$spotter_array = $Spotter->getSpotterDataByIdent($_GET['ident'], "0,1", $sort);
if (!empty($spotter_array)) {
    $title = 'Most Common Time of Day of ' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'];
    require 'header.php';
    print '<div class="info column">';
    print '<h1>' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '</h1>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Ident</span>' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '</div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Airline</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/airline/' . $spotter_array[0]['airline_icao'] . '">' . $spotter_array[0]['airline_name'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Flight History</span><a href="http://flightaware.com/live/flight/' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '" target="_blank">View the Flight History of this callsign</a></div>';
    print '</div>';
    include 'ident-sub-menu.php';
    print '<div class="column">';
    print '<h2>Most Common Time of Day</h2>';
    print '<p>The statistic below shows the most common time of day of flights with the ident/callsign <strong>' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '</strong>.</p>';
    $hour_array = $Spotter->countAllHoursByIdent($_GET['ident']);
    print '<div id="chartHour" class="chart" width="100%"></div>
      		google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
          function drawChart() {
            var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
            	["Hour", "# of Flights"], ';
    $hour_data = '';
    foreach ($hour_array as $hour_item) {
        $hour_data .= '[ "' . date("ga", strtotime($hour_item['hour_name'] . ":00")) . '",' . $hour_item['hour_count'] . '],';
    $hour_data = substr($hour_data, 0, -1);
    print $hour_data;
    print ']);
$spotter_array = Spotter::getSpotterDataByIdent($_GET['ident'], "0,1", $sort);
if (!empty($spotter_array)) {
    $title = 'Most Common Time of Day of ' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'];
    require 'header.php';
    print '<div class="info column">';
    print '<h1>' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '</h1>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Ident</span>' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '</div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Airline</span><a href="' . $globalURL . '/airline/' . $spotter_array[0]['airline_icao'] . '">' . $spotter_array[0]['airline_name'] . '</a></div>';
    print '<div><span class="label">Flight History</span><a href="http://flightaware.com/live/flight/' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '" target="_blank">View the Flight History of this callsign</a></div>';
    print '</div>';
    include 'ident-sub-menu.php';
    print '<div class="column">';
    print '<h2>Most Common Time of Day</h2>';
    print '<p>The statistic below shows the most common time of day of flights with the ident/callsign <strong>' . $spotter_array[0]['ident'] . '</strong>.</p>';
    $hour_array = Spotter::countAllHoursByIdent($_GET['ident']);
    print '<div id="chartHour" class="chart" width="100%"></div>
      		google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});
          function drawChart() {
            var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
            	["Hour", "# of Flights"], ';
    foreach ($hour_array as $hour_item) {
        $hour_data .= '[ "' . date("ga", strtotime($hour_item['hour_name'] . ":00")) . '",' . $hour_item['hour_count'] . '],';
    $hour_data = substr($hour_data, 0, -1);
    print $hour_data;
    print ']);
            var options = {