	* Gets the true quantity that are being sold.
	* For a chinese auction this is always 1, for Fixed Price it is the specified quantity.
	* @return int The true selling quantity
	public function getTrueQuantityToSell()
		if ($this->getSellingMethod() == ISC_ADMIN_EBAY::CHINESE_AUCTION_LISTING) {
			return 1;

		$qtyToSell = $this->getQuantityToSell();

		// does the product have a variation? the quantity to sell will be the amount of combinations in total x quantity to sell
		if ($this->_productData['prodvariationid']) {
			$combinationsTotal = Store_Variations::getCombinationsCount($this->_productData['productid'], $this->_productData['prodvariationid']);
			$qtyToSell *= $combinationsTotal;

		return $qtyToSell;
Beispiel #2
	public function perform()
		// validate the listing
		if (!$this->_validateListing()) {
			$this->_logDebug('Listing validation failed.');

		$templateId = $this->_getListingData('templateid');
		$where = $this->_getListingData('where');
		$offset = $this->_getListingData('offset');
		$listingDate = $this->_getListingData('listing_date');
		$scheduleDate = $this->_getListingData('schedule_date');

		$this->_logDebug('listing template Id ' . $templateId . ' starting from row ' . $offset . ' with batch size ' . self::BATCH_SIZE);

		// get the template object
		try {
			$template = new ISC_ADMIN_EBAY_TEMPLATE($templateId);
		catch (Exception $ex) {
			$error = GetLang('Ebay_Listing_Log_TemplateNotFound', array('id' => $templateId));

		$primaryOptions = $template->getPrimaryCategoryOptions();
		$secondaryOptions = $template->getSecondaryCategoryOptions();

		// did the user choose to schedule the listing for a future date?
		if ($listingDate == 'schedule') {

		// query for the products to export
		$query = ISC_ADMIN_EBAY_LIST_PRODUCTS::getListQuery($where, self::BATCH_SIZE, $offset);

		$this->_logDebug('query', $query);

		$res = $this->_db->Query($query);
		if (!$res) {
			$error = GetLang('Ebay_Listing_Log_JobDatabaseError');

		$successCount = 0;
		$warningCount = 0;
		$errorCount = 0;
		$connectFailCount = 0;

		// nothing left to list?
		$resultCount = $this->_db->CountResult($res);
		if ($resultCount == 0) {
			$this->_logDebug('no more items to list');

		$productsToList = array();

		while ($row = $this->_db->Fetch($res)) {
			// does this product have a variation?
			if ($row['prodvariationid']) {
				$variationError = '';

				// if the primary category or selling method doesn't support them?
				if ((empty ($primaryOptions['variations_supported'])
				||  (isset ($secondaryOptions['variations_supported']) && $secondaryOptions['variations_supported'] == 0))
				|| $template->getSellingMethod() == ISC_ADMIN_EBAY::CHINESE_AUCTION_LISTING) {

					$variationError = GetLang('EbayListingVariationsNotSupported');
				// does the product have more than 120 combinations (eBay max)?
				elseif (($totalCombinations = Store_Variations::getCombinationsCount($row['productid'], $row['prodvariationid'])) > 120) {
					$variationError = GetLang('EbayListingVariationCombinationsExceeded', array('totalCombinations' => $totalCombinations));

				// log error and skip this product
				if ($variationError) {
					$error = array(
						'prodname' => $row['prodname'],
						'time' => time(),
						'message' => $variationError,

					$this->_keystore->set($this->_prefix . 'error:' . md5($row['productid'] . uniqid('', true)), ISC_JSON::encode($error));


			// add any custom fields and configurable fields to the product

			$productsToList[$row['productid']] = $row;

		$itemsToAdd = 1;
		// for chinese auctions if we're selling more than one item, then create multiple items
		if ($template->getSellingMethod() == ISC_ADMIN_EBAY::CHINESE_AUCTION_LISTING && $template->getQuantityToSell() > 1) {
			$itemsToAdd = $template->getQuantityToSell();

		$thisBatchSize = $resultCount;
		$actualProcessed = $thisBatchSize * $itemsToAdd;
		$actualListed = count($productsToList) * $itemsToAdd;

		// don't have any products to list for this batch (would be due to disallowed variations)?
		if (empty($productsToList)) {
			$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'error_count', $errorCount);
			$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'actual_processed', $actualProcessed);
			$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'offset', $thisBatchSize);

			$this->_logDebug('processed 0 items');


		$this->_logDebug($actualListed . ' items to list', '<pre>' . var_export($productsToList, true) . '</pre>');

		try {
			// list the items on eBay
			$results = array();
			for ($x = 0; $x < $itemsToAdd; $x++) {
				$results = array_merge($results, ISC_ADMIN_EBAY_LIST_PRODUCTS::listItems($productsToList, $template));

			foreach ($results as /** @var ISC_ADMIN_EBAY_LIST_ITEM_RESULT */$result) {
				if (!$result->isValid()) {
					// log error
					$error = array(
						'prodname' => $result->getProductName(),
						'time' => time(),
						'message' => implode('<br />', $result->getErrors()),

					$this->_keystore->set($this->_prefix . 'error:' . md5($result->getProductId() . uniqid('', true)), ISC_JSON::encode($error));


				// valid listing, but has errors
				if ($result->hasErrors()) {
					// log warning
					$error = array(
						'prodname' => $result->getProductName(),
						'time' => time(),
						'message' => implode('<br />', $result->getErrors()),

					$this->_keystore->set($this->_prefix . 'warning:' . md5($result->getProductId() . uniqid('', true)), ISC_JSON::encode($error));


				// ensure template has correct data set so we can calculate prices for the DB

				// add the new item to our local database
				$insertItem = array(
					'product_id'				=> $result->getProductId(),
					'ebay_item_id'				=> $result->getItemId(),
					'title'						=> $result->getProductName(),
					'start_time'				=> $result->getStartTimeISO(),
					'end_time'					=> $result->getEndTimeISO(),
					'datetime_listed'			=> time(),
					'listing_type'				=> $template->getSellingMethod(),
					'listing_status'			=> 'pending', // this will be updated to 'Active' when we receive ItemListed notification
					'current_price_currency' 	=> $template->getCurrencyCode(),
					'current_price'				=> $template->getStartPrice(),
					'buyitnow_price'			=> $template->getBuyItNowPrice(),
					'buyitnow_price_currency'	=> $template->getCurrencyCode(),
					'bid_count'					=> 0,
					'quantity_remaining'		=> $template->getTrueQuantityToSell(),
					'site_id'					=> $template->getSiteId(),

				$dbItemId = $this->_db->InsertQuery('ebay_items', $insertItem);

				// process the listing fees
				foreach ($result->getFees() as $fee) {
					$insertFee = array(
						'item_id'		=> $dbItemId,
						'name'			=> $fee['name'],
						'amount'		=> $fee['fee'],
						'currency_code'	=> $fee['currency']

					$this->_db->InsertQuery('ebay_item_fees', $insertFee);

			// connection failed

			// more than one connection failure? abort the listing
			if ($connectFailCount > 1) {

			// did the entire request fail?
			$this->logBatchException($productsToList, $ex);

			$errorCount += $actualListed;
			// did the entire request fail?
			$this->logBatchException($productsToList, $ex);

			$errorCount += $actualListed;

		$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'success_count', $successCount);
		$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'warning_count', $warningCount);
		$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'error_count', $errorCount);
		$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'actual_processed', $actualProcessed);
		$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'actual_listed', $actualListed);
		$this->_keystore->increment($this->_prefix . 'offset', $thisBatchSize);

		$this->_logDebug('processed ' . $actualListed . ' items');
