function getStation()
     $station = Station::model()->findByPk($this->message_obj->station_id);
     if ($station) {
         $this->_station = $station;
 public function init()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->order = "communication_port asc, communication_type asc";
     $stations = Station::model()->findAll($criteria);
     if (count($stations) > 0) {
         foreach ($stations as $station) {
             switch ($station->communication_type) {
                 case 'direct':
                 case 'sms':
                     $connection_type = $station->communication_port;
                 case 'tcpip':
                     $connection_type = $station->communication_esp_ip . ':' . $station->communication_esp_port;
                 case 'gprs':
                     $connection_type = 'poller:' . $station->station_id_code;
                 case 'server':
                     $connection_type = 'tcp:' . $station->communication_esp_ip . ':' . $station->communication_esp_port;
             $this->all_sources[$connection_type] = $connection_type;
     return parent::init();
Beispiel #3
 public function checkAccumulationPeriod()
     if ($this->hasErrors()) {
         return false;
     /** Sensor validate */
     if (isset($this->accumulation_period) && $this->accumulation_period != 0) {
         foreach ($this->getSensorFeatureCode() as $feature_code) {
             if (!in_array($feature_code, $this->accumulate_features)) {
                 $this->addError('accumulation_period', 'Please fix the following input errors: Accumulation only applies to rain, sun duration and solar radiation. If you want to see accumulated rain or sun, make sure you do not select other features. Please select \'Rain\', \'Sun Radiation\' or \'Sun Duration\' and click \'Filter\' again');
                 return false;
     /** station validate */
     $qb = new CDbCriteria();
     $qb->select = ['event_message_period', 'station_id_code'];
     $qb->addInCondition('station_id', $this->station_id);
     if (isset($this->accumulation_period) && $this->accumulation_period != 0 && ($stations = Station::model()->findAll($qb))) {
         $stations_error = array();
         foreach ($stations as $station) {
             if ($station->event_message_period > $this->accumulation_period) {
                 $stations_error[] = $station->station_id_code;
         if (count($stations_error)) {
             $this->addError('event_message_period', 'The period you selected is smaller than the weather message interval in stations ' . implode(',', $stations_error) . '. Please increase the period and click \'Filter\' again.');
     if ($this->hasErrors('accumulation_period')) {
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;
Beispiel #4
 public function init()
     $sql = "SELECT `station_id`, CONCAT(`station_id_code`, ' - ', `display_name`) AS `name`\n                FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`\n                WHERE `station_type` = 'rain' ORDER BY `station_id_code` ";
     $stations = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if ($stations) {
         $this->stations = CHtml::listData($stations, 'station_id', 'name');
     return parent::init();
 public function generateMessage()
     $station = Station::model()->findByPk($this->station_id);
     $command = 'C';
     $command .= $station->station_id_code;
     $command .= $this->sms_command_code;
     $command .= implode($this->sms_command_params ? $this->sms_command_params : []);
     $command .= It::prepareCRC($command);
     $command = '@' . $command . '$';
     return $command;
Beispiel #6
 public function prepareTypes()
     $types = array();
     $types[0] = 'Messages from AWS or RG ("$....@")';
     $station_types = array();
     $station_timezones = array();
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` WHERE `station_type` = 'rain' ORDER BY `station_id_code` ";
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if ($res) {
         foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
             $types[$value['station_id']] = "LOG from RG: " . $value['station_id_code'] . " (" . $value['display_name'] . ")";
             $station_types[$value['station_id']] = $value['station_type'];
             $station_timezones[$value['station_id']] = $value['timezone_id'];
     return array('source_types' => $types, 'station_types' => $station_types, 'station_timezones' => $station_timezones);
 function actionIndex()
     ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
     print 'Checking `listener_log` table upgrade....<br/>';
     $sql = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'is_last'";
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         print '<br/><br/>Checked - requires update.<br/><br/>Attention! Script going to make small update to your database.... Please, be patient, don\'t use system before script is completed.';
         $sql = "ALTER TABLE `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` ADD `is_last` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `is_processed`";
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`";
         $stations = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         if ($stations) {
             foreach ($stations as $key => $value) {
         print '<br><br>.....<br><br>Done!. <br/><br/>You can continue work with <a href="' . It::baseUrl() . '">Delairco</a>';
     } else {
         print '<br/>Checked - doesn\'t require update. <br/><br/>You can continue work with <a href="' . It::baseUrl() . '">Delairco</a>';
 public function init()
     preg_match('/^POLLER\\:([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,5})$/i', $this->source, $matches);
     $station = Station::model()->findByAttributes(array('station_id_code' => strtoupper($matches[1])));
     if (is_null($station)) {
         $this->_logger->log(__CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ': Station is not found', array('station_code' => strtoupper($matches[1])));
         return false;
     } else {
         $this->_connector = new TcpIpPollerConnector($this->_logger, $station, 60);
         if (Yii::app()->params['sms_params']['enabled'] === true) {
             $phpSerial = new PhpSerial($this->_logger);
             $this->_smsMessageSender = new SmsMessageSender($this->_logger, $this->listener, $phpSerial, Yii::app()->params['com_connect_params'], Yii::app()->params['sms_params']['serial_port'], $station->phone_number, $station->sms_message);
         } else {
             $this->_logger->log(__CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__ . ' Reset SMS message is disabled');
     //        $this->_connector = new TcpIpServerConnector($this->_logger, $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3]);
     $this->_logger->log(__CLASS__ . ' ' . __METHOD__);
     $this->settings = Settings::model()->find();
     $this->synchronization = new Synchronization();
     return true;
  * Update general tables in backup database.
  * Actual Data in these tables are required to support integrity of database and store sensors values
  * @return string 
 private function updateMainStationInformation()
     $tables = array(Station::model()->tableName(), Settings::model()->tableName(), StationSensor::model()->tableName(), StationSensorFeature::model()->tableName(), StationCalculation::model()->tableName(), StationCalculationVariable::model()->tableName());
     $result_sql = array();
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . $table . "`";
         $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         $total = count($res);
         It::debug("updateMainStationInformation: Table = " . $table . ", TOTAL = " . $total, 'backup_database');
         if ($res) {
             $fields = array();
             foreach ($res[0] as $key2 => $value2) {
                 $fields[] = $key2;
             $sql_header = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `" . $table . "` (`" . implode('`,`', $fields) . "`) VALUES ";
             $res_sql = $sql_header;
             foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
                 $res_sql .= "('" . implode("','", $value) . "')";
                 if ($key + 1 < $total) {
                     $res_sql .= ", ";
             $result_sql[] = $res_sql;
     It::debug("updateMainStationInformation: DONE", 'backup_database');
     return $result_sql;
Beispiel #10
 public function createExport()
     $return_string = "";
     $sql = "SELECT\n                       `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` AS `TxDateTime`,\n                       `t4`.`station_id_code` AS `StationId`, \n                       `t4`.`display_name` AS `StationDisplayName`,\n                       `t3`.`sensor_id_code` AS `SensorId`, \n                       `t3`.`display_name` AS `SensorDisplayName`, \n                       \n                       `t1`.`period` AS `MeasurementPeriod`,\n                       `t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS `Value`,\n                       `t5`.`short_name` AS `Metric`,\n                       `t8`.`value` AS `DewPoint`,\n                       `t11`.`value` AS `PressureMSL`,\n                       \n                       `t12`.`handler_id_code`,\n                       `t4`.`magnetic_north_offset`\n\n                 FROM `" . SensorData::model()->tableName() . "` t1\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensorFeature::model()->tableName() . "`          `t2`    ON `t2`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t1`.`sensor_feature_id`\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensor::model()->tableName() . "`                 `t3`    ON `t3`.`station_sensor_id` = `t2`.`sensor_id`\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`                       `t4`    ON `t4`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id`\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . RefbookMetric::model()->tableName() . "`                 `t5`    ON `t5`.`metric_id` = `t2`.`metric_id`\n\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculation::model()->tableName() . "`            `t6`    ON (`t6`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id` AND `t6`.`handler_id` = 1)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationVariable::model()->tableName() . "`    `t7`    ON (`t7`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t2`.`sensor_feature_id` AND `t7`.`calculation_id` = `t6`.`calculation_id`)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationData::model()->tableName() . "`        `t8`    ON (`t8`.`calculation_id` = `t7`.`calculation_id` AND `t8`.`listener_log_id` = `t1`.`listener_log_id`)\n\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculation::model()->tableName() . "`            `t9`    ON (`t9`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id` AND `t9`.`handler_id` = 2)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationVariable::model()->tableName() . "`    `t10`   ON (`t10`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t2`.`sensor_feature_id` AND `t10`.`calculation_id` = `t9`.`calculation_id`)\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationCalculationData::model()->tableName() . "`        `t11`   ON (`t11`.`calculation_id` = `t10`.`calculation_id` AND `t11`.`listener_log_id` = `t1`.`listener_log_id`)\n\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . SensorDBHandler::model()->tableName() . "`               `t12`   ON `t12`.`handler_id` = `t3`.`handler_id`\n\n                 WHERE `t1`.`station_id` IN (" . implode(',', $this->station_id) . ")\n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->start_timestamp . ") \n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->end_timestamp . ")\n                   AND `t2`.`is_main` = 1\n                   AND `t1`.`is_m` = '0'\n                 ORDER BY `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` DESC, `t4`.`station_id_code`, `t3`.`sensor_id_code`";
     $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if ($res) {
         foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
             $handler_obj = SensorHandler::create($value['handler_id_code']);
             $res[$key]['Value'] = $handler_obj->applyOffset($res[$key]['Value'], $res[$key]['magnetic_north_offset']);
             $res[$key]['Value'] = $handler_obj->formatValue($res[$key]['Value'], $res[$key]['feature_code']);
         $return_string .= "\"AWS Stations:\"\n" . It::prepareStringCSV($res);
     $sql = "SELECT\n                        `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` AS `TxDateTime`,\n                        `t3`.`station_id_code` AS `StationId`, \n                        `t3`.`display_name` AS `StationDisplayName`,\n                        `t2`.`sensor_id_code` AS `SensorId`, \n                        `t2`.`display_name` AS `SensorDisplayName`,  \n                        (`t1`.`sensor_value` * `t1`.`bucket_size`) AS `Value`,\n                        `t4`.`short_name` AS `Metric`                        \n                 FROM `" . SensorDataMinute::model()->tableName() . "` t1\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensor::model()->tableName() . "` t2 ON t2.station_sensor_id = t1.sensor_id\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` t3 ON t3.station_id = t1.station_id\n                 LEFT JOIN `" . RefbookMetric::model()->tableName() . "` t4 ON t4.metric_id = t1.metric_id\n                     \n                 WHERE `t1`.`station_id` IN (" . implode(',', $this->station_id) . ")\n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` >= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->start_timestamp . ") \n                   AND `t1`.`measuring_timestamp` <= FROM_UNIXTIME(" . $this->end_timestamp . ")\n                   AND `t1`.`is_tmp` = 0\n                 ORDER BY t1.measuring_timestamp DESC, t3.station_id_code, t2.sensor_id_code\n                ";
     $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if ($res) {
         $return_string .= "\n\n\"RG Stations:\"\n" . It::prepareStringCSV($res);
     It::downloadFile($return_string, 'export__' . date('Y-m-d_Hi') . '.csv', 'text/csv');
Beispiel #11
 public function prepareList($page_size = 10)
     $stations = $this->getAllStations();
     if ($stations) {
         $sql_where = array();
         //---------------- Start groupping
         $use_field = '';
         if ($this->rate_volume == 1) {
             $use_field = 'sensor_value';
         } else {
             if ($this->rate_volume == 5) {
                 $use_field = '5min_sum';
                 $tmp = array('00', '05', '10', '15', '20', '25', '30', '35', '40', '45', '50', '55');
             } else {
                 if ($this->rate_volume == 10) {
                     $use_field = '10min_sum';
                     $tmp = array('00', '10', '20', '30', '40', '50');
                 } else {
                     if ($this->rate_volume == 20) {
                         $use_field = '20min_sum';
                         $tmp = array('00', '20', '40');
                     } else {
                         if ($this->rate_volume == 30) {
                             $use_field = '30min_sum';
                             $tmp = array('00', '30');
                         } else {
                             if ($this->rate_volume == 60) {
                                 $use_field = '60min_sum';
                                 $tmp = array('00');
             $sql_where[] = "DATE_FORMAT(`sd`.`measuring_timestamp`, '%i') IN ('" . implode("','", $tmp) . "')";
         $sql_where[] = "`sd`.`" . $use_field . "` > 0";
         //---------------- End groupping
         //---------------- Start date filter
         if ($this->date_from) {
             $sql_where[] = "`sd`.`measuring_timestamp` >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->date_from . ' ' . $this->time_from)) . "'";
         if ($this->date_to) {
             $sql_where[] = "`sd`.`measuring_timestamp` <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->date_to . ' ' . $this->time_to)) . "'";
         //---------------- End date filter
         //---------------- Start Station filter
         if ($this->station_id) {
             $sql_where[] = "`sd`.`station_id` = '" . $this->station_id . "'";
         } else {
             $sql_groupped_table = "SELECT `sensor_id`, MAX(`measuring_timestamp`) AS `MaxDateTime` FROM `" . SensorDataMinute::model()->tableName() . "` WHERE `" . $use_field . "` > 0 ";
             if ($this->date_from) {
                 $sql_groupped_table .= " AND `measuring_timestamp` >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->date_from . ' ' . $this->time_from)) . "' ";
             if ($this->date_to) {
                 $sql_groupped_table .= " AND `measuring_timestamp` <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($this->date_to . ' ' . $this->time_to)) . "' ";
             $sql_groupped_table .= " GROUP BY `sensor_id` ";
             $sql = "SELECT `tt`.`sensor_data_id`\n                        FROM `" . SensorDataMinute::model()->tableName() . "` `tt`\n                        INNER JOIN ( {$sql_groupped_table} ) `groupedtt` ON `tt`.`sensor_id` = `groupedtt`.`sensor_id` AND `tt`.`measuring_timestamp` = `groupedtt`.`MaxDateTime`";
             $last_values = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryColumn();
             if (!$last_values) {
                 $last_values = array(0);
             $sql_where[] = "`sd`.`station_id` IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($stations)) . ") AND `sd`.`sensor_data_id` IN (" . implode(',', $last_values) . ")";
         //---------------- End Station filter
         if ($page_size > 0) {
             $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*)\n                        FROM `" . SensorDataMinute::model()->tableName() . "` `sd`\n                        WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $sql_where);
             $total = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryScalar();
             $pages = new CPagination($total);
             $pages->pageSize = $page_size;
         if ($this->order_field == 'date') {
             $sql_order = "`sd`.`measuring_timestamp` " . $this->order_direction;
         } elseif ($this->order_field == 'name') {
             $sql_order = "`st`.`display_name` " . $this->order_direction;
         } elseif ($this->order_field == 'lasttx') {
             $sql_order = "`sd`.`" . $use_field . "` " . $this->order_direction;
         } elseif ($this->order_field == 'lasthr') {
             $sql_order = "`sd`.`60min_sum` " . $this->order_direction;
         } elseif ($this->order_field == 'last24hr') {
             $sql_order = "`sd`.`1day_sum` " . $this->order_direction;
         $sql = "SELECT `st`.`display_name`,\n                           `st`.`station_id_code`,\n                           `st`.`station_id`,\n\n                           `ll`.`message`,\n                           `ll`.`log_id`,\n\n                           `sd`.`sensor_data_id`,\n                           `sd`.`battery_voltage`,\n                           `sd`.`sensor_id`,\n                           `sd`.`measuring_timestamp`,\n                            DATE_FORMAT(`sd`.`measuring_timestamp`, '%m/%d/%Y') AS `tx_date_formatted`,\n                            DATE_FORMAT(`sd`.`measuring_timestamp`, '%H:%i') AS `tx_time_formatted`,\n                           `sd`.`sensor_value`,\n                           `sd`.`5min_sum`,\n                           `sd`.`10min_sum`,\n                           `sd`.`20min_sum`,\n                           `sd`.`30min_sum`,\n                           `sd`.`60min_sum`,\n                           `sd`.`1day_sum`,\n\n                           `sd`.`bucket_size`,\n                           `sd`.`1day_sum` AS `day_value_mm`,\n                           `sd`.`60min_sum` AS `hour_value_mm`\n\n                    FROM `" . SensorDataMinute::model()->tableName() . "` `sd`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` `ll` ON `sd`.`listener_log_id` = `ll`.`log_id`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`     `st` ON `st`.`station_id` = `sd`.`station_id`\n\n                    WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $sql_where) . "\n                    ORDER BY {$sql_order} ";
         if ($page_size) {
             $sql .= " LIMIT " . $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize . ", " . $pages->pageSize;
         $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         if ($res) {
             $total_found = count($res);
             foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
                 $res[$key]['battery_voltage_formatted'] = $value['battery_voltage'] / 10;
                 $res[$key]['tx_value_mm'] = $value[$use_field] * $value['bucket_size'];
                 $res[$key]['tx_value_rate_mm'] = $value[$use_field] * $value['bucket_size'] * 60 / $this->rate_volume;
                 $res[$key]['day_value_mm'] = $value['day_value_mm'] * $value['bucket_size'];
                 $res[$key]['hour_value_mm'] = $value['hour_value_mm'] * $value['bucket_size'];
                 $res[$key]['period'] = $this->rate_volume;
                 $hour_value_id = date('YmdH', strtotime($value['measuring_timestamp']));
                 $res[$key]['hour_value_id'] = $hour_value_id;
                 $res[$key]['hour_value_rate_mm'] = 0;
                 if ($stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_max'] > 0) {
                     if ($res[$key]['tx_value_mm'] >= $stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_max']) {
                         $res[$key]['filter_errors'][] = "R >= <b>" . $stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_max'] . "</b>  ";
                 if ($stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_min'] > 0) {
                     if ($res[$key]['tx_value_mm'] <= $stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_min']) {
                         $res[$key]['filter_errors'][] = "R <= <b>" . $stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_min'] . "</b>  ";
                 if ($stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_diff'] > 0) {
                     if ($key != 0 && abs($res[$key]['tx_value_mm'] - $res[$key - 1]['tx_value_mm']) >= $stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_diff']) {
                         $res[$key]['filter_errors'][] = "|R - R0| >= <b>" . $stations[$value['station_id']]['filter_limit_diff'] . "</b> ";
             foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
                 if ($key != 0 && $res[$key]['hour_value_id'] != $res[$key - 1]['hour_value_id']) {
                     $res[$key - 1]['hour_value_rate_mm'] = $res[$key - 1]['hour_value_mm'];
                 } elseif ($key == $total_found - 1) {
                     $res[$key]['hour_value_rate_mm'] = $res[$key]['hour_value_mm'];
     return array('list' => $res, 'pages' => $pages);
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Station the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Station::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
 public function actionAwsSingle()
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->compare('station_type', array('aws', 'awos'));
     $criteria->order = 'station_id_code asc';
     $stations = Station::model()->findAll($criteria);
     if (count($stations) > 0) {
         $session = Yii::app()->session;
         $id = isset($_REQUEST['station_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['station_id']) : (isset($session['single_aws']['station_id']) ? $session['single_aws']['station_id'] : '');
         $station = null;
         if ($id) {
             foreach ($stations as $st) {
                 if ($id == $st->station_id) {
                     $station = $st;
         $station = is_null($station) ? $stations[0] : $station;
         $log_id = isset($_REQUEST['log_id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['log_id']) : null;
         $last2Messages = ListenerLog::getAllLast2Messages(array($station->station_id), $log_id);
         if (array_key_exists($station->station_id, $last2Messages) && count($last2Messages[$station->station_id]) > 0) {
             $station->lastMessage = date('m/d/Y H:i', strtotime($last2Messages[$station->station_id][0]->measuring_timestamp));
             $next_expected = strtotime($last2Messages[$station->station_id][0]->measuring_timestamp) + $station->event_message_period * 60 + 300;
             $station->nextMessageExpected = date('m/d/Y H:i', $next_expected);
             if ($next_expected < time()) {
                 $station->nextMessageIsLates = 1;
         } else {
             $station->lastMessage = 'Unknown';
         if (count($last2Messages[$station->station_id]) > 1) {
             $station->previousMessage = date('m/d/Y H:i', strtotime($last2Messages[$station->station_id][1]->measuring_timestamp));
         } else {
             $station->previousMessage = 'Unknown';
         $list = StationSensor::getSensorsForAWSDisplay(array($station->station_id), 'aws_single');
         $sensors = isset($list[$station->station_id]) ? $list[$station->station_id] : null;
         $handler_sensor = array();
         if (!is_null($sensors)) {
             $sensorPairs = array();
             foreach ($sensors as $sensor) {
                 $sensorPairs[$sensor->handler->handler_id_code][] = array('station_id' => $station->station_id, 'sensor_id' => $sensor->station_sensor_id, 'last_logs' => isset($last2Messages[$station->station_id]) ? $last2Messages[$station->station_id] : array(), 'aws_single_group' => $sensor->handler->aws_single_group);
             $handlersDefault = array();
             SensorDBHandler::handlerWithFeature($handlersDefault, 'single');
             $sensorList = SensorHandler::getFullSensorList(array($station->station_id), $handlersDefault);
             $sensorData = SensorData::getSensorData($last2Messages, $sensorList);
             foreach ($sensorPairs as $handler_id_code => $data) {
                 $handler_obj = SensorHandler::create($handler_id_code);
                 $res = $handler_obj->getInfoForAwsPanel($data, $sensorList, $sensorData, 'single');
                 if ($res) {
                     foreach ($res as $value_sensors) {
                         foreach ($value_sensors as $value_sensor_data) {
                             if ($handler_id_code === 'WindDirection') {
                                 if ($session['single_aws']['chosen_wind_direction'] == 2) {
                                     $chosen_direction = '10minute_average';
                                 } else {
                                     if ($session['single_aws']['chosen_wind_direction'] == 1) {
                                         $chosen_direction = '2minute_average';
                                     } else {
                                         $chosen_direction = 'last';
                                 $value_sensor_data['chosen_wind_direction'] = $chosen_direction;
                                 $radians = ($value_sensor_data[$chosen_direction] - 90) / 180 * M_PI;
                                 //$value_sensor_data['chosen_wind_coordinates']['x'] = round(86.5+ cos($radians)*70);
                                 //$value_sensor_data['chosen_wind_coordinates']['y'] = round(86.5+ sin($radians)*70);
                                 $value_sensor_data['chosen_wind_coordinates']['x'] = round(83 + cos($radians) * 70);
                                 $value_sensor_data['chosen_wind_coordinates']['y'] = round(83 + sin($radians) * 70);
                             $value_sensor_data['handler_id_code'] = $handler_id_code;
                             $handler_sensor[$data[0]['aws_single_group']][$handler_id_code][] = $value_sensor_data;
         $handlers = StationCalculation::getStationCalculationHandlers(array($station->station_id));
         $calculation = array();
         if (array_key_exists($station->station_id, $handlers)) {
             foreach ($handlers[$station->station_id] as $value) {
                 $handler = CalculationHandler::create($value->handler->handler_id_code);
                 $used_sensors = $handler->getUsedSensors($station->station_id);
                 if ($used_sensors) {
                     foreach ($handler_sensor as $group => &$v2) {
                         foreach ($v2 as $handler_id_code => &$value_sensor_data) {
                             if ($value->handler->handler_id_code == 'DewPoint' && in_array($handler_id_code, array('Temperature', 'TemperatureSoil', 'TemperatureWater')) || $value->handler->handler_id_code == 'PressureSeaLevel' && in_array($handler_id_code, array('Pressure'))) {
                                 foreach ($value_sensor_data as $k4 => &$v4) {
                                     if (in_array($v4['sensor_id_code'], $used_sensors)) {
                                         $calculation[$group][$value->handler->handler_id_code] = 1;
                                         $v4[$value->handler->handler_id_code] = $handler->getCalculatedValue($station->station_id, $last2Messages[$station->station_id]);
         $session['single_aws'] = array('station_id' => $station->station_id, 'chosen_wind_direction' => $session['single_aws']['chosen_wind_direction']);
     $speciReport = null;
     if (count($last2Messages[$station->station_id]) > 0) {
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
         $criteria->with = array('ScheduleReportToStation.schedule_report');
         $criteria->compare('report_type', 'speci');
         $criteria->compare('ScheduleReportToStation.station_id', $station->station_id);
         //			$criteria->compare('is_last', 1);
         $criteria->compare('listener_log_id', $last2Messages[$station->station_id][0]->log_id);
         //			$criteria->order = 't.updated desc';
         $criteria->order = 't.created desc';
         $criteria->limit = 1;
         $speciReport = ScheduleReportProcessed::model()->find($criteria);
         if (is_null($speciReport)) {
             $reportRecord = ScheduleReport::model()->findByAttributes(array('report_type' => 'speci', 'station_id' => $station->station_id));
             if (!is_null($reportRecord)) {
                 $speciReport = new ScheduleReportProcessed();
                 $speciReport->schedule_id = $reportRecord->schedule_id;
                 $speciReport->listener_log_id = $last2Messages[$station->station_id][0]->log_id;
                 $speciReport->is_processed = 0;
                 $speciReport->check_period_start = $last2Messages[$station->station_id][0]->measuring_timestamp;
                 $speciReport->check_period_end = $last2Messages[$station->station_id][0]->measuring_timestamp;
     //        echo "<pre>";
     //        print_r($handler_sensor);
     //        echo "</pre>";exit;
     $template = 'aws_single';
     $render_data = array('stations' => $stations, 'station' => $station, 'last_logs' => $last2Messages[$station->station_id], 'handler_sensor' => $handler_sensor, 'calculation' => $calculation, 'speciReport' => $speciReport);
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         $this->renderPartial($template, array('render_data' => $render_data));
     } else {
         $this->render('autorefresh_aws_single', array('render_data' => $render_data, 'template' => $template));
Beispiel #14
  * create statistics now
  * @param null $report
 private function ini($report = null)
     if (is_null($report)) {
         $report = new HeartbeatReport();
         $report->created = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         $report->period = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - 24 * 60 * 60);
     $minute_in_period = (strtotime($report->created) - strtotime($report->period)) / 60;
     $databases = array('db' => false, 'db_long' => true);
     $config_file = array('db' => 'db_params', 'db_long' => 'db_long_params');
     $sql = "SELECT TABLE_NAME, `DATA_LENGTH`+`INDEX_LENGTH` as 'TABLE_SIZE', TABLE_ROWS\r\n                    FROM information_schema.TABLES\r\n                    WHERE `table_schema` LIKE :db;" . "";
     foreach ($databases as $database => $use_long) {
          * $db_stat
          * $db_long_stat
         $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect($use_long)->createCommand("SHOW STATUS;")->queryAll();
         foreach ($res as $val) {
             $this->{$database . '_stat'}[$val['Variable_name']] = $val['Value'];
          * $db_tables_size
          * $db_long_tables_size
          * $db_tables_rows
          * $db_long_tables_rows
         //            $db_conf = new ConfigManager($config_file[$database]);
         //            $db_name = $db_conf::getConfigSection('database', 'dbname');
         $db_name = Yii::app()->params[$config_file[$database]]['dbname'];
         $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect($use_long)->createCommand($sql)->bindValue(':db', $db_name)->queryAll();
         $allSize = $allCount = 0;
         foreach ($res as $table) {
             $allSize += $this->{$database . '_tables_size'}[$table['TABLE_NAME']] = number_format($table['TABLE_SIZE'] / 1024 / 1024, 2);
             $allCount += $this->{$database . '_tables_rows'}[$table['TABLE_NAME']] = $table['TABLE_ROWS'];
         $this->{$database . '_tables_size'}['All'] = $allSize;
         $this->{$database . '_tables_rows'}['All'] = $allCount;
         if ($use_long) {
              * $stations
              * $stations_logger
              * $stations_communication_type
              * $stations_message_interval
              * $stations_message_count
              * $stations_message_expected
              * $stations_message_error
              * $stations_message_is_processing
              * $stations_message_last
              * $stations_schedule_synop
              * $stations_schedule_bufr
              * $stations_schedule_speci
              * $stations_schedule_metar
              * $stations_schedule_data_export
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->index = 'station_id';
             $criteria->with = array('messages' => array('together' => false, 'select' => 'messages.measuring_timestamp, messages.failed, is_processing', 'condition' => 'messages.measuring_timestamp > \'' . $report->period . '\'', 'order' => 'messages.measuring_timestamp DESC'), 'schedule' => array('select' => 'schedule.report_type, schedule.period', 'together' => false, 'with' => array('processed' => array('select' => 'processed.updated', 'together' => false, 'condition' => 'processed.updated > \'' . $report->period . '\''))));
             $stations = Station::model()->long()->findAll($criteria);
             foreach ($stations as $station_id => $station) {
                 $this->stations[$station_id] = $station['display_name'];
                 $this->stations_logger[$station_id] = $station['logger_type'];
                 $this->stations_communication_type[$station_id] = $station['communication_type'];
                 $this->stations_message_interval[$station_id] = $station['event_message_period'];
                 $this->stations_message_count[$station_id] = count($station->messages);
                 $this->stations_message_expected[$station_id] = $minute_in_period / $station['event_message_period'];
                 foreach ($station->messages as $message) {
                     $this->stations_message_error[$station_id] += $message['failed'];
                     $this->stations_message_is_processing[$station_id] += $message['is_processing'];
                 $this->stations_message_last[$station_id] = $station->messages[0]['measuring_timestamp'];
                 $logIds[] = $station->messages[0]['log_id'];
                 foreach ($station->schedule as $schedule) {
                     $schedule_count = count($schedule->processed);
                     if ($schedule_count) {
                         if ($schedule->report_type == 'speci') {
                             $this->stations_schedule_speci[$station_id]['gen'] += $schedule_count;
                         } else {
                             $this->{'stations_schedule_' . $schedule->report_type}[$station_id]['gen'] += $schedule_count;
                             $this->{'stations_schedule_' . $schedule->report_type}[$station_id]['sch'] += number_format($minute_in_period / $schedule->period);
             foreach ($this as $key => $arr) {
                 if (stripos($key, 'stations_schedule_') !== false && !is_null($arr)) {
                     foreach ($arr as $station_id => $val) {
                         if (!is_null($val['gen']) && !is_null($val['sch'])) {
                             $this->{$key}[$station_id] = $val['sch'] . ' / ' . $val['gen'] . ' = ' . number_format($val['gen'] / $val['sch'] * 100) . '%';
                         } elseif (stripos($key, 'speci') === false) {
                             $this->{$key}[$station_id] = $val['sch'] . ' / ' . $val['gen'];
                         } else {
                             $this->{$key}[$station_id] = $val['gen'];
              * $stations_bv_last
             $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
             $criteria->with = array('sensor_feature' => array('select' => false, 'joinType' => 'INNER JOIN', 'condition' => 'sensor_feature.feature_code = \'battery_voltage\''));
             $criteria->index = 'station_id';
             $criteria->compare('listener_log_id', $logIds);
             $bv_data = SensorData::model()->long()->findAll($criteria);
             foreach ($stations as $station_id => $station) {
                 $this->stations_sensor_bv[$station_id] = $bv_data[$station_id]['sensor_feature_value'];
      * $system
     $this->system['disk_free_space'] = number_format(disk_free_space('/') / pow(10, 9), 2) . 'Gb';
     $this->system['disk_total_space'] = number_format(disk_total_space('/') / pow(10, 9), 2) . 'Gb';
Beispiel #15
 public function getExport($station_id)
     $station = Station::model()->with(array('sensors.handler' => array('alias' => 'hh'), 'sensors.features.metric', 'station_calculation.station_calculation_variable.sensor_feature.sensor' => array('alias' => 'feat'), 'station_calculation.handler.metric' => array('alias' => 'metr')))->findbyPk($station_id);
     if (!is_null($station)) {
         $stationParams = $station->getAttributes();
         $file_name = $station->station_id . '_' . $station->station_id_code . '_' . $station->updated . '.conf';
         $file_content['station'] = $stationParams;
         if (count($station['sensors'])) {
             foreach ($station['sensors'] as $sensor) {
                 $sensor_to_add = array();
                 $sensor_to_add['display_name'] = $sensor->display_name;
                 $sensor_to_add['handler'] = $sensor['handler']->handler_id_code;
                 $sensor_to_add['calculation']['DewPoint'] = $sensor->hasCalculation('DewPoint');
                 $sensor_to_add['calculation']['PressureSeaLevel'] = $sensor->hasCalculation('PressureSeaLevel');
                 $sensor_to_add['features'] = array();
                 if (count($sensor['features'])) {
                     foreach ($sensor['features'] as $feature) {
                         $featuresToAdd = array();
                         $featuresToAdd['feature_constant_value'] = $feature->feature_constant_value;
                         $featuresToAdd['feature_display_name'] = $feature->feature_display_name;
                         $featuresToAdd['feature_code'] = $feature->feature_code;
                         $featuresToAdd['metric'] = array();
                         if ($feature['metric']) {
                             $featuresToAdd['metric'] = $feature['metric']->getAttributes();
                         $sensor_to_add['features'][] = $featuresToAdd;
                 $file_content['sensors'][] = $sensor_to_add;
         if (count($station['station_calculation'])) {
             foreach ($station['station_calculation'] as $key => $calc) {
                 if (is_object($calc)) {
                     $file_content['station_calculation'][$key]['formula'] = $calc->formula;
                     $file_content['station_calculation'][$key]['handler'] = $calc['handler']->handler_id_code;
                     $file_content['station_calculation'][$key]['metric_id'] = $calc['handler']->metric_id;
         $file_content = json_encode($file_content, 1);
         return array('file_content' => $file_content, 'file_name' => $file_name);
     return array('file_name' => 'There_is_no_station');
Beispiel #16
 public function actionAwsFiltered()
     $delete = isset($_REQUEST['delete']) ? intval($_REQUEST['delete']) : null;
     if ($delete) {
         $obj = SensorData::model()->findByPk($delete);
         if ($obj) {
     $session = new CHttpSession();
     $sess_name = 'awsfiltered_filter1';
     $fparams = $session[$sess_name];
     $fparams['showdata'] = false;
     if ($fparams['redirect'] == true or isset($_GET['page'])) {
         $fparams['showdata'] = true;
     $stations = Station::getList("'aws','awos'", false);
     $time_pattern = "/^(\\d{1,2}):(\\d{1,2})\$/";
     if (!$fparams || isset($_POST['clear']) || isset($_POST['filter'])) {
         $cur_time = time();
         $some_time_ago = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', $cur_time), date('d', $cur_time), date('Y', $cur_time));
         $fparams = array('station_id' => $stations[0]['station_id'], 'date_from' => date('m/d/Y', $some_time_ago), 'date_to' => date('m/d/Y', $cur_time), 'time_from' => '00:00', 'time_to' => '23:59', 'order_field' => 'date', 'order_direction' => 'DESC');
     if (isset($_POST['filter'])) {
         $fparams['station_id'] = intval($_POST['search']['station_id']);
         $fparams['date_from'] = $_POST['search']['date_from'];
         $fparams['date_to'] = $_POST['search']['date_to'];
         if (preg_match($time_pattern, $_POST['search']['time_from'])) {
             $fparams['time_from'] = $_POST['search']['time_from'];
         if (preg_match($time_pattern, $_POST['search']['time_to'])) {
             $fparams['time_to'] = $_POST['search']['time_to'];
     if (isset($_REQUEST['of']) && in_array($_REQUEST['of'], array('stationid', 'date', 'sensorid', 'value'))) {
         if ($_REQUEST['of'] == $fparams['order_field']) {
             $fparams['order_direction'] = $fparams['order_direction'] == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
         } else {
             $fparams['order_direction'] = 'ASC';
         $fparams['order_field'] = $_REQUEST['of'];
     $session[$sess_name] = $fparams;
     if ($_POST || $_REQUEST['of']) {
         $fparams['showdata'] = true;
         $fparams['redirect'] = true;
         $session[$sess_name] = $fparams;
         $this->redirect($this->createUrl('admin/awsfiltered') . (isset($_GET['page']) ? 'page/' . $_GET['page'] : ''));
     } else {
         $fparams['redirect'] = false;
         $session[$sess_name] = $fparams;
     /*----------- filter prepare -------------*/
     $sql_where = array();
     $sql_where[] = "`t1`.`is_m` = '0'";
     if ($fparams['date_from']) {
         $sql_where[] = "`t1`.`measuring_timestamp` >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($fparams['date_from'] . ' ' . $fparams['time_from'])) . "'";
     if ($fparams['date_to']) {
         $sql_where[] = "`t1`.`measuring_timestamp` <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($fparams['date_to'] . ' ' . $fparams['time_to'])) . "'";
     if ($fparams['station_id']) {
         $sql_where[] = "t1.station_id = '" . $fparams['station_id'] . "'";
     $sql_where_str = count($sql_where) ? " AND " . implode(' AND ', $sql_where) . " " : "";
     if ($fparams['order_field'] == 'date') {
         $sql_order = "`t1`.`measuring_timestamp` " . $fparams['order_direction'];
     } elseif ($fparams['order_field'] == 'stationid') {
         $sql_order = "`t1`.`station_id` " . $fparams['order_direction'];
     } elseif ($fparams['order_field'] == 'sensorid') {
         $sql_order = "`t1`.`sensor_id` " . $fparams['order_direction'];
     } elseif ($fparams['order_field'] == 'value') {
         $sql_order = "CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) " . $fparams['order_direction'];
     } else {
         $sql_order = "`t1`.`measuring_timestamp` ";
     /*----------- /end filter prepare --------*/
     if ($fparams['showdata']) {
         $sql_groupped = "SELECT `sensor_data_id`, `sensor_feature_id`, `measuring_timestamp`, CAST(`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) as `sensor_feature_value`, `listener_log_id`\n                         FROM `" . SensorData::model()->tableName() . "`\n                         ORDER BY `measuring_timestamp` DESC\n                         LIMIT 1000";
         $sql = "SELECT `t1`.`sensor_data_id`\n                FROM " . SensorData::model()->tableName() . " `t1`\n                LEFT JOIN ({$sql_groupped}) `gt` ON `gt`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t1`.`sensor_feature_id` AND `gt`.`measuring_timestamp` < `t1`.`measuring_timestamp`\n                LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensorFeature::model()->tableName() . "` t2 ON t2.sensor_feature_id = t1.sensor_feature_id\n                LEFT JOIN `" . SensorDBHandlerDefaultFeature::model()->tableName() . "` t3 ON t3.feature_code LIKE t2.feature_code\n                WHERE (\n                        (t2.has_filter_max AND CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) >  (t3.filter_max * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ) )\n                        OR (t2.has_filter_min AND CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) < (t3.filter_min * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ))\n                        OR (t2.has_filter_diff AND `gt`.`sensor_data_id` > 0 AND ABS(CAST(`gt`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) - CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4))) > (t3.filter_diff * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1)))\n                       )\n                  {$sql_where_str}\n                GROUP BY `t1`.`sensor_data_id`\n                LIMIT 1000";
         $total = count(Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryColumn());
         $pages = new CPagination($total);
         $pages->pageSize = 20;
         $sql = "SELECT `t1`.`sensor_data_id`, `t1`.`sensor_feature_id`, CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) as `sensor_feature_value`, `t1`.`measuring_timestamp`, t1.period,\n                       `gt`.`measuring_timestamp` AS `prev_measuring_timestamp`, `gt`.`listener_log_id` AS `prev_listener_log_id`,  CAST(`gt`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) as `prev_sensor_feature_value`, `gt`.`sensor_data_id` as `prev_sensor_data_id`,\n                       `t5`.`filter_max`, `t5`.`filter_min`, `t5`.`filter_diff`, t2.has_filter_max, t2.has_filter_min, t2.has_filter_diff, t2.is_cumulative,\n                       `t3`.`sensor_id_code`,\n                       `t4`.`station_id_code`\n                FROM " . SensorData::model()->tableName() . " `t1`\n                LEFT JOIN ({$sql_groupped}) `gt` ON `gt`.`sensor_feature_id` = `t1`.`sensor_feature_id` AND `gt`.`measuring_timestamp` < `t1`.`measuring_timestamp`\n                LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensorFeature::model()->tableName() . "` t2 ON t2.sensor_feature_id = t1.sensor_feature_id\n                LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensor::model()->tableName() . "`  t3  ON t3.station_sensor_id = t1.sensor_id\n                LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` t4 ON t4.station_id = t1.station_id\n                LEFT JOIN `" . SensorDBHandlerDefaultFeature::model()->tableName() . "` t5 ON t5.feature_code LIKE t2.feature_code\n                WHERE (\n                       (t2.has_filter_max AND CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) > (t5.filter_max * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ) )\n                       OR (t2.has_filter_min AND CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) < (t5.filter_min * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ))\n                       OR (t2.has_filter_diff AND `gt`.`sensor_data_id` > 0 AND ABS(CAST(`gt`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) - CAST(`t1`.`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4))) > (t5.filter_diff * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ))\n                      )\n                  {$sql_where_str}\n                GROUP BY `t1`.`sensor_data_id`\n                 HAVING  (\n                        (t2.has_filter_max AND CAST(`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) > (t5.filter_max * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ) )\n                        OR (t2.has_filter_min AND CAST(`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) < (t5.filter_min * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ))\n                        OR (t2.has_filter_diff AND prev_sensor_data_id > 0 AND ABS(CAST(`prev_sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4)) - CAST(`sensor_feature_value` AS DECIMAL(15,4))) > (t5.filter_diff * IF(t2.is_cumulative, t1.period/60, 1) ))\n\t\t\t            )\n                ORDER BY {$sql_order}\n                LIMIT " . $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize . ", " . $pages->pageSize;
         $list = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         if ($list) {
             foreach ($list as $key => &$value) {
                 $multiplyer_str = '';
                 $multiplyer = 1;
                 if ($value['is_cumulative']) {
                     $multiplyer_str = $value['period'] != 60 ? ' * ' . $value['period'] . 'min/60' : '';
                     $multiplyer = $value['period'] / 60;
                 if (isset($value['has_filter_max']) && $value['sensor_feature_value'] > $value['filter_max'] * $multiplyer) {
                     $value['filter_reason'][] = array('main' => 'T1 > ' . $value['filter_max'] . $multiplyer_str);
                 if (isset($value['has_filter_min']) && $value['sensor_feature_value'] < $value['filter_min'] * $multiplyer) {
                     $value['filter_reason'][] = array('main' => 'T1 < ' . $value['filter_min'] . $multiplyer_str);
                 if (isset($value['prev_sensor_feature_value']) && isset($value['has_filter_diff']) && abs($value['sensor_feature_value'] - $value['prev_sensor_feature_value']) > $value['filter_diff'] * $multiplyer) {
                     $value['filter_reason'][] = array('main' => '|T1 - T0| > ' . $value['filter_diff'] . $multiplyer_str, 'extra' => '(Previous value: ' . $value['prev_sensor_feature_value'] . ' on ' . $value['prev_measuring_timestamp'] . ')');
         $this->render('awsfiltered', array('list' => $list, 'clean_page' => false, 'pages' => $pages, 'stations' => $stations, 'fparams' => $fparams));
     } else {
         $this->render('awsfiltered', array('list' => $list, 'clean_page' => true, 'stations' => $stations, 'fparams' => $fparams));
 protected function getStationByCode($code)
     return Station::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('communication_type' => 'gprs', 'station_id_code' => $code));
 public function process($path)
     if (!file_exists($path)) {
         throw new Exception('Can\'t find file ' . $path);
     $pathinfo = pathinfo($path);
     $base_filename = $pathinfo['basename'];
     $xml_content = file_get_contents($path);
     if (!strlen($xml_content)) {
         throw new Exception($base_filename . " is empty");
     $sxe = simplexml_load_string($xml_content);
     $error_str = "";
     if ($sxe === false) {
         foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
             $error_str .= "\n" . $error->message;
         throw new Exception($error_str);
     // XML must contain 1 RUNWAY tag
     if (count($sxe->RUNWAY) > 1) {
         throw new Exception('XML ' . $base_filename . ' contains ' . count($sxe->RUNWAY) . ' RUNWAY tags');
     if (count($sxe->RUNWAY) == 0) {
         throw new Exception('XML ' . $base_filename . ' doesn\'t contain RUNWAY tags');
     // RUNWAY's "NAME" attribute must be "08/26"
     if ($sxe->RUNWAY['NAME'] != '08/26') {
         throw new Exception('XML ' . $base_filename . ' RUNWAY name = "' . $sxe->RUNWAY['NAME'] . '", "08/26" was expected');
     // RUNWAY must contain at least 1 ZONE tag
     if (count($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE) == 0) {
         throw new Exception('XML ' . $base_filename . ' doesn\'t contain ZONE tags');
     // XML must contain "UNITS" tag
     if (!isset($sxe->UNITS)) {
         throw new Exception('XML ' . $base_filename . ' doesn\'t contain UNITS section');
     $str = '';
     $possible_units = array('WIND' => 'kt', 'VISBILITY' => 'meters', 'RVR' => 'meters', 'ALTIMETER' => 'hpa');
     foreach ($possible_units as $key => $value) {
         if (!isset($sxe->UNITS->{$key})) {
             $str .= ($str ? '; ' : '') . ' UNITS[' . $key . '] is missed';
         } else {
             if ($sxe->UNITS->{$key} != $value) {
                 $str .= ($str ? '; ' : '') . ' unknown metric "' . $sxe->UNITS->{$key} . '" in UNITS[' . $key . ']';
     if ($str) {
         throw new Exception($str);
     $result = array();
     $messages = array();
     for ($key = 0; $key < count($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE); $key++) {
         // Get's Station ID
         if ($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]['NAME'] == '08') {
             $messages[$key]['station_id_code'] = 'AWS08';
         } else {
             if ($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]['NAME'] == '26') {
                 $messages[$key]['station_id_code'] = 'AWS26';
             } else {
         //Gets sensor's data from tags:
         // WIND SPEED
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WSPD_5SEC)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['WindSpeed'][0]['wind_speed_1'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WSPD_5SEC;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WSPD_2MIN)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['WindSpeed'][0]['wind_speed_2'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WSPD_2MIN;
         // WIND DIRECTION
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WDIR_5SEC)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['WindDirection'][0]['wind_direction_1'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WDIR_5SEC;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WDIR_2MIN)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['WindDirection'][0]['wind_direction_2'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->WDIR_2MIN;
         // TEMPERATURE
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->TEMP_5MIN)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['Temperature'][0]['temperature'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->TEMP_5MIN;
         // HUMIDITY
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->HUM_5MIN)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['Humidity'][0]['humidity'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->HUM_5MIN;
         // PRESSURE
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRESSURE1)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['Pressure'][0]['pressure'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRESSURE1;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRESSURE2)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['Pressure'][1]['pressure'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRESSURE2;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRESSURE3)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['Pressure'][2]['pressure'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRESSURE3;
         // CLOUD
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDRANGE)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_measuring_range'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDRANGE;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDVV)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_vertical_visibility'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDVV;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDH1)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_height_height_1'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDH1;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDH2)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_height_height_2'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDH2;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDH3)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_height_height_3'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDH3;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDD1)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_height_depth_1'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDD1;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDD2)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_height_depth_2'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDD2;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDD3)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['CloudHeightAWS'][0]['cloud_height_depth_3'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->CLOUDD3;
         // VISIBILITY
         $vis = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->EXC;
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->EXC) && is_numeric($vis) && $vis != 0) {
             //P = (1/σ) x ln (1/0.05)
             //where ln is the log to base e or the natural logarithm. σ  is the extinction cooefficient.
             //This number will be in km, so we will need to multiply by 1000.
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['VisibilityAWS'][0]['visibility_1'] = 1 / $vis * log(20) * 1000;
         // SOLAR
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->SOLAR_1MIN)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['SolarRadiation'][0]['solar_radiation_in_period'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->SOLAR_1MIN;
         // Rain fall
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRECIP_ACCUM)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['RainAws'][0]['period'] = 5;
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['RainAws'][0]['rain_in_period'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->PRECIP_ACCUM;
         // Sunshine duration
         if (isset($sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->SUN_ACCUM)) {
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['SunshineDuration'][0]['period'] = 5;
             $messages[$key]['sensors']['SunshineDuration'][0]['sun_duration_in_period'] = (string) $sxe->RUNWAY->ZONE[$key]->SUN_ACCUM;
     if (!$messages) {
         $result[] = $base_filename . " : No datasets found";
         return implode("\n", $result);
     $result[] = $base_filename . " : " . count($messages) . ' datasets were found';
     $sql = "SELECT * \n                FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` `t1`\n                WHERE `t1`.`station_id_code` IN ('AWS08', 'AWS26')";
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         $result[] = "AWS08 and AWS26 are not exist in database, no sense to convert XML into messages";
         return implode("\n", $result);
     // for each stationID looks for sensors and features of this station
     $stations = array();
     foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
         $stations[$value['station_id_code']] = $value;
         $sql = "SELECT `t1`.`sensor_id_code`,\n                           `t1`.`station_id`,\n                           `t2`.`feature_code`,\n                           `t3`.`code` AS `metric_code`,\n                           `t4`.`handler_id_code`\n                    FROM `" . StationSensor::model()->tableName() . "` `t1`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensorFeature::model()->tableName() . "` `t2` ON `t1`.`station_sensor_id` = `t2`.`sensor_id`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . RefbookMetric::model()->tableName() . "`        `t3` ON `t3`.`metric_id` = `t2`.`metric_id`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . SensorDBHandler::model()->tableName() . "`      `t4` ON `t4`.`handler_id` = `t1`.`handler_id`\n                    WHERE `t1`.`station_id` = '" . $value['station_id'] . "'\n                    ORDER BY `t4`.`handler_id_code` ASC, `t1`.`sensor_id_code` ASC";
         $res2 = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         if ($res2) {
             $tmp = array();
             foreach ($res2 as $value2) {
                 $tmp[$value2['handler_id_code']][$value2['sensor_id_code']][$value2['feature_code']] = $value2['metric_code'];
             foreach ($tmp as $key_handler => $value_sensors) {
                 foreach ($value_sensors as $key_sensor => $value_features) {
                     $stations[$value['station_id_code']]['sensors'][$key_handler][] = array('sensor_id_code' => $key_sensor, 'features' => $value_features);
     $date_parsed = date_parse_from_format("D, j M Y H:i:s", $sxe->DATE);
     $date_prepared = mktime($date_parsed['hour'], $date_parsed['minute'], $date_parsed['second'], $date_parsed['month'], $date_parsed['day'], $date_parsed['year']);
     // convert parsed XML data into regular message
     // for this kind of messages we have an agreement to put X instead of D at the beginning of message.
     foreach ($messages as $key => $value) {
         if (!$stations[$value['station_id_code']]) {
             $result[] = $value['station_id_code'] . " station is not exists in database, no sense to convert RNWY part into message";
         $result_message_body = 'X' . $value['station_id_code'];
         $result_message_body .= date('ymdHi', $date_prepared);
         $result_message_body .= '00';
         // we need last_log for this satation to calculate period of measurement (some sensors' strings should contain this period
         $last_logs = ListenerLog::getLast2Messages($stations[$value['station_id_code']]['station_id']);
         if (isset($value['sensors'])) {
             foreach ($value['sensors'] as $key_handler => $value_sensors) {
                 if ($value_sensors) {
                     foreach ($value_sensors as $key_sensor => $value2) {
                         if (isset($stations[$value['station_id_code']]['sensors'][$key_handler][$key_sensor])) {
                             // create handler for each sensor (we parsed new data for)
                             $handler = SensorHandler::create($key_handler);
                             if ($key_handler == 'SolarRadiation' && $last_logs[0]['log_id']) {
                                 if ($last_logs[0]['log_id']) {
                                     $total_minutes = round(abs($date_prepared - strtotime($last_logs[0]['measuring_timestamp'])) / 60);
                                     $value2['period'] = $total_minutes;
                                 } else {
                                     $value2['period'] = 1;
                                 if ($value2['solar_radiation_in_period'][0] != 'M') {
                                     $value2['solar_radiation_in_period'] = $value2['solar_radiation_in_period'] * $value2['period'] * 60;
                             // each handler has it's own implementation of preparing sensors string for message basing on XML data
                             $res = $handler->prepareXMLValue($value2, $stations[$value['station_id_code']]['sensors'][$key_handler][$key_sensor]['features']);
                             $result_message_body .= $stations[$value['station_id_code']]['sensors'][$key_handler][$key_sensor]['sensor_id_code'] . $res;
             $result_message_body .= It::prepareCRC($result_message_body);
             $result_message_body = '@' . $result_message_body . '$';
             // add new message into database. It will be processed later as all newcame messages
             $log_id = ListenerLog::addNew($result_message_body, 0, 1);
             $result[] = $base_filename . " : New message #" . $log_id . " was added";
     // return some comments created during convertation
     return implode("\n", $result);
Beispiel #19
 public static function getStationByCode($station_id_code, $relations)
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->params = array("station_id_code" => $station_id_code);
     $criteria->with = $relations;
     return Station::model()->find($criteria);
 public function m_0_4_1()
     @apache_setenv('no-gzip', 1);
     @ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
     @ini_set('implicit_flush', 1);
     ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
     $this->flushNotification('...Please wait... Updating is going on... DO NOT LEAVE THIS PAGE!');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add "is_last" fields to `listener_log` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'is_last'")->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` ADD `is_last` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `is_processed`")->query();
         $stations = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SELECT * FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`")->queryAll();
         if ($stations) {
             foreach ($stations as $key => $value) {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... not need');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add "is_processing" column to `listener_log` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'is_processing'")->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` ADD `is_processing` TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `is_processed`")->query();
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... not need');
     // station
     $this->flushNotification('<br/><br/>Station table:');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to update  "national_aws_number" field at `station` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'national_aws_number'")->queryAll();
     if ($res[0]['Null'] == 'NO') {
         Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `station` CHANGE `national_aws_number` `national_aws_number`  int(11) DEFAULT '0'")->query();
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... not need');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new column "country_id" to `station` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'country_id'")->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `station` ADD `country_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `magnetic_north_offset`")->query();
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... already exists');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new column "city_id" to `station` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'city_id'")->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `station` ADD `city_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `country_id`")->query();
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... already exists');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new column "timezone_offset" to `station` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'timezone_offset'")->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `station` ADD `timezone_offset` varchar(20) NOT NULL AFTER `timezone_id`")->query();
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... already exists');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to update "timezone_offset" data in `station` table...');
     $sql = "SELECT `station_id`, `timezone_id` FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` WHERE `timezone_offset` = ''";
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     if ($res) {
         foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
             $sql = "UPDATE `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` SET `timezone_offset` = '" . TimezoneWork::getOffsetFromUTC($value['timezone_id'], 1) . "' WHERE `station_id` = '" . $value['station_id'] . "'";
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... not need');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new column "awos_msg_source_folder" to `station` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` LIKE 'awos_msg_source_folder'")->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `station` ADD `awos_msg_source_folder` TEXT CHARACTER SET ucs2 COLLATE ucs2_general_ci NOT NULL AFTER `city_id`")->query();
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... already exists');
     // Sensor Data
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to update `sensor_data` table\'s data...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("UPDATE `sensor_data` SET `period` = 1440 WHERE `period` = 86400")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     //Schedule report
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to create `schedule_report` table...');
     $tables = array();
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW TABLES")->queryAll();
     if ($res) {
         foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
             foreach ($value as $k1 => $v1) {
                 $tables[] = $v1;
     if (!in_array('schedule_report', $tables)) {
         $sql = "CREATE TABLE `schedule_report` (\n                      `schedule_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                      `report_type` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'synop' COMMENT 'synop, bufr',\n                      `station_id` int(11) NOT NULL,\n                      `period` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '60' COMMENT 'in minutes',\n                      `method` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'email' COMMENT 'email, ftp',\n                      `destination_email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n                      `destination_ip` varchar(15) NOT NULL,\n                      `destination_ip_port` int(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '21',\n                      `destination_ip_folder` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '/',\n                      `destination_ip_user` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n                      `destination_ip_password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,\n                      `report_format` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'csv' COMMENT 'txt, csv',\n                      `last_scheduled_run_fact` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                      `last_scheduled_run_planned` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                      `created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                      `updated` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                      PRIMARY KEY (`schedule_id`)\n                    ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... already exists');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to create `schedule_report_processed` table...');
     if (!in_array('schedule_report_processed', $tables)) {
         $sql = "CREATE TABLE `schedule_report_processed` (\n                      `schedule_processed_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n                      `schedule_id` int(11) NOT NULL,\n                      `listener_log_id` int(11) NOT NULL,\n                      `is_processed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                      `report_string_initial` text NOT NULL,\n                      `report_string_changed` text NOT NULL,\n                      `serialized_report_problems` text NOT NULL,\n                      `serialized_report_errors` text NOT NULL,\n                      `serialized_report_explanations` text NOT NULL,\n                      `is_last` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',\n                      `created` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                      `updated` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n                      PRIMARY KEY (`schedule_processed_id`),\n                      KEY `schedule_id` (`schedule_id`),\n                      KEY `listener_log_id` (`listener_log_id`),\n                      CONSTRAINT `schedule_report_processed_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`schedule_id`) REFERENCES `schedule_report` (`schedule_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION,\n                      CONSTRAINT `schedule_report_processed_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`listener_log_id`) REFERENCES `listener_log` (`log_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION\n                    ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;";
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... already exists');
     // metrics
     $this->flushNotification('<br/><br/>New Metrics:');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new metric "kJ/sq.m" ...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_metric` (`metric_id`, `html_code`, `short_name`, `full_name`, `code`) VALUES ('21', 'kJ/sq.m', 'kJ/sq.m', 'Kilo Joule per square meter', 'kjoule_per_sq_meter')")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new metric "feet"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_metric` (`metric_id`, `html_code`, `short_name`, `full_name`, `code`) VALUES ('22', 'ft', 'ft', 'Feet', 'feet')")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new metric "km"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_metric` (`metric_id`,`html_code`,`short_name`,`full_name`,`code`) VALUES (23 , 'km', 'km', 'Kilometer', 'kilometer')")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new relation between "solar radiation" and "kj/sq.m"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type_metric` (`measurement_type_metric_id`, `measurement_type_id`, `metric_id`, `is_main`) VALUES ('23', '9', '21', '0')")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new measuring type "Cloud Vertical Visibility"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type` (`measurement_type_id`, `display_name`, `code`, `ord`) VALUES (16 ,'Cloud Vertical Visibility', 'cloud_vertical_visibility', '14')")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new measuring type "Cloud Height" ...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type` (`measurement_type_id`, `display_name`, `code`, `ord`) VALUES (17, 'Cloud Height', 'cloud_height', 15)")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new measuring type "Sea Level" ...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type` (`measurement_type_id`, `display_name`, `code`, `ord`) VALUES (18 , 'Sea Level (Mean, Sigma, Wave Hight)', 'sea_level', '16')")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add relation between "Cloud Vertical Visibility" and "ft" ...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type_metric` (`measurement_type_metric_id`, `measurement_type_id`, `metric_id`, `is_main`) VALUES (24,16,22,1)")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new relation between "Cloud Vertical Visibility" and "meter"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type_metric` (`measurement_type_metric_id`, `measurement_type_id`, `metric_id`, `is_main`) VALUES (25,16,11,0)")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new relation between "Cloud Height" and "ft"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type_metric` (`measurement_type_metric_id`, `measurement_type_id`, `metric_id`, `is_main`) VALUES (26,17,22,1)")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new relation between "Cloud Height" and "meter"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type_metric` (`measurement_type_metric_id`, `measurement_type_id`, `metric_id`, `is_main`) VALUES (27,17,11,0)")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new relation between "Visibility" and "meter"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type_metric` (`measurement_type_metric_id`, `measurement_type_id`, `metric_id`, `is_main`) VALUES (28, 11, 11, 1)")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new relation between "Sea Level" and "meter"...');
     Yii::app()->db->createCommand("INSERT INTO `refbook_measurement_type_metric` (`measurement_type_metric_id`, `measurement_type_id`, `metric_id`, `is_main`) VALUES (29, 18, 11, 1)")->query();
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     // sensor handler
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to add new column "awos_station_uses" to `sensor_handler` table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `sensor_handler` LIKE 'awos_station_uses'")->queryAll();
     if (!$res) {
         $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("ALTER TABLE `sensor_handler` ADD `awos_station_uses` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'")->query();
         $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     } else {
         $this->flushNotification(' ... already exists');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to update `sensor_handler` table...');
     $sql = "UPDATE `sensor_handler` SET \n                `handler_id_code` = 'SeaLevelAWS',\n                `display_name` = 'Sea Level and Tide Data',\n                `description` = 'Handler \"Sea Level and Tide Data\" : Processes string like \"SL1XXXXYYYYZZZZ\", where <br/>SL1 - device Id; <br/>XXXX - Mean value;<br/>YYYY - Sigma value; <br/>ZZZZ - Wave Height <br/>Example: SL1179017900140 = SL1 sensor sent data: Mean value = 1.79, Sigma value = 1.79, Wave height = 140m.',\n                `default_prefix` = 'SL',\n                `aws_station_uses` = 1,\n                `rain_station_uses` = 0,\n                `awos_station_uses` = 0,\n                `aws_single_group` = 'sea_level'\n                WHERE `handler_id` = 13";
     $sql = "UPDATE `sensor_handler` SET \n                `handler_id_code` = 'VisibilityAWS',\n                `display_name` = 'Visibility',\n                `description` = 'Handler \"Visibility\"',\n                `default_prefix` = 'VI',\n                `aws_station_uses` = 1,\n                `rain_station_uses` = 0,\n                `awos_station_uses` = 0,\n                `aws_single_group` = 'visibility'\n                WHERE `handler_id` = 14";
     $sql = "UPDATE `sensor_handler` SET `handler_id_code` = 'CloudHeightAWS',\n                `display_name` = 'Cloud Height',\n                `description` = 'Handler \"Cloud Height\"',\n                `default_prefix` = 'CH',\n                `aws_station_uses` = 1,\n                `rain_station_uses` = 0,\n                `awos_station_uses` = 0,\n                `aws_single_group` = 'clouds'\n                WHERE `handler_id` = 15";
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $this->flushNotification('<br/>...Going to update calculation_handler table...');
     $res = Yii::app()->db->createCommand("UPDATE `calculation_handler` SET `display_name` = 'Pressure Adjusted to MSL' WHERE `handler_id` = 2");
     $this->flushNotification(' ... done');
     $bat_path = dirname(Yii::app()->request->scriptFile) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'files' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'at' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'schedule.bat';
     $schedule_bat_content = getConfigValue('php_exe_path') . " -f  " . dirname(Yii::app()->request->scriptFile) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "console.php schedule";
     file_put_contents($bat_path, $schedule_bat_content);
     exec('schtasks /create /sc minute /mo 1 /F /ru "SYSTEM" /tn delaircoScheduleScript /tr ' . $bat_path, $output);
     $values = getConfigValue('schedule');
     $values['each_minute_process_id'] = 'delaircoScheduleScript';
     InstallConfig::setConfigSection('schedule', $values);
     $values = getConfigValue('path');
     $values['site_url_for_console'] = It::baseUrl();
     InstallConfig::setConfigSection('path', $values);
     $this->flushNotification('<script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout(function(){document.location.href="' . Yii::app()->controller->createUrl('update/index') . '"}, 10000)</script>');
Beispiel #21
 public function prepareList()
     $result = ['series_names' => [], 'series_data' => []];
     $start_datetime = strtotime($this->date_from . ' ' . $this->time_from);
     $end_datetime = strtotime($this->date_to . ' ' . $this->time_to);
     $series_names = array();
     $series_data = array();
     if (!$this->hasErrors() && $this->station_id) {
         $stationResult = Station::model()->getStationsWithSensorsFeatures($this->station_id);
         foreach ($this->sensor_feature_code as $group_code => $group) {
             if (!empty($group)) {
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($stationResult as $station) {
                     $colorWalker = new Color($station->color);
                     foreach ($group as $sensor_feature_code) {
                         //sensors data
                         foreach ($station->sensors as $sensor) {
                             foreach ($sensor->features as $sensorFeature) {
                                 if ($sensor_feature_code == $sensorFeature->feature_code) {
                                     $series_names[$i]['name'] = $station->station_id_code . ', ' . $sensor->sensor_id_code . ' ' . $this->getGroupSensorsFeaturesList()[$sensor->handler->handler_id_code]['sensor_features'][$sensorFeature->feature_code];
                                     $series_names[$i]['params']['color'] = '#' . $colorWalker->getHex();
                                     //                                        $colorWalker->mix('888888');
                                     $qb = new CDbCriteria();
                                     $qb->select = 't.sensor_feature_normalized_value, t.sensor_feature_value, t.measuring_timestamp';
                                     $qb->addCondition('t.sensor_feature_id = :sensor_feature_id');
                                     $qb->addBetweenCondition('t.measuring_timestamp', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start_datetime), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end_datetime));
                                     $qb->order = 't.measuring_timestamp ASC';
                                     $qb->params[':sensor_feature_id'] = $sensorFeature->sensor_feature_id;
                                     $found_data = SensorData::model()->long()->findAll($qb);
                                     $tmp = array();
                                     if ($this->accumulation_period != 0) {
                                         foreach ($found_data as $data) {
                                             $period = $start_datetime + (intval((strtotime($data->measuring_timestamp) - $start_datetime) / ($this->accumulation_period * 60)) + 1) * $this->accumulation_period * 60;
                                             $period = $period > $end_datetime ? $end_datetime : $period;
                                             $period *= 1000;
                                             $tmp[$period] = ['x' => $period, 'y' => $tmp[$period] ? $tmp[$period]['y'] : 0 + floatval($data->sensor_feature_value)];
                                     } else {
                                         foreach ($found_data as $data) {
                                             $period = strtotime($data->measuring_timestamp) * 1000;
                                             $tmp[$period] = ['x' => $period, 'y' => floatval($data->sensor_feature_value)];
                                     $series_data[$i] = array_values($tmp);
                         //calculation data
                         foreach ($station->station_calculation as $stationCalculation) {
                             if ($stationCalculation->handler_id == $this->calc_handlers[$sensor_feature_code]) {
                                 $colorWalker = new Color($station->color);
                                 $series_names[$i]['name'] = $station->station_id_code . ', ' . $stationCalculation->handler->display_name;
                                 $series_names[$i]['params']['color'] = '#' . $colorWalker->darken();
                                 $start_datetime = strtotime($this->date_from . ' ' . $this->time_from);
                                 $end_datetime = strtotime($this->date_to . ' ' . $this->time_to);
                                 $qb = new CDbCriteria();
                                 $qb->with = ['ListenerLog' => ['select' => 'ListenerLog.measuring_timestamp', 'condition' => "ListenerLog.measuring_timestamp BETWEEN '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start_datetime) . "' AND '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end_datetime) . "'"]];
                                 $qb->select = 't.calculation_id, t.value';
                                 $qb->order = 'ListenerLog.measuring_timestamp ASC';
                                 $qb->condition = 't.calculation_id = ?';
                                 $qb->params = [$stationCalculation->calculation_id];
                                 $found_data = StationCalculationData::model()->long()->findAll($qb);
                                 $tmp = array();
                                 foreach ($found_data as $data) {
                                     $tmp[] = ['x' => strtotime($data->ListenerLog->measuring_timestamp) * 1000, 'y' => floatval($data->value)];
                                 $series_data[$i] = $tmp;
                         if (in_array($sensor_feature_code, array_keys($this->custom_sensor_features))) {
                             switch ($sensor_feature_code) {
                                 case 'custom_wind_rose':
                                     return $this->prepareCustomWindRose();
                                     return array();
     $result['series_names'] = array_values($series_names);
     $result['series_data'] = array_values($series_data);
      * depracated
     if (!$this->hasErrors() && $this->station_id && true == false) {
         foreach ($this->sensor_feature_code as $group_code => $group) {
             if (!empty($group)) {
                 foreach ($group as $sensor_feature_code) {
                     if (in_array($sensor_feature_code, array_keys($this->calc_handlers))) {
                         $data = $this->prepareCalculationList($this->calc_handlers[$sensor_feature_code]);
                     } elseif (in_array($sensor_feature_code, array_keys($this->custom_sensor_features))) {
                         switch ($sensor_feature_code) {
                             case 'custom_wind_rose':
                                 return $this->prepareCustomWindRose();
                                 return array();
                     } else {
                         $data = $this->prepareSensorList($sensor_feature_code, $group_code);
                     $result['series_names'] = array_merge($result['series_names'], $data['series_names']);
                     $result['series_data'] = array_merge($result['series_data'], $data['series_data']);
     if (empty($result['series_names'])) {
         return array();
     return $result;
Beispiel #22
 public function prepareList($station_id = 0)
     if ($this->hasErrors()) {
         return ['prepared_header' => [], 'prepared_data' => []];
     $prepared_header = array();
     $prepared_data = array();
     $sensor_feature_code = $this->getSensorFeatureCode();
     $handler_code = array_keys($this->getSelectedGroupSensorFeatureCode());
     $search_features = array();
     $search_calcs = array();
     foreach ($sensor_feature_code as $key) {
         if (in_array($key, array_keys($this->calc_handlers))) {
             $search_calcs[] = $this->calc_handlers[$key];
         } else {
             $search_features[] = $key;
     if (count($this->station_id) > 1) {
         $sql_part = "`t2`.`station_id` IN (" . implode(',', $this->station_id) . ") ";
     } else {
         $sql_part = "`t2`.`station_id` = '" . $this->station_id[0] . "' ";
     // 1.a) GET FEATURES
     if (count($search_features) > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT `t1`.`sensor_feature_id`,\n                           `t1`.`feature_code`,\n                           `t1`.`sensor_id`,\n                           `t3`.`station_id_code`,\n                           `t2`.`sensor_id_code`,\n                           `t2`.`station_id`,\n                           `t4`.`handler_id_code`,\n                           `t3`.`magnetic_north_offset`\n                    FROM `" . StationSensorFeature::model()->tableName() . "` `t1`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . StationSensor::model()->tableName() . "`   `t2` ON `t1`.`sensor_id` = `t2`.`station_sensor_id`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . SensorDBHandler::model()->tableName() . "` `t4` ON `t4`.`handler_id` = `t2`.`handler_id`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`         `t3` ON `t3`.`station_id` = `t2`.`station_id`\n                    WHERE " . $sql_part . " AND `t1`.`feature_code` IN ('" . implode("','", $search_features) . "') AND `t4`.`handler_id_code` IN ('" . implode("','", $handler_code) . "')\n                    ORDER BY `t1`.`feature_code`, `t3`.`station_id_code`, `t2`.`sensor_id_code`";
         $found_sensors = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         $total_found_sensors = count($found_sensors);
     // 1.b) GET CALCS
     if (count($search_calcs) > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT `t1`.`calculation_id`,\n                           `t1`.`handler_id`,\n                           `t2`.`station_id_code`,\n                           `t2`.`station_id`,\n                           IF(`t1`.`handler_id` = 1, 'DP', 'MSL') AS `sensor_id_code`,\n                           IF(`t1`.`handler_id` = 1, 'Dew Point', 'Pressure MSL') AS `feature_code`,\n                           IF(`t1`.`handler_id` = 1, 'DewPoint', 'PressureSeaLevel') AS `handler_id_code`\n                    FROM `" . StationCalculation::model()->tableName() . "` `t1`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`       `t2` ON `t2`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id`\n                    WHERE " . $sql_part . " AND `t1`.`handler_id` IN (" . implode(',', $search_calcs) . ")\n                    ORDER BY `t1`.`handler_id`, `t2`.`station_id_code`";
         $found_calcs = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         $total_found_calcs = count($found_calcs);
     $start_datetime = strtotime($this->date_from . ' ' . $this->time_from);
     $end_datetime = strtotime($this->date_to . ' ' . $this->time_to);
     $features_set = array();
     // 2.a) PREPARE HEADER
     if (is_array($found_sensors) && $total_found_sensors > 0) {
         $sensor_feature_ids = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < $total_found_sensors; $i++) {
             $key = $found_sensors[$i]['handler_id_code'] . $found_sensors[$i]['feature_code'];
             if (!isset($prepared_header[$key])) {
                 $prepared_header[$key] = array('sensor_feature_code' => $found_sensors[$i]['feature_code'], 'handler_id_code' => $found_sensors[$i]['handler_id_code'], 'sensors' => array(), 'station_sensors' => array());
             $sensor_feature_ids[] = $found_sensors[$i]['sensor_feature_id'];
             $prepared_header[$key]['sensors'][] = array('station_id' => $found_sensors[$i]['station_id'], 'sensor_id_code' => $found_sensors[$i]['sensor_id_code']);
             if (isset($prepared_header[$key]['station_sensors'][$found_sensors[$i]['station_id']])) {
             } else {
                 $prepared_header[$key]['station_sensors'][$found_sensors[$i]['station_id']] = 1;
             $features_set[$found_sensors[$i]['sensor_feature_id']] = array('station_id' => $found_sensors[$i]['station_id'], 'station_id_code' => $found_sensors[$i]['station_id_code'], 'value' => '-', 'sensor_id' => $found_sensors[$i]['sensor_id'], 'sensor_id_code' => $found_sensors[$i]['sensor_id_code'], 'sensor_feature_code' => $found_sensors[$i]['feature_code'], 'handler_id_code' => $found_sensors[$i]['handler_id_code'], 'magnetic_north_offset' => $found_sensors[$i]['magnetic_north_offset']);
     // 2.b) PREPARE HEADER
     if (count($search_calcs) > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT `t1`.`calculation_id`,\n                           `t1`.`handler_id`,\n                           `t2`.`station_id_code`,\n                           `t2`.`station_id`,\n                           IF(`t1`.`handler_id` = 1, 'DP', 'MSL') AS `sensor_id_code`,\n                           IF(`t1`.`handler_id` = 1, 'Dew Point', 'Pressure MSL') AS `feature_code`,\n                           IF(`t1`.`handler_id` = 1, 'DewPoint', 'PressureSeaLevel') AS `handler_id_code`\n                    FROM `" . StationCalculation::model()->tableName() . "` `t1`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "`       `t2` ON `t2`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id`\n                    WHERE " . $sql_part . " AND `t1`.`handler_id` IN (" . implode(',', $search_calcs) . ")\n                    ORDER BY `t1`.`handler_id`, `t2`.`station_id`";
         $found_calcs = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         if (is_array($found_calcs) && count($found_calcs) > 0) {
             $calculation_ids = array();
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($found_calcs); $i++) {
                 $key = 'calc_' . $found_calcs[$i]['handler_id'];
                 if (!isset($prepared_header[$key])) {
                     $prepared_header[$key] = array('sensor_feature_code' => $key, 'sensors' => array(), 'station_sensors' => array());
                 $calculation_ids[] = $found_calcs[$i]['calculation_id'];
                 $prepared_header[$key]['sensors'][] = array('station_id' => $found_calcs[$i]['station_id'], 'sensor_id_code' => $found_calcs[$i]['sensor_id_code']);
                 if (isset($prepared_header[$key]['station_sensors'][$found_calcs[$i]['station_id']])) {
                 } else {
                     $prepared_header[$key]['station_sensors'][$found_calcs[$i]['station_id']] = 1;
                 $features_set['calc_' . $found_calcs[$i]['calculation_id']] = array('station_id' => $found_calcs[$i]['station_id'], 'station_id_code' => $found_calcs[$i]['station_id_code'], 'value' => '-', 'calculation_id' => $found_calcs[$i]['calculation_id'], 'sensor_id_code' => $found_calcs[$i]['sensor_id_code'], 'sensor_feature_code' => $found_calcs[$i]['feature_code'], 'handler_id_code' => $found_calcs[$i]['handler_id_code']);
     // 3.a) PREPARE DATA
     if (is_array($found_sensors) && $total_found_sensors) {
         $qb = new CDbCriteria();
         $qb->select = ['sensor_data_id', 'station_id', 'sensor_id', 'sensor_feature_id', 'sensor_feature_normalized_value', 'is_m', 'measuring_timestamp'];
         $qb->addInCondition('sensor_feature_id', $sensor_feature_ids);
         $qb->addBetweenCondition('measuring_timestamp', date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start_datetime), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end_datetime));
         $qb->order = 'measuring_timestamp DESC';
         $found_values = SensorData::model()->long()->findAll($qb);
         $total_found_values = count($found_values);
         if (is_array($found_values) && $total_found_values > 0) {
             if ($this->accumulation_period == 0) {
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $total_found_values; $j++) {
                     $f_id = $found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_id'];
                     $f_time = $found_values[$j]['measuring_timestamp'];
                     $f_code = $features_set[$f_id]['sensor_feature_code'];
                     $magnetic_north_offset = $features_set[$f_id]['magnetic_north_offset'];
                     $st_id = $found_values[$j]['station_id'];
                     if (!isset($prepared_data[$f_time])) {
                         $prepared_data[$f_time] = array();
                         $prepared_data[$f_time]['stations'] = array();
                     if (!isset($prepared_data[$f_time]['data'])) {
                         $prepared_data[$f_time]['data'] = $features_set;
                     $handler_obj = SensorHandler::create($features_set[$f_id]['handler_id_code']);
                     if ($found_values[$j]['is_m'] == 1) {
                         $prepared_data[$f_time]['data'][$f_id]['value'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         $found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_normalized_value'] = $handler_obj->applyOffset($found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_normalized_value'], $magnetic_north_offset);
                         $prepared_data[$f_time]['data'][$f_id]['value'] = $handler_obj->formatValue($found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_normalized_value'], $f_code);
                     if (!in_array($st_id, $prepared_data[$f_time]['stations'])) {
                         $prepared_data[$f_time]['stations'][] = $st_id;
             } else {
                 for ($j = 0; $j < $total_found_values; $j++) {
                     $f_id = $found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_id'];
                     $f_time = $found_values[$j]['measuring_timestamp'];
                     $f_code = $features_set[$f_id]['sensor_feature_code'];
                     $magnetic_north_offset = $features_set[$f_id]['magnetic_north_offset'];
                     $st_id = $found_values[$j]['station_id'];
                     $period = $start_datetime + (intval((strtotime($f_time) - $start_datetime) / ($this->accumulation_period * 60)) + 1) * $this->accumulation_period * 60;
                     $period = $period > $end_datetime ? $end_datetime : $period;
                     $period = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $period);
                     if (!isset($prepared_data[$period])) {
                         $prepared_data[$period] = array();
                         $prepared_data[$period]['stations'] = array();
                     if (!isset($prepared_data[$period]['data'])) {
                         $prepared_data[$period]['data'] = $features_set;
                     $handler_obj = SensorHandler::create($features_set[$f_id]['handler_id_code']);
                     if ($found_values[$j]['is_m'] == 1) {
                         $prepared_data[$period]['data'][$f_id]['value'] = '-';
                     } else {
                         $found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_normalized_value'] = $handler_obj->applyOffset($found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_normalized_value'], $magnetic_north_offset);
                         $prepared_data[$period]['data'][$f_id]['value'] = ($prepared_data[$period]['data'][$f_id]['value'] ? $prepared_data[$period]['data'][$f_id]['value'] : 0) + $handler_obj->formatValue($found_values[$j]['sensor_feature_normalized_value'], $f_code);
                     if (!in_array($st_id, $prepared_data[$period]['stations'])) {
                         $prepared_data[$period]['stations'][] = $st_id;
     // 3.b) PREPARE DATA
     if (is_array($found_calcs) && $total_found_calcs > 0) {
         $sql = "SELECT `t2`.`station_id`,\n                           `t1`.`calculation_id`,\n                           `t1`.`value`,\n                           `t2`.`measuring_timestamp`\n                    FROM `" . StationCalculationData::model()->tableName() . "` `t1`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` `t2` ON `t2`.`log_id` = `t1`.`listener_log_id`\n                    WHERE `t1`.`calculation_id` IN (" . implode(',', $calculation_ids) . ")\n                      AND `t2`.`measuring_timestamp` >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $start_datetime) . "'\n                      AND `t2`.`measuring_timestamp` <= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $end_datetime) . "'\n                    ORDER BY `t2`.`measuring_timestamp` DESC";
         $found_values = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         $total_found_values = count($found_values);
         if (is_array($found_values) && $total_found_values) {
             for ($j = 0; $j < $total_found_values; $j++) {
                 $f_id = 'calc_' . $found_values[$j]['calculation_id'];
                 $f_time = $found_values[$j]['measuring_timestamp'];
                 $st_id = $found_values[$j]['station_id'];
                 if (!$prepared_data[$f_time]) {
                     $prepared_data[$f_time] = array();
                     $prepared_data[$f_time]['stations'] = array();
                 if (!$prepared_data[$f_time]['data']) {
                     $prepared_data[$f_time]['data'] = $features_set;
                 $prepared_data[$f_time]['data'][$f_id]['value'] = CalculationHandler::formatValue($found_values[$j]['value']);
                 $prepared_data[$f_time]['data'][$f_id]['station_id'] = $st_id;
                 if (!in_array($st_id, $prepared_data[$f_time]['stations'])) {
                     $prepared_data[$f_time]['stations'][] = $st_id;
     //need sort
     //            'prepared_header' => $prepared_header,
     //            'prepared_data' => $prepared_data,
     //        ));exit;
     return array('prepared_header' => $prepared_header, 'prepared_data' => $prepared_data);
Beispiel #23
  * Gets station information
  * @param string $station_id_code
  * @param int $station_id
  * @return boolean 
 function getStation($station_id_code = '', $station_id = 0)
     $this->_logger->log(__METHOD__, array('station_id_code' => $station_id_code, 'station_id' => $station_id));
     if ($station_id_code) {
         $station = Station::model()->find('station_id_code = :station_id_code', array(':station_id_code' => $station_id_code));
     } else {
         if ($station_id) {
             $station = Station::model()->find('station_id = :station_id', array(':station_id' => $station_id));
     if (!$station) {
         $this->pushError('unknown_station', 'Can not find station for station_id_code="' . $station_id_code . '" in the DB, station_id="' . $station_id . '"');
     } else {
         $this->message_obj->station_id = $station->station_id;
         $this->_station = $station;
         $this->_logger->log(__METHOD__ . ' Station detected', array('id' => $station->station_id, 'code' => $station->station_id_code, 'timezone' => $station->timezone_id));
         return true;
     return false;
 public function prepareList($page_size = 50)
     $sql_where_str = $this->_prepareSqlCondition();
     $sql_order_str = $this->_prepareSqlOrder();
     if ($page_size) {
         $total = $this->total;
     if ($total || !$page_size) {
         if ($page_size) {
             $pages = new CPagination($total);
             $pages->pageSize = $page_size;
         $sql = "SELECT `t1`.`log_id`, `t1`.`updated`,`t1`.`measuring_timestamp`, `t1`.`created`, `t1`.`message`, `t1`.`fail_description`, t3.station_id_code, t3.display_name, t3.station_type, `t2`.`process_error_id`, `t1`.`is_processed`\n                    FROM `" . ListenerLog::model()->tableName() . "` t1\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . ListenerLogProcessError::model()->tableName() . "` `t2` ON `t2`.`log_id` = `t1`.`log_id`\n                    LEFT JOIN `" . Station::model()->tableName() . "` `t3` ON `t3`.`station_id` = `t1`.`station_id`\n                    {$sql_where_str}\n                    GROUP BY `t1`.`log_id`\n                    {$sql_order_str}";
         if ($page_size) {
             $sql .= " LIMIT " . $pages->currentPage * $pages->pageSize . ", " . $pages->pageSize;
         $res = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
         if ($res) {
             $ids = array();
             foreach ($res as $key => $value) {
                 $ids[] = $value['log_id'];
                 if ($value['fail_description']) {
                     $value['errors'] = explode(',', $value['fail_description']);
                 $list[$value['log_id']] = $value;
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM `" . ListenerLogProcessError::model()->tableName() . "` WHERE `log_id` IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ")";
             $res2 = CStubActiveRecord::getDbConnect(true)->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
             if ($res2) {
                 foreach ($res2 as $key => $value) {
                     if ($value['type'] == 'error') {
                         $list[$value['log_id']]['errors'][] = $value['description'];
                     } else {
                         if ($value['type'] == 'warning') {
                             $list[$value['log_id']]['warnings'][] = $value['description'];
     return array('list' => $list, 'pages' => $pages);