protected function menu(&$data) { if (Sobi::Cfg('general.top_menu', true)) { $data['menu'] = array('front' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Reg('current_section_name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false), 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => Sobi::Section()))))); if (Sobi::Can('')) { $data['menu']['search'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Txt('MN.SEARCH'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false), 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'search', 'sid' => Sobi::Section())))); } if (Sobi::Can('entry', 'add', 'own', Sobi::Section())) { $data['menu']['add'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Txt('MN.ADD_ENTRY'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false), 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.add', 'sid' => SPRequest::sid())))); } } }
/** * @param $action * @param int $sid * @param array $changes * @param $message * @return SPMessage */ public function &logAction($action, $sid = 0, $changes = array(), $message = null) { if (Sobi::Cfg('entry.versioning', true)) { $log = array('revision' => microtime(true) . '.' . $sid . '.' . Sobi::My('id'), 'changedAt' => 'FUNCTION:NOW()', 'uid' => Sobi::My('id'), 'userName' => Sobi::My('name'), 'userEmail' => Sobi::My('mail'), 'change' => $action, 'site' => defined('SOBIPRO_ADM') ? 'adm' : 'site', 'sid' => $sid, 'changes' => SPConfig::serialize($changes), 'params' => null, 'reason' => $message, 'language' => Sobi::Lang()); SPFactory::db()->insert('spdb_history', $log); } return $this; }
/** * Get field specific values if these are in an other table * @param $sid - id of the entry * @param $fullData - the database row form the spdb_field_data table * @param $rawData - raw data of the field content * @param $fData - full formated data of the field content * @return void */ public function loadData($sid, &$fullData, &$rawData, &$fData) { /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); static $lang = null; if (!$lang) { $lang = Sobi::Lang(false); } $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field_option_selected', 'as' => 'sdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_language', 'as' => 'ldata', 'key' => array('sdata.optValue', 'ldata.sKey')))); try { $db->select('*, sdata.copy as scopy', $table, array('sdata.fid' => $this->id, 'sdata.sid' => $sid, 'fdata.sid' => $sid, 'ldata.oType' => 'field_option', 'ldata.fid' => $this->id), 'scopy', 0, 0, true); $data = $db->loadObjectList(); $order = SPFactory::cache()->getVar('order_' . $this->nid); if (!$order) { $db->select('optValue', 'spdb_field_option', array('fid' => $this->id), 'optPos'); $order = $db->loadResultArray(); SPFactory::cache()->addVar($order, 'order_' . $this->nid); } // check which version the user may see $copy = $this->checkCopy(); if ($data && count($data)) { $rawData = array(); $sRawData = array(); $copied = false; foreach ($data as $selected) { // if there was at least once copy if ($selected->scopy) { $copied = true; } } // check what we should show $remove = (int) $copied && $copy; foreach ($data as $selected) { if ($selected->scopy == $remove) { // if not already set or the language fits better if (!isset($rawData[$selected->optValue]) || $selected->language == $lang) { $rawData[$selected->optValue] = $selected->sValue; } } } foreach ($order as $id => $opt) { if (isset($rawData[$opt])) { $sRawData[] = $rawData[$opt]; $this->_selected[$id] = $opt; } } $fData = implode("</li>\n\t<li>", $sRawData); $fData = "<ul id=\"{$this->nid}\" class=\"{$this->cssClass}\">\n\t<li>{$fData}</li>\n</ul>\n"; $fullData->baseData = $fData; } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_SELECTED_OPTIONS', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } }
private function view() { $type = $this->key('template_type', 'xslt'); if ($type != 'php' && Sobi::Cfg('global.disable_xslt', false)) { $type = 'php'; } if ($type == 'xslt') { $visitor = $this->get('visitor'); $current = $this->get('section'); $categories = $this->get('categories'); $entries = $this->get('entries'); $data = array(); $data['id'] = $current->get('id'); $data['section'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Section(true), '_attributes' => array('id' => Sobi::Section(), 'lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); $data['name'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $this->get('listing_name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); if (Sobi::Cfg('category.show_desc')) { $desc = $current->get('description'); if (Sobi::Cfg('category.parse_desc')) { Sobi::Trigger('prepare', 'Content', array(&$desc, $current)); } $data['description'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_cdata' => 1, '_data' => $desc, '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); } $data['meta'] = array('description' => $current->get('metaDesc'), 'keys' => $this->metaKeys($current), 'author' => $current->get('metaAuthor'), 'robots' => $current->get('metaRobots')); $data['entries_in_line'] = $this->get('$eInLine'); $data['categories_in_line'] = $this->get('$cInLine'); $this->menu($data); $this->alphaMenu($data); $data['visitor'] = $this->visitorArray($visitor); if (count($categories)) { foreach ($categories as $category) { if (is_numeric($category)) { $category = SPFactory::Category($category); } $data['categories'][] = array('_complex' => 1, '_attributes' => array('id' => $category->get('id'), 'nid' => $category->get('nid')), '_data' => $this->category($category)); unset($category); } } if (count($entries)) { $this->loadNonStaticData($entries); $manager = Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', '*', Sobi::Section()) ? true : false; foreach ($entries as $eid) { $en = $this->entry($eid, $manager); $data['entries'][] = array('_complex' => 1, '_attributes' => array('id' => $en['id']), '_data' => $en); } $this->navigation($data); } $this->_attr = $data; } // general listing trigger Sobi::Trigger('Listing', ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$this->_attr)); // specific lisitng trigger Sobi::Trigger($this->_type, ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$this->_attr)); }
/** * @return array * Ausgabe des Feldes in DV and vCard */ public function struct() { $data = SPLang::getValue($this->nid . '-viewInfo', 'field_information', Sobi::Section()); $attributes = array(); if (strlen($data)) { $this->cssClass = strlen($this->cssClass) ? $this->cssClass : 'spFieldsData'; $this->cssClass = $this->cssClass . ' ' . $this->nid; $this->cleanCss(); $attributes = array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(), 'class' => $this->cssClass); } else { $this->cssClass = strlen($this->cssClass) ? $this->cssClass : 'spField'; } return array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $data, '_attributes' => $attributes); }
/** * */ public function display() { $this->_type = 'frontpage'; $type = $this->key('template_type', 'xslt'); if ($type != 'php' && Sobi::Cfg('global.disable_xslt', false)) { $type = 'php'; } if ($type == 'xslt') { $sections = $this->get('sections'); $data = array(); if (count($sections)) { foreach ($sections as $section) { $s = array('name' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $section->get('name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))), 'description' => array('_complex' => 1, '_cdata' => 1, '_data' => $section->get('description'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))), 'createdTime' => $section->get('createdTime'), 'meta' => array('description' => $section->get('metaDesc'), 'keys' => $this->metaKeys($section), 'author' => $section->get('metaAuthor'), 'robots' => $section->get('metaRobots')), 'owner' => $section->get('owner'), 'version' => $section->get('version'), 'validSince' => $section->get('validSince'), 'validUntil' => $section->get('validUntil'), 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => $section->get('id')))); $data[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $s, '_attributes' => array('id' => $section->get('id'), 'nid' => $section->get('nid'))); } } $this->assign($data, 'sections'); Sobi::Trigger($this->_type, ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$this->_attr)); } parent::display(); }
/** */ protected function parseOrdering() { $order = Sobi::GetUserState('sections.order', 'order', 'name.asc'); $ord = $order; $dir = 'asc'; if (strstr($order, '.')) { $ord = explode('.', $ord); $dir = $ord[1]; $ord = $ord[0]; } if ($ord == 'position') { $ord = 'name'; } if ($ord == 'name') { /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); try { $db->select('id', 'spdb_language', array('oType' => 'section', 'sKey' => 'name', 'language' => Sobi::Lang()), 'sValue.' . $dir); $fields = $db->loadResultArray(); if (!count($fields) && Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $db->select('id', 'spdb_language', array('oType' => 'section', 'sKey' => 'name', 'language' => Sobi::DefLang()), 'sValue.' . $dir); $fields = $db->loadResultArray(); } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); return false; } if (count($fields)) { $fields = implode(',', $fields); $ord = "field( id, {$fields} )"; } else { $ord = 'id.' . $dir; } } else { $ord = isset($dir) && strlen($dir) ? $ord . '.' . $dir : $ord; } SPFactory::user()->setUserState('sections.order', $ord); return $ord; }
/** * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database * @param SPEntry $entry * @param string $request * @throws SPException * @return bool */ public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST') { if (!$this->enabled) { return false; } if ($this->method == 'fixed') { $fixed = $this->fixedCid; $fixed = explode(',', $fixed); $data = array(); if (count($fixed)) { foreach ($fixed as $cid) { $data[] = trim($cid); } } if (!count($data)) { throw new SPException(SPLang::e('FIELD_CC_FIXED_CID_NOT_SELECTED', $this->name)); } } else { $data = $this->verify($entry, $request); } $time = SPRequest::now(); $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER'); $uid = Sobi::My('id'); /* if we are here, we can save these data */ /* @var SPdb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); /* collect the needed params */ $params = array(); $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp'); $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown'); $params['fid'] = $this->fid; $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id'); $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section'); $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang(); $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state'); $params['params'] = null; $params['options'] = null; $params['baseData'] = SPConfig::serialize($data); $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved'); $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed'); /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */ if ($entry->get('version') == 1) { $params['createdTime'] = $time; $params['createdBy'] = $uid; $params['createdIP'] = $IP; } $params['updatedTime'] = $time; $params['updatedBy'] = $uid; $params['updatedIP'] = $IP; $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved'); if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) { --$this->editLimit; } $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit; /* save it */ try { /* Notices: * If it was new entry - insert * If it was an edit and the field wasn't filled before - insert * If it was an edit and the field was filled before - update * " ... " and changes are not autopublish it should be insert of the copy .... but * " ... " if a copy already exist it is update again * */ $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* if it wasn't edited in the default language, we have to try to insert it also for def lang */ if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $params['lang'] = Sobi::DefLang(); try { $db->insert('spdb_field_data', $params, true, true); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } /** Last important thing - join selected categories */ $cats = SPFactory::registry()->get('request_categories', array()); $cats = array_unique(array_merge($cats, $data)); SPFactory::registry()->set('request_categories', $cats); if ($this->method == 'select' && $this->isPrimary) { $db->update('spdb_object', array('parent' => $data[0]), array('id' => $params['sid'])); } }
private static function createLangFile() { static $loaded = false; if (!$loaded) { $lang = array('months' => Sobi::Txt('JS_CALENDAR_MONTHS'), 'monthsShort' => Sobi::Txt('JS_CALENDAR_MONTHS_SHORT'), 'days' => Sobi::Txt('JS_CALENDAR_DAYS'), 'daysShort' => Sobi::Txt('JS_CALENDAR_DAYS_SHORT'), 'daysMin' => Sobi::Txt('JS_CALENDAR_DAYS_MINI'), 'today' => Sobi::Txt('JS_CALENDAR_TODAY')); $check = md5(serialize($lang)); if (!SPLoader::JsFile('locale.' . Sobi::Lang(false) . '_date_picker', false, true, false) || !stripos(SPFs::read(SPLoader::JsFile('locale.' . Sobi::Lang(false) . '_date_picker', false, false, false)), $check)) { foreach ($lang as $k => $v) { $lang[$k] = explode(',', $v); } $lang = json_encode($lang); $c = "\nvar spDatePickerLang={$lang}"; $c .= "\n//{$check}"; SPFs::write(SPLoader::JsFile('locale.' . Sobi::Lang(false) . '_date_picker', false, false, false), $c); } } $loaded = true; }
/** * Shows the field in the search form * @param bool $return return or display directly * @return string */ public function searchForm($return = false) { if ($this->searchMethod == 'general') { return false; } if ($this->searchMethod == 'range') { return $this->rangeSearch($this->searchRangeValues, $this->freeRange); } $fdata = array(); try { $data = SPFactory::db()->dselect(array('baseData', 'sid', 'lang'), 'spdb_field_data', array('fid' => $this->fid, 'copy' => '0', 'enabled' => 1), 'field( lang, \'' . Sobi::Lang() . '\'), baseData', 0, 0, 'baseData')->loadAssocList(); $languages = array(); $output = array(); $lang = Sobi::Lang(false); $defLang = Sobi::DefLang(); if (count($data)) { foreach ($data as $row) { $languages[$row['lang']][$row['sid']] = $row['baseData']; } } if (isset($languages[$lang])) { foreach ($languages[$lang] as $sid => $fieldData) { $output[$sid] = $fieldData; } unset($languages[$lang]); } if (isset($languages[$defLang])) { foreach ($languages[$defLang] as $sid => $fieldData) { if (!isset($output[$sid])) { $output[$sid] = $fieldData; } } unset($languages[$defLang]); } if (count($languages)) { foreach ($languages as $language => $langData) { foreach ($langData as $sid => $fieldData) { if (!isset($output[$sid])) { $output[$sid] = $fieldData; } } unset($languages[$language]); } } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_FIELDS_DATA_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } $data = (array) $output; if (count($data)) { $fdata[''] = Sobi::Txt('FD.INBOX_SEARCH_SELECT', array('name' => $this->name)); foreach ($data as $i => $d) { if (strlen($d)) { $fdata[strip_tags($d)] = strip_tags($d); } } } return SPHtml_Input::select($this->nid, $fdata, $this->_selected, false, array('class' => $this->cssClass . ' ' . Sobi::Cfg('search.form_list_def_css', 'SPSearchSelect'), 'size' => '1', 'id' => $this->nid)); }
/** * Static function to create the right SQL-Query if a entries list should be sorted by this field * @param string $tables - table or tables join * @param array $conditions - array with conditions * @param string $oPrefix * @param string $eOrder * @param string $eDir * @return void */ public static function sortBy(&$tables, &$conditions, &$oPrefix, &$eOrder, $eDir) { /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); $tables = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_field_option_selected', 'as' => 'sdata', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => array('sdata.sid', '')), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => array('fdata.fid', 'sdata.fid')), array('table' => 'spdb_field', 'as' => 'fdef', 'key' => array('fdef.fid', 'sdata.fid')), array('table' => 'spdb_language', 'as' => 'ldata', 'key' => array('sdata.optValue', 'ldata.sKey')), array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => array('', '')))); $oPrefix = 'spo.'; $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'entry'; if (!isset($conditions[''])) { $conditions[''] = SPRequest::sid(); } $conditions['ldata.oType'] = 'field_option'; $conditions['fdef.nid'] = $eOrder; $eOrder = 'sValue.' . $eDir . ", field( language, '" . Sobi::Lang(false) . "', '" . Sobi::DefLang() . "' )"; return true; }
private function view() { $type = $this->key('template_type', 'xslt'); if ($type != 'php' && Sobi::Cfg('global.disable_xslt', false)) { $type = 'php'; } if ($type == 'xslt') { $visitor = $this->get('visitor'); $current = $this->get($this->_type); $orderings = $this->get('orderings'); $categories = $this->get('categories'); $entries = $this->get('entries'); $cUrl = array('title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $current->get('nid') : $current->get('name'), 'sid' => $current->get('id')); if (SPRequest::int('site', 0)) { $cUrl['site'] = SPRequest::int('site', 0); } SPFactory::header()->addCanonical(Sobi::Url($cUrl, true, true, true)); $data = array(); $data['id'] = $current->get('id'); $data['counter'] = $current->get('counter'); $data['section'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Section(true), '_attributes' => array('id' => Sobi::Section(), 'lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); $data['name'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $current->get('name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); if (Sobi::Cfg('category.show_desc') || $current->get('oType') == 'section') { $desc = $current->get('description'); if (Sobi::Cfg('category.parse_desc')) { Sobi::Trigger('prepare', 'Content', array(&$desc, $current)); } $data['description'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_cdata' => 1, '_data' => $desc, '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); } $showIcon = $current->get('showIcon'); if ($showIcon == SPC::GLOBAL_SETTING) { $showIcon = Sobi::Cfg('category.show_icon', true); } if ($showIcon && $current->get('icon')) { if (SPFs::exists(Sobi::Cfg('images.category_icons') . '/' . $current->get('icon'))) { $data['icon'] = Sobi::FixPath(Sobi::Cfg('images.category_icons_live') . $current->get('icon')); } } $data['meta'] = array('description' => $current->get('metaDesc'), 'keys' => $this->metaKeys($current), 'author' => $current->get('metaAuthor'), 'robots' => $current->get('metaRobots')); $data['entries_in_line'] = $this->get('$eInLine'); $data['categories_in_line'] = $this->get('$cInLine'); $data['number_of_subcats'] = Sobi::Cfg('list.num_subcats'); $this->menu($data); $this->alphaMenu($data); $data['visitor'] = $this->visitorArray($visitor); if (count($categories)) { $this->loadNonStaticData($categories); foreach ($categories as $category) { $cat = $this->category($category); $data['categories'][] = array('_complex' => 1, '_attributes' => array('id' => $cat['id'], 'nid' => $cat['nid']), '_data' => $cat); } if (strstr($orderings['categories'], 'name') && Sobi::Cfg('lang.multimode', false)) { usort($data['categories'], 'self::orderByName'); if ($orderings['categories'] == 'name.desc') { $data['categories'] = array_reverse($data['categories']); } } } if (count($entries)) { $this->loadNonStaticData($entries); $manager = Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', '*', Sobi::Section()) ? true : false; foreach ($entries as $eid) { $en = $this->entry($eid, $manager); $data['entries'][] = array('_complex' => 1, '_attributes' => array('id' => $en['id'], 'nid' => $en['nid']), '_data' => $en); } if (strstr($orderings['entries'], 'name') && Sobi::Cfg('lang.multimode', false)) { usort($data['entries'], 'self::orderByName'); if ($orderings['entries'] == 'name.desc') { $data['entries'] = array_reverse($data['entries']); } } $this->navigation($data); } $this->fixTimes($data); $this->_attr = $data; } Sobi::Trigger($this->_type, ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$this->_attr)); }
/** * @param int $sid * @param bool $enabled * @return void */ public function loadFields($sid = 0, $enabled = false) { $sid = $sid ? $sid : $this->section; /* @var SPdb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); static $fields = array(); static $lang = null; $lang = $lang ? $lang : Sobi::Lang(false); if (!isset($fields[$sid])) { /* get fields */ try { if ($enabled) { $db->select('*', 'spdb_field', array('section' => $sid, 'enabled' => 1), 'position'); } else { $db->select('*', 'spdb_field', array('section' => $sid), 'position'); } $fields[$sid] = $db->loadObjectList(); Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$fields)); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_FIELDS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } $nameField = $this->nameField(); if (!$this->_loaded || !count($fields[$sid])) { if (count($fields[$sid])) { /* if it is an entry - prefetch the basic fields data */ if ($this->id) { $noCopy = $this->checkCopy(); /* in case the entry is approved, or we are editing an entry, or the user can see unapproved changes */ if ($this->approved || $noCopy) { $ordering = 'copy.desc'; } else { $ordering = 'copy.asc'; } try { $fdata = $db->select('*', 'spdb_field_data', array('sid' => $this->id), $ordering)->loadObjectList(); $db->getQuery(); $fieldsdata = array(); if (count($fdata)) { foreach ($fdata as $data) { /* if it has been already set - check if it is not better language choose */ if (isset($fieldsdata[$data->fid])) { /* * I know - the whole thing could be shorter * but it is better to understand and debug this way */ if ($data->lang == $lang) { if ($noCopy) { if (!$data->copy) { $fieldsdata[$data->fid] = $data; } } else { $fieldsdata[$data->fid] = $data; } } else { $fieldsdata['langs'][$data->lang][$data->fid] = $data; } } else { if ($noCopy) { if (!$data->copy) { $fieldsdata[$data->fid] = $data; } } else { $fieldsdata[$data->fid] = $data; } } } } unset($fdata); SPFactory::registry()->set('fields_data_' . $this->id, $fieldsdata); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } foreach ($fields[$sid] as $f) { /* @var SPField $field */ $field = SPFactory::Model('field', defined('SOBIPRO_ADM')); $field->extend($f); if (isset($fieldsdata[$f->fid])) { $field->loadData($this->id); } $this->fields[] = $field; $this->fieldsNids[$field->get('nid')] = $this->fields[count($this->fields) - 1]; $this->fieldsIds[$field->get('fid')] = $this->fields[count($this->fields) - 1]; /* case it was the name field */ if ($field->get('fid') == $nameField) { /* get the entry name */ $this->name = $field->getRaw(); /* save the nid (name id) of the field where the entry name is saved */ $this->nameField = $field->get('nid'); } } $this->_loaded = true; } } }
/** * @param $entry * @param $request * @param $files * @return SPdb * @throws SPException */ protected function storeData(&$entry, $request, $files) { /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); $this->verify($entry, $request); $time = SPRequest::now(); $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER'); $uid = Sobi::My('id'); /* if we are here, we can save these data */ /* collect the needed params */ $save = count($files) ? SPConfig::serialize($files) : null; $params = array(); $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp'); $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown'); $params['fid'] = $this->fid; $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id'); $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section'); $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang(); $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state'); $params['baseData'] = $db->escape($save); $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved'); $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed'); /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */ if ($entry->get('version') == 1) { $params['createdTime'] = $time; $params['createdBy'] = $uid; $params['createdIP'] = $IP; } $params['updatedTime'] = $time; $params['updatedBy'] = $uid; $params['updatedIP'] = $IP; $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved'); if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) { --$this->editLimit; } $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit; /* save it */ try { $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params); return $db; } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELDS_DATA_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); return $db; } return $db; }
public function display() { $this->_type = 'search'; $type = $this->key('template_type', 'xslt'); if ($type != 'php' && Sobi::Cfg('global.disable_xslt', false)) { $type = 'php'; } if ($type == 'xslt') { $searchData = array(); $fields = $this->get('fields'); $visitor = $this->get('visitor'); $p = $this->get('priorities'); $priorities = array(); if (is_array($p) && count($p)) { foreach ($p as $priority => $eids) { if (is_array($eids) && count($eids)) { foreach ($eids as $sid) { $priorities[$sid] = $priority; } } } } $entries = $this->get('entries'); $searchData['section'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Section(true), '_attributes' => array('id' => Sobi::Section(), 'lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); $searchPhrase = $this->get('search_for'); $phrase = $this->get('search_phrase'); $searchPhrase = strlen($searchPhrase) ? $searchPhrase : Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_FOR_BOX'); SPFactory::header()->addJsCode('var spSearchDefStr = "' . Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_FOR_BOX') . '"'); if ($this->get('$eInLine')) { $searchData['entries_in_line'] = $this->get('$eInLine'); } if ($this->get('$eCount') >= 0) { $searchData['message'] = Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_FOUND_RESULTS', array('count' => $this->get('$eCount'))); } $this->menu($searchData); $this->alphaMenu($searchData); $fData = array(); if (Sobi::Cfg('search.show_searchbox', true)) { $fData['searchbox'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => array('label' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_FOR'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))), 'data' => array('_complex' => 1, '_xml' => 1, '_data' => SPHtml_Input::text('sp_search_for', $searchPhrase, array('class' => Sobi::Cfg('search.form_box_def_css', 'SPSearchBox'), 'id' => 'SPSearchBox')))), '_attributes' => array('position' => 1, 'css_class' => 'SPSearchBox')); } if (Sobi::Cfg('search.top_button', true)) { $fData['top_button'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => array('label' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_START'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang())), 'data' => array('_complex' => 1, '_xml' => 1, '_data' => SPHtml_Input::submit('search', Sobi::Txt('SH.START'), array('id' => 'top_button')))), '_attributes' => array('position' => 1, 'css_class' => 'SPSearchButton')); } if (Sobi::Cfg('search.show_phrase', true)) { $fData['phrase'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => array('label' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Txt('SH.FIND_ENTRIES_THAT_HAVE'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))), 'data' => array('_complex' => 1, '_xml' => 1, '_data' => SPHtml_Input::radioList('spsearchphrase', array('all' => Sobi::Txt('SH.FIND_ENTRIES_THAT_HAVE_ALL_WORDS'), 'any' => Sobi::Txt('SH.FIND_ENTRIES_THAT_HAVE_ANY_WORDS'), 'exact' => Sobi::Txt('SH.FIND_ENTRIES_THAT_HAVE_EXACT_PHRASE')), 'spsearchphrase', strlen($phrase) ? $phrase : Sobi::Cfg('search.form_searchphrase_def', 'all'), null, 'right'))), '_attributes' => array('position' => 1, 'css_class' => 'SPSearchPhrase')); } if (count($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $data = $field->searchForm(); $suffix = $field->get('searchMethod') != 'range' ? $field->get('suffix') : null; if (strlen($data)) { $fData[$field->get('nid')] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => array('label' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $field->get('name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang())), 'data' => array('_complex' => 1, '_xml' => 1, '_data' => $data)), '_attributes' => array('id' => $field->get('id'), 'type' => $field->get('type'), 'suffix' => $suffix, 'position' => $field->get('position'), 'css_class' => strlen($field->get('cssClass')) ? $field->get('cssClass') : 'spField')); } } } if (Sobi::Cfg('search.bottom_button', false)) { $fData['bottom_button'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => array('label' => array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Txt('SH.SEARCH_START'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))), 'data' => array('_complex' => 1, '_xml' => 1, '_data' => SPHtml_Input::submit('search', Sobi::Txt('SH.START')))), '_attributes' => array('position' => 1, 'css_class' => 'SPSearchButton')); } $searchData['fields'] = $fData; if (count($entries)) { $this->loadNonStaticData($entries); $manager = Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', '*', Sobi::Section()) ? true : false; foreach ($entries as $entry) { $en = $this->entry($entry, $manager); $searchData['entries'][] = array('_complex' => 1, '_attributes' => array('id' => $en['id'], 'search-priority' => isset($priorities[$en['id']]) ? $priorities[$en['id']] : 'undefined'), '_data' => $en); } $this->navigation($searchData); } $searchData['visitor'] = $this->visitorArray($visitor); $this->_attr = $searchData; } Sobi::Trigger($this->_type, ucfirst(__FUNCTION__), array(&$this->_attr)); parent::display($this->_type); }
/** * Adding new field * Save base data and redirect to the edit function when the field type has been chosed * @return integer */ public function saveNew($attr) { $db = SPFactory::db(); /* cast all needed data and clean - it is possible just in admin panel but "strzeżonego pan Bóg strzeże" ;-) */ $base = array(); $base['section'] = isset($attr['section']) && $attr['section'] ? $attr['section'] : SPRequest::sid(); if (isset($attr['name'])) { $base['name'] = $db->escape($attr['name']); } if (isset($attr['description'])) { $base['description'] = $db->escape($attr['description']); } else { $base['description'] = null; } if (isset($attr['suffix'])) { $base['suffix'] = $db->escape($attr['suffix']); } else { $base['suffix'] = null; } if (isset($attr['nid'])) { $base['nid'] = $this->nid($db->escape(preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['nid'])), true); } if (isset($attr['cssClass'])) { $base['cssClass'] = $db->escape(preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\-\\_ ]/', null, $attr['cssClass'])); } if (isset($attr['notice'])) { $base['notice'] = $db->escape($attr['notice']); } if (isset($attr['showIn'])) { $base['showIn'] = $db->escape(preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['showIn'])); } if (isset($attr['fieldType'])) { $base['fieldType'] = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['fieldType']); } if (isset($attr['type'])) { $base['fieldType'] = preg_replace('/[^[:alnum:]\\.\\-\\_]/', null, $attr['type']); } if (isset($attr['description'])) { $base['description'] = $db->escape($attr['description']); } if (isset($attr['enabled'])) { $base['enabled'] = (int) $attr['enabled']; } if (isset($attr['required'])) { $base['required'] = (int) $attr['required']; } if (isset($attr['adminField'])) { $base['adminField'] = (int) $attr['adminField']; } if (isset($attr['adminField']) && $attr['adminField']) { $attr['required'] = false; } if (isset($attr['editable'])) { $base['editable'] = (int) $attr['editable']; } if (isset($attr['editLimit'])) { $base['editLimit'] = (int) $attr['editLimit']; $base['editLimit'] = $base['editLimit'] > 0 ? $base['editLimit'] : -1; } if (isset($attr['isFree'])) { $base['isFree'] = (int) $attr['isFree']; } if (isset($attr['withLabel'])) { $base['withLabel'] = (int) $attr['withLabel']; } if (isset($attr['inSearch'])) { $base['inSearch'] = (int) $attr['inSearch']; } if (isset($attr['admList'])) { $base['admList'] = (int) $attr['admList']; } if (isset($attr['fee'])) { $base['fee'] = (double) $attr['fee']; } if (isset($attr['section'])) { $base['section'] = (int) $attr['section']; } $base['version'] = 1; /* determine the right position */ try { $db->select('MAX( position )', 'spdb_field', array('section' => SPRequest::sid())); $base['position'] = (int) $db->loadResult() + 1; if (!$base['position']) { $base['position'] = 1; } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_GET_FIELD_POSITION_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* get database columns and their ordering */ $cols = $db->getColumns('spdb_field'); $values = array(); /* and sort the properties in the same order */ foreach ($cols as $col) { $values[$col] = array_key_exists($col, $base) ? $base[$col] : ''; } /* save new field */ try { $db->insert('spdb_field', $values); $this->fid = $db->insertid(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), $x->getMessage(), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* save language depend properties */ $labels = array(); $defLabels = array(); $labels[] = array('sKey' => 'name', 'sValue' => $base['name'], 'language' => Sobi::Lang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $labels[] = array('sKey' => 'description', 'sValue' => $base['description'], 'language' => Sobi::Lang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $labels[] = array('sKey' => 'suffix', 'sValue' => $base['suffix'], 'language' => Sobi::Lang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $defLabels[] = array('sKey' => 'name', 'sValue' => $base['name'], 'language' => Sobi::DefLang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $defLabels[] = array('sKey' => 'suffix', 'sValue' => $base['suffix'], 'language' => Sobi::DefLang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); $defLabels[] = array('sKey' => 'description', 'sValue' => $base['description'], 'language' => Sobi::DefLang(), 'id' => 0, 'oType' => 'field', 'fid' => $this->fid); } if (count($labels)) { try { if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $defLabels, false, true); } $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $labels, true); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_FIELD_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } SPFactory::cache()->cleanSection(); return $this->fid; }
protected function xmlFile($node, &$element) { $type = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('type')->nodeValue; $translatable = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('translatable') ? $node->attributes->getNamedItem('translatable')->nodeValue : false; $admin = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('start-path') ? $node->attributes->getNamedItem('start-path')->nodeValue : 'front'; $filename = $node->attributes->getNamedItem('filename')->nodeValue; $path = explode('.', $filename); $filename = array_pop($path); $dirPath = implode('.', $path); $element['type'] = 'text'; if ($translatable) { $file = SPLoader::path($dirPath . '.' . Sobi::Lang() . '.' . $filename, $admin, true, $type); if (!$file) { $file = SPLoader::path($dirPath . '.en-GB.' . $filename, $admin, true, $type); } if ($file) { $element['content'] = SPFs::read($file); } else { $element['content'] = SPLoader::path($dirPath . '.' . Sobi::Lang() . '.' . $filename, $admin, false, $type); } } }
/** * @param int $sid * @return void */ public function loadData($sid) { if ($this->_off) { return null; } $this->sid = $sid; $fdata = Sobi::Reg('fields_data_' . $sid, array()); $this->suffix = SPLang::clean($this->suffix); if ($sid && count($fdata) && isset($fdata[$this->id])) { $this->_fData = $fdata[$this->id]; $this->lang = $this->_fData->lang; $this->_rawData = $this->_fData->baseData; $this->_data = $this->_fData->baseData; // if the field has own method we have to re-init $this->checkMethod('loadData'); if ($this->_type && method_exists($this->_type, 'loadData')) { $this->_type->loadData($sid, $this->_fData, $this->_rawData, $this->_data); } if ($this->editLimit > 0 && is_numeric($this->_fData->editLimit)) { $this->editLimit = $this->_fData->editLimit; } elseif ($this->editLimit < 0) { $this->editLimit = 2; } else { $this->editLimit = 2; } // if the limit has been reached - this field cannot be required if (!Sobi::Can('entry.manage.*') && $this->editLimit < 1 && in_array(SPRequest::task(), array('', 'entry.edit', 'entry.submit'))) { $this->required = false; $this->enabled = false; $this->_off = true; } } else { $fdata = Sobi::Reg('editcache'); if (is_array($fdata) && isset($fdata[$this->nid])) { $this->_data = $fdata[$this->nid]; $this->_rawData = $fdata[$this->nid]; } else { $this->checkMethod('loadData'); if ($this->_type && method_exists($this->_type, 'loadData')) { $this->_type->loadData($sid, $this->_fData, $this->_rawData, $this->_data); } else { $this->_rawData = SPFactory::db()->select('baseData', 'spdb_field_data', array('sid' => $this->sid, 'fid' => $this->fid, 'lang' => Sobi::Lang(false)))->loadResult(); } } } if (!$this->isFree && SPRequest::task() == 'entry.edit') { /* in case we are editing - check if this field wasn't paid already */ SPLoader::loadClass('services.payment'); if (SPPayment::check($sid, $this->id)) { $this->fee = 0; $this->isFree = true; } } }
/** * @param string $subject * @param string $col * @param string $def * @param int $lim * @param int $lStart * @param $sids * @return string */ protected function parseOrdering($subject, $col, $def, &$lim, &$lStart, &$sids) { $ord = Sobi::GetUserState($subject . '.order', $col, Sobi::Cfg('admin.' . $subject . '-order', $def)); $ord = str_replace(array('e_s', 'c_s'), null, $ord); if (strstr($ord, '.')) { $ord = explode('.', $ord); $dir = $ord[1]; $ord = $ord[0]; } else { $dir = 'asc'; } if ($ord == 'order' || $ord == 'position') { $subject = $subject == 'categories' ? 'category' : 'entry'; /* @var SPdb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); $db->select('id', 'spdb_relations', array('oType' => $subject, 'pid' => $this->_model->get('id')), 'position.' . $dir, $lim, $lStart); $fields = $db->loadResultArray(); if (count($fields)) { $sids = $fields; $fields = implode(',', $fields); $ord = "field( id, {$fields} )"; $lStart = 0; $lim = 0; } else { $ord = 'id.' . $dir; } } elseif ($ord == 'name') { $subject = $subject == 'categories' ? 'category' : 'entry'; /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); $db->select('id', 'spdb_language', array('oType' => $subject, 'sKey' => 'name', 'language' => Sobi::Lang()), 'sValue.' . $dir); $fields = $db->loadResultArray(); if (!count($fields) && Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $db->select('id', 'spdb_language', array('oType' => $subject, 'sKey' => 'name', 'language' => Sobi::DefLang()), 'sValue.' . $dir); $fields = $db->loadResultArray(); } if (count($fields)) { $fields = implode(',', $fields); $ord = "field( id, {$fields} )"; } else { $ord = 'id.' . $dir; } } elseif (strstr($ord, 'field_')) { $db = SPFactory::db(); static $field = null; if (!$field) { try { $db->select('fieldType', 'spdb_field', array('nid' => $ord, 'section' => Sobi::Section())); $fType = $db->loadResult(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DETERMINE_FIELD_TYPE', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } if ($fType) { $field = SPLoader::loadClass('opt.fields.' . $fType); } } /* * * @TODO The whole sort by custom field method in admin panel has to be re-implemented - * We could use the same field 'sortBy' method for backend and frontend. * The current method could be very inefficient !!! */ if ($field && method_exists($field, 'sortByAdm')) { $fields = call_user_func_array(array($field, 'sortByAdm'), array(&$ord, &$dir)); } else { $join = array(array('table' => 'spdb_field', 'as' => 'def', 'key' => 'fid'), array('table' => 'spdb_field_data', 'as' => 'fdata', 'key' => 'fid')); $db->select('sid', $db->join($join), array('def.nid' => $ord, 'lang' => Sobi::Lang()), 'baseData.' . $dir); $fields = $db->loadResultArray(); } if (count($fields)) { $fields = implode(',', $fields); $ord = "field( id, {$fields} )"; } else { $ord = 'id.' . $dir; } } elseif ($ord == 'state') { $ord = $ord . '.' . $dir . ', validSince.' . $dir . ', validUntil.' . $dir; } else { $ord = $ord . '.' . $dir; } return $ord; }
/** * @param $cOrder * @param int $cLim * @internal param string $eOrder * @internal param int $eLimit * @internal param int $eLimStart * @return array */ public function getCats($cOrder, $cLim = 0) { $categories = array(); $cOrder = trim($cOrder); $cLim = $cLim > 0 ? $cLim : 0; if ($this->_model->getChilds('category')) { /* var SPDb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); $oPrefix = null; /* load needed definitions */ SPLoader::loadClass('models.dbobject'); $conditions = array(); switch ($cOrder) { case 'name.asc': case 'name.desc': $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_language', 'as' => 'splang', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id'))); $oPrefix = 'spo.'; $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'category'; $conditions['splang.sKey'] = 'name'; $conditions['splang.language'] = array(Sobi::Lang(false), Sobi::DefLang(), 'en-GB'); if (strstr($cOrder, '.')) { $cOrder = explode('.', $cOrder); $cOrder = 'sValue.' . $cOrder[1]; } break; case 'position.asc': case 'position.desc': $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_relations', 'as' => 'sprl', 'key' => 'id'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id'))); $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'category'; $oPrefix = 'spo.'; break; case 'counter.asc': case 'counter.desc': $table = $db->join(array(array('table' => 'spdb_counter', 'as' => 'spcounter', 'key' => 'sid'), array('table' => 'spdb_object', 'as' => 'spo', 'key' => 'id'))); $oPrefix = 'spo.'; $conditions['spo.oType'] = 'category'; if (strstr($cOrder, '.')) { $cOrder = explode('.', $cOrder); $cOrder = 'spcounter.counter.' . $cOrder[1]; } break; default: $table = 'spdb_object'; break; } /* check user permissions for the visibility */ if (Sobi::My('id')) { if (!Sobi::Can('category.access.*')) { if (Sobi::Can('category.access.unapproved_own')) { $conditions[] = $db->argsOr(array('approved' => '1', 'owner' => Sobi::My('id'))); } else { $conditions[$oPrefix . 'approved'] = '1'; } } if (!Sobi::Can('category.access.unpublished')) { if (Sobi::Can('category.access.unpublished_own')) { $conditions[] = $db->argsOr(array('state' => '1', 'owner' => Sobi::My('id'))); } else { $conditions[$oPrefix . 'state'] = '1'; } } if (!Sobi::Can('category.access.*')) { if (Sobi::Can('category.access.expired_own')) { $conditions[] = $db->argsOr(array('@VALID' => $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince'), 'owner' => Sobi::My('id'))); } else { $conditions['state'] = '1'; $conditions['@VALID'] = $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince'); } } } else { $conditions = array_merge($conditions, array($oPrefix . 'state' => '1', $oPrefix . 'approved' => '1', '@VALID' => $db->valid($oPrefix . 'validUntil', $oPrefix . 'validSince'))); } $conditions[$oPrefix . 'id'] = $this->_model->getChilds('category'); try { $results = $db->select($oPrefix . 'id', $table, $conditions, $cOrder, $cLim, 0, true)->loadResultArray(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('DB_REPORTS_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } Sobi::Trigger($this->name(), 'AfterGetCategories', array(&$results)); if ($results && count($results)) { foreach ($results as $i => $cid) { $categories[$i] = $cid; // new $cClass(); //$categories[ $i ]->init( $cid ); } } } return $categories; }
private function prepareStoredData(&$settings) { $store = Sobi::GetUserData('requirements', array()); if (Sobi::Lang() != 'en-GB' && file_exists(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . self::langFile)) { $file = parse_ini_file(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . self::langFile); } if (count($store)) { foreach ($store as $key => $data) { if (Sobi::Lang() != 'en-GB') { $translate = $file['SP.' . $data['message']['org']['label']]; if (count($data['message']['org']['params'])) { foreach ($data['message']['org']['params'] as $param => $value) { $translate = str_replace("var:[{$param}]", $value, $translate); } } $settings[$key] = array('key' => $key, 'response' => array('en-GB' => $translate, Sobi::Lang() => $data['message']['current']), 'status' => $data['value']); } else { $settings[$key] = array('key' => $key, 'response' => array('en-GB' => $data['message']['current']), 'status' => $data['value']); } } } }
/** * @param string $col * @param string $def * @return string */ protected function parseOrdering($col, $def) { $order = Sobi::GetUserState('fields.order', $col, Sobi::Cfg('admin.fields-order', $def)); $ord = $order; $dir = 'asc'; /** legacy - why the hell I called it order?! */ $ord = str_replace('order', 'position', $ord); if (strstr($ord, '.')) { $ord = explode('.', $ord); $dir = $ord[1]; $ord = $ord[0]; } $ord = $ord == 'state' ? 'enabled' : $ord; // $ord = ( $ord == 'position' ) ? 'position' : $ord; if ($ord == 'name') { /* @var SPdb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); $fields = $db->select('fid', 'spdb_language', array('oType' => 'field', 'sKey' => 'name', 'language' => Sobi::Lang()), 'sValue.' . $dir)->loadResultArray(); if (!count($fields) && Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $fields = $db->select('id', 'spdb_language', array('oType' => 'field', 'sKey' => 'name', 'language' => Sobi::DefLang()), 'sValue.' . $dir)->loadResultArray(); } if (count($fields)) { $fields = implode(',', $fields); $ord = "field( fid, {$fields} )"; } else { $ord = 'fid.' . $dir; } } else { $ord = $ord . '.' . $dir; } Sobi::setUserState('fields.order', $order); return $ord; }
/** * @param string $task */ function __construct($task) { SPLoader::loadClass('base.exception'); set_error_handler('SPExceptionHandler'); $this->_err = ini_set('display_errors', 'on'); $this->_mem = memory_get_usage(); $this->_time = microtime(); $this->_task = $task; /* load all needed classes */ SPLoader::loadClass('base.factory'); SPLoader::loadClass('base.object'); SPLoader::loadClass('base.const'); SPLoader::loadClass('base.filter'); SPLoader::loadClass('base.request'); SPLoader::loadClass('sobi'); SPLoader::loadClass('base.config'); /* authorise access */ $this->checkAccess(); /* initialise mainframe interface to CMS */ $this->_mainframe =& SPFactory::mainframe(); /* get sid if any */ $this->_sid = SPRequest::sid(); /* determine section */ $this->getSection(); /* initialise config */ $this->createConfig(); ini_set('display_errors', Sobi::Cfg('debug.display_errors', false)); $this->_deb = error_reporting(Sobi::Cfg('debug.level', 0)); /* trigger plugin */ Sobi::Trigger('AdminStart'); /* initialise translator and load language files */ SPLoader::loadClass('cms.base.lang'); SPLang::setLang(Sobi::Lang()); try { SPLang::registerDomain('admin'); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('CoreCtrl', SPLang::e('Cannot register language domain: %s.', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* load admin html files */ SPFactory::header()->initBase(true); /** @noinspection PhpParamsInspection */ if ($this->_section) { $sectionName = SPLang::translateObject($this->_section, 'name', 'section'); SPFactory::registry()->set('current_section_name', SPLang::clean($sectionName[$this->_section]['value'])); } if ($this->_section && !Sobi::Cfg('section.template')) { SPFactory::config()->set('template', SPC::DEFAULT_TEMPLATE, 'section'); } /* check if it wasn't plugin custom task */ if (!Sobi::Trigger('custom', 'task', array($this, SPRequest::task()))) { /* if not, start to route */ try { $this->route(); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error('CoreCtrl', SPLang::e('Cannot route: %s.', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } return true; }
/** * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database * @param SPEntry $entry * @param string $request * @return bool */ public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST') { if (!$this->enabled) { return false; } $data = $this->verify($entry, $request); $time = SPRequest::now(); $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER'); $uid = Sobi::My('id'); /* if we are here, we can save these data */ /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); if ($this->allowHtml) { /* filter data */ if (count($this->allowedAttributes)) { SPRequest::setAttributesAllowed($this->allowedAttributes); } if (count($this->allowedTags)) { SPRequest::setTagsAllowed($this->allowedTags); } $data = SPRequest::string($this->nid, null, $this->allowHtml, $request); SPRequest::resetFilter(); if (!$this->editor && $this->maxLength && strlen($data) > $this->maxLength) { $data = substr($data, 0, $this->maxLength); } } else { $data = strip_tags($data); } /* collect the needed params */ $params = array(); $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp'); $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown'); $params['fid'] = $this->fid; $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id'); $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section'); $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang(); $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state'); $params['params'] = null; $params['options'] = null; $params['baseData'] = $data; $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved'); $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed'); /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */ if ($entry->get('version') == 1) { $params['createdTime'] = $time; $params['createdBy'] = $uid; $params['createdIP'] = $IP; } $params['updatedTime'] = $time; $params['updatedBy'] = $uid; $params['updatedIP'] = $IP; $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved'); if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) { --$this->editLimit; } $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit; /* save it */ try { $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* if it wasn't edited in the default language, we have to try to insert it also for def lang */ if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $params['lang'] = Sobi::DefLang(); try { $db->insert('spdb_field_data', $params, true, true); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } }
public function save(&$attr) { static $lang = null; static $defLang = null; if (!$lang) { $lang = Sobi::Lang(); $defLang = Sobi::DefLang(); } $file = SPRequest::file('spfieldsopts', 'tmp_name'); if ($file) { $data = parse_ini_file($file, true); } elseif (is_string($attr['options'])) { $data = parse_ini_string($attr['options'], true); } else { $data = null; } $options = $this->parseOptsFile($data); if (!count($options) && count($attr['options'])) { $p = 0; $hold = array(); foreach ($attr['options'] as $o) { if (is_numeric($o['id'])) { $o['id'] = $this->nid . '_' . $o['id']; } if (isset($o['id'])) { $i = 0; $oid = $o['id']; while (isset($hold[$oid])) { $oid = $o['id'] . '_' . ++$i; } $options[] = array('id' => $oid, 'name' => $o['name'], 'parent' => null, 'position' => ++$p); $hold[$oid] = $oid; } } } if (count($options)) { unset($attr['options']); $optionsArr = array(); $labelsArr = array(); $defLabelsArr = array(); $optsIds = array(); foreach ($options as $i => $option) { /* check for doubles */ foreach ($options as $pos => $opt) { if ($i == $pos) { continue; } if ($option['id'] == $opt['id']) { $option['id'] = $option['id'] . '_' . substr((string) microtime(), 2, 8) . rand(1, 100); SPFactory::message()->warning('FIELD_WARN_DUPLICATE_OPT_ID'); } } $optionsArr[] = array('fid' => $this->id, 'optValue' => $option['id'], 'optPos' => $option['position'], 'optParent' => $option['parent']); $defLabelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $defLang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id); $labelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $lang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id); $optsIds[] = $option['id']; } /* @var SPdb $db */ $db =& SPFactory::db(); /* try to delete the existing labels */ try { $db->delete('spdb_field_option', array('fid' => $this->id)); $db->delete('spdb_language', array('oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id, '!sKey' => $optsIds)); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DELETE_SELECTED_OPTIONS', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* insert new values */ try { $db->insertArray('spdb_field_option', $optionsArr); $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $labelsArr, true); if ($defLang != $lang) { $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $defLabelsArr, false, true); } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_STORE_FIELD_OPTIONS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } if (!isset($attr['params'])) { $attr['params'] = array(); } $myAttr = $this->getAttr(); $properties = array(); if (count($myAttr)) { foreach ($myAttr as $property) { $properties[$property] = isset($attr[$property]) ? $attr[$property] : null; } } $attr['params'] = $properties; $this->sets['field.options'] = SPFactory::Instance('types.array')->toINIString($data); }
/** * Translating language depend attributes of objects * * @param array $sids - array with ids of objects to translate * @param array $fields - (optional) array (or string) with properties names to translate. If not given, translates all * @param string $type - (optional) type of object (section, category, entry). If not given, translates all * @param string $lang - (optional) specific language. If not given, use currently set language * @param string $ident * @return array */ public static function translateObject($sids, $fields = array(), $type = null, $lang = null, $ident = 'id') { /** @todo multiple attr does not work because the id is the object id */ $fields = is_array($fields) ? $fields : (strlen($fields) ? array($fields) : null); $lang = $lang ? $lang : Sobi::Lang(false); // we don't need to specify the language as we want to have all of them and then order it right // when an object name has been entered in a particular language but this language isn't used later // we won't have any label for this certain object // Wed, Dec 18, 2013 09:57:04 //$params = array( 'id' => $sids, 'language' => array( $lang, Sobi::DefLang(), 'en-GB' ) ); $params = array($ident => $sids); $result = array(); if ($type) { $params['oType'] = $type; } if (in_array('alias', $fields)) { $fields[] = 'nid'; } if ($fields && count($fields)) { $params['sKey'] = $fields; } try { $labels = SPFactory::db()->select($ident . ' AS id, sKey AS label, sValue AS value, language', 'spdb_language', $params, "FIELD( language, '{$lang}', '" . Sobi::DefLang() . "' )")->loadAssocList(); if (count($labels)) { $aliases = array(); if (in_array('alias', $fields)) { $aliases = SPFactory::db()->select(array('nid', 'id'), 'spdb_object', array('id' => $sids))->loadAssocList('id'); } foreach ($labels as $label) { if ($label['label'] == 'nid') { $result[$label['id']]['alias'] = $label['value']; } else { if (!isset($result[$label['id']]) || $label['language'] == Sobi::Lang()) { $result[$label['id']] = $label; } } if (in_array('nid', $fields)) { if (!isset($result[$label['id']]['alias'])) { $result[$label['id']]['alias'] = isset($aliases[$label['id']]) ? $aliases[$label['id']]['nid'] : null; } } } } } catch (SPError $x) { Sobi::Error('language', SPLang::e('CANNOT_TRANSLATE_OBJECT', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 500, __LINE__, __CLASS__); } return $result; }
/** * Gets the data for a field and save it in the database * @param SPEntry $entry * @param string $request * @return bool */ public function saveData(&$entry, $request = 'POST') { if (!$this->enabled) { return false; } /* @var SPdb $db */ $db = SPFactory::db(); $save = $this->verify($entry, $request); $time = SPRequest::now(); $IP = SPRequest::ip('REMOTE_ADDR', 0, 'SERVER'); $uid = Sobi::My('id'); /* collect the needed params */ $params = array(); $params['publishUp'] = $entry->get('publishUp'); $params['publishDown'] = $entry->get('publishDown'); $params['fid'] = $this->fid; $params['sid'] = $entry->get('id'); $params['section'] = Sobi::Reg('current_section'); $params['lang'] = Sobi::Lang(); $params['enabled'] = $entry->get('state'); $params['baseData'] = $db->escape(SPConfig::serialize($save)); $params['approved'] = $entry->get('approved'); $params['confirmed'] = $entry->get('confirmed'); /* if it is the first version, it is new entry */ if ($entry->get('version') == 1) { $params['createdTime'] = $time; $params['createdBy'] = $uid; $params['createdIP'] = $IP; } $params['updatedTime'] = $time; $params['updatedBy'] = $uid; $params['updatedIP'] = $IP; $params['copy'] = !$entry->get('approved'); if (Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner')) { --$this->editLimit; } $params['editLimit'] = $this->editLimit; /* save it */ try { /* Notices: * If it was new entry - insert * If it was an edit and the field wasn't filled before - insert * If it was an edit and the field was filled before - update * " ... " and changes are not autopublish it should be insert of the copy .... but * " ... " if a copy already exist it is update again * */ $db->insertUpdate('spdb_field_data', $params); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* if it wasn't edited in the default language, we have to try to insert it also for def lang */ if (Sobi::Lang() != Sobi::DefLang()) { $params['lang'] = Sobi::DefLang(); try { $db->insert('spdb_field_data', $params, true, true); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error(__CLASS__, SPLang::e('CANNOT_SAVE_DATA', $x->getMessage()), SPC::WARNING, 0, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } }
public function save(&$attr) { static $lang = null; static $defLang = null; if (!$lang) { $lang = Sobi::Lang(); $defLang = Sobi::DefLang(); } $file = SPRequest::file('spfieldsopts', 'tmp_name'); if ($file) { $data = parse_ini_file($file, true); } elseif (is_string($attr['options'])) { $data = parse_ini_string($attr['options'], true); } else { $data = null; } $options = $this->parseOptsFile($data); if (!count($options) && count($attr['options'])) { $p = 0; $hold = array(); foreach ($attr['options'] as $o) { if (is_numeric($o['id'])) { $o['id'] = $this->nid . '_' . $o['id']; } if (isset($o['id'])) { $i = 0; $oid = $o['id']; while (isset($hold[$oid])) { $oid = $o['id'] . '_' . ++$i; } $options[] = array('id' => $oid, 'name' => $o['name'], 'parent' => null, 'position' => ++$p); $hold[$oid] = $oid; } } } if (count($options)) { unset($attr['options']); $optionsArr = array(); $labelsArr = array(); $optsIds = array(); $defLabelsArr = array(); $duplicates = false; foreach ($options as $i => $option) { /* check for doubles */ foreach ($options as $pos => $opt) { if ($i == $pos) { continue; } if ($option['id'] == $opt['id']) { $option['id'] = $option['id'] . '_' . substr((string) microtime(), 2, 8) . rand(1, 100); $duplicates = true; } } $optionsArr[] = array('fid' => $this->id, 'optValue' => $option['id'], 'optPos' => $option['position'], 'optParent' => $option['parent']); $defLabelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $defLang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id); $labelsArr[] = array('sKey' => $option['id'], 'sValue' => $option['name'], 'language' => $lang, 'oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id); $optsIds[] = $option['id']; } if ($duplicates) { SPFactory::message()->warning('FIELD_WARN_DUPLICATE_OPT_ID'); } $db = SPFactory::db(); /* try to delete the existing labels */ try { $db->delete('spdb_field_option', array('fid' => $this->id)); $db->delete('spdb_language', array('oType' => 'field_option', 'fid' => $this->id, '!sKey' => $optsIds)); } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_STORE_FIELD_OPTIONS_DB_ERR', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } /* insert new values */ try { $db->insertArray('spdb_field_option', $optionsArr); $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $labelsArr, true); if ($defLang != $lang) { $db->insertArray('spdb_language', $defLabelsArr, false, true); } } catch (SPException $x) { Sobi::Error($this->name(), SPLang::e('CANNOT_DELETE_SELECTED_OPTIONS', $x->getMessage()), SPC::ERROR, 500, __LINE__, __FILE__); } } if (!isset($attr['params'])) { $attr['params'] = array(); } $myAttr = $this->getAttr(); $properties = array(); if (count($myAttr)) { foreach ($myAttr as $property) { $properties[$property] = isset($attr[$property]) ? $attr[$property] : null; } } $this->sets['field.options'] = SPFactory::Instance('types.array')->toINIString($data); /** handle upload of new definition file */ $XMLFile = SPRequest::file('select-list-dependency', 'tmp_name'); if ($XMLFile && file_exists($XMLFile)) { $XMLFileName = SPRequest::file('select-list-dependency', 'name'); if (SPFs::getExt($XMLFileName) == 'zip') { $arch = SPFactory::Instance('base.fs.archive'); $name = str_replace('.zip', null, $XMLFileName); $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name, 'front', false); $c = 0; while (SPFs::exists($path)) { $path = SPLoader::dirPath('tmp.install.' . $name . '_' . ++$c, 'front', false); } $arch->upload($XMLFile, $path . '/' . $XMLFileName); $arch->extract($path); $files = scandir($path); if (count($files)) { foreach ($files as $defFile) { switch (SPFs::getExt($defFile)) { case 'xml': $properties['dependencyDefinition'] = $defFile; SPFs::move($path . '/' . $defFile, SOBI_PATH . '/etc/fields/select-list/' . $defFile); break; case 'ini': $defLang = explode('.', $defFile); $defLang = $defLang[0]; if (file_exists(SOBI_ROOT . '/language/' . $defLang)) { SPFs::move($path . '/' . $defFile, SOBI_ROOT . '/language/' . $defLang . '/' . $defFile); } break; } } } } elseif (SPFs::getExt($XMLFileName) == 'xml') { if (SPFs::upload($XMLFile, SOBI_PATH . '/etc/fields/select-list/' . $XMLFileName)) { $properties['dependencyDefinition'] = $XMLFileName; } } } /** if we use it - let's transform the XML file */ if ($properties['dependency'] && $properties['dependencyDefinition']) { $this->parseDependencyDefinition($properties['dependencyDefinition']); } $attr['params'] = $properties; }
public function __call($fn, $args) { $return = array('error' => 500); array_unshift($args, Sobi::Lang(false)); array_unshift($args, Sobi::Cfg('live_site')); if ($this->_server instanceof SPSoapClient) { try { $return = $this->_server->__soapCall($fn, $args); } catch (SoapFault $x) { throw new SPException($x->getMessage()); } /* what the hell ???!!!!!*/ if ($return instanceof SoapFault) { throw new SPException($return->getMessage()); } } return $return; }
protected function entryData($getFields = true) { /** @var SPEntry $entry */ $entry = $this->get('entry'); $visitor = $this->get('visitor'); $data = array(); $data['section'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => Sobi::Section(true), '_attributes' => array('id' => Sobi::Section(), 'lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); $en = array(); $en['name'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $entry->get('name'), '_attributes' => array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false))); $en['created_time'] = $entry->get('createdTime'); $en['updated_time'] = $entry->get('updatedTime'); $en['valid_since'] = $entry->get('validSince'); $en['valid_until'] = $entry->get('validUntil'); $en['author'] = $entry->get('owner'); $en['counter'] = $entry->get('counter'); $en['approved'] = $entry->get('approved'); $this->fixTimes($en); // $mytime = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); if ($entry->get('state') == 0) { $en['state'] = 'unpublished'; } else { if (strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validUntil')) < time()) { $en['state'] = 'expired'; } elseif (strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) != 0 && strtotime($entry->get('validSince')) > time()) { $en['state'] = 'pending'; } else { $en['state'] = 'published'; } } $en['url'] = Sobi::Url(array('pid' => $entry->get('parent'), 'sid' => $entry->get('id'), 'title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $entry->get('nid') : $entry->get('name')), true, true, true); if (Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', '*') || Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'edit', 'own')) { $en['edit_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.edit', 'sid' => $entry->get('id'))); } if (Sobi::Can('entry', 'manage', '*')) { $en['approve_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => $entry->get('approved') ? 'entry.unapprove' : 'entry.approve', 'sid' => $entry->get('id'))); } if ($entry->get('owner') == Sobi::My('id') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'delete', 'own') || Sobi::Can('entry', 'delete', '*')) { $en['delete_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => 'entry.delete', 'sid' => $entry->get('id'))); } if (Sobi::Can('entry', 'publish', '*') || Sobi::My('id') == $entry->get('owner') && Sobi::Can('entry', 'publish', 'own')) { $en['publish_url'] = Sobi::Url(array('task' => $entry->get('state') ? 'entry.unpublish' : 'entry.publish', 'sid' => $entry->get('id'))); } $cats = $entry->get('categories'); $categories = array(); if (count($cats)) { $cn = SPLang::translateObject(array_keys($cats), array('name', 'alias'), 'category'); } $primaryCat = $entry->get('parent'); foreach ($cats as $cid => $cat) { $cAttr = array('lang' => Sobi::Lang(false), 'id' => $cat['pid'], 'alias' => $cat['alias'], 'position' => $cat['position'], 'url' => Sobi::Url(array('sid' => $cat['pid'], 'title' => Sobi::Cfg('sef.alias', true) ? $cat['alias'] : $cat['name']))); if ($cat['pid'] == $primaryCat) { $cAttr['primary'] = 'true'; } $categories[] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => SPLang::clean($cn[$cid]['value']), '_attributes' => $cAttr); } $en['categories'] = $categories; $en['meta'] = array('description' => $entry->get('metaDesc'), 'keys' => $this->metaKeys($entry), 'author' => $entry->get('metaAuthor'), 'robots' => $entry->get('metaRobots')); if ($getFields) { $fields = $entry->getFields(); if (count($fields)) { $en['fields'] = $this->fieldStruct($fields, 'details'); } } $this->menu($data); $this->alphaMenu($data); $data['entry'] = array('_complex' => 1, '_data' => $en, '_attributes' => array('id' => $entry->get('id'), 'nid' => $entry->get('nid'), 'version' => $entry->get('version'))); $data['visitor'] = $this->visitorArray($visitor); return $data; }