  * Создает новую модель категории.
  * Если создание прошло успешно - перенаправляет на просмотр.
  * @return void
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new StoreCategory();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (($data = Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('StoreCategory')) !== null) {
         if ($model->save()) {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash(yupe\widgets\YFlashMessages::SUCCESS_MESSAGE, Yii::t('StoreModule.store', 'Record was created!'));
             $this->redirect((array) Yii::app()->getRequest()->getPost('submit-type', ['create']));
     $this->render('create', ['model' => $model]);
 public function actionAjax_Create()
     if (isset($_POST['StoreCategory'])) {
         $model = new StoreCategory();
         //set the submitted values
         $model->attributes = $_POST['StoreCategory'];
         //return the JSON result to provide feedback.
         if ($model->save(false)) {
             echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'id' => $model->primaryKey));
         } else {
             echo json_encode(array('success' => false));
Beispiel #3
 public function actionCat()
     $db = Yii::app()->db;
     //Создаем категории
     $cat1 = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM category_promItem c WHERE c.id_parent=0")->queryAll();
     foreach ($cat1 as $c1) {
         $slug = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit($c1['name_rus']) . $c1['id'];
         $StoreCategory1 = StoreCategory::model()->findByAttributes(['slug' => $slug]);
         if (empty($StoreCategory1)) {
             $StoreCategory1 = new StoreCategory();
             $StoreCategory1->name = $c1['name_rus'];
             $StoreCategory1->slug = $slug;
             $StoreCategory1->parent_id = 1;
         $cat2 = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM category_promItem c WHERE c.id_parent=" . $c1['id'])->queryAll();
         foreach ($cat2 as $c2) {
             $slug = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit($c2['name_rus']) . $c2['id'];
             $StoreCategory2 = StoreCategory::model()->findByAttributes(['slug' => $slug]);
             if (empty($StoreCategory2)) {
                 $StoreCategory2 = new StoreCategory();
                 $StoreCategory2->name = $c2['name_rus'];
                 $StoreCategory2->slug = $slug;
                 $StoreCategory2->parent_id = $StoreCategory1->id;
             $cat3 = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM category_promItem c WHERE c.id_parent=" . $c2['id'])->queryAll();
             foreach ($cat3 as $c3) {
                 $slug = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit($c3['name_rus']) . $c3['id'];
                 $StoreCategory3 = StoreCategory::model()->findByAttributes(['slug' => $slug]);
                 if (empty($StoreCategory3)) {
                     $StoreCategory3 = new StoreCategory();
                     $StoreCategory3->name = $c3['name_rus'];
                     $StoreCategory3->slug = $slug;
                     $StoreCategory3->parent_id = $StoreCategory2->id;
                     $cat4 = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM category_promItem c WHERE c.id_parent=" . $c3['id'])->queryAll();
                     foreach ($cat4 as $c4) {
                         $slug = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit($c4['name_rus']) . $c4['id'];
                         $StoreCategory4 = StoreCategory::model()->findByAttributes(['slug' => $slug]);
                         if (empty($StoreCategory4)) {
                             $StoreCategory4 = new StoreCategory();
                             $StoreCategory4->name = $c4['name_rus'];
                             $StoreCategory4->slug = $slug;
                             $StoreCategory4->parent_id = $StoreCategory3->id;
     //Создаем атрибуты
     /*$ids_item = [];
       $propertys = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM `property`")->queryAll();
       foreach($propertys as $property) {
           $item = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM `items` WHERE id=".$property['id_item'])->queryRow();
           $name = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit($item['name']).$property['id_category'];
           $Attribute = Attribute::model()->findByAttributes(['name' => $name]);
           if(empty($Attribute)) {
               $Attribute = new Attribute;
               $Attribute->name = $name;
               $Attribute->title = $item['name'];
               $Attribute->type = Attribute::TYPE_DROPDOWN;
               $Attribute->required = true;
               $values = explode('|', $property['array_value']);
               foreach($values as $value) {
                   $AttributeOption = new AttributeOption;
                   $AttributeOption->attribute_id = $Attribute->id;
                   $AttributeOption->value = $value;
           $ids_item[$property['id']] = $Attribute->id;
       //Создаем типы
       $cats = $db->createCommand("SELECT c1.* FROM category c1 LEFT JOIN category c2 ON c1.id=c2.id_parent WHERE c2.id IS NULL GROUP BY c1.name_rus")->queryAll();
       foreach($cats as $cat) {
           $Type = new Type;
           $Type->name = $cat['name_rus'];
           $props = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM `property` WHERE id_category=".$cat['id'])->queryAll();
           foreach($props as $prop) {
               $TypeAttribute = new TypeAttribute;
               $TypeAttribute->type_id = $Type->id;
               $TypeAttribute->attribute_id = $ids_item[$prop['id']];
           for($i=2;$i<9;++$i) {
               $TypeAttribute = new TypeAttribute;
               $TypeAttribute->type_id = $Type->id;
               $TypeAttribute->attribute_id = $i;
       echo "\n";*/
 public function run($args)
     $max_id = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 0;
     $root = dirname(dirname(__DIR__));
     $parceBase = 'tiu_last';
     $log_spec = '/tmp/importTiuSpec.log';
     $log = '/tmp/importTiu.log';
     $k = file_get_contents($root . $log);
     $uploadDirectory = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/uploads/';
     $db = \Yii::app()->db;
     Yii::app()->setImport(['application.modules.store.models.*', 'application.models.*']);
     if ($max_id == 0) {
         $max_id = $db->createCommand()->select('MAX(id)')->from($parceBase . '.product')->queryScalar();
     // импорт категорий
     if ($k == 0) {
         // перед созданием категорий все чистим
         echo "Clear tables and files... \n";
         echo "Set defaults... \n";
         Yii::app()->language = 'ru';
         $categories = $db->createCommand("\n                SELECT name, id_item, id_parent FROM " . $parceBase . ".category_all\n            ")->queryAll();
         echo "Import categories... \n";
         foreach ($categories as $dump_category) {
             $category = new StoreCategory();
             $category->name_ru = $dump_category['name'];
             $category->tiu_id_item = $dump_category['id_item'];
             $category->status = 1;
             $name_translit = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit(str_replace(" ", "-", $dump_category['name']));
             $slug = $db->createCommand()->select('slug')->from('site_store_category')->where('slug =  "' . $name_translit . '"')->queryScalar();
             if ($slug === FALSE) {
                 $category->slug = $name_translit;
             } else {
                 //$category->slug = time() . '_' . $name_translit;
                 $category->slug = substr(md5($category->tiu_id_item), 0, 10) . '_' . $name_translit;
                 //echo $category->slug."\n";
             $parent_id = $db->createCommand()->select('id')->from('site_store_category')->where('tiu_id_item =  "' . $dump_category['id_parent'] . '"')->queryScalar();
             $category->parent_id = $parent_id ? $parent_id : 1;
             if (!$category->save()) {
                 echo "\n";
                 echo "Error save StoreCategory for tiu_id_item = " . $category->tiu_id_item . "\n";
                 echo "\n";
         // создание типов
         echo "Create types... \n";
         $cats = $db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM site_store_category")->queryAll();
         foreach ($cats as $cat) {
             $Type = new Type();
             $Type->name = $cat['slug'];
             if (!$Type->save()) {
                 echo "\n";
                 echo "Error save Type for {$cat['slug']} \n";
                 echo "\n";
             // добавим постоянные характеристики
             foreach ($this->attr_id as $attr_id) {
                 $TypeAttribute = new TypeAttribute();
                 $TypeAttribute->type_id = $Type->id;
                 $TypeAttribute->attribute_id = $attr_id;
         $k = 1;
         file_put_contents($root . $log, $k);
     // импорт продуктов
     echo "Import products... \n";
     echo "Max ID {$max_id} \n";
     for ($k; $k <= $max_id; $k++) {
         //			$db->setActive(false);
         $dump_product = $db->createCommand()->select('*')->from($parceBase . '.product')->where('id =' . $k)->queryRow();
         if ($dump_product) {
             $name_translit = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit(str_replace(" ", "", $dump_product['name']));
             if (empty($name_translit)) {
                 file_put_contents($root . $log, $dump_product['id']);
                 // нет имени
             $id_cat = $db->createCommand()->select('id_cat')->from($parceBase . '.productToCat')->where('id_product =' . $dump_product['id'])->queryScalar();
             if ($id_cat === FALSE) {
                 file_put_contents($root . $log, $dump_product['id']);
                 // нет категории
             // скачаем файлы
             $image = $db->createCommand()->select('url')->from($parceBase . '.image')->where('id_item =' . $dump_product['id'])->queryRow();
             if ($image !== null && $image['url'] != '') {
                 $imageContent = $this->getData($image['url']);
                 if ($imageContent) {
                     $this->addToFiles('qqurl', $image['url']);
                     $file = new File();
                     $fileinfo = $file->uploadFile($uploadDirectory, array("jpg", "png", "jpeg"), 'Product');
                     // создание продукта
                     $sl = $db->createCommand()->select('slug')->from('site_store_product')->where('slug = "' . $name_translit . '"')->queryScalar();
                     if ($sl === FALSE) {
                         $slug = $name_translit;
                     } else {
                         //$slug = time() . '_' . $name_translit;
                         $slug = substr(md5($dump_product['id']), 0, 10) . '_' . $name_translit;
                     $category = $db->createCommand()->select('id, slug')->from('site_store_category')->where('tiu_id_item =  "' . $id_cat . '"')->queryRow();
                     if ($category) {
                         $category_id = $category['id'];
                         $type_id = $db->createCommand()->select('id')->from('site_store_type')->where("name = '{$category['slug']}'")->queryScalar();
                         if ($type_id === FALSE) {
                             print_r(" Error: can`t find StoreType for category_id = {$category_id} \n");
                             file_put_contents($root . $log, $dump_product['id']);
                         $sql = "INSERT INTO `site_store_product` (`name`, `description`, `price`, `user_id`, `slug`, `category_id`, `type_id`, `tiu_id`) VALUES ('" . $dump_product["name"] . "',:description,'" . $dump_product["price"] . "',1,'" . $slug . "'," . $category_id . "," . $type_id . "," . $dump_product['id'] . ")";
                     } else {
                         $sql = "INSERT INTO `site_store_product` (`name`, `description`, `price`, `user_id`, `slug`, `category_id`, `type_id`, `tiu_id`) VALUES ('" . $dump_product["name"] . "',:description,'" . $dump_product["price"] . "',1,'" . $slug . "',NULL,NULL," . $dump_product['id'] . ")";
                         $category_id = NULL;
                         $type_id = NULL;
                     $command = $db->createCommand($sql);
                     $command->bindParam(':description', $dump_product["description"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                     $sql = $db->quoteValue($sql);
                     $product_id = $db->getLastInsertID();
                     // id в c2go
                     // обработаем характеристики текущего продукта
                     $specs = $db->createCommand()->select('id_product, name, value')->from($parceBase . '.specification')->where('id_product =' . $dump_product['id'])->queryAll();
                     foreach ($specs as $spec) {
                         if (!empty($spec['name']) and !empty($spec['value'])) {
                             $name = \yupe\helpers\YText::translit($spec['name']);
                             if (in_array($name, $this->attr_name)) {
                                 // пропускаем постоянные
                             $sql = "INSERT INTO `site_store_product_option` (`product_id`, `title`, `value`) \n                                        VALUES ('" . $product_id . "',:name,:value)";
                             $command = $db->createCommand($sql);
                             $command->bindParam(':name', $spec["name"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                             $command->bindParam(':value', $spec["value"], PDO::PARAM_STR);
                             $sql = $db->quoteValue($sql);
                         //$this->saveSpec($spec, $product_id, $category_id, $type_id);
                     file_put_contents($root . $log_spec, $dump_product['id']);
                     // связь продукта и файла
                     if (array_key_exists('id', $fileinfo)) {
                         $model = File::model()->findByPk($fileinfo['id']);
                         if ($model) {
                             $model->record_id = $product_id;
                     print_r($dump_product['id'] . ' ' . $slug . "\n");
             file_put_contents($root . $log, $dump_product['id']);
     \Yii::app()->mail->send('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', 'Импорт', 'Импорт категорий, товаров и характеристик завершен');
     //file_put_contents($root . $log, 0);