 * set SoapClient Mode to asynchronous mode.
 * This will allow opening as many as connections to the host and perform all
 * request at once so you don't need to wait for consecutive calls to performed after each other
 * @default is false AND it get reset back to FALSE after each $client->run();
$client::$async = true;
/** @var array $requestIds */
$requestIds = array();
/** in the next for loop i will make 5 soap request */
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    /** @var $params , method parameters will be used in the test */
    $params = array('session' => $session, 'firstName' => 'Mohamed', 'lastName' => 'Meabed ' . $i);
    $requestIds[] = $client->getFullname($params);
/** SoapCall without sessionId that return exception to test the exception handling */
$requestIds[] = $client->getFullname(array('wrongParam' => 'Dummy'));
 * This call will throw SoapFault and it will return
 * string as  ".. Function ("getUnkownMethod") is not a valid method for this service...."
 * So it will be easy to debug it.
 * @note The call will not be executed when $client->run()
$requestIds[] = $client->getUnkownMethod(array('wrongParam' => 'Dummy'));
 * This call will throw SoapFault and it will return
 * string as  ".. Function ("getAnotherUnkownMethod") is not a valid method for this service...."
 * So it will be easy to debug it.
 * set SoapClient Mode to asynchronous mode.
 * This will allow opening as many as connections to the host and perform all
 * request at once so you don't need to wait for consecutive calls to performed after each other
 * @default is false AND it get reset back to FALSE after each $client->run();
$client::$async = true;
/** @var array $requestIds */
$requestIds = [];
/** in the next for loop i will make 5 soap request */
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    /** @var $params , method parameters will be used in the test */
    $params = ['session' => $session, 'firstName' => 'Mohamed', 'lastName' => 'Meabed ' . $i];
    $requestIds[] = $client->getFullname($params);
/** SoapCall without sessionId that return exception to test the exception handling */
$requestIds[] = $client->getFullname(['wrongParam' => 'Dummy']);
 * This call will throw SoapFault and it will return
 * string as  ".. Function ("getUnkownMethod") is not a valid method for this service...."
 * So it will be easy to debug it.
 * @note The call will not be executed when $client->run()
$requestIds[] = $client->getUnkownMethod(['wrongParam' => 'Dummy']);
 * This call will throw SoapFault and it will return
 * string as  ".. Function ("getAnotherUnkownMethod") is not a valid method for this service...."
 * So it will be easy to debug it.