  * Show software installed on a computer
  * @param $comp            Computer object
  * @param $withtemplate    template case of the view process (default '')
  * @return nothing
 static function showForComputer(Computer $comp, $withtemplate = '')
     global $DB, $CFG_GLPI;
     if (!Software::canView()) {
         return false;
     $computers_id = $comp->getField('id');
     $rand = mt_rand();
     $canedit = Session::haveRightsOr("software", array(CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, PURGE));
     $entities_id = $comp->fields["entities_id"];
     $crit = Session::getSavedOption(__CLASS__, 'criterion', -1);
     $where = '';
     if ($crit > -1) {
         $where = " AND `glpi_softwares`.`softwarecategories_id` = {$crit}";
     $add_dynamic = '';
     if (Plugin::haveImport()) {
         $add_dynamic = "`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_dynamic`,";
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwares`.`softwarecategories_id`,\n                       `glpi_softwares`.`name` AS softname,\n                       `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`id`,\n                       {$add_dynamic}\n                       `glpi_states`.`name` AS state,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`id` AS verid,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id`,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`name` AS version,\n                       `glpi_softwares`.`is_valid` AS softvalid\n                FROM `glpi_computers_softwareversions`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                     ON (`glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`softwareversions_id`\n                           = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_states`\n                     ON (`glpi_states`.`id` = `glpi_softwareversions`.`states_id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwares`\n                     ON (`glpi_softwareversions`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n                      AND `glpi_computers_softwareversions`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                      {$where}\n                ORDER BY `softname`, `version`";
     $result = $DB->query($query);
     $i = 0;
     if ((empty($withtemplate) || $withtemplate != 2) && $canedit) {
         echo "<form method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/computer_softwareversion.form.php'>";
         echo "<div class='spaced'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
         echo _n('Software', 'Software', Session::getPluralNumber()) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='computers_id' value='{$computers_id}'>";
         Software::dropdownSoftwareToInstall("softwareversions_id", $entities_id);
         echo "</td><td width='20%'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Install') . "\"\n                class='submit'>";
         echo "</td>";
         echo "</tr>\n";
         echo "</table></div>\n";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     $cat = -1;
     Session::initNavigateListItems('Software', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Computer::getTypeName(1), $comp->getName()));
     Session::initNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', sprintf(__('%1$s = %2$s'), Computer::getTypeName(1), $comp->getName()));
     // Mini Search engine
     echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><th colspan='2'>" . Software::getTypeName(Session::getPluralNumber()) . "</th></tr>";
     echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td class='center'>";
     echo __('Category') . "</td><td>";
     SoftwareCategory::dropdown(array('value' => $crit, 'toadd' => array('-1' => __('All categories')), 'emptylabel' => __('Uncategorized software'), 'on_change' => 'reloadTab("start=0&criterion="+this.value)'));
     echo "</td></tr></table></div>";
     $number = $DB->numrows($result);
     $start = isset($_REQUEST['start']) ? intval($_REQUEST['start']) : 0;
     if ($start >= $number) {
         $start = 0;
     $installed = array();
     if ($number) {
         echo "<div class='spaced'>";
         Html::printAjaxPager('', $start, $number);
         if ($canedit) {
             $rand = mt_rand();
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $number, 'container' => 'mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand, 'specific_actions' => array('purge' => _x('button', 'Delete permanently')));
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
         $header_begin = "<tr>";
         $header_top = '';
         $header_bottom = '';
         $header_end = '';
         if ($canedit) {
             $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
             $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('mass' . __CLASS__ . $rand);
             $header_end .= "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th><th>" . __('Status') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Version') . "</th><th>" . __('License') . "</th>";
         if (Plugin::haveImport()) {
             $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Automatic inventory') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . SoftwareCategory::getTypeName(1) . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Valid license') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "</tr>\n";
         echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
         for ($row = 0; $data = $DB->fetch_assoc($result); $row++) {
             if ($row >= $start && $row < $start + $_SESSION['glpilist_limit']) {
                 $licids = self::softsByCategory($data, $computers_id, $withtemplate, $canedit, true);
             } else {
                 $licids = self::softsByCategory($data, $computers_id, $withtemplate, $canedit, false);
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('Software', $data["softwares_id"]);
             foreach ($licids as $licid) {
                 Session::addToNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', $licid);
                 $installed[] = $licid;
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
         echo "</table>";
         if ($canedit) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     } else {
         echo "<p class='center b'>" . __('No item found') . "</p>";
     echo "</div>\n";
     if ((empty($withtemplate) || $withtemplate != 2) && $canedit) {
         echo "<form method='post' action='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/front/computer_softwarelicense.form.php'>";
         echo "<div class='spaced'><table class='tab_cadre_fixe'>";
         echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>";
         echo "<td class='center'>";
         echo _n('License', 'Licenses', Session::getPluralNumber()) . "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
         echo "<input type='hidden' name='computers_id' value='{$computers_id}'>";
         Software::dropdownLicenseToInstall("softwarelicenses_id", $entities_id);
         echo "</td><td width='20%'>";
         echo "<input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit'>";
         echo "</td></tr>\n";
         echo "</table></div>\n";
     echo "<div class='spaced'>";
     // Affected licenses NOT installed
     $query = "SELECT `glpi_softwarelicenses`.*,\n                       `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`id` AS linkID,\n                       `glpi_softwares`.`name` AS softname,\n                       `glpi_softwareversions`.`name` AS version,\n                       `glpi_states`.`name` AS state\n                FROM `glpi_softwarelicenses`\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`\n                      ON (`glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.softwarelicenses_id\n                              = `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id`)\n                INNER JOIN `glpi_softwares`\n                      ON (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwares_id` = `glpi_softwares`.`id`)\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_softwareversions`\n                      ON (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_use`\n                              = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`\n                           OR (`glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_use` = '0'\n                               AND `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`softwareversions_id_buy`\n                                       = `glpi_softwareversions`.`id`))\n                LEFT JOIN `glpi_states`\n                     ON (`glpi_states`.`id` = `glpi_softwareversions`.`states_id`)\n                WHERE `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`computers_id` = '{$computers_id}'\n                      AND `glpi_computers_softwarelicenses`.`is_deleted` = '0'\n                      {$where}";
     if (count($installed)) {
         $query .= " AND `glpi_softwarelicenses`.`id` NOT IN (" . implode(',', $installed) . ")";
     $query .= " ORDER BY `softname`, `version`;";
     $req = $DB->request($query);
     if ($number = $req->numrows()) {
         if ($canedit) {
             $rand = mt_rand();
             Html::openMassiveActionsForm('massSoftwareLicense' . $rand);
             $actions = array('Computer_SoftwareLicense' . MassiveAction::CLASS_ACTION_SEPARATOR . 'install' => _x('button', 'Install'));
             if (SoftwareLicense::canUpdate()) {
                 $actions['purge'] = _x('button', 'Delete permanently');
             $massiveactionparams = array('num_displayed' => $number, 'container' => 'massSoftwareLicense' . $rand, 'specific_actions' => $actions);
         echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixehov'>";
         $header_begin = "<tr>";
         $header_top = '';
         $header_bottom = '';
         $header_end = '';
         if ($canedit) {
             $header_begin .= "<th width='10'>";
             $header_top .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('massSoftwareLicense' . $rand);
             $header_bottom .= Html::getCheckAllAsCheckbox('massSoftwareLicense' . $rand);
             $header_end .= "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Name') . "</th><th>" . __('Status') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "<th>" . __('Version') . "</th><th>" . __('License') . "</th>";
         $header_end .= "</tr>\n";
         echo $header_begin . $header_top . $header_end;
         $cat = true;
         foreach ($req as $data) {
             self::displaySoftsByLicense($data, $computers_id, $withtemplate, $canedit);
             Session::addToNavigateListItems('SoftwareLicense', $data["id"]);
         echo $header_begin . $header_bottom . $header_end;
         echo "</table>";
         if ($canedit) {
             $massiveactionparams['ontop'] = false;
     echo "</div>\n";