Beispiel #1
function gf_formatOldPost($str, $postmode = 'html', $mode = '')
    global $CONF_FORUM;
    $oldPost = 0;
    if ($CONF_FORUM['pre2.5_mode'] != true) {
        return $str;
    if (strstr($str, '<pre class="forumCode">') !== false) {
        $oldPost = 1;
    if (strstr($str, "[code]<code>") !== false) {
        $oldPost = 1;
    if (strstr($str, "<pre>") !== false) {
        $oldPost = 1;
    if (stristr($str, '[code') == false || stristr($str, '[code]<code>') == true) {
        if (strstr($str, "<pre>") !== false) {
            $oldPost = 1;
        $str = str_replace('<pre>', '[code]', $str);
        $str = str_replace('</pre>', '[/code]', $str);
    $str = str_ireplace("[code]<code>", '[code]', $str);
    $str = str_ireplace("</code>[/code]", '[/code]', $str);
    $str = str_replace(array("<br />\r\n", "<br />\n\r", "<br />\r", "<br />\n", "<br>\r\n", "<br>\n\r", "<br>\r", "<br>\n"), '<br' . XHTML . '>', $str);
    $str = preg_replace("/\\[QUOTE\\sBY=\\s(.+?)\\]/i", "[QUOTE] Quote by \$1:", $str);
    /* Reformat code blocks - version 2.3.3 and prior */
    $str = str_replace('<pre class="forumCode">', '[code]', $str);
    $str = preg_replace("/\\[QUOTE\\sBY=(.+?)\\]/i", "[QUOTE] Quote by \$1:", $str);
    $bbcode = new StringParser_BBCode();
    // It is impossible to include block level elements in a <p> element. Therefore I fix this.
    $bbcode->setParagraphHandlingParameters("\n\n", "", "");
    if ($postmode == 'text') {
        $bbcode->addParser(array('block', 'inline', 'link', 'listitem'), 'bbcode_htmlspecialchars');
    if ($CONF_FORUM['use_glfilter'] == 1 && ($postmode == 'html' || $postmode == 'HTML')) {
        $bbcode->addParser(array('block', 'inline', 'link', 'listitem'), 'gf_checkHTML');
        // calls checkHTML on all text blocks
    $bbcode->addParser(array('block', 'inline', 'link', 'list', 'listitem'), 'bbcode_oldpost');
    $bbcode->addCode('code', 'simple_replace', null, array('start_tag' => '[code]', 'end_tag' => '[/code]'), 'code', array('listitem', 'block', 'inline', 'link'), array());
    if ($CONF_FORUM['use_censor']) {
        $str = COM_checkWords($str);
    $str = $bbcode->parse($str);
    // If we have identified an old post based on the checks above
    // it is possible that code blocks will have htmlencoded items
    // we need to reverse that ...
    if ($oldPost) {
        if (strstr($str, "\\'") !== false) {
            $str = stripslashes($str);
        $str = str_replace("&#36;", "\$", $str);
        $str = str_replace("<br />", "\r", $str);
        $str = str_replace("<br>", "\r", $str);
        $str = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $str);
        $str = str_replace('&#039;', '\'', $str);
        $str = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $str);
        $str = str_replace('&lt;', '<', $str);
        $str = str_replace('&gt;', '>', $str);
    $str = str_replace('&#92;', '\\', $str);
    return $str;