Beispiel #1
  * Generate filters according to specification fields names and types
  * @role update
  * @return JSONResponse
 public function generate()
     $filters = array();
     foreach (SpecField::getInstanceByID((int) $this->request->get('specFieldID'), true)->getValuesList() as $value) {
         $filters[$value['ID']] = array('name' => $value['value'], 'specFieldValueID' => $value['ID']);
     return new JSONResponse(array("filters" => $filters), 'success', $this->translate('_filters_were_successfully_generated'));
Beispiel #2
 public function getNextProduct()
     if (!$this->productSql) {
         foreach ($this->languages as $code => $id) {
             list($join[], $langs[]) = $this->joinProductFields($id, $code);
         foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
             $join[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'extra_field_values  AS extra_' . $attr['fieldid'] . ' ON (extra_' . $attr['fieldid'] . '.productid=' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products.productid AND extra_' . $attr['fieldid'] . '.fieldid=' . $attr['fieldid'] . ')';
             $langs[] = 'extra_' . $attr['fieldid'] . '.value AS extrafield_' . $attr['fieldid'];
         $this->productSql = 'SELECT ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products.*, ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products_categories.categoryid ' . ($langs ? ',' : '') . implode(', ', $langs) . ', (SELECT price FROM ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'pricing WHERE ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'pricing.productid=' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products.productid ORDER BY quantity ASC LIMIT 1) AS price FROM ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products ' . implode(' ', $join) . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products_categories ON (' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products.productid=' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products_categories.productid AND ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products_categories.main="Y")';
     if (!($data = $this->loadRecord($this->productSql))) {
         return null;
     $rec = Product::getNewInstance(Category::getInstanceById($this->getRealId('Category', $data['categoryid'])));
     $rec->setValueByLang('name', $this->defLang, $data['product']);
     $rec->setValueByLang('longDescription', $this->defLang, $data['fulldescr']);
     $rec->setValueByLang('shortDescription', $this->defLang, $data['descr']);
     foreach ($this->languages as $code => $id) {
         $rec->setValueByLang('name', $code, $data['name_' . $code]);
         $rec->setValueByLang('longDescription', $code, $data['fulldescr_' . $code]);
         $rec->setValueByLang('shortDescription', $code, $data['descr_' . $code]);
     foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
         if (!empty($data['extrafield_' . $attr['fieldid']])) {
             $rec->setAttributeValueByLang(SpecField::getInstanceByID($this->getRealId('SpecField', $attr['fieldid']), SpecField::LOAD_DATA), $this->defLang, $data['extrafield_' . $attr['fieldid']]);
     if ($data['manufacturerid']) {
         $rec->manufacturer->set(Manufacturer::getInstanceById($this->getRealId('Manufacturer', $data['manufacturerid'])));
     foreach (array('sku' => 'productcode', 'shippingWeight' => 'weight', 'stockCount' => 'avail', 'shippingSurchargeAmount' => 'shipping_freight', 'minimumQuantity' => 'min_amount', 'dateCreated' => 'add_date') as $lc => $xc) {
     $rec->isEnabled->set('Y' == $data['forsale']);
     $rec->setPrice($this->getDefaultCurrency(), $data['price']);
     $images = array_merge($this->getDataBySQL('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'images_t WHERE id=' . $data['productid'] . ' ORDER BY orderby ASC'), $this->getDataBySQL('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'images_d WHERE id=' . $data['productid'] . ' ORDER BY orderby ASC'));
     foreach ($images as $image) {
         $this->importProductImage($rec, $this->path . '/' . $image['image_path']);
     $rec->rawData = $data;
     return $rec;
Beispiel #3
 protected function setGridResponse()
     $res = parent::setGridResponse();
     $displayedColumns = $res['displayedColumns'];
     $availableColumns = $res['availableColumns'];
     foreach ($displayedColumns as $column => $type) {
         $parts = explode('.', $column);
         if ('specField' == array_shift($parts)) {
             $field = SpecField::getInstanceByID(array_shift($parts));
             if ($field->isSelector()) {
                 $displayedColumns[$column] = $field->isMultiValue->get() ? 'multi-select' : 'select';
                 $values = array();
                 foreach ($field->getValuesList() as $value) {
                     $values[$value['ID']] = $value['value_lang'];
                 $availableColumns[$column]['values'] = $values;
     $res['displayedColumns'] = $displayedColumns;
     $res['availableColumns'] = $availableColumns;
     return $res;
Beispiel #4
  * Validates filter group form
  * @param array $values List of values to validate.
  * @return array List of all errors
 private function validate($values = array(), $languageCodes)
     $errors = array();
     if (!isset($values['name']) || $values['name'][$languageCodes[0]] == '') {
         $errors['name[' . $languageCodes[0] . ']'] = '_error_name_empty';
     $specField = SpecField::getInstanceByID((int) $values['specFieldID']);
     if (!$specField->isLoaded()) {
     if (isset($values['filters']) && !$specField->isSelector()) {
         $filtersCount = count($values['filters']);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($values['filters'] as $key => $v) {
             // If emty last new filter, ignore it
             if ($filtersCount == $i && $v['name'][$languageCodes[0]] == '' && preg_match("/new/", $key)) {
             switch ($specField->getFieldValue('type')) {
                 case SpecField::TYPE_NUMBERS_SIMPLE:
                     if (!isset($v['rangeStart']) || !is_numeric($v['rangeStart']) | !isset($v['rangeEnd']) || !is_numeric($v['rangeEnd'])) {
                         $errors['filters[' . $key . '][rangeStart]'] = '_error_filter_value_is_not_a_number';
                 case SpecField::TYPE_TEXT_DATE:
                     if (!isset($v['rangeDateStart']) || !isset($v['rangeDateEnd']) || count($sdp = explode('-', $v['rangeDateStart'])) != 3 || count($edp = explode('-', $v['rangeDateEnd'])) != 3 || !checkdate($edp[1], $edp[2], $edp[0]) || !checkdate($sdp[1], $sdp[2], $sdp[0])) {
                         $errors['filters[' . $key . '][rangeDateStart_show]'] = '_error_illegal_date';
             if ($v['name'][$languageCodes[0]] == '') {
                 $errors['filters[' . $key . '][name][' . $languageCodes[0] . ']'] = '_error_filter_name_empty';
     return $errors;
  *  Apply selected product sort order to ARSelectFilter instance
 private function applySortOrder(ARSelectFilter $selectFilter, $order)
     $dir = array_pop(explode('_', $order)) == 'asc' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
     if (substr($order, 0, 12) == 'product_name') {
         $selectFilter->setOrder(Product::getLangOrderHandle(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'name')), $dir);
     } else {
         if (substr($order, 0, 5) == 'price') {
             $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('ProductPrice', 'price'), $dir);
             $selectFilter->joinTable('ProductPrice', 'Product', 'productID AND (ProductPrice.currencyID = "' . $this->application->getDefaultCurrencyCode() . '")', 'ID');
         } else {
             if (substr($order, 0, 3) == 'sku') {
                 $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('ProductPrice', 'price'), $dir);
                 $selectFilter->joinTable('ProductPrice', 'Product', 'productID AND (ProductPrice.currencyID = "' . $this->application->getDefaultCurrencyCode() . '")', 'ID');
             } else {
                 if ('newest_arrivals' == $order) {
                     $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'dateCreated'), 'DESC');
                 } else {
                     if (in_array($order, array('rating', 'sku'))) {
                         $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('Product', $order), $dir);
                     } else {
                         if ('sales_rank' == $order) {
                             $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'salesRank'), 'DESC');
                         } else {
                             if (is_numeric($fieldID = array_shift(explode('-', $order))) && !SpecField::getInstanceByID($fieldID, true)->isMultiValue->get()) {
                                 $field = SpecField::getInstanceByID($fieldID);
                                 $f = $field->getJoinAlias() . ($field->isSelector() ? '_value' : '') . '.value';
                                 $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARExpressionHandle($f . ' IS NOT NULL'), 'DESC');
                                 $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARExpressionHandle($f . ' != ""'), 'DESC');
                                 $f = new ARExpressionHandle($f);
                                 if ($field->isSelector()) {
                                     $f = MultiLingualObject::getLangOrderHandle($f);
                                 $selectFilter->setOrder($f, array_pop(explode('_', $order)) == 'desc' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
                             } else {
                                 $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'isFeatured'), 'DESC');
                                 $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'salesRank'), 'DESC');
                                 $selectFilter->setOrder(new ARFieldHandle('Product', 'position'), 'DESC');
Beispiel #6
 public function getNextProduct()
     if (!$this->productSql) {
         $fields = array($this->getTablePrefix() . 'products.*');
         $join = array();
         foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
             $join[] = 'LEFT JOIN ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'product_options_values  AS extra_' . $attr['optionID'] . ' ON (extra_' . $attr['optionID'] . '.productID=' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products.productID AND extra_' . $attr['optionID'] . '.optionID=' . $attr['optionID'] . ')';
             $fields[] = 'extra_' . $attr['optionID'] . '.option_value AS extrafield_' . $attr['optionID'];
         $validCats = implode(',', $this->categoryIds);
         $this->productSql = 'SELECT ' . implode(',', $fields) . ' FROM ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products ' . implode(' ', $join) . ' LEFT JOIN ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'categories AS cat ON cat.categoryID=' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'products.categoryID WHERE cat.categoryID IS NOT NULL AND cat.categoryID IN (' . $validCats . ')';
     if (!($data = $this->loadRecord($this->productSql))) {
         return null;
     $rec = Product::getNewInstance(Category::getInstanceById($this->getRealId('Category', $data['categoryID'])));
     $rec->setValueByLang('name', $this->defLang, $data['name']);
     $rec->setValueByLang('longDescription', $this->defLang, $data['description']);
     $rec->setValueByLang('shortDescription', $this->defLang, $data['brief_description']);
     foreach ($this->attributes as $attr) {
         if (!empty($data['extrafield_' . $attr['optionID']])) {
             $rec->setAttributeValueByLang(SpecField::getInstanceByID($this->getRealId('SpecField', $attr['optionID']), SpecField::LOAD_DATA), $this->defLang, $data['extrafield_' . $attr['optionID']]);
     $data['voteSum'] = round($data['customers_rating'] * $data['customer_votes']);
     if ($data['product_code']) {
     foreach (array('shippingWeight' => 'weight', 'stockCount' => 'in_stock', 'shippingSurchargeAmount' => 'shipping_freight', 'minimumQuantity' => 'min_order_amount', 'dateCreated' => 'date_added', 'ratingSum' => 'voteSum', 'rating' => 'customers_rating', 'ratingCount' => 'customer_votes') as $lc => $xc) {
     $rec->isEnabled->set(1 == $data['enabled']);
     $rec->setPrice($this->getDefaultCurrency(), $data['Price']);
     if ($data['list_price']) {
         $price = $rec->getPricingHandler()->getPriceByCurrencyCode($this->getDefaultCurrency());
     // images
     foreach ($this->getDataBySQL('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->getTablePrefix() . 'product_pictures WHERE productID=' . $data['productID'] . ' ORDER BY (photoID=' . (int) $data['default_picture'] . '), photoID ASC') as $image) {
         $file = $image['enlarged'] ? $image['enlarged'] : $image['filename'];
         $this->importProductImage($rec, $this->path . '/products_pictures/' . $file);
     $rec->rawData = $data;
     return $rec;
Beispiel #7
 public function executeTextReplaceInSnapshot(ClonedStore $store)
     $replace = array();
     $f = select(eq(f('ClonedStoreRule.type'), ClonedStoreRule::TYPE_TEXT));
     foreach ($store->getRelatedRecordSet('ClonedStoreRule', $f) as $rule) {
         list($entity, $field) = explode('.', $rule->field->get());
         $ruleData = $rule->toArray();
         $ruleData['entity'] = $entity;
         $ruleData['field'] = $field;
         $replace[$entity][] = $ruleData;
     echo '<span style="font-size: 2px;">';
     foreach ($replace as $table => $rules) {
         echo '<!--';
         echo '-->';
         if ('specField' == $table) {
             $table = 'SpecificationStringValue';
         $extraFields = '';
         if (in_array($table, array('SpecificationStringValue', 'Product'))) {
             foreach (ActiveRecordModel::getDataBySQL('SELECT * FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecField') as $field) {
                 $extraFields .= ',(SELECT SpecificationStringValue.value FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecificationStringValue WHERE productID=Product.ID AND SpecificationStringValue.specFieldID=' . $field['ID'] . ') AS field_' . $field['handle'];
         foreach (array('name', 'longDescription', 'shortDescription') as $parentField) {
             $extraFields .= ', IF(Product.parentID IS NOT NULL, ParentProduct.' . $parentField . ', Product.' . $parentField . ') AS ' . $parentField;
         if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) {
             $sql = 'SELECT Product.*, Product.ID AS productID, Product.parentID AS parentProductID, SpecField.ID AS specFieldID, (SELECT value FROM SpecificationStringValue WHERE SpecificationStringValue.productID=Product.ID AND SpecificationStringValue.specFieldID=SpecField.ID) AS value, (SELECT productID FROM SpecificationStringValue WHERE SpecificationStringValue.productID=Product.ID AND SpecificationStringValue.specFieldID=SpecField.ID) AS fieldValueExists' . $extraFields . ' FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product INNER JOIN ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecField LEFT JOIN ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product AS ParentProduct ON (Product.parentID=ParentProduct.ID)';
             //$sql = 'SELECT *' . $extraFields . ' FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.SpecField LEFT JOIN ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' LEFT JOIN Product ON productID=Product.ID';
         } else {
             if ('Product' == $table) {
                 $sql = 'SELECT Product.*' . $extraFields . ' FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' LEFT JOIN Product AS ParentProduct ON (Product.parentID=ParentProduct.ID)';
             } else {
                 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table;
         $offset = 0;
         $batch = 5000;
         $modified = array();
         do {
             $select = $sql . ' LIMIT ' . $batch * $offset . ',' . $batch;
             $rows = ActiveRecordModel::getDataBySQL($select);
             foreach ($rows as $row) {
                 $original = $row;
                 $id = array();
                 $values = array();
                 foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
                     if (@unserialize($val)) {
                         $data = unserialize($val);
                         $value = array_shift($data);
                     } else {
                         $value = $val;
                     $values[$key] = $value;
                 if (!empty($modified[$values['ID']])) {
                     $values = array_merge($values, $modified[$values['ID']]);
                 $hasQuery = false;
                 foreach ($rules as $rule) {
                     $f = $rule['field'];
                     $identifier = $f;
                     //						var_dump($f);
                     if ($rule['query']) {
                         $productID = 'SpecificationStringValue' == $table ? $original['productID'] : $original['ID'];
                         $count = ActiveRecordModel::getDataBySQL('SELECT COUNT(*) AS cnt FROM ' . $this->importDatabase . '.Product WHERE ID=' . $productID . ' AND ' . $rule['query']);
                         $count = array_pop($count);
                         if (!$count['cnt']) {
                         $hasQuery = true;
                     if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) {
                         if ($row['specFieldID'] != $f) {
                         } else {
                             $f = 'value';
                         if ($rule['field']) {
                             try {
                                 $spFld = SpecField::getInstanceByID($rule['field'], true);
                                 if ($spFld) {
                                     $identifier = 'field_' . $spFld->handle->get();
                             } catch (Exception $e) {
                                 $identifier = '';
                     if (@unserialize($row[$f])) {
                         $data = unserialize($row[$f]);
                         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
                             $data[$key] = $this->replace($rule, $value, $values);
                             $values[$identifier] = $data[$key];
                             $modified[$values['ID']][$identifier] = $data[$key];
                         $row[$f] = serialize($data);
                     } else {
                         $row[$f] = $this->replace($rule, $row[$f], $values);
                         $values[$identifier] = $row[$f];
                         $modified[$values['ID']][$identifier] = $row[$f];
                         if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) {
                             $row[$f] = serialize(array('en' => $row[$f]));
                 $row = array_diff($row, $original);
                 if (!$row) {
                 foreach ($row as $field => $value) {
                     $value = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'";
                     if (substr($field, 0, 6) != 'field_') {
                         $row[$field] = $field . '=' . $value;
                     } else {
                 foreach ($original as $field => $value) {
                     if (strpos($field, 'ID') !== false && $value) {
                         $value = "'" . addslashes($value) . "'";
                         $id[] = $field . '=' . $value;
                 if ('SpecificationStringValue' == $table) {
                     $exists = $original['fieldValueExists'];
                     $row = array('value' => $row['value']);
                     $id = array('productID' => 'productID=' . $original['productID'], 'specFieldID' => 'specFieldID=' . $original['specFieldID']);
                     $row = array_merge($row, $id);
                     if ($exists) {
                         $query = 'UPDATE ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $row) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $id);
                     } else {
                         $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $row);
                     if (17 == $original['specFieldID']) {
                         //echo '<pre>' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</pre>' . '<Br /><Br />';
                     try {
                     } catch (Exception $e) {
                         echo '<div style="color:red;">' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '</div><Br /><Br />';
                 } else {
                     $query = 'UPDATE ' . $this->importDatabase . '.' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(', ', $row) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $id);
                 echo '. ';
         } while ($rows);
     echo '</span>';