_COST), $totalShippingCost)->_createOrderInfo($o, OrderInfoType::get(OrderInfoType::ID_MAGE_ORDER_PAYMENT_METHOD), !isset($order->payment) ? '' : (!isset($order->payment->method) ? '' : trim($order->payment->method)));
                 $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Updated order info', self::LOG_TYPE, '$index = ' . $index, __FUNCTION__);
                 //saving the order item
                 $totalItemCost = 0;
                 foreach ($order->items as $item) {
                     $this->_createItem($o, $item);
                     $totalItemCost = $totalItemCost * 1 + StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency($item->row_total) * 1.1;
                 if (($possibleSurchargeAmount = $o->getTotalAmount() - $totalShippingCost - $totalItemCost) > 0 && ($product = Product::getBySku('surcharge')) instanceof Product) {
                     OrderItem::create($o, $product, $possibleSurchargeAmount, 1, $possibleSurchargeAmount);
                 //record the last imported time for this import process
                 SystemSettings::addSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_LAST_IMPORT_TIME, trim($order->created_at));
                 $this->_log(0, get_class($this), 'Updating the last updated time :' . trim($order->created_at), self::LOG_TYPE, '', __FUNCTION__);
             if ($transStarted === false) {
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($transStarted === false) {
             throw $e;
     $this->_log(0, get_class($this), $lastUpdatedTime . " => " . SystemSettings::getSettings(SystemSettings::TYPE_B2B_SOAP_LAST_IMPORT_TIME) . ' => ' . $totalItems, self::LOG_TYPE, '', __FUNCTION__);
     return $this;
Beispiel #21
  * deleteItem
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function deleteItem($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->id) || !($recievingItem = ReceivingItem::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->id))) instanceof ReceivingItem) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid item provided');
         $results['item'] = $recievingItem->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #22
  * save the items
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function saveItem($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $class = trim($this->_focusEntity);
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->item)) {
             throw new Exception("System Error: no item information passed in!");
         $item = isset($param->CallbackParameter->item->id) && ($item = $class::get($param->CallbackParameter->item->id)) instanceof $class ? $item : null;
         $name = trim($param->CallbackParameter->item->name);
         $description = trim($param->CallbackParameter->item->description);
         if ($item instanceof $class) {
         } else {
             $item = $class::create($name, $description, false);
         $results['item'] = $item->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #23
  * save the items
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function saveItem($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $class = trim($this->_focusEntity);
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->item)) {
             throw new Exception("System Error: no item information passed in!");
         $item = isset($param->CallbackParameter->item->id) && ($item = $class::get($param->CallbackParameter->item->id)) instanceof $class ? $item : null;
         $value = trim($param->CallbackParameter->item->value);
         if (!$item instanceof $class) {
             throw new Exception("System Error: Invalid id passed in");
         $results['item'] = $item->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #24
  * delete the items
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function deleteItems($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $class = trim($this->_focusEntity);
         $ids = isset($param->CallbackParameter->ids) ? $param->CallbackParameter->ids : array();
         if (count($ids) > 0) {
             $parents = array();
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 if (!($item = $class::get($id)) instanceof $class) {
                 $parents[] = $item->getParent()->getJson();
             $class::deleteByCriteria('id in (' . str_repeat('?', count($ids)) . ')', $ids);
             $results['parents'] = $parents;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
 public function getAllCodeForProduct($sender, $param)
     $result = $errors = $item = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->importDataTypes) || ($type = trim($param->CallbackParameter->importDataTypes)) === '' || ($type = trim($param->CallbackParameter->importDataTypes)) === 'Select a Import Type') {
             throw new Exception('Invalid upload type passed in!');
         switch ($type) {
             case 'myob_ean':
                 $index = $param->CallbackParameter->index;
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->sku) || ($sku = trim($param->CallbackParameter->sku)) === '' || !($product = Product::getBySku($sku)) instanceof Product) {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid sku passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->itemNo) || ($itemNo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->itemNo)) === '') {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid itemNo passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 $result['path'] = 'product';
                 $productType = ProductCodeType::get(ProductCodeType::ID_EAN);
                 $item = $this->updateProductCode($product, $itemNo, $productType);
                 $result['item'] = $item->getJson();
             case 'myob_upc':
                 $index = $param->CallbackParameter->index;
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->sku) || ($sku = trim($param->CallbackParameter->sku)) === '' || !($product = Product::getBySku($sku)) instanceof Product) {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid sku passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->itemNo) || ($itemNo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->itemNo)) === '') {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid itemNo passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 $result['path'] = 'product';
                 $productType = ProductCodeType::get(ProductCodeType::ID_UPC);
                 $item = $this->updateProductCode($product, $itemNo, $productType);
                 $result['item'] = $item->getJson();
             case 'stockAdjustment':
                 $index = $param->CallbackParameter->index;
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->sku) || ($sku = trim($param->CallbackParameter->sku)) === '' || !($product = Product::getBySku($sku)) instanceof Product) {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid sku passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 $result['path'] = 'product';
                 $item = $this->updateStocktack($product, trim($param->CallbackParameter->stockOnPO), trim($param->CallbackParameter->stockOnHand), trim($param->CallbackParameter->stockInRMA), trim($param->CallbackParameter->stockInParts), trim($param->CallbackParameter->totalInPartsValue), trim($param->CallbackParameter->totalOnHandValue), $param->CallbackParameter->active, trim($param->CallbackParameter->comment));
                 $result['item'] = $item->getJson();
             case 'accounting':
                 $index = $param->CallbackParameter->index;
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->sku) || ($sku = trim($param->CallbackParameter->sku)) === '') {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid sku passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 if (!($product = Product::getBySku($sku)) instanceof Product) {
                     $product = Product::create($sku, $sku);
                 $result['path'] = 'product';
                 $item = $this->updateAccountingInfo($product, trim($param->CallbackParameter->assetAccNo), trim($param->CallbackParameter->costAccNo), trim($param->CallbackParameter->revenueAccNo));
                 $result['item'] = $item->getJson();
             case 'accountingCode':
                 $index = $param->CallbackParameter->index;
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->description) || ($description = trim($param->CallbackParameter->description)) === '') {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid description passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->code) || ($code = trim($param->CallbackParameter->code)) === '' || !is_numeric($code)) {
                     throw new Exception('Invalid Code passed in! (line ' . $index . ')');
                 $result['path'] = '';
                 $item = $this->updateAccountingCode($description, $code);
                 $result['item'] = $item->getJson();
                 throw new Exception('Invalid upload type passed in!');
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($result, $errors);
 public function deleteAliasForPriceMatchCompany($sender, $param)
     $result = $error = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->data)) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: Noting to Delete!!!');
         $data = $param->CallbackParameter->data;
         if (!isset($data->id) || !isset($data->companyAlias) || ($id = trim($data->id)) == '' || ($alias = trim($data->companyAlias)) == '') {
             throw new Exception('Data to be deleted is NOT proper format');
         if (!($pmc = PriceMatchCompany::get($id)) instanceof PriceMatchCompany) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid Id [' . $id . '] provided for PriceMatchCompany!!!');
         $result['items'] = $pmc->setActive(false)->save()->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $error[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($result, $error);
Beispiel #27
 private function _getProducts(array $params)
     $searchTxt = trim(isset($params['searchTxt']) ? $params['searchTxt'] : '');
     if ($searchTxt === '') {
         throw new Exception('SearchTxt is needed');
     $pageSize = isset($params['pageSize']) && ($pageSize = trim($params['pageSize'])) !== '' ? $pageSize : DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE;
     $pageNo = isset($params['pageNo']) && ($pageNo = trim($params['pageNo'])) !== '' ? $pageNo : null;
     $orderBy = isset($params['orderBy']) ? $params['orderBy'] : array();
     $isKit = isset($params['isKit']) ? $params['isKit'] === true : null;
     $sqlParams = array('searchTxtExact' => $searchTxt);
     $searchTokens = array();
     StringUtilsAbstract::permute(preg_split("/[\\s,]+/", trim($searchTxt)), $searchTokens);
     $nameLikeArray = $skuLikeArray = array();
     foreach ($searchTokens as $index => $tokenArray) {
         $key = 'token' . $index;
         $sqlParams[$key] = '%' . implode('%', $tokenArray) . '%';
         $nameLikeArray[] = 'name like :' . $key;
         $skuLikeArray[] = 'sku like :' . $key;
     $where = array('mageId = :searchTxtExact OR (' . implode(' OR ', $nameLikeArray) . ') OR (' . implode(' OR ', $skuLikeArray) . ')');
     $stats = array();
     $items = Product::getAllByCriteria(implode(' AND ', $where), $sqlParams, true, $pageNo, $pageSize, $orderBy, $stats);
     $results = array();
     $results['items'] = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $items);
     $results['pagination'] = $stats;
     $results['pageStats'] = $stats;
     return $results;
  * toggleActive
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
 public function toggleActive($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $id = isset($param->CallbackParameter->productId) ? $param->CallbackParameter->productId : '';
         if (!($product = Product::get($id)) instanceof Product) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid product!');
         $results['item'] = $product->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #29
  * Getting the items
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function genReport($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         $searchParams = json_decode(json_encode($param->CallbackParameter), true);
         $wheres = $joins = $params = array();
         if (isset($searchParams['']) && ($name = trim($searchParams[''])) !== '') {
             $wheres[] = ' like :name';
             $params['name'] = '%' . $name . '%';
         if (isset($searchParams['']) && ($active = trim($searchParams[''])) !== '') {
             $wheres[] = ' = :active';
             $params['active'] = $active;
         $productIds = $this->_getParams($searchParams, '');
         if (count($productIds) > 0) {
             $array = array();
             foreach ($productIds as $index => $productId) {
                 $key = 'product_' . $index;
                 $array[] = ':' . $key;
                 $params[$key] = $productId;
             $wheres[] = ' in (' . implode(',', $array) . ')';
         $manufacturerIds = $this->_getParams($searchParams, 'pro.manufacturerIds');
         if (count($manufacturerIds) > 0) {
             $array = array();
             foreach ($manufacturerIds as $index => $manufacturerId) {
                 $key = 'brand_' . $index;
                 $array[] = ':' . $key;
                 $params[$key] = $manufacturerId;
             $wheres[] = 'pro.manufacturerId in (' . implode(',', $array) . ')';
         $supplierIds = $this->_getParams($searchParams, 'pro.supplierIds');
         if (count($supplierIds) > 0) {
             $array = array();
             foreach ($supplierIds as $index => $supplierId) {
                 $key = 'supplier_' . $index;
                 $array[] = ':' . $key;
                 $params[$key] = $supplierId;
             $joins[] = 'inner join suppliercode sup_code on (sup_code.productId = and = 1 and sup_code.supplierId in (' . implode(',', $array) . '))';
         $productCategoryIds = $this->_getParams($searchParams, 'pro.productCategoryIds');
         if (count($productCategoryIds) > 0) {
             $array = array();
             foreach ($productCategoryIds as $index => $productCategoryId) {
                 $key = 'productCategory_' . $index;
                 $array[] = ':' . $key;
                 $params[$key] = $productCategoryId;
             $joins[] = 'inner join product_category x on (x.productId = and = 1 and x.categoryId in (' . implode(',', $array) . '))';
         $sql = 'select `proId`, pro.sku `proSku`, `proName` from product pro ' . implode(' ', $joins) . (count($wheres) > 0 ? ' where ' . implode(' AND ', $wheres) : '');
         $result = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
         if (count($result) === 0) {
             throw new Exception('No result found!');
         $proIdMap = array();
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $proIdMap[$row['proId']] = $row;
         $rates = $this->_getRunRateData(array_keys($proIdMap));
         $ratesMap = array();
         foreach ($rates as $row) {
             $ratesMap[$row['proId']] = $row;
         $data = array();
         foreach ($proIdMap as $productId => $productInfo) {
             if (!isset($ratesMap[$productId])) {
                 $data[$productId] = array_merge($productInfo, array('7days' => 0, '14days' => 0, '1month' => 0, '3month' => 0, '6month' => 0, '12month' => 0));
             } else {
                 $data[$productId] = array_merge($productInfo, $ratesMap[$productId]);
         if (!($asset = $this->_getExcel($data)) instanceof Asset) {
             throw new Exception('Failed to create a excel file');
         $results['url'] = $asset->getUrl();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Beispiel #30
  * Getting the items
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function actionTask($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->taskId) || !($task = Task::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->taskId))) instanceof Task) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid Task provided!');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->method) || ($method = trim(trim($param->CallbackParameter->method))) === '' || !method_exists($task, $method)) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid Action Method!');
         $comments = isset($param->CallbackParameter->comments) ? trim($param->CallbackParameter->comments) : '';
         $results['item'] = $task->{$method}(Core::getUser(), $comments)->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);