function createTextQuery($searchFields) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); # Initialiseer een aantal arrays welke we terug moeten geven aan # aanroeper $filterValueSql = array('(idx_fts_spots.rowid = s.rowid)'); $additionalTables = array('idx_fts_spots'); $matchList = array(); # sqlite kan maar 1 where clausule gebruiken voor alle textstrng # matches (anders krijg je een vage error), dus we plakken hier # gewoon alle textmatches samen foreach ($searchFields as $searchItem) { $searchValue = trim($searchItem['value']); # omdat we de fieldname in tabel.fieldname krijgen, maar sqlite dat niet # snapt, halen we de tabelnaam weg $tmpField = explode('.', $searchItem['fieldname']); $field = $tmpField[1]; $matchList[] = $field . ':' . $this->safe($searchValue); } # foreach # en voeg nu 1 WHERE filter toe met alle condities hierin $filterValueSql[] = " (idx_fts_spots MATCH '" . implode(' ', $matchList) . "') "; SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($filterValueSql, $additionalTables)); return array('filterValueSql' => $filterValueSql, 'additionalTables' => $additionalTables, 'additionalFields' => array(), 'sortFields' => array()); }
function createTextQuery($searchFields, $additionalFields) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); /* * Initialize some basic values which are used as return values to * make sure always return a valid set */ $filterValueSql = array('(idx_fts_spots.rowid = s.rowid)'); $additionalTables = array('idx_fts_spots'); $matchList = array(); /* * sqlite can only use one WHERE clause for all textstring matches, * if you exceed this it throws an unrelated error and refuses the query * so we have to collapse all textqueries into one query */ foreach ($searchFields as $searchItem) { $searchValue = trim($searchItem['value']); /* * The caller usually provides an expiciet table.fieldname * for the select, but sqlite doesn't recgnize this in its * MATCH statement so we remove it and hope there is no * ambiguity */ $tmpField = explode('.', $searchItem['fieldname']); $field = $tmpField[1]; $matchList[] = $field . ':' . $this->_db->safe($searchValue); } # foreach # add one WHERE MATCH conditions with all conditions $filterValueSql[] = " (idx_fts_spots MATCH '" . implode(' ', $matchList) . "') "; SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($filterValueSql, $additionalTables)); return array('filterValueSql' => $filterValueSql, 'additionalTables' => $additionalTables, 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, 'sortFields' => array()); }
function fetchFullSpot($msgId, $ourUserId) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); /* * First try the database for the spot, because if it * is already cached in the database we don't need * anything else */ $fullSpot = $this->_spotDao->getFullSpot($msgId, $ourUserId); if (empty($fullSpot)) { /* * When we retrieve a fullspot entry but there is no spot entry the join in our DB query * causes us to never get the spot, hence we throw this exception */ $spotHeader = $this->_spotDao->getSpotHeader($msgId); if (empty($spotHeader)) { throw new Exception("Spot is not in our Spotweb database"); } # if /* * Retrieve a full loaded spot from the NNTP server */ $newFullSpot = $this->_nntpSpotReading->readFullSpot($msgId); if (!empty($newFullSpot)) { $this->_spotDao->addFullSpots(array($newFullSpot)); } else { SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($msgId, $ourUserId, $fullSpot)); return false; } // else /* * If the current spotterid is empty, we probably now have a spotterid because * we have the fullspot. * * We now update the 'basic' spot information, like the spotterid but also the * title. This is necessary because the XML contains better encoding. * * For example take the title from spot * * We cannot use all information from the XML because because some information just * isn't present in the XML file */ $this->_spotDao->updateSpotInfoFromFull($newFullSpot); /* * We ask our DB to retrieve the fullspot again, this ensures * us all information is present and in always the same format */ $fullSpot = $this->_spotDao->getFullSpot($msgId, $ourUserId); } # if /* * We always have to parse the full spot because the database * does not contain all information */ $spotParser = new Services_Format_Parsing(); $parsedXml = $spotParser->parseFull($fullSpot['fullxml']); $fullSpot = array_merge($parsedXml, $fullSpot); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($msgId, $ourUserId, $fullSpot)); return $fullSpot; }
function createTextQuery($searchFields, $additionalFields) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); /* * Initialize some basic values which are used as return values to * make sure always return a valid set */ $filterValueSql = array(); $sortFields = array(); foreach ($searchFields as $searchItem) { $searchValue = trim($searchItem['value']); $field = $searchItem['fieldname']; /* * if we get multiple textsearches, we sort them per order * in the system */ $tmpSortCounter = count($additionalFields); # Prepare the to_tsvector and to_tsquery strings $ts_vector = "to_tsvector('Dutch', " . $field . ")"; $ts_query = "plainto_tsquery('Dutch', '" . $this->_db->safe(strtolower($searchValue)) . "')"; $filterValueSql[] = " " . $ts_vector . " @@ " . $ts_query; $additionalFields[] = " ts_rank(" . $ts_vector . ", " . $ts_query . ") AS searchrelevancy" . $tmpSortCounter; $sortFields[] = array('field' => 'searchrelevancy' . $tmpSortCounter, 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null); } # foreach SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $sortFields)); return array('filterValueSql' => $filterValueSql, 'additionalTables' => array(), 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, 'sortFields' => $sortFields); }
private function addToSpotStateList($list, $messageId, $ourUserId) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); $stamp = time(); $this->_conn->modify("INSERT INTO spotstatelist (messageid, ouruserid, " . $list . ") VALUES ('%s', %d, %d) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . $list . " = %d", array($messageId, (int) $ourUserId, $stamp, $stamp)); SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($list, $messageId, $ourUserId, $stamp)); }
function createTextQuery($searchFields) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); # Initialiseer een aantal arrays welke we terug moeten geven aan # aanroeper $filterValueSql = array(); $additionalFields = array(); $sortFields = array(); foreach ($searchFields as $searchItem) { $searchValue = trim($searchItem['value']); $field = $searchItem['fieldname']; # We zouden in theorie meerdere van deze textsearches kunnen hebben, dan # sorteren we ze in de volgorde waarop ze binnenkwamen $tmpSortCounter = count($additionalFields); # prepareer de to_tsvector en de to_tsquery strings $ts_vector = "to_tsvector('Dutch', " . $field . ")"; $ts_query = "to_tsquery('" . $this->safe(strtolower($searchValue)) . "')"; $filterValueSql[] = " " . $ts_vector . " @@ " . $ts_query; $additionalFields[] = " ts_rank(" . $ts_vector . ", " . $ts_query . ") AS searchrelevancy" . $tmpSortCounter; $sortFields[] = array('field' => 'searchrelevancy' . $tmpSortCounter, 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null); } # foreach SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $sortFields)); return array('filterValueSql' => $filterValueSql, 'additionalTables' => array(), 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, 'sortFields' => $sortFields); }
function getUserListForDisplay() { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); $tmpResult = $this->_conn->arrayQuery("SELECT AS userid,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tu.username AS username,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(u.firstname) AS firstname,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(u.lastname) AS lastname,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(u.mail) AS mail,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(u.lastlogin) AS lastlogin,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCOALESCE(MAX(ss.lasthit), MAX(u.lastvisit)) AS lastvisit,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tMAX(ipaddr) AS lastipaddr\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM users AS u\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN (SELECT userid, lasthit, ipaddr, devicetype FROM sessions WHERE sessions.userid = userid ORDER BY lasthit) AS ss ON ( = ss.userid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE (deleted = :isdeleted)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tGROUP BY, u.username", array(':isdeleted' => array(false, PDO::PARAM_BOOL))); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array()); return $tmpResult; }
public function addToSpotStateList($list, $messageId, $ourUserId) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); $stamp = time(); $this->_conn->modify("INSERT INTO spotstatelist (messageid, ouruserid, " . $list . ")\n\t\t VALUES (:messageid, :ouruserid, :stamp1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE " . $list . " = :stamp2", array(':messageid' => array($messageId, PDO::PARAM_STR), ':ouruserid' => array($ourUserId, PDO::PARAM_INT), ':stamp1' => array($stamp, PDO::PARAM_INT), ':stamp2' => array($stamp, PDO::PARAM_INT))); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($list, $messageId, $ourUserId, $stamp)); }
private function sendRequest($method, $args) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); $reqarr = array('version' => '1.1', 'method' => $method, 'params' => $args); $content = json_encode($reqarr); /* * Actually perform the HTTP POST */ $svcProvHttp = new Services_Providers_Http(null); $svcProvHttp->setUsername($this->_username); $svcProvHttp->setPassword($this->_password); $svcProvHttp->setMethod('POST'); $svcProvHttp->setContentType('application/json'); $svcProvHttp->setRawPostData($content); $output = $svcProvHttp->perform($this->_url, null); if ($output['successful'] === false) { $errorStr = "ERROR: Could not decode json-data for NZBGet method '" . $method . "', " . $output['errorstr']; error_log($errorStr); throw new Exception($errorStr); } # if $response = json_decode($output['data'], true); if (is_array($response) && isset($response['error']) && isset($response['error']['code'])) { error_log("NZBGet RPC: Method '" . $method . "', " . $response['error']['message'] . " (" . $response['error']['code'] . ")"); throw new Exception("NZBGet RPC: Method '" . $method . "', " . $response['error']['message'] . " (" . $response['error']['code'] . ")"); } elseif (is_array($response) && isset($response['result'])) { $response = $response['result']; } SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($method, $args)); return $response; }
function render() { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); # Controleer de users' rechten $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_view_spots_index, ''); # als een zoekopdracht is meegegevne, moeten er ook rechten zijn om te mogen zoeken if (!empty($this->_params['search'])) { $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_perform_search, ''); } # if $spotsOverview = new SpotsOverview($this->_db, $this->_settings); # Zet the query parameters om naar een lijst met filters, velden, # en sorteringen etc $spotUserSystem = new SpotUserSystem($this->_db, $this->_settings); $parsedSearch = $spotsOverview->filterToQuery($this->_params['search'], array('field' => $this->_params['sortby'], 'direction' => $this->_params['sortdir']), $this->_currentSession, $spotUserSystem->getIndexFilter($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'])); # Haal de offset uit de URL en zet deze als startid voor de volgende zoektocht # Als de offset niet in de url staat, zet de waarde als 0, het is de eerste keer # dat de index pagina wordt aangeroepen $pageNr = $this->_params['pagenr']; $nextPage = $pageNr + 1; if ($nextPage == 1) { $prevPage = -1; } else { $prevPage = max($pageNr - 1, 0); } # else # afhankelijk van wat er gekozen is, voer het uit if (isset($parsedSearch['filterValueList'][0]['fieldname']) && $parsedSearch['filterValueList'][0]['fieldname'] == "Watch") { # Controleer de users' rechten $this->_spotSec->fatalPermCheck(SpotSecurity::spotsec_keep_own_watchlist, ''); switch ($this->_action) { case 'remove': $this->_db->removeFromSpotStateList(SpotDb::spotstate_Watch, $this->_params['messageid'], $this->_currentSession['user']['userid']); $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_db, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession); $spotsNotifications->sendWatchlistHandled($this->_action, $this->_params['messageid']); break; case 'add': $this->_db->addToSpotStateList(SpotDb::spotstate_Watch, $this->_params['messageid'], $this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], ''); $spotsNotifications = new SpotNotifications($this->_db, $this->_settings, $this->_currentSession); $spotsNotifications->sendWatchlistHandled($this->_action, $this->_params['messageid']); break; default: } # switch } # if # laad de spots $spotsTmp = $spotsOverview->loadSpots($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], $pageNr, $this->_currentSession['user']['prefs']['perpage'], $parsedSearch); # als er geen volgende pagina is, ook niet tonen if (!$spotsTmp['hasmore']) { $nextPage = -1; } # if # zet de page title $this->_pageTitle = "overzicht"; #- display stuff -# $this->template('spots', array('spots' => $spotsTmp['list'], 'quicklinks' => $this->_settings->get('quicklinks'), 'filters' => $this->_db->getFilterList($this->_currentSession['user']['userid'], 'filter'), 'nextPage' => $nextPage, 'prevPage' => $prevPage, 'parsedsearch' => $parsedSearch, 'data' => $this->_params['data'])); SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__); }
function connect() { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); /* * Erase username/password so it won't show up in any stacktrace */ # SQlite heeft geen username gedefinieerd if (isset($this->_dbsettings['user'])) { $tmpUser = $this->_dbsettings['user']; $this->_dbsettings['user'] = '******'; } # if # en ook geen pass if (isset($this->_dbsettings['pass'])) { $tmpPass = $this->_dbsettings['pass']; $this->_dbsettings['pass'] = '******'; } # if switch ($this->_dbsettings['engine']) { case 'mysql': $this->_conn = new dbeng_mysql($this->_dbsettings['host'], $tmpUser, $tmpPass, $this->_dbsettings['dbname']); $daoFactory = Dao_Factory::getDAOFactory("mysql"); break; case 'pdo_mysql': $this->_conn = new dbeng_pdo_mysql($this->_dbsettings['host'], $tmpUser, $tmpPass, $this->_dbsettings['dbname']); $daoFactory = Dao_Factory::getDAOFactory("mysql"); break; case 'pdo_pgsql': $this->_conn = new dbeng_pdo_pgsql($this->_dbsettings['host'], $tmpUser, $tmpPass, $this->_dbsettings['dbname']); $daoFactory = Dao_Factory::getDAOFactory("postgresql"); break; case 'pdo_sqlite': $this->_conn = new dbeng_pdo_sqlite($this->_dbsettings['path']); $daoFactory = Dao_Factory::getDAOFactory("sqlite"); break; default: throw new Exception('Unknown DB engine specified (' . $this->_dbsettings['engine'] . ', please choose pdo_pgsql, mysql or pdo_mysql'); } # switch $daoFactory->setConnection($this->_conn); $this->_auditDao = $daoFactory->getAuditDao(); $this->_blackWhiteListDao = $daoFactory->getBlackWhiteListDao(); $this->_cacheDao = $daoFactory->getCacheDao(); $this->_commentDao = $daoFactory->getCommentDao(); $this->_notificationDao = $daoFactory->getNotificationDao(); $this->_sessionDao = $daoFactory->getSessionDao(); $this->_settingDao = $daoFactory->getSettingDao(); $this->_spotReportDao = $daoFactory->getSpotReportDao(); $this->_userFilterCountDao = $daoFactory->getUserFilterCountDao(); $this->_userFilterDao = $daoFactory->getUserFilterDao(); $this->_userDao = $daoFactory->getUserDao(); $this->_spotDao = $daoFactory->getSpotdao(); $this->_spotStateListDao = $daoFactory->getSpotStateListDao(); $this->_nntpDao = $daoFactory->getNntpDao(); $this->_conn->connect(); SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__); }
function fetchSpotList($ourUserId, $start, $limit, $parsedSearch) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); /* * Actually fetch the spots from the database */ $spotResults = $this->_spotDao->getSpots($ourUserId, $start, $limit, $parsedSearch); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array()); return $spotResults; }
private function getAvatarImage($md5, $size, $default, $rating) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); $url = '' . $md5 . "?s=" . $size . "&d=" . $default . "&r=" . $rating; list($return_code, $data) = $this->_serviceHttp->performCachedGet($url, true, 60 * 60); $dimensions = $this->_svc_ImageUtil->getImageDimensions($data); $data = array('content' => $data); $data['metadata'] = $dimensions; $data['ttl'] = 24 * 7 * 60 * 60; SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($md5, $size, $default, $rating)); return $data; }
function arrayQuery($s, $p = array()) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); $rows = array(); $res = $this->exec($s, $p); while ($rows[] = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { } # remove last element (false element) array_pop($rows); mysql_free_result($res); SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($s, $p)); return $rows; }
function createTextQuery($field, $searchValue) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); // // FIXME // Sorteeren op rank, zie // $queryPart = " to_tsvector('Dutch', " . $field . ") @@ '" . $this->safe(strtolower($searchValue)) . "' "; SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($field,$searchValue)); return array('filter' => $queryPart, 'sortable' => false); } # createTextQuery()
function fetchNzb($fullSpot) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); /* * Retrieve the NZB from the cache */ $nzb = $this->_cacheDao->getCachedNzb($fullSpot['messageid']); if (!empty($nzb)) { /* * NZB file is alread in the cache, update the cache timestamp */ $nzb = $nzb['content']; $this->_cacheDao->updateNzbCacheStamp($fullSpot['messageid']); } else { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__ . '::cacheMiss'); /* * File is not in the cache yet, retrieve it from the appropriate store, and * store it in the cache */ $nzb = null; // Search for alternate download urls $alternateDownload = new Services_Providers_HttpNzb($fullSpot, $this->_cacheDao); // Only return an alternate if there is one. if ($alternateDownload->hasNzb()) { $nzb = $alternateDownload->getNzb(); } else { $nzb = $this->_nntpSpotReading->readBinary($fullSpot['nzb'], true); } # else /* * If the returned NZB is empty, lets create a dummy (invalid) NZB file * we can store. This way, we prevent hitting the usenet or HTTP server * over and over again for invalid NZB files. */ $mustExpire = false; if (empty($nzb)) { $nzb = '<xml><error>Invalid NZB file, unable to retrieve correct NZB file</error></xml>'; $mustExpire = true; } # if if (!$this->_cacheDao->saveNzbCache($fullSpot['messageid'], $nzb, $mustExpire)) { error_log('Spotweb: Unable to save NZB file to cache, is cache directory writable?'); } # if SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '::cacheMiss'); } # else SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($fullSpot)); return $nzb; }
function deleteSpotsRetention($retention) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); $retention = $retention * 24 * 60 * 60; // omzetten in seconden $this->_conn->modify("DELETE FROM spots WHERE spots.stamp < :time", array(':time' => array(time() - $retention, PDO::PARAM_INT))); $this->_conn->modify("DELETE FROM spotsfull WHERE NOT EXISTS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 1 FROM spots WHERE spots.messageid = spotsfull.messageid)"); $this->_conn->modify("DELETE FROM commentsfull WHERE NOT EXISTS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 1 FROM commentsxover WHERE commentsxover.messageid = commentsfull.messageid)"); $this->_conn->modify("DELETE FROM commentsxover WHERE NOT EXISTS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 1 FROM spots WHERE spots.messageid = commentsxover.nntpref)"); $this->_conn->modify("DELETE FROM reportsxover WHERE NOT EXISTS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 1 FROM spots WHERE spots.messageid = reportsxover.nntpref)"); $this->_conn->modify("DELETE FROM spotstatelist WHERE NOT EXISTS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT 1 FROM spots WHERE spots.messageid = spotstatelist.messageid)"); $this->_conn->modify("DELETE FROM reportsposted WHERE NOT EXISTS\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t (SELECT 1 FROM spots WHERE spots.messageid = reportsposted.inreplyto)"); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($retention)); }
function template($tpl, $params = array()) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__ . ':' . $tpl); extract($params, EXTR_REFS); $settings = $this->_settings; $pagetitle = 'SpotWeb v. ' . SPOTWEB_VERSION . ' - ' . $this->_pageTitle; # update the template helper variables $this->_tplHelper->setParams($params); # We maken een aantal variabelen / objecten standaard beschikbaar in de template. $tplHelper = $this->_tplHelper; $currentSession = $this->_currentSession; $spotSec = $this->_currentSession['security']; # stuur de expire headers $this->sendExpireHeaders(true); $this->sendContentTypeHeader(); # en we spelen de template af require_once 'templates/' . $settings->get('tpl_name') . '/' . $tpl . '.inc.php'; SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__ . ':' . $tpl, array($params)); }
function template($tpl, $params = array()) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__ . ':notifications:' . $tpl); extract($params, EXTR_REFS); $settings = $this->_settings; # We maken een aantal variabelen / objecten standaard beschikbaar in de template. $currentSession = $this->_currentSession; $spotSec = $this->_currentSession['security']; # start output buffering ob_start(); # en we spelen de template af require 'templates/notifications/' . $tpl . '.inc.php'; # nu vraag de inhoud van de output buffer op $notificationContent = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); # de eerste regel is het onderwerp, de tweede regel is een spatie, # en de rest is daadwerkelijke buffer $notificationArray = explode("\n", $notificationContent); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ':notifications:' . $tpl, array($params)); return array('title' => $notificationArray[0], 'body' => array_slice($notificationArray, 2)); }
/** * Returns the DAO factory used by all of * Spotweb * * @throws DatabaseConnectionException * @return Dao_Base_Factory */ public function getDaoFactory() { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); @(include ""); if (empty($dbsettings)) { throw new DatabaseConnectionException("No database settings have been entered, please use the 'install.php' wizard to install and configure Spotweb." . PHP_EOL . "If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Spotweb, please consult first"); } # if /* * Store the DB settings so we can retrieve them later, if so desired, * we do overwrite the password to make sure it doesn't show up in a * stacktrace. */ $this->_dbSettings = $dbsettings; $this->_dbSettings['pass'] = '******'; $this->_dbSettings['user'] = '******'; $dbCon = dbeng_abs::getDbFactory($dbsettings['engine']); $dbCon->connect($dbsettings['host'], $dbsettings['user'], $dbsettings['pass'], $dbsettings['dbname']); $daoFactory = Dao_Factory::getDAOFactory($dbsettings['engine']); $daoFactory->setConnection($dbCon); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); return $daoFactory; }
function getCommentsFull($userId, $nntpRef) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); # eactually retrieve the comment $commentList = $this->_conn->arrayQuery("SELECT c.messageid AS messageid, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(f.messageid IS NOT NULL) AS havefull,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.fromhdr AS fromhdr, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.stamp AS stamp, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.usersignature AS \"user-signature\", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.userkey AS \"user-key\", \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.spotterid AS spotterid, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.body AS body, \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.verified AS verified,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc.spotrating AS spotrating,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tc.moderated AS moderated,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tf.avatar as \"user-avatar\",\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbl.idtype AS idtype\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM commentsfull f \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tRIGHT JOIN commentsxover c on (f.messageid = c.messageid)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN spotteridblacklist as bl ON ((bl.spotterid = f.spotterid) AND (bl.doubled = :doubled))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE c.nntpref = :nntpref AND ((bl.spotterid IS NULL) OR (((bl.ouruserid = :ouruserid) OR (bl.ouruserid = -1)) AND (bl.idtype = 2)))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY", array(':doubled' => array(false, PDO::PARAM_BOOL), ':nntpref' => array($nntpRef, PDO::PARAM_STR), ':ouruserid' => array($userId, PDO::PARAM_INT))); $commentListCount = count($commentList); for ($i = 0; $i < $commentListCount; $i++) { if ($commentList[$i]['havefull']) { $commentList[$i]['user-key'] = unserialize($commentList[$i]['user-key']); } # if } # for SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); return $commentList; }
public function fetchSpotImage($fullSpot) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); $return_code = 0; $validImage = false; $imageString = ''; $data = $this->_cacheDao->getCachedSpotImage($fullSpot['messageid']); if ($data !== false) { $this->_cacheDao->updateSpotImageCacheStamp($fullSpot['messageid'], $data); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); return $data; } # if /* * Determine whether the spot is stored on an NNTP server or a web resource, * older spots are stored on an HTTP server */ if (is_array($fullSpot['image'])) { try { /* * Convert the list of segments to a format * usable for readBinary() */ $segmentList = array(); foreach ($fullSpot['image']['segment'] as $seg) { $segmentList[] = $seg; } # foreach SpotTiming::start('fetchSpotImage::readBinary()'); $imageString = $this->_nntpSpotReading->readBinary($segmentList, false); SpotTiming::stop('fetchSpotImage::readBinary()'); $validImage = true; } catch (Exception $x) { $validImage = false; $return_code = $x->getCode(); } # catch } elseif (empty($fullSpot['image'])) { /* * Spot did not contain an image (this is illegal?), * create a dummy error message */ $validImage = false; $return_code = 901; } elseif (!empty($fullSpot['image'])) { /* * We don't want the HTTP layer of this code to cache the image, because * we want to cache / store additional information in the cache for images */ $tmpPerform = $this->_serviceHttp->perform($fullSpot['image'], null, 0); $return_code = $tmpPerform['http_code']; $imageString = $tmpPerform['data']; if ($return_code == 200 || $return_code == 304) { $validImage = true; } # else } # elseif /* * Now validate the resource we have retrieved from the server */ if ($validImage) { SpotTiming::start('fetchSpotImage::getImageDimensions()'); $svc_ImageUtil = new Services_Image_Util(); $dimensions = $svc_ImageUtil->getImageDimensions($imageString); SpotTiming::stop('fetchSpotImage::getImageDimensions()', array()); /* * If this is not a valid image, create a dummy error code, * else we save it in the cache */ if ($dimensions !== false) { /* * If the current image is an BMP file, convert it to * JPEG */ if ($dimensions['isbmp']) { SpotTiming::start('fetchSpotImage::convertToBmp()'); $svc_ImageBmpConverter = new Services_Image_BmpConverter(); $imageString = $svc_ImageBmpConverter->convertBmpImageStringToJpeg($imageString, $dimensions); $dimensions = $svc_ImageUtil->getImageDimensions($imageString); $validImage = $dimensions !== false; SpotTiming::stop('fetchSpotImage::convertToBmp()', serialize($validImage)); } # if /* * and store the file in the cache */ if ($validImage) { /* * This is an actual SpotImage */ $dimensions['is_tempimage'] = false; SpotTiming::start('fetchSpotImage::savingToCache()'); if (!$this->_cacheDao->saveSpotImageCache($fullSpot['messageid'], $dimensions, $imageString, false)) { $validImage = false; $return_code = 997; } # if SpotTiming::stop('fetchSpotImage::savingToCache()', serialize($validImage)); } # if } else { $validImage = false; $return_code = 998; } # if } # if /* * Did we get a return code other than 200 OK and * other than 304 (Resource Not modified), create * an error code image */ if (!$validImage) { SpotTiming::start('fetchSpotImage::createErrorImage()'); $svc_ImageError = new Services_Image_Error(); $errorImage = $svc_ImageError->createErrorImage($return_code); SpotTiming::stop('fetchSpotImage::createErrorImage()'); $imageString = $errorImage['content']; $dimensions = $errorImage['metadata']; /* * Store a copy of the error image so we don't request * the same image over and over. */ $this->_cacheDao->saveSpotImageCache($fullSpot['messageid'], $dimensions, $imageString, true); } # if SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($fullSpot)); return array('content' => $imageString, 'metadata' => $dimensions); }
function createTextQuery($searchFields, $additionalFields) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); /* * Initialize some basic values which are used as return values to * make sure always return a valid set */ $filterValueSql = array(); $sortFields = array(); /* * MySQL's fultxt search has a minimum length of words for indexes. Per default this is * a minimum word length of 4. This means that a searchstring like 'Top 40' will not * be found because both 'Top' and '40' are shorter than 4 characters. * * We query the server setting, and if this is the case, we fall back to a basic LIKE * search because it has no such limitation */ $serverSetting = $this->_db->arrayQuery("SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name = 'ft_min_word_len'"); $minWordLen = $serverSetting[0]['Value']; foreach ($searchFields as $searchItem) { $hasTooShortWords = false; $hasLongEnoughWords = false; $hasStopWords = false; $hasNoStopWords = false; $hasSearchOpAsTerm = false; $searchMode = "match-natural"; $searchValue = trim($searchItem['value']); $field = $searchItem['fieldname']; $tempSearchValue = str_replace(array('+', '-', 'AND', 'NOT', 'OR'), '', $searchValue); /* * Look at each individual word. If it is shorter than $minWordLen, we have to perform * a LIKE search as well */ $termList = explode(' ', $tempSearchValue); foreach ($termList as $term) { if (strlen($term) < $minWordLen && strlen($term) > 0) { $hasTooShortWords = true; } # if if (strlen($term) >= $minWordLen) { $hasLongEnoughWords = true; } # if } # foreach /* * remove any double whitespace because else the MySQL matcher will never * find anything */ $searchValue = str_replace(' ', ' ', $searchValue); /* * MySQL has several types of searches - both boolean and natural matching for * FTS is possible. * * We try some heuristics to select the most appropriate type of search. * If a word starts with either an '+' or an '-', we switch to boolean match */ $termList = explode(' ', $searchValue); foreach ($termList as $term) { /* * We strip some characters because these are valid, but * can cause the system to not regocnize them as operators. * * The string: "(<test)" is such an example -- we only check * the first character so we need to remove the parenthesis */ $strippedTerm = trim($term, "()'\""); /* * If after stripping the term of these characters, no string * is left, make sure we juts abort the matching */ if (strlen($strippedTerm) < 1) { continue; } # if /* * + and - are only allowed at the beginning of the search to * enforce it as an search operator. If they are in the * words themselves, we fall back to LIKE */ if (strpos($strippedTerm, '-') > 0 || strpos($strippedTerm, '+') > 0 || strpos($strippedTerm, '/') > 0) { $hasSearchOpAsTerm = true; } # if /* * When there are boolean operators in the string, it's an * boolean search */ if (strpos('+-~<>', $strippedTerm[0]) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; } # if if (strpos('*', substr($strippedTerm, -1)) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; } # if if (strpos('"', substr($term, -1)) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; } # if /* * If the term is a stopword (things like: the, it, ...) we have to * fallback to a like search as well. */ if (in_array(strtolower($strippedTerm), $this->stop_words) !== false) { $hasStopWords = true; } else { /* * This extra chcek is necessary because when a query was to be done * for only short of stopwords (eg: "The Top") , we should fall back to * a like anyway */ if (strlen($term) >= $minWordLen) { $hasNoStopWords = true; } # if } # else } # foreach # Actually determine the searchmode /* * Test cases: * * 9th Company * Ubuntu 9 * Top 40 * South Park * Sex and the city * Rio * "sex and the city 2" * Just Go With It (fallback naar like, enkel stopwoorden of te kort) * "Just Go With It" (fallback naar like, en quotes gestripped) * +empire +sun * x-art (like search because it contains an -) * 50/50 (like search because it contains an /) */ /* echo 'HasTooShortWords : ' . (int) $hasTooShortWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasStopWords : ' . (int) $hasStopWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasLongEnoughWords: ' . (int) $hasLongEnoughWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasNoStopWords : ' . (int) $hasNoStopWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasSearchOpAsTerm : ' . (int) $hasSearchOpAsTerm . '<br>'; echo 'searchmode : ' . $searchMode . '<br>'; die(); */ if (($hasTooShortWords || $hasStopWords) && ($hasLongEnoughWords || $hasNoStopWords) && !$hasSearchOpAsTerm) { if ($hasStopWords && !$hasNoStopWords) { $searchMode = 'normal'; } else { $searchMode = 'both-' . $searchMode; } # else } elseif (($hasTooShortWords || $hasStopWords) && (!$hasLongEnoughWords && !$hasNoStopWords) || $hasSearchOpAsTerm) { $searchMode = 'normal'; } # else /* * Start constructing the query. Sometimes we construct the quer * both with a LIKE and with a MATCh statement */ $queryPart = ''; if ($searchMode == 'normal' || $searchMode == 'both-match-natural') { $filterValueSql[] = ' ' . $field . " LIKE '%" . $this->_db->safe(trim($searchValue, "\"'")) . "%'"; } # if if ($searchMode == 'match-natural' || $searchMode == 'both-match-natural') { /* Natural language mode altijd default in MySQL 5.0 en 5.1, but cannot be explicitly defined in MySQL 5.0 */ $queryPart = " MATCH(" . $field . ") AGAINST ('" . $this->_db->safe($searchValue) . "')"; $filterValueSql[] = $queryPart; } # if if ($searchMode == 'match-boolean' || $searchMode == 'both-match-boolean') { $queryPart = " MATCH(" . $field . ") AGAINST ('" . $this->_db->safe($searchValue) . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; $filterValueSql[] = $queryPart; } # if /* * We add these extended textqueries as a column to the filterlist * and use it as a relevance column. This allows us to sort on * relevance */ if ($searchMode != 'normal') { /* * if we get multiple textsearches, we sort them per order * in the system */ $tmpSortCounter = count($additionalFields); $additionalFields[] = $queryPart . ' AS searchrelevancy' . $tmpSortCounter; $sortFields[] = array('field' => 'searchrelevancy' . $tmpSortCounter, 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null); } # if } # foreach SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $sortFields)); return array('filterValueSql' => $filterValueSql, 'additionalTables' => array(), 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, 'sortFields' => $sortFields); }
public function filterToQuery($search, $sort, $currentSession, $indexFilter) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); $isUnfiltered = false; $categoryList = array(); $categorySql = array(); $strongNotList = array(); $strongNotSql = array(); $filterValueList = array(); $filterValueSql = array(); $additionalFields = array(); $additionalTables = array(); $additionalJoins = array(); $sortFields = array(); # Take the easy way out of no filters have been given if (empty($search)) { return array('filter' => '', 'search' => array(), 'additionalFields' => array(), 'additionalTables' => array(), 'additionalJoins' => array(), 'categoryList' => array(), 'strongNotList' => array(), 'filterValueList' => array(), 'unfiltered' => false, 'sortFields' => array(array('field' => 'stamp', 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null))); } # if /* * Process the parameters in $search, legacy parameters are converted * to a common format by prepareFilterValues, this list is then * converted to SQL */ $filterValueList = $this->prepareFilterValues($search); list($filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $additionalTables, $additionalJoins, $sortFields) = $this->filterValuesToSql($filterValueList, $currentSession); /* * When asked to forget all category filters (and only search for a word/typefilter) * we simply reset the filter by overwriting $search with $indexfilter */ if (isset($search['unfiltered']) && $search['unfiltered'] === 'true') { $search = array_merge($search, $indexFilter); $isUnfiltered = true; } # if /* * If a tree was given, convert it to subcategories etc. * prepareCategorySelection() makes sure all categories eventually * are in a common format */ if (!empty($search['tree'])) { # explode the dynaList $dynaList = explode(',', $search['tree']); list($categoryList, $strongNotList) = $this->prepareCategorySelection($dynaList); # and convert to SQL $categorySql = $this->categoryListToSql($categoryList); $strongNotSql = $this->strongNotListToSql($strongNotList); } # if # Check for an explicit sorting convention $sortFields = $this->prepareSortFields($sort, $sortFields); $endFilter = array(); if (!empty($categorySql)) { $endFilter[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $categorySql) . ') '; } # if if (!empty($filterValueSql['AND'])) { $endFilter[] = '(' . join(' AND ', $filterValueSql['AND']) . ') '; } # if if (!empty($filterValueSql['OR'])) { $endFilter[] = '(' . join(' OR ', $filterValueSql['OR']) . ') '; } # if $endFilter[] = join(' AND ', $strongNotSql); $endFilter = array_filter($endFilter); SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array(join(" AND ", $endFilter))); return array('filter' => join(" AND ", $endFilter), 'categoryList' => $categoryList, 'unfiltered' => $isUnfiltered, 'strongNotList' => $strongNotList, 'filterValueList' => $filterValueList, 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, 'additionalTables' => $additionalTables, 'additionalJoins' => $additionalJoins, 'sortFields' => $sortFields); }
function template($tpl, $params = array()) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__ . ':' . $tpl); extract($params, EXTR_REFS); $settings = $this->_settings; $pagetitle = $this->_pageTitle; # update the template helper variables $this->_tplHelper->setParams($params); # Expose some variables to the template script in its local scope $tplHelper = $this->_tplHelper; $currentSession = $this->_currentSession; $spotSec = $this->_currentSession['security']; # send any expire headers $this->sendExpireHeaders(true); $this->sendContentTypeHeader('html'); # and include the template foreach ($this->_templatePaths as $tplPath) { if (file_exists($tplPath . $tpl . '.inc.php')) { require_once $tplPath . $tpl . '.inc.php'; break; } # if } # foreach SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . ':' . $tpl, array($params)); }
function getMaxMessageId($headers) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); if ($headers == 'headers') { $msgIds = $this->_conn->arrayQuery("SELECT messageid FROM spots ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5000"); } elseif ($headers == 'comments') { $msgIds = $this->_conn->arrayQuery("SELECT messageid FROM commentsxover ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5000"); } elseif ($headers == 'reports') { $msgIds = $this->_conn->arrayQuery("SELECT messageid FROM reportsxover ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 5000"); } else { throw new Exception("getMaxMessageId() header-type value is unknown"); } # else if ($msgIds == null) { return array(); } # if $tempMsgIdList = array(); $msgIdCount = count($msgIds); for ($i = 0; $i < $msgIdCount; $i++) { $tempMsgIdList['<' . $msgIds[$i]['messageid'] . '>'] = 1; } # for SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($headers)); return $tempMsgIdList; }
<?php SpotTiming::start('tpl:filters'); // We definieeren hier een aantal settings zodat we niet steeds dezelfde check hoeven uit te voeren $count_newspots = $currentSession['user']['prefs']['count_newspots']; $show_multinzb_checkbox = $currentSession['user']['prefs']['show_multinzb']; ?> <div id="toolbar"> <div class="notifications"> <?php if ($show_multinzb_checkbox) { ?> <p class="multinzb"><a class="button" onclick="downloadMultiNZB(spotweb_nzbhandler_type)" title="<?php echo _('MultiNZB'); ?> "><span class="count"></span></a><a class="clear" onclick="uncheckMultiNZB()" title="<?php echo _('Reset selection'); ?> ">[x]</a></p> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="toolbarButton logininfo dropdown right"><ul> <li><p><a <?php if ($currentSession['user']['userid'] != SPOTWEB_ANONYMOUS_USERID) { ?> title="<?php
function updateCacheStamp($resourceid, $cachetype) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); $this->_db->updateCacheStamp($resourceid, $cachetype); SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($resourceid, $cachetype)); }
function createTextQuery($searchFields, $additionalFields) { SpotTiming::start(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__); /* * Initialize some basic values which are used as return values to * make sure always return a valid set */ $filterValueSql = array(); $sortFields = array(); /* * MySQL's fultxt search has a minimum length of words for indexes. Per default this is * a minimum word length of 4. This means that a searchstring like 'Top 40' will not * be found because both 'Top' and '40' are shorter than 4 characters. * * We query the server setting, and if this is the case, we fall back to a basic LIKE * search because it has no such limitation */ $serverSetting = $this->_db->arrayQuery("SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name = 'ft_min_word_len'"); $minWordLen = $serverSetting[0]['Value']; // var_dump($searchFields); foreach ($searchFields as $searchItem) { $hasTooShortWords = false; $hasLongEnoughWords = false; $hasStopWords = false; $hasNoStopWords = false; $hasSearchOpAsTerm = false; $hasPhraseWithOnlyInvalids = false; $searchMode = "match-natural"; $searchValue = trim($searchItem['value']); $field = $searchItem['fieldname']; /* * Look at each individual word. If it is shorter than $minWordLen, we have to perform * a LIKE search as well * * We do not use splitWords() here, because we need to have the lengths of the * individual words not of the phrase search. * * There is one exception, if a phrase search contains ONLY stop words, we cannot * use the FTS at all so we should be aware of that. */ $tempSearchValue = str_replace(array('+', '-', '"', '(', ')', 'AND', 'NOT', 'OR'), '', $searchValue); $termList = explode(' ', $tempSearchValue); foreach ($termList as $term) { if (strlen($term) < $minWordLen && strlen($term) > 0) { $hasTooShortWords = true; } # if if (strlen($term) >= $minWordLen) { $hasLongEnoughWords = true; } # if /* * If the term is a stopword (things like: the, it, ...) we have to * fallback to a like search as well. */ if (in_array(strtolower($term), $this->stop_words) !== false) { $hasStopWords = true; } else { $hasNoStopWords = true; } # if } # foreach /* * remove any double whitespace because else the MySQL matcher will never * find anything */ $searchValue = str_replace(' ', ' ', $searchValue); /* * MySQL has several types of searches - both boolean and natural matching for * FTS is possible. * * We try some heuristics to select the most appropriate type of search. * If a word starts with either an '+' or an '-', we switch to boolean match */ $termList = $this->splitWords($searchValue); foreach ($termList as $term) { /* * We strip some characters because these are valid, but * can cause the system to not recognize them as operators. * * The string: "(<test)" is such an example -- we only check * the first character so we need to remove the parenthesis. */ $strippedTerm = trim($term, "()'\""); /* * If after stripping the term of these characters, no string * is left, make sure we just abort the matching */ if (strlen($strippedTerm) < 1) { continue; } # if /* * + and - are only allowed at the beginning of the search to * enforce it as an search operator. If they are in the * words themselves, we fall back to LIKE */ if (strpos($strippedTerm, '-') > 0 || strpos($strippedTerm, '+') > 0 || strpos($strippedTerm, '/') > 0) { $hasSearchOpAsTerm = true; } # if /* * When there are boolean operators in the string, it's an * boolean search */ if (strlen($strippedTerm[0]) > 0) { if (strpos('+-~<>', $strippedTerm[0]) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; $strippedTerm = trim($strippedTerm, "+-"); } # if } if (strlen(substr($strippedTerm, -1)) > 0) { if (strpos('*', substr($strippedTerm, -1)) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; $strippedTerm = trim($strippedTerm, "*"); } # if } if (strlen(substr($term, -1)) > 0) { if (strpos('"', substr($term, -1)) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; } # if } /* * We get the complete phrase here, we need to look into * the phrase terms, because if it only contains invalid terms * (eg: only stopwords, only shortwords, or a combination thereof), * we must disable the FTS completely. * */ if (!$hasPhraseWithOnlyInvalids && $term[0] == '"') { $tmpFoundValidTerms = false; $tmpTermList = explode(' ', $strippedTerm); foreach ($tmpTermList as $tmpTerm) { if (strlen($tmpTerm) >= $minWordLen) { if (in_array(strtolower($tmpTerm), $this->stop_words) === false) { $tmpFoundValidTerms = true; } # if } # if } # foreach if (!$tmpFoundValidTerms) { $hasPhraseWithOnlyInvalids = true; } # if } # if } # foreach # Actually determine the searchmode /* * Test cases: * * 9th Company * Ubuntu 11 * Top 40 * "Top 40" * South Park * Sex and the city * Rio * "sex and the city 2" * Just Go With It (fallback naar like, enkel stopwoorden of te kort) * "Just Go With It" (fallback naar like, en quotes gestripped) * +"taken 2" +(2012) (fallback naar like, en quotes gestripped - enkel stop woorden maar operators) * +empire +sun * x-art (like search because it contains an -) * 50/50 (like search because it contains an /) * Arvo -Lamentate (natural without like) * +"Phantom" +(2013) <- Shouldn't use a LIKE per se * "The Top" <- Should use a LIKE as its only keywords * +"Warehouse 13" +S04 <- Shouldn't use a LIKE per se */ if ($hasPhraseWithOnlyInvalids) { $searchMode = 'normal'; } elseif (($hasTooShortWords || $hasStopWords) && ($hasLongEnoughWords || $hasNoStopWords) && !$hasSearchOpAsTerm) { if ($hasStopWords && !$hasNoStopWords || $hasTooShortWords && !$hasLongEnoughWords) { $searchMode = 'normal'; } else { $searchMode = 'both-' . $searchMode; } # else } elseif (($hasTooShortWords || $hasStopWords) && (!$hasLongEnoughWords && !$hasNoStopWords) || $hasSearchOpAsTerm) { $searchMode = 'normal'; } # else /* echo 'hasStopWords : ' . (int) $hasStopWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasLongEnoughWords : ' . (int) $hasLongEnoughWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasTooShortWords : ' . (int) $hasTooShortWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasNoStopWords : ' . (int) $hasNoStopWords . '<br>'; echo 'hasSearchOpAsTerm : ' . (int) $hasSearchOpAsTerm . '<br>'; echo 'hasPhraseWithOnlyInvalids : ' . (int) $hasPhraseWithOnlyInvalids . '<br>'; echo 'searchmode : ' . $searchMode . '<br>'; die(); */ /* * Start constructing the query. Sometimes we construct the query * both with a LIKE and with a MATCH statement */ $queryPart = array(); $matchPart = ''; if ($searchMode == 'normal' || $searchMode == 'both-match-natural' || $searchMode == 'both-match-boolean') { foreach ($this->splitWords($searchValue) as $splittedTerm) { /* * If the term contains an boolean operator in the beginning, * strip it */ $filteredTerm = trim($splittedTerm, "\""); $filteredTerm = ltrim($filteredTerm, "+-~<>"); $filteredTerm = rtrim($filteredTerm, "*"); if (!empty($filteredTerm)) { $queryPart[] = ' ' . $field . " LIKE " . $this->_db->safe('%' . $filteredTerm . '%'); } # if } # foreach } # if if ($searchMode == 'match-natural' || $searchMode == 'both-match-natural') { /* Natural language mode always defaults in MySQL 5.0 en 5.1, but cannot be explicitly defined in MySQL 5.0 */ $matchPart = " MATCH(" . $field . ") AGAINST (" . $this->_db->safe($searchValue) . ")"; $queryPart[] = $matchPart; } # if /* * Boolean searches with required or missing terms, will never match if the terms are * stopwords because stopwords are not in the index and cannot be found */ if ($searchMode == 'match-boolean' || $searchMode == 'both-match-boolean') { $matchPart = " MATCH(" . $field . ") AGAINST (" . $this->_db->safe($searchValue) . " IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; $queryPart[] = $matchPart; } # if /* * Add the textqueries with an AND per search term */ $filterValueSql[] = ' (' . implode(' AND ', $queryPart) . ') '; /* * We add these extended textqueries as a column to the filterlist * and use it as a relevance column. This allows us to sort on * relevance */ if ($searchMode != 'normal') { /* * if we get multiple textsearches, we sort them per order * in the system */ $tmpSortCounter = count($additionalFields); $additionalFields[] = $matchPart . ' AS searchrelevancy' . $tmpSortCounter; $sortFields[] = array('field' => 'searchrelevancy' . $tmpSortCounter, 'direction' => 'DESC', 'autoadded' => true, 'friendlyname' => null); } # if } # foreach SpotTiming::stop(__CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, array($filterValueSql, $additionalFields, $sortFields)); // var_dump($filterValueSql); // die(); return array('filterValueSql' => $filterValueSql, 'additionalTables' => array(), 'additionalFields' => $additionalFields, 'sortFields' => $sortFields); }
function createTextQuery($field, $searchValue) { SpotTiming::start(__FUNCTION__); $searchMode = "match-natural"; $searchValue = trim($searchValue); $tempSearchValue = str_replace(array('+', '-', 'AND', 'NOT', 'OR'), '', $searchValue); # MySQL fulltext search kent een minimum aan lengte voor woorden dat het indexeert, # standaard staat dit op 4 en dat betekent bv. dat een zoekstring als 'Top 40' niet gevonden # zal worden omdat zowel Top als 40 onder de 4 karakters zijn. We kijken hier wat de server # instelling is, en vallen eventueel terug op een normale 'LIKE' zoekopdracht. $serverSetting = $this->arrayQuery("SHOW VARIABLES WHERE variable_name = 'ft_min_word_len'"); $minWordLen = $serverSetting[0]['Value']; # bekijk elk woord individueel, is het korter dan $minWordLen, gaan we terug naar normale # LIKE modus $termList = explode(' ', $tempSearchValue); foreach($termList as $term) { if ((strlen($term) < $minWordLen) && (strlen($term) > 0)) { $searchValue = $tempSearchValue; $searchMode = "normal"; break; } # if } # foreach # bekijk elk woord opnieuw individueel, als we een + of - sign aan het begin van een woord # vinden, schakelen we over naar boolean match $termList = explode(' ', $searchValue); foreach($termList as $term) { # We strippen een aantal karakters omdat dat niet de search # methode mag beinvloeden, bv. (<test) oid. $strippedTerm = trim($term, "()'\""); # als er boolean phrases in zitten, is het een boolean search if (strpos('+-~<>', $strippedTerm[0]) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; break; } # if if (strpos('*', substr($strippedTerm, -1)) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; break; } # if if (strpos('"', substr($term, -1)) !== false) { $searchMode = 'match-boolean'; break; } # if # als het een stop word is, dan vallen we ook terug naar de like search if (in_array($strippedTerm, $this->stop_words) !== false) { $searchMode = 'normal'; break; } # if } # foreach switch($searchMode) { case 'normal' : $queryPart = ' ' . $field . " LIKE '%" . $this->safe($searchValue) . "%'"; break; /* Natural language mode is altijd het default in MySQL 5.0 en 5.1, maar kan in 5.0 niet expliciet opgegeven worden */ case 'match-natural' : $queryPart = " MATCH(" . $field . ") AGAINST ('" . $this->safe($searchValue) . "')"; break; case 'match-boolean' : $queryPart = " MATCH(" . $field . ") AGAINST ('" . $this->safe($searchValue) . "' IN BOOLEAN MODE)"; break; } # else SpotTiming::stop(__FUNCTION__, array($field,$searchValue)); return array('filter' => $queryPart, 'sortable' => ($searchMode != 'normal') ); } # createTextQuery()