Beispiel #1
// single-day statelogs for hosts of a single OU
$app->get('/statelogs/:ou/:startUnixTime', function ($ouid, $ctime) {
    $result = array();
    $ou = OU::find_one($ouid);
    foreach ($ou->hosts()->order_by_asc('hostname')->find_many() as $host) {
        $hosts[] = $host->id;
    // find 'previous-day[s]-state' for each host
    foreach ($hosts as $hostid) {
        $record = Statelog::where('host_id', $hostid)->where_lt('state_begin', $ctime)->order_by_desc('state_begin')->limit(1)->find_one();
        if ($record) {
            $result[] = $record->as_array();
    foreach (Statelog::where_gt('state_begin', $ctime)->where_lt('state_begin', $ctime + 86400)->where_in('host_id', $hosts)->find_many() as $record) {
        $result[] = $record->as_array();
    echo json_encode($result);
//  Non-DB-Model requests
// provide URI for ember-data REST adapter, based on this php script's location
$app->get('/rest-config.js', function () use($app) {
    $app->response->header('Content-Type', 'application/javascript;charset=utf-8');
    $path = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], 1);
    echo "DS.RESTAdapter.reopen({\n";
    echo " namespace: '{$path}'\n";
    echo "});\n";
    printf("var AMTCWEB_IS_CONFIGURED = %s;\n", file_exists(AMTC_CFGFILE) ? 'true' : 'false');
Beispiel #2
 static function updateHostState($data, $opt, $last)
     // map amtc string output to db-usable open_port(int) value
     $rportmap = array('ssh' => 22, 'rdp' => 3389, 'none' => 0, 'skipped' => 0, 'noscan' => 0);
     // map hostname -> id (amtc has no clue of those IDs...); improve...
     $hostnameMap = array();
     foreach (Host::find_many() as $host) {
         $hostnameMap[$host->hostname] = $host->id;
     // compare current and last, update laststate where needed
     foreach ($data as $host => $hostnow) {
         if (!isset($last[$host])) {
             isset($opt['v']) && printf("NEW %s: initially set [%d|%d|%d] (%s)\n", $host, $hostnow->amt, $hostnow->http, $rportmap[$hostnow->oport], $hostnow->msg);
             // Insert into statelog/history table
             $r = Statelog::create();
             $r->state_amt = $hostnow->amt;
             $r->state_http = $hostnow->http;
             $r->host_id = $hostnameMap[$host];
             $r->open_port = $rportmap[$hostnow->oport];
             // Insert into current-state/laststate table
             $x = Laststate::create();
             $x->state_amt = $hostnow->amt;
             $x->state_http = $hostnow->http;
             $x->host_id = $hostnameMap[$host];
             $x->hostname = $host;
             $x->state_begin = time();
             $x->open_port = $rportmap[$hostnow->oport];
             // save $hostnow->msg here!
         } elseif ($hostnow->amt != $last[$host]['state_amt'] || $hostnow->http != $last[$host]['state_http'] || $rportmap[$hostnow->oport] != $last[$host]['open_port']) {
             isset($opt['v']) && printf("UPD %s: set [%d|%d|%d] (%s), was [%d|%d|%d]\n", $host, $hostnow->amt, $hostnow->http, $rportmap[$hostnow->oport], $hostnow->msg, $last[$host]['state_amt'], $last[$host]['state_http'], $last[$host]['open_port']);
             // actually the same as for a new record... to keep record.
             $r = Statelog::create();
             $r->state_amt = $hostnow->amt;
             $r->state_http = $hostnow->http;
             $r->host_id = $hostnameMap[$host];
             $r->open_port = $rportmap[$hostnow->oport];
             $x = Model::factory('Laststate')->where('host_id', $hostnameMap[$host])->find_one();
             $x->state_amt = $hostnow->amt;
             $x->state_http = $hostnow->http;
             $x->host_id = $hostnameMap[$host];
             $x->hostname = $host;
             $x->state_begin = time();
             $x->open_port = $rportmap[$hostnow->oport];
             // save $hostnow->msg here!
         } else {
             // this should happen most of the time: no change. only tell in -debug mode.
             isset($opt['d']) && printf("0CH %s: still [%d|%d|%d] (%s)\n", $host, $hostnow->amt, $hostnow->http, $rportmap[$hostnow->oport], $hostnow->msg);