Beispiel #1
} catch (InvalidOwnSettingsSettingException $x) {
    echo "There is an error in your ownsettings.php" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    echo $x->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
# InvalidOwnSettingsSetting
require_once "lib/SpotTiming.php";
require_once "lib/exceptions/ParseSpotXmlException.php";
require_once "lib/exceptions/NntpException.php";
 * disable timing, all queries which are ran by retrieve this would make it use
 * large amounts of memory
# Initialize commandline arguments
SpotCommandline::initialize(array('force', 'debug', 'retro'), array('force' => false, 'debug' => false, 'retro' => false));
# Initialize translation to english
# in safe mode, max execution time cannot be set, warn the user
if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
    echo "WARNING: PHP safemode is enabled, maximum execution cannot be reset! Turn off safemode if this causes problems" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
# if
try {
    $db = new SpotDb($settings['db']);
} catch (DatabaseConnectionException $x) {
    die("Unable to connect to database: " . $x->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
# catch
# Creer het settings object
 if (@(!file_exists(getcwd() . '/' . basename($argv[0])))) {
 # if
 require_once "lib/SpotClassAutoload.php";
 require_once "lib/Bootstrap.php";
  * Create a DAO factory. We cannot use the bootstrapper here,
  * because it validates for a valid settings etc. version.
 $bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
 list($settings, $daoFactory, $req) = $bootstrap->boot();
 # Initialize commandline arguments
 SpotCommandline::initialize(array('clean'), array('clean' => false));
 # Truncate the current collections tables, and reset all collection id's
 if (SpotCommandline::get('clean')) {
     $dbConnection = $daoFactory->getConnection();
     echo "Cleaning up all existing collections, ";
     $dbConnection->rawExec('UPDATE spots SET collectionid = NULL WHERE collectionid IS NOT NULL');
     $dbConnection->rawExec('TRUNCATE collections');
     $dbConnection->rawExec('TRUNCATE mastercollections');
     echo "done." . PHP_EOL;
 // if
 /* Load the complete collection cache in memory */
 echo "Loading all existing collections in memory, ";
 echo "done" . PHP_EOL;
 /* And start creating ocllections */
Beispiel #3
  * If we are run from another directory, try to change the current
  * working directory to a directory the script is in
 if (@(!file_exists(getcwd() . '/' . basename($argv[0])))) {
 # if
 require_once "lib/SpotClassAutoload.php";
 require_once "lib/Bootstrap.php";
  * Make sure we are not run from the server, an db upgrade can take too much time and
  * will easily be aborted by either a database, apache or browser timeout
 SpotCommandline::initialize(array('reset-groupmembership', 'reset-securitygroups', 'reset-filters'), array('reset-groupmembership' => false, 'reset-securitygroups' => false, 'reset-filters' => false, 'set-systemtype' => false, 'reset-password' => false, 'mass-userprefchange' => false));
 if (!SpotCommandline::isCommandline()) {
     die("upgrade-db.php can only be run from the console, it cannot be run from the web browser");
 # if
  * Create a DAO factory. We cannot use the bootstrapper here,
  * because it validates for a valid settings etc. version.
 $bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
 $daoFactory = $bootstrap->getDaoFactory();
 $settings = $bootstrap->getSettings($daoFactory, false);
 $dbSettings = $bootstrap->getDbSettings();
  * And actually start updating or creating the schema and settings
Beispiel #4
 # if
 require_once "lib/SpotClassAutoload.php";
  * Initialize the Spotweb base classes
 $bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
 list($settings, $daoFactory, $req) = $bootstrap->boot();
 $spotDao = $daoFactory->getSpotDao();
  * disable timing, all queries which are ran by retrieve this would make it use
  * large amounts of memory
 # Initialize commandline arguments
 SpotCommandline::initialize(array('reallyforce', 'debug', 'retro', 'timing'), array('reallyforce' => false, 'timing' => false, 'debug' => false, 'retro' => false));
 # Allow for timing to be displayed after retrieval of spots
 $showTiming = SpotCommandline::get('timing');
 if ($showTiming) {
 # if
 # Initialize translation to english
  * When PHP is running in safe mode, max execution time cannot be set,
  * which is necessary on slow systems for retrieval and statistics generation
 if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {