Beispiel #1

// Include the class
include_once "stanford.fileupload.php";
// Create a new StanfordFileUpload using the name of the form field associated with the file
$file = new StanfordFileUpload("file");
// Set the max filesize (in KB) and allowed extensions
// 1 MB
// Change the filename (in this case, we are using a the time)
$timestamp = date('ymd_H-i-s');
// Default setting is to display the form
$display_form = true;
// If the file has been uploaded
if ($file->has_been_uploaded() == true) {
    // Set the save directory (directory must exist)
    // Try to save the file
    if ($file->save() == true) {
        system("python /afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/cgi-bin/python/pdfminer/ -o /afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/unnamed/{$timestamp}.txt /afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/unnamed/{$timestamp}.pdf");
        //$pdf_text = str_replace("\n", " ", file_get_contents("/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/unnamed/$timestamp.txt"));
        $pdf_text = file_get_contents("/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/unnamed/{$timestamp}.txt");
        $student_name_array = explode("Academic", $pdf_text);
        $student_name = str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($student_name_array[0]));
        $timestamp_student_name = $timestamp . "_" . $student_name;
        //copy pdf and txt files such that they include the student's name.
        copy("/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/unnamed/{$timestamp}.pdf", "/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/named/{$timestamp_student_name}.pdf");
        copy("/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/unnamed/{$timestamp}.txt", "/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/advising/four_year_plans/named/{$timestamp_student_name}.txt");
        print json_encode(array("pdf_text" => $pdf_text));
Beispiel #2

$text = 'HEADING';
// Include the class
include_once "stanford.fileupload.php";
// Create a new StanfordFileUpload using the name of the form field associated with the file
$file = new StanfordFileUpload("my_file");
// Set the max filesize (in KB) and allowed extensions
// 1 MB
// Change the filename (in this case, we are using a variable called $id to ensure the file has a unique name)
$time = time();
$suid = $_POST['suid'];
$suid_time = $suid . $time;
// Default setting is to display the form
$display_form = true;
// If the file has been uploaded
if ($file->has_been_uploaded() == true) {
    // Set the save directory (directory must exist)
    $file->set_save_directory(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../uploads/");
    // Try to save the file
    if ($file->save() == true) {
        copy("/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/{$suid}.pdf", "/afs/ir/users/a/l/alexoz/uploads/{$suid_time}.pdf");
        // Display a success message
        echo "<p>File upload complete!</p>\n";
        // Don't display the form
        $display_form = false;