echo "Page {$page} of {$pages}; current mem use {$start_mem}...";
    $cmt_rows = Comment::get_all_comments(0, $per_page, $page);
    echo " after comments loaded, mem usage is " . memory_get_usage() . "\n";
    $del_ct = 0;
    foreach ($cmt_rows as $cmt_row) {
        $cmt = new Comment();
        $del_ct += $cmt->index_spam_domains(TRUE);
    echo "{$del_ct} comments deleted due to blacklisting or excessive linking\n";
    $end_mem = memory_get_usage();
    //  echo "end of page - mem used $end_mem (delta ".($end_mem - $start_mem).").\n";
    echo "Counting up totals\n";
echo "Analyzed {$total} comments\n";
echo "Worst domains:\n";
$sth = Dal::query("SELECT id,domain,count,active_count FROM spam_domains ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 25");
while ($r = Dal::row($sth)) {
    list($domain_id, $domain, $count, $active_count) = $r;
    echo "{$count}: {$domain} (id={$domain_id}); {$active_count} not deleted\n";
echo "Worst domains with still-active comments:\n";
$sth = Dal::query("SELECT id,domain,count,active_count FROM spam_domains WHERE active_count <> 0 ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 25");
while ($r = Dal::row($sth)) {
    list($domain_id, $domain, $count, $active_count) = $r;
    echo "{$count}: {$domain} (id={$domain_id}); {$active_count} not deleted\n";