Beispiel #1
 public function track($trackingNumber)
     if (!isset($trackingNumber)) {
         return false;
     //The WSDL is not included with the sample code.
     //Please include and reference in $path_to_wsdl variable.
     $path_to_wsdl = __DIR__ . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'TrackService_v9.wsdl';
     ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
     $client = new \SoapClient($path_to_wsdl, array('trace' => 1));
     // Refer to for more information
     $request['WebAuthenticationDetail'] = array('UserCredential' => array('Key' => $this->authKey, 'Password' => $this->authPassword));
     $request['ClientDetail'] = array('AccountNumber' => $this->authAccountNumber, 'MeterNumber' => $this->authMeterNumber);
     $request['TransactionDetail'] = array('CustomerTransactionId' => '*** Track Request using PHP ***');
     $request['Version'] = array('ServiceId' => 'trck', 'Major' => '9', 'Intermediate' => '1', 'Minor' => '0');
     $request['SelectionDetails'] = array('PackageIdentifier' => array('Type' => 'TRACKING_NUMBER_OR_DOORTAG', 'Value' => $trackingNumber));
     try {
         if ($this->setEndpoint('changeEndpoint')) {
             $newLocation = $client->__setLocation(setEndpoint('endpoint'));
         $response = $client->track($request);
         return $response;
     } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
         $this->printFault($exception, $client);
Beispiel #2
 public static function getSoapClientByFunction($functionName)
     error_log('LOOK starting getSoapClientByFunction for function=[' . $functionName . ']');
     $uri = NULL;
     if ($functionName === "ddrLister") {
         $uri = QUERYSERVICE_URL;
     } elseif ($functionName === "ddrGetsEntry") {
         $uri = QUERYSERVICE_URL;
     } elseif ($functionName === "getVariableValue") {
         $uri = QUERYSERVICE_URL;
     } else {
         $uri = EMRSERVICE_URL;
     error_log('LOOK finishing getSoapClientByFunction for function=[' . $functionName . ']>>>uri=[' . $uri . ']');
     $oTheClient = null;
     // new \SoapClient($uri, array("trace" => 1, "exceptions" => 0));
     if ($uri == EMRSERVICE_URL) {
         $oTheClient = new \SoapClient(EMRSERVICE_LOCAL_FILE, array("trace" => 1, "exceptions" => 0));
     } else {
         if ($uri == QUERYSERVICE_URL) {
             $oTheClient = new \SoapClient(QUERYSERVICE_LOCAL_FILE, array("trace" => 1, "exceptions" => 0));
     //error_log('LOOK result of getSoapClientByFunction for function=['.$functionName.']>>>uri=['.$uri.']');
     return $oTheClient;
Beispiel #3
 public function getRate($PostalCode, $dest_zip, $dest_country_code, $service, $weight, $length = 0, $width = 0, $height = 0)
     $setting = new Cart66Setting();
     $home_country = explode('~', Cart66Setting::getValue('home_country'));
     $countryCode = array_shift($home_country);
     $pickupCode = Cart66Setting::getValue('fedex_pickup_code') ? Cart66Setting::getValue('fedex_pickup_code') : "REGULAR_PICKUP";
     $residential = Cart66Setting::getValue('fedex_only_ship_commercial') ? "0" : "1";
     $locationType = Cart66Setting::getValue('fedex_location_type') == 'commercial' ? "0" : "1";
     if ($this->credentials != 1) {
         print 'Please set your credentials with the setCredentials function';
     $path_to_wsdl = CART66_PATH . "/pro/models/RateService_v14.wsdl";
     ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
     $client = new SoapClient($path_to_wsdl, array('trace' => 1));
     // Refer to for more information
     $request['WebAuthenticationDetail'] = array('UserCredential' => array('Key' => $this->developerKey, 'Password' => $this->password));
     $request['ClientDetail'] = array('AccountNumber' => $this->accountNumber, 'MeterNumber' => $this->meterNumber);
     $request['TransactionDetail'] = array('CustomerTransactionId' => ' *** Rate Available Services Request v14 using PHP ***');
     $request['Version'] = array('ServiceId' => 'crs', 'Major' => '14', 'Intermediate' => '0', 'Minor' => '0');
     $request['ReturnTransitAndCommit'] = true;
     $request['RequestedShipment']['DropoffType'] = $pickupCode;
     // valid values REGULAR_PICKUP, REQUEST_COURIER, ...
     $request['RequestedShipment']['ShipTimestamp'] = date('c');
     // Service Type and Packaging Type are not passed in the request
     $request['RequestedShipment']['Shipper'] = array('Address' => array('PostalCode' => $this->fromZip, 'CountryCode' => $countryCode, 'Residential' => $locationType));
     $request['RequestedShipment']['Recipient'] = array('Address' => array('PostalCode' => $dest_zip, 'CountryCode' => $dest_country_code, 'Residential' => $residential));
     $request['RequestedShipment']['ShippingChargesPayment'] = array('PaymentType' => 'SENDER', 'Payor' => array('ResponsibleParty' => array('AccountNumber' => $this->accountNumber, 'Contact' => null, 'Address' => array('CountryCode' => $countryCode))));
     $request['RequestedShipment']['RateRequestTypes'] = 'ACCOUNT';
     $request['RequestedShipment']['RateRequestTypes'] = 'LIST';
     $request['RequestedShipment']['PackageCount'] = $this->getPackageCount();
     $request['RequestedShipment']['RequestedPackageLineItems'] = $this->getRequestedPackageLineItems($weight);
     try {
         $response = $client->getRates($request);
         if ($response->HighestSeverity != 'FAILURE' && $response->HighestSeverity != 'ERROR') {
             $rate = array();
             if (is_array($response->RateReplyDetails)) {
                 foreach ($response->RateReplyDetails as $rateReply) {
                     $serviceType = $rateReply->ServiceType;
                     $amount = $rateReply->RatedShipmentDetails[0]->ShipmentRateDetail->TotalNetCharge->Amount;
                     $rate[] = array('name' => $serviceType, 'rate' => $amount);
             } else {
                 $serviceType = $response->RateReplyDetails->ServiceType;
                 $amount = $response->RateReplyDetails->RatedShipmentDetails[0]->ShipmentRateDetail->TotalNetCharge->Amount;
                 $rate[] = array('name' => $serviceType, 'rate' => $amount);
         } else {
             $rate = false;
             Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Error: " . print_r($response->Notifications, true));
     } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
         $this->printFault($exception, $client);
         Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] FedEx Error|| Code: " . $exception->faultcode . " Message: " . $exception->faultstring);
         Cart66Common::log('[' . basename(__FILE__) . ' - line ' . __LINE__ . "] Client Details: " . print_r($client, true));
         $rate = false;
     return $rate;
Beispiel #4
 function __construct($getWSDL = false, $debug = false, $params = null)
     $tenantTokens = array();
     $config = @(include 'config.php');
     if ($config) {
         $this->wsdlLoc = $config['defaultwsdl'];
         $this->clientId = $config['clientid'];
         $this->clientSecret = $config['clientsecret'];
         $this->appsignature = $config['appsignature'];
     } else {
         if ($params && array_key_exists('defaultwsdl', $params)) {
             $this->wsdlLoc = $params['defaultwsdl'];
         } else {
             $this->wsdlLoc = "";
         if ($params && array_key_exists('clientid', $params)) {
             $this->clientId = $params['clientid'];
         if ($params && array_key_exists('clientsecret', $params)) {
             $this->clientSecret = $params['clientsecret'];
         if ($params && array_key_exists('appsignature', $params)) {
             $this->appsignature = $params['appsignature'];
     $this->debugSOAP = $debug;
     if (!property_exists($this, 'clientId') || is_null($this->clientId) || !property_exists($this, 'clientSecret') || is_null($this->clientSecret)) {
         throw new Exception('clientid or clientsecret is null: Must be provided in config file or passed when instantiating ET_Client');
     if ($getWSDL) {
     if ($params && array_key_exists('jwt', $params)) {
         if (!property_exists($this, 'appsignature') || is_null($this->appsignature)) {
             throw new Exception('Unable to utilize JWT for SSO without appsignature: Must be provided in config file or passed when instantiating ET_Client');
         $decodedJWT = JWT::decode($params['jwt'], $this->appsignature);
         $dv = new DateInterval('PT' . $decodedJWT->request->user->expiresIn . 'S');
         $newexpTime = new DateTime();
         $this->setAuthToken($this->tenantKey, $decodedJWT->request->user->oauthToken, $newexpTime->add($dv));
         $this->setInternalAuthToken($this->tenantKey, $decodedJWT->request->user->internalOauthToken);
         $this->setRefreshToken($this->tenantKey, $decodedJWT->request->user->refreshToken);
         $this->packageName = $decodedJWT->request->application->package;
     try {
         $url = "" . $this->getAuthToken($this->tenantKey);
         $endpointResponse = restGet($url);
         $endpointObject = json_decode($endpointResponse->body);
         if ($endpointResponse && property_exists($endpointObject, "url")) {
             $this->endpoint = $endpointObject->url;
         } else {
             throw new Exception('Unable to determine stack using /platform/v1/endpoints/:' . $endpointResponse->body);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new Exception('Unable to determine stack using /platform/v1/endpoints/: ' . $e->getMessage());
     parent::__construct($this->LocalWsdlPath(), array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 0));
 public function testSoap()
     $request = new YardiPingRequest();
     $client = new \SoapClient($request->getURL(), array('trace' => 1));
     $params = $request->build();
     $response = $client->__soapCall($request->getFunction(), array('parameters' => $params), array('soapAction' => 'YSI.Portal.SeniorHousing.WebServices/' . $request->getFunction()));
     $r = new YardiPingResponse($response);
 public function register(Application $app)
     $app['database_connection'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $config = new Configuration();
         $connectionParams = ['dbname' => 'app', 'user' => 'some_user', 'password' => 'some_password', 'host' => 'some_host', 'charset' => 'utf8'];
         return DriverManager::getConnection($connectionParams, $config);
     $app['entity_manager'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return EntityManager::create($app['database_connection'], Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration([__DIR__ . '/Entity/']));
     $app['billing_service_client'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $soapClient = new \SoapClient(__DIR__ . "/../../config/billing-service.wsdl", ['features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, 'classmap' => $app['soap_classmap']]);
         $result = $soapClient->login(['username' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'vA71jAPgJFG83a7v']);
         $sessionKey = $result->result->Session;
         $sessionHeader = new SoapHeader('', 'SessionHeader', ['session' => $sessionKey]);
         return $soapClient;
     $app['zuora_client'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $soapClient = new \SoapClient(__DIR__ . "/../../config/billing-service.wsdl", ['features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, 'classmap' => $app['soap_classmap']]);
         $result = $soapClient->login(['username' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'vA71jAPgJFG83a7v']);
         $sessionKey = $result->result->Session;
         $sessionHeader = new SoapHeader('', 'SessionHeader', ['session' => $sessionKey]);
         return $soapClient;
     $app['zuora_production_client'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         $soapClient = new \SoapClient(__DIR__ . "/../../config/billing-service-read-only.wsdl", ['features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, 'classmap' => $app['soap_classmap']]);
         $result = $soapClient->login(['username' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'rFBDQfJvPsDoN5r7']);
         $sessionKey = $result->result->Session;
         $sessionHeader = new SoapHeader('', 'SessionHeader', ['session' => $sessionKey]);
         return $soapClient;
     $app['account_finder'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return new AccountFinder($app['zuora_client'], $app['entity_manager']);
     $app['replay'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return new Replay($app['entity_manager']->getRepository('\\Jimdo\\Payment\\Billing\\ReplayAndCompare\\Entity\\Log'), $app['zuora_client'], new IdFinder(new ZObjectRepository($app['zuora_production_client']), new ZObjectRepository($app['zuora_client'])));
     $app['compare'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return new Compare(new ObjectTree($app['zuora_production_client']), new ObjectTree($app['zuora_client']), new Differ(new Comparator([])));
     $app['some_account'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return new SomeAccount($app['database_connection']);
     $app['product_catalog'] = $app->share(function ($app) {
         return new ProductCatalog($app['zuora_client']);
     $app->register(new MonologServiceProvider(), ['monolog.logfile' => 'php://stderr']);
Beispiel #7
 * @ Version  : 5.2.15
 * @ Author   : MTIMER
 * @ Release on : 2013-12-24
 * @ Website  :
 * */
function getSOAPClient($username, $password, $proxyHost, $proxyPort)
    $location = "";
    $WSDL = $location . "?wsdl";
    if (isset($proxyHost) && isset($proxyPort) && $proxyHost != "" && $proxyPort != "") {
        $client = new SoapClient($WSDL, array("login" => $username, "password" => $password, "proxy_host" => $proxyHost, "proxy_port" => $proxyPort));
    } else {
        $client = new SoapClient($WSDL, array("login" => $username, "password" => $password));
    return $client;
Beispiel #8
 protected function _getQuotes()
     $r = $this->_request;
     $request = array('WebAuthenticationDetail' => array('UserCredential' => array('Key' => $r->key, 'Password' => $r->password)), 'ClientDetail' => array('AccountNumber' => $r->accountNumber, 'MeterNumber' => $r->meterNumber), 'Version' => array('ServiceId' => 'crs', 'Major' => '10', 'Intermediate' => '0', 'Minor' => '0'), 'RequestedShipment' => array('DropoffType' => $r->dropoffType, 'ShipTimestamp' => date('c'), 'PackagingType' => $r->packaging, 'TotalInsuredValue' => array('Ammount' => $r->value, 'Currency' => $r->currencyCode), 'Shipper' => array('Address' => array('PostalCode' => $r->originPostalCode, 'CountryCode' => $r->originCountryCode)), 'Recipient' => array('Address' => array('PostalCode' => $r->destPostalCode, 'CountryCode' => $r->destCountryCode, 'Residential' => (bool) $this->_config->residenceDelivery)), 'ShippingChargesPayment' => array('PaymentType' => 'SENDER', 'Payor' => array('AccountNumber' => $r->accountNumber, 'CountryCode' => $r->originCountryCode)), 'RateRequestTypes' => 'LIST', 'PackageCount' => '1', 'PackageDetail' => 'INDIVIDUAL_PACKAGES', 'RequestedPackageLineItems' => array(array('GroupPackageCount' => 1, 'Weight' => array('Value' => $r->weight, 'Units' => 'LB')))));
     $pathToWsdl = Axis::config('system/path') . "/app/code/Axis/ShippingFedex/etc/RateService_v10.wsdl";
     $client = new SoapClient($pathToWsdl);
     //        production :
     //        test       :
     $response = $client->getRates($request);
     return $this->_parseResponse($response);
Beispiel #9
  * @return SoapClient
 public function getSoapClient()
     if ($this->apiWSDL === null) {
         throw new Sms_Backend_Exception('Missing WSDL.');
     if ($this->soap === null) {
         $this->soap = new SoapClient($this->apiWSDL, $this->soapClientOptions);
         if ($this->apiLocation) {
     return $this->soap;
 function quote($data, $config)
     if ($config["test_mode"] == 'true') {
         $wsdl = PATH_THIRD . "brilliant_retail/core/shipping/assets/fedex/wsdl/RateService_v13_test.wsdl";
     } else {
         $wsdl = PATH_THIRD . "brilliant_retail/core/shipping/assets/fedex/wsdl/RateService_v13.wsdl";
     $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => 1));
     // Refer to for more information
     // Need at least 1 for the weight
     if ($data["weight"] < 1) {
         $data["weight"] = 1;
     $request['WebAuthenticationDetail'] = array('UserCredential' => array('Key' => $config["fedex_key"], 'Password' => $config["fedex_password"]));
     $request['ClientDetail'] = array('AccountNumber' => $config["fedex_account"], 'MeterNumber' => $config["fedex_meter"]);
     $request['TransactionDetail'] = array('CustomerTransactionId' => ' *** Rate Request v13 using BrilliantRetail ***');
     $request['Version'] = array('ServiceId' => 'crs', 'Major' => '13', 'Intermediate' => '0', 'Minor' => '0');
     $request['ReturnTransitAndCommit'] = true;
     $request['RequestedShipment']['DropoffType'] = 'REGULAR_PICKUP';
     $request['RequestedShipment']['ShipTimestamp'] = date('c');
     $request['RequestedShipment']['PackagingType'] = 'YOUR_PACKAGING';
     $request['RequestedShipment']['TotalInsuredValue'] = array('Ammount' => $data["total"], 'Currency' => 'USD');
     // Shipper Info
     $request['RequestedShipment']['Shipper'] = array('Contact' => array('PersonName' => '', 'CompanyName' => '', 'PhoneNumber' => ''), 'Address' => array('StreetLines' => array(''), 'City' => '', 'StateOrProvinceCode' => $config["from_state"], 'PostalCode' => $config["from_zip"], 'CountryCode' => $config["from_country"]));
     // Recipient Info
     $request['RequestedShipment']['Recipient'] = array('Contact' => array('PersonName' => '', 'CompanyName' => '', 'PhoneNumber' => ''), 'Address' => array('StreetLines' => array(), 'City' => '', 'StateOrProvinceCode' => substr($data["to_state"], 0, 2), 'PostalCode' => $data["to_zip"], 'CountryCode' => $data["to_country"], 'Residential' => true));
     $request['RequestedShipment']['RateRequestTypes'] = 'LIST';
     $request['RequestedShipment']['PackageCount'] = '1';
     $request['RequestedShipment']['RequestedPackageLineItems'] = $packageLineItem = array('SequenceNumber' => 1, 'GroupPackageCount' => 1, 'Weight' => array('Value' => $data["weight"], 'Units' => strtoupper($config["weight_unit"])), 'Dimensions' => array('Length' => (int) $config["size_length"], 'Width' => (int) $config["size_width"], 'Height' => (int) $config["size_height"], 'Units' => 'IN'));
     $code = unserialize($config["code"]);
     $this->rates = array();
     foreach ($code as $c) {
         $request['RequestedShipment']['ServiceType'] = $c;
         try {
             if (setEndpoint('changeEndpoint')) {
                 $newLocation = $client->__setLocation(setEndpoint('endpoint'));
             $response = $client->getRates($request);
             if ($response->HighestSeverity != 'FAILURE' && $response->HighestSeverity != 'ERROR') {
                 $rateReply = $response->RateReplyDetails;
                 $this->rates[$c] = array('code' => $c, 'rate' => number_format($rateReply->RatedShipmentDetails[0]->ShipmentRateDetail->TotalNetCharge->Amount, 2), 'label' => ucwords(strtolower(str_replace("_", " ", $rateReply->ServiceType))));
         } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
             printFault($exception, $client);
     if (count($this->rates) > 1) {
         usort($this->rates, array($this, '_rate_sort'));
     return $this->rates;
Beispiel #11
  * @param bool $authenticate
  * @return SoapClient
 public function getSoapClient($authenticate = true)
     if ($this->_soapClient == null) {
         $this->_connected = false;
         $soapClientClass = $this->getOption('soap_client', 'Bronto_SoapClient');
         $this->_soapClient = new $soapClientClass(self::BASE_WSDL, array('soap_version' => $this->_options['soap_version'], 'compression' => $this->_options['compression'], 'encoding' => $this->_options['encoding'], 'trace' => $this->_options['trace'], 'exceptions' => $this->_options['exceptions'], 'cache_wsdl' => $this->_options['cache_wsdl'], 'user_agent' => $this->_options['user_agent'], 'features' => $this->_options['features']));
         $this->_connected = true;
         if ($authenticate && !$this->_authenticated && $this->getToken()) {
     return $this->_soapClient;
  * Get a \SoapClient of a specific server endpoint.
  * @param string $server
  *   The name of the server. eg 'user' or 'productorservice'.
  * @return \SoapClient
 protected function getClientForServer($server)
     if (!isset($this->clients[$server])) {
         if (!in_array($server, $this->availableServers)) {
             throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Server is either disabled or doesnt exist');
         $url = $this->dolibarUrl . '/webservices/server_' . $server . '.php?wsdl';
         $client = new \SoapClient($url);
         // Dolibarr webservice api is bugged when used under https.
         $this->clients[$server] = $client;
     return $this->clients[$server];
  * Create a PHP SOAP client and configure it
  * @return PiSoapClientManager
 public function create()
     if (empty($this->wsdl)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The wsdl is not defined');
     // we create the client SOAP
     $this->soapClient = new \SoapClient($this->wsdl, $this->options);
     // we add headers
     if (count($this->headers) >= 1) {
     if (!empty($this->url)) {
     return $this;
Beispiel #14
  * Get data from UniVz
  * @param array $searchTerms
  * @param string $database
  * @param string $xslFile Filename of the xsl file
  * @return array T3X data
 public static function connectUnivz(array $searchTerms, $database, $xslFile = '')
     $client = new \SoapClient(self::wsdlUrl . '?wsdl');
     $request = ['general' => ['object' => $database], 'condition' => $searchTerms];
     $soapXml = GeneralUtility::array2xml($request, '', 0, 'SOAPDataService');
     $soapXml = self::addDotToString($soapXml, $request);
     $result = null;
     if ($xslFile !== '') {
         $xsl = GeneralUtility::getUrl(ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('substaff') . 'Resources/Private/Xsl/' . $xslFile . '.xsl');
         $result = self::transform($client->getDataXML($soapXml), $xsl);
     } else {
         $result = $client->getDataXML($soapXml);
     return $result;
Beispiel #15
 private function preparerequest()
     $time = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s');
     $created = gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
     $nonce = mt_rand();
     $nonce_date_pwd = pack("A*", $nonce) . pack("A*", $created) . pack("H*", sha1($this->api_password));
     $passwordDigest = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($nonce_date_pwd)));
     $ENCODEDNONCE = base64_encode($nonce);
     $soapclient_options = array();
     $soapclient_options['cache_wsdl'] = 'WSDL_CACHE_NONE';
     $soapclient_options['stream_context'] = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('protocol_version' => '1.0', 'header' => 'Connection: Close')));
     $soapclient_options['local_cert'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/certificate.pem";
     $soapclient_options['passphrase'] = $this->api_certificate_passphrase;
     $soapclient_options['trace'] = true;
     $soapclient_options['ssl_method'] = 'SOAP_SSL_METHOD_SSLv3';
     $soapclient_options['location'] = $this->locationforrequest;
     $soapclient_options['soap_version'] = 'SOAP_1_1';
     //launch soap client
     //$client = new SoapClient(dirname(__FILE__) . "/SAPI/ShippingAPI_V2_0_8.wsdl", $soapclient_options);
     $client = new SoapClient(dirname(__FILE__) . "/reference/ShippingAPI_V2_0_8.wsdl", $soapclient_options);
     //headers needed for royal mail//D8D094FC22716E3EDE14258880881317
     $HeaderObjectXML = '<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse=""
                            <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-D8D094FC22716E3EDE14258880881317">
                               <wsse:Username>' . $this->api_username . '</wsse:Username>
                               <wsse:Password Type="">' . $passwordDigest . '</wsse:Password>
                               <wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">' . $ENCODEDNONCE . '</wsse:Nonce>
                               <wsu:Created>' . $created . '</wsu:Created>
     //push the header into soap
     $HeaderObject = new SoapVar($HeaderObjectXML, XSD_ANYXML);
     //push soap header
     $header = new SoapHeader('', 'Security', $HeaderObject);
     return $client;
Beispiel #16
function attach_file_protocol($subject, $sender, $usage_code, $files, $document, $print_full_result = false)
    $client = new SoapClient(PROTOCOL_URL, array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1, 'cache_wsdl' => 0));
    // set trace = 1 for debugging
    $return = array();
    foreach ($files as $file) {
        try {
            $protocol_args = array('userName' => PROTOCOL_USER, 'password' => PROTOCOL_PASS, 'document' => $document->return, 'fileData' => $file['file'], 'fileName' => $file['name'], 'fileDescription' => $file['description'], 'inOutBoth' => 1);
            $result = $client->attachFileToDocument($protocol_args);
            $return[] = array('name' => $file['name'], 'description' => $file['description'], 'protocol_attach' => $result->return);
        } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                $return[] = array('lastest_request' => $client->__getLastRequest(), 'fault' => $fault->getMessage());
    //TEMP -------------------
    echo '<br /><hr /> attachFileToDocument call results: <br /><br />';
    return $return;
Beispiel #17
  * Create soap client with selected wsdl
  * @param string $wsdl
  * @param bool|int $trace
  * @return \SoapClient
 protected function _createSoapClient($wsdl, $trace = false)
     $client = new \SoapClient($wsdl, ['trace' => $trace]);
     $client->__setLocation($this->getConfigFlag('sandbox_mode') ? $this->getConfigData('sandbox_webservices_url') : $this->getConfigData('production_webservices_url'));
     return $client;
  * @param string $function Name of the function which should be called
  * @param array $params Requestparameters 'ParameterName' => 'ParameterValue'
  * @return array The response as an array with stdClass objects
 protected function performSoapRequest($function, $params)
     $soapClient = new SoapClient($this->webserviceWsdl, array('exceptions' => 1));
     $soapClient->__setLocation(str_replace('%%COUNTRY%%', $this->responseConfig['country'], $this->webserviceEndpoint));
     //var_dump('<pre>',$soapClient->__soapCall($function, array($params)),'</pre>'); die;
     return $soapClient->__soapCall($function, array($params));
 public function updateorderstatus()
     //$from = 'Robin'; // sender
     //$subject = 'ABCD';
     $message = 'Cron Job Running123456';
     // message lines should not exceed 70 characters (PHP rule), so wrap it
     //$message = wordwrap($message, 70);
     // send mail
     $from = 'Arun';
     // sender
     $subject = 'ABCD12345';
     $wsdlUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('unicom_options/unigroup/uniurl');
     $wsdllUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('unicom_options/unigroup/unilurl');
     $username = Mage::getStoreConfig('unicom_options/unigroup/uniusername');
     $password = Mage::getStoreConfig('unicom_options/unigroup/unipass');
     /*$wsdlUrl = "";
     	$wsdllUrl = "";
     	$username = "******";
     	$password = "******"; */
     $soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdlUrl, array('trace' => 1, 'exception' => 0));
     $strWSSENS = "";
     $objSoapVarUser = new SoapVar($username, XSD_STRING, NULL, $strWSSENS, "UserName", $strWSSENS);
     $objSoapVarPass = new SoapVar($password, XSD_STRING, NULL, $strWSSENS, "Password", $strWSSENS);
     $objWSSEAuth = new clsWSSEAuth($objSoapVarUser, $objSoapVarPass);
     $objSoapVarWSSEAuth = new SoapVar($objWSSEAuth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'UsernameToken', $strWSSENS);
     $objWSSEToken = new clsWSSEToken($objSoapVarWSSEAuth);
     $objSoapVarWSSEToken = new SoapVar($objWSSEToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'UsernameToken', $strWSSENS);
     $objSoapVarHeaderVal = new SoapVar($objSoapVarWSSEToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'Security', $strWSSENS);
     $objSoapVarWSSEHeader = new SoapHeader($strWSSENS, 'Security', $objSoapVarHeaderVal, true);
     $model = Mage::getModel('rcredit/rcredit');
     $order = new Mage_Sales_Model_Order();
     $order_details = $model->orderids();
     $i = 0;
     $check = array();
     $msg = array();
     foreach ($order_details as $details) {
         $msg[] = $details[order_id];
         $shipping = $soapClient->GetSaleOrder(array('SaleOrder' => array('Code' => $details[order_id])));
         //echo '<pre>';
         $delivcnt = count($shipping->SaleOrder->ShippingPackages->ShippingPackage);
         foreach ($shipping->SaleOrder->ShippingPackages as $v) {
             $payment = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode();
             $customer_status = $model->customerstatus($order->getCustomerEmail());
             if ($delivcnt > 1) {
                 $deliverDate = $v[$delivcnt - 1]->DeliveredOn;
                 $vstatus = $v[$delivcnt - 1]->StatusCode;
             } else {
                 $deliverDate = $v->DeliveredOn;
                 $vstatus = $v->StatusCode;
             if ($vstatus == 'DELIVERED') {
                 $day = explode('T', $deliverDate);
                 if ($day[0] >= $customer_status['credit_start_date']) {
                     //echo 'In Second Cycle'.$details[cycle].'-->'.$details[order_id].'-->'.$details[order_value].'-->'.$order->getCustomerEmail().'-->'.$customer_status[credit_cycle].'-->'.$customer_status[utlized_amt];
                     //echo '<br/>';
                     $model->updateordercycle($details[order_id], $customer_status[credit_cycle]);
                 $model->updateorderdate($details[order_id], $day[0]);
         //mail("*****@*****.**",$subject,$details[order_id],"From: $from\n");
         $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()->addAttributeToFilter('increment_id', $details[order_id])->getFirstItem();
         if ($order->getStatus() == 'Canceled' || $order->getStatus() == 'canceled') {
             $payment = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode();
             if ($payment == 'rcredit') {
                 $payment_status = 'Refund';
                 $order_cycle_value = $model->ordercyclehistory($details[order_id]);
                 //Getting the cycle using the order_id.
                 $cycle = $order_cycle_value['cycle'];
                 $customer_email = $order->getCustomerEmail();
                 $grandtotal = round($details[order_value], 2);
                 $customer_status = $model->customerstatus($customer_email);
                 // Getting the customer status from the Shopper Credit Module
                 $customer_credit_limit = $customer_status['credit_limit'];
                 // Getting customer's credit limit.
                 $customer_current_bal = $customer_status['bal_amt'];
                 // Getting customer's current balance
                 $balance_amount = $customer_status['bal_amt'] + $grandtotal;
                 // Calculating the updated balance after sucessful purchase.
                 $utlized_amt = $customer_status['utlized_amt'];
                 // Getting customer's current balance
                 $total_used_amt = $utlized_amt - $grandtotal;
                 // Getting the total utlized amt.
                 $pay_interval = $customer_status['pay_interval'];
                 // Getting customer's payinterval date
                 $expiry_date = $customer_status['enddate'];
                 // Getting expiry date for the customer
                 $action = 'Refund due to cancellation';
                 $todate = date("Y-m-d");
                 $order_status = "Cancel";
                 if ($order_cycle_value['action'] != 'Cancel') {
                     $model->cancelledorderdetails($details[order_id], $total_used_amt, $balance_amount, $action, $order_status);
                     $model->updateoncancel($grandtotal, $customer_email, $cycle);
Beispiel #20
  * @param string $function Name of the function which should be called
  * @param array $params Requestparameters 'ParameterName' => 'ParameterValue'
  * @return array The response as an array with stdClass objects
 protected function performSoapRequest($function, $params)
     if (true === $this->requestConfig['requestDelay']) {
     $soapClient = new SoapClient($this->webserviceWsdl, array('exceptions' => 1));
     $soapClient->__setLocation(str_replace('%%COUNTRY%%', $this->responseConfig['country'], $this->webserviceEndpoint));
     return $soapClient->__soapCall($function, array($params));
 function CSAuth($username, $password)
     $wsdl = '';
     $dest = '';
     $single_md5_pass = md5($password);
     try {
         $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => 1));
         $loginparams = array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password);
         $result = $client->AuthCS($loginparams);
         switch ($result->AuthCSResult) {
             case 'SUCCESS':
                 $this->return_code = $result->AuthCSResult;
                 return TRUE;
             case 'WRONG_AUTH':
                 $this->return_code = $result->AuthCSResult;
                 return FALSE;
                 $this->return_code = 'FAIL';
                 return FALSE;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         //handle error
         $this->return_code = 'FAIL';
         return FALSE;
Beispiel #22
 public function approvedOrderPush()
     $wsdlUrl = "";
     $wsdllUrl = "";
     $username = "******";
     $password = "******";
     $soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdlUrl, array('trace' => 1, 'exception' => 0));
     $strWSSENS = "";
     $objSoapVarUser = new SoapVar($username, XSD_STRING, NULL, $strWSSENS, "UserName", $strWSSENS);
     $objSoapVarPass = new SoapVar($password, XSD_STRING, NULL, $strWSSENS, "Password", $strWSSENS);
     $objWSSEAuth = new clsWSSEAuth($objSoapVarUser, $objSoapVarPass);
     $objSoapVarWSSEAuth = new SoapVar($objWSSEAuth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'UsernameToken', $strWSSENS);
     $objWSSEToken = new clsWSSEToken($objSoapVarWSSEAuth);
     $objSoapVarWSSEToken = new SoapVar($objWSSEToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'UsernameToken', $strWSSENS);
     $objSoapVarHeaderVal = new SoapVar($objSoapVarWSSEToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'Security', $strWSSENS);
     $objSoapVarWSSEHeader = new SoapHeader($strWSSENS, 'Security', $objSoapVarHeaderVal, true);
     $aorders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('status', 'approved')->addAttributeToSelect('increment_id');
     foreach ($aorders as $aorder) {
         $address = array();
         $saleorder = array();
         $items = array();
         $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->loadByIncrementId($aorder->getIncrementId());
         $incrementId = $order->getIncrementId();
         $customer_id = $order->getCustomerId();
         $collection = Mage::getModel("customer/customer")->load($customer_id);
         $allitems = $order->getAllItems();
         $totalqtyordered = $order->getTotalQtyOrdered();
         $shippingAmount = $order->getShippingAmount();
         $itemshipamt = $shippingAmount / $totalqtyordered;
         $payment_method_code = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getCode();
         $payment_title = "Payment Method: " . $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getTitle();
         $payment_method_title = $order->getPayment()->getMethodInstance()->getTitle();
         if ($payment_method_code == 'checkmo') {
             $shipmethodcode = "CHQ";
         } else {
             $shipmethodcode = "STD";
         foreach ($allitems as $item) {
             $itemQty = (int) $item->getQtyOrdered();
             if ($item->getPriceInclTax() > 0) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $itemQty; $i++) {
                     $icode = $item->getItemId() . $i;
                     $icode = (int) $icode;
                     $itemSku = $item->getSku();
                     $discountAmt = $item->getDiscountAmount() / $itemQty;
                     $itemTPrice = $item->getPriceInclTax() + $itemshipamt - $discountAmt;
                     $itemSPrice = $item->getPriceInclTax() - $discountAmt;
                     $items[] = array('Code' => $icode, 'ItemSKU' => $itemSku, 'ShippingMethodCode' => $shipmethodcode, 'TotalPrice' => $itemTPrice, 'SellingPrice' => $itemSPrice, 'ShippingCharges' => $itemshipamt, 'Discount' => $discountAmt, 'PacketNumber' => '1');
         $verifypayment = 0;
         if ($payment_method_code == 'cashondelivery' || $payment_method_code == 'checkmo') {
             $chpmcode = 1;
         } else {
             $chpmcode = 0;
         $email = $order->getCustomerEmail();
         $billing_address = $order->getBillingAddress();
         $billing_name = $billing_address->getName();
         $billing_street = $billing_address->getStreet();
         $billing_company = $billing_address->getCompany() . ".";
         $billing_str = $billing_street[0] . " " . $billing_street[1];
         $billing_city = $billing_address->getCity();
         $billingregion = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($billing_address->getRegionId());
         $billing_state = explode("-", $billingregion->getCode());
         $billing_Country = $billing_address->getCountryId();
         $billing_postcode = $billing_address->getPostcode();
         $billing_phone = $billing_address->getTelephone();
         $address[] = array('Name' => $billing_name, 'AddressLine1' => $billing_company, 'AddressLine2' => $billing_str, 'City' => $billing_city, 'State' => $billing_state[1], 'Country' => $billing_Country, 'Pincode' => $billing_postcode, 'Phone' => $billing_phone, 'id' => '1');
         $shipping_address = $order->getShippingAddress();
         $shipping_name = $shipping_address->getName();
         $shipping_street = $shipping_address->getStreet();
         $shipping_company = $shipping_address->getCompany() . ".";
         $shipping_str = $shipping_street[0] . " " . $shipping_street[1];
         $shipping_city = $shipping_address->getCity();
         $shippingregion = Mage::getModel('directory/region')->load($shipping_address->getRegionId());
         $shipping_state = explode("-", $shippingregion->getCode());
         $shipping_Country = $shipping_address->getCountryId();
         $shipping_postcode = $shipping_address->getPostcode();
         $shipping_phone = $shipping_address->getTelephone();
         $address[] = array('Name' => $shipping_name, 'AddressLine1' => $shipping_company, 'AddressLine2' => $shipping_str, 'City' => $shipping_city, 'State' => $shipping_state[1], 'Country' => $shipping_Country, 'Pincode' => $shipping_postcode, 'Phone' => $shipping_phone, 'id' => '2');
         $saleorder = array('SaleOrder' => array('Code' => $incrementId, 'DisplayOrderCode' => $incrementId, 'CashOnDelivery' => $chpmcode, 'NotificationEmail' => $email, 'NotificationMobile' => $shipping_phone, 'AdditionalInfo' => $payment_title, 'Addresses' => array('Address' => $address), 'VerificationRequired' => $verifypayment, 'BillingAddress' => array('ref' => '1'), 'ShippingAddress' => array('ref' => '2'), 'SaleOrderItems' => array('SaleOrderItem' => $items), 'CustomFields' => array('CustomField' => array(array('name' => 'customerId', 'value' => $customer_id), array('name' => 'zoffioPaymentMethod', 'value' => $payment_method_code)))));
Beispiel #23
 public function getTimeInTransit($_zip, $_product, $_method = null)
     if (!empty($this->_cacheTurnover) && array_key_exists($_method, $this->_cacheTurnover)) {
         return $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method];
     if ($_zip == '' || !Mage::getStoreConfig(self::RSHIPPING_STORE_POST_CODE)) {
         return 0;
      * Get Store GeoData for ups
      * */
     $_storeGeoData = $this->getGeoData(Mage::getStoreConfig(self::RSHIPPING_STORE_POST_CODE));
     if (!$_storeGeoData) {
         return 0;
     $pWeight = $_product->getWeight();
      * Get Customer GeoData for ups
      * */
     $_customerGeoData = $this->getGeoData($_zip);
     if (!$_customerGeoData) {
         return 0;
      * UPS API Transit Time
      * */
     $_accessKey = Mage::helper('core')->decrypt(Mage::getStoreConfig(self::RSHIPPING_UPS_ACCESS_KEY));
     $_userId = Mage::getStoreConfig(self::RSHIPPING_UPS_USERNAME);
     $_pass = Mage::helper('core')->decrypt(Mage::getStoreConfig(self::RSHIPPING_UPS_PASSWORD));
     $_wsdl = Mage::getModuleDir('etc', 'ITwebexperts_Rshipping') . DS . "upsApi" . DS . "tntws.wsdl";
     $_operation = "ProcessTimeInTransit";
     $_endPointUrl = Mage::helper('rshipping/config')->isLiveUpsMode(Mage::app()->getStore()->getId()) ? self::RSHIPPING_UPS_ENDPOINT_URL_LIVE : self::RSHIPPING_UPS_ENDPOINT_URL_TEST;
     try {
         /* Initialize soap client*/
         $_client = new SoapClient($_wsdl, array('soap_version' => 'SOAP_1_1', 'trace' => 1));
         /* Create soap header*/
         $_upss = array('UsernameToken' => array('Username' => $_userId, 'Password' => $_pass), 'ServiceAccessToken' => array('AccessLicenseNumber' => $_accessKey));
         $_header = new SoapHeader('', 'UPSSecurity', $_upss);
          * TODO: get weight code from product
          * Max UPS weight = 31kg (70lbs)
          * Create soap request
         $_request = array('Request' => array('RequestOption' => 'TNT'), 'ShipFrom' => $_storeGeoData, 'ShipTo' => $_customerGeoData, 'Pickup' => array('Date' => Mage::getModel('core/date')->date('Ymd')), 'ShipmentWeight' => array('Weight' => $pWeight && (int) $pWeight < 75 ? $pWeight : 75, 'UnitOfMeasurement' => array('Code' => 'KGS', 'Description' => 'Kilograms')), 'TotalPackagesInShipment' => '1', 'InvoiceLineTotal' => array('CurrencyCode' => Mage::app()->getStore()->getCurrentCurrencyCode(), 'MonetaryValue' => '1'), 'MaximumListSize' => '1');
         $_response = $_client->__soapCall($_operation, array($_request));
           $_timers = Varien_Profiler::getTimers();*/
          * Check selected method in response
          * */
         if ($_response->Response->ResponseStatus->Code != 1) {
             Mage::log($_response->Response->ResponseStatus->Description, null, 'rshipping.log');
             $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method] = 0;
             return $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method];
         $_serviceSummaryAr = $_response->TransitResponse->ServiceSummary;
         if (!is_array($_serviceSummaryAr)) {
             Mage::log('Error in response parsing', null, 'rshipping.log');
             $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method] = 0;
             return $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method];
         foreach ($_serviceSummaryAr as $_serviceSummary) {
             if (mb_stripos($_method, $_serviceSummary->Service->Code) !== false) {
                 $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method] = (int) $_serviceSummary->EstimatedArrival->BusinessDaysInTransit;
                 return $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method];
     } catch (Exception $_e) {
         Mage::log($_e->getMessage(), null, 'rshipping.log');
         $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method] = 0;
         return $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method];
     $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method] = 0;
     return $this->_cacheTurnover[$_method];
Beispiel #24
 function initAWS($source_id)
     global $search_index, $url;
     global $opac_curl_proxy;
     $params = $this->get_source_params($source_id);
     if ($params["PARAMETERS"]) {
         //Affichage du formulaire avec $params["PARAMETERS"]
         $vars = unserialize($params["PARAMETERS"]);
         foreach ($vars as $key => $val) {
             global ${$key};
             ${$key} = $val;
     $arraySoapOptions = array();
     $arraySoapOptions["exceptions"] = true;
     $arraySoapOptions["connection_timeout"] = $params["TIMEOUT"];
     if ($opac_curl_proxy != '') {
         $param_proxy = explode(',', $opac_curl_proxy);
         $arraySoapOptions["proxy_host"] = $param_proxy[0];
         $arraySoapOptions["proxy_port"] = $param_proxy[1];
         $arraySoapOptions["proxy_login"] = $param_proxy[2];
         $arraySoapOptions["proxy_password"] = $param_proxy[3];
     try {
         $client = new SoapClient("", $arraySoapOptions);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->error = true;
         $this->error_message = $e->getMessage();
     return $client;
Beispiel #25
 public function getSpeedyAccountFullResponse($nospeedy)
     $url = "http://" . $this->ip_addr2 . "/TelkomSystem/Radius/Services/ProxyService/getSpeedyAccount?wsdl";
     $client = new SoapClient($url, array('trace' => 1));
     $param2 = array("in0" => $nospeedy, "in1" => '', "in2" => $nospeedy);
     $result = $client->__call("getSpeedyAccountFull", array('parameters' => $param2));
     $tmp = $client->__getLastResponse();
     $a = xmlstr_to_array($tmp);
     $out = $a['soap:Body']['ns1:getSpeedyAccountFullResponse']['ns1:out'];
     if ($_REQUEST['debug'] == 'api') {
         var_dump($a, $result, $tmp, $client, $out, $out['status']);
     return $out;
 function send()
     if ($this->isValid()) {
          * if SOAP is installed, try to perform a SOAP request
          * else, try to use cURL
          * else, throw an error message that neither of those are installed
         if (class_exists("SoapClienttt")) {
             $client = new SoapClient('', array('login' => 'u' . $this->merchantid, 'password' => 'password', 'exceptions' => FALSE));
             // if we are on test system, override the Location set within the WSDL
             if ($this->etp_url == "") {
             // perform the request
             $this->response = $client->SelectPayment(array('mdxi' => $this->xmlfile, 'merchantID' => $this->merchantid, 'getDataURL' => '', 'tid' => ''));
         } elseif (function_exists("curl_init")) {
             // build Request
             // send request;
             $ch = curl_init($this->etp_url);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->request);
             curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
             // TODO: Move proxy information to a more secure area,
             // e.g. a configuration file outside the web servers
             // document root.
             #curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, 'aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:port');
             // NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE
             #curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
             // uncomment the following line in case you experience trouble regarding cURL SSL certificate errors
             // Plese download cacert.pem from
             #curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "./cacert.pem");
             // get response
             $this->response = curl_exec($ch);
             // catch errors
             $ch_error = curl_error($ch);
             if (empty($this->response) || !empty($ch_error)) {
                 $this->response = "STATUS=ERROR&RETURNCODE=cURL+-+" . urlencode(curl_error($ch));
         } else {
             $this->response = "STATUS=ERROR&";
Beispiel #27
 protected function _createSoapClient($wsdl, $trace = false, $type = self::RATE)
     $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => $trace));
     switch ($type) {
         case self::RATE:
             $client->__setLocation($this->getConfigFlag('sandbox_mode') ? self::DEV_RATE_LABEL_URL : self::PROD_RATE_LABEL_URL);
         case self::TRACK:
             $client->__setLocation($this->getConfigFlag('sandbox_mode') ? self::DEV_TRACK_URL : self::PROD_TRACK_URL);
         case self::LABEL:
             $client->__setLocation($this->getConfigFlag('sandbox_mode') ? self::DEV_RATE_LABEL_URL : self::PROD_RATE_LABEL_URL);
             $client->__setLocation($this->getConfigFlag('sandbox_mode') ? self::DEV_RATE_LABEL_URL : self::PROD_RATE_LABEL_URL);
     return $client;
	'Minor' => '0'
$request['SelectionDetails'] = array(
	'PackageIdentifier' => array(
		'Value' => getProperty('customerreference') // Replace with a valid customer reference
	'ShipmentAccountNumber' => getProperty('trackaccount') // Replace with account used for shipment

try {
		$newLocation = $client->__setLocation(setEndpoint('endpoint'));
	$response = $client ->track($request);

    if ($response -> HighestSeverity != 'FAILURE' && $response -> HighestSeverity != 'ERROR'){
		if($response->HighestSeverity != 'SUCCESS'){
			echo '<table border="1">';
			echo '<tr><th>Track Reply</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>';
			trackDetails($response->Notifications, '');
			echo '</table>';
	    	if ($response->CompletedTrackDetails->HighestSeverity != 'SUCCESS'){
				echo '<table border="1">';
			    echo '<tr><th>Shipment Level Tracking Details</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>';
			    trackDetails($response->CompletedTrackDetails, '');
Beispiel #29
  * Create soap client with selected wsdl
  * @param string $wsdl
  * @param bool|int $trace
  * @return SoapClient
 protected function _createSoapClient($wsdl, $trace = false)
     $client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array('trace' => $trace));
     $client->__setLocation($this->getConfigFlag('sandbox_mode') ? ' ' : '');
     return $client;
Beispiel #30
//$date = $_REQUEST['date'];
$resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
$read = $resource->getConnection('core_read');
$write = $resource->getConnection('core_write');
$fromdate = Mage::getModel('core/date')->date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-1 day'));
$fromdate = $fromdate . "T00:00:00";
$todate = Mage::getModel('core/date')->date('Y-m-d');
$todate = $todate . "T00:00:00";
$wsdlUrl = "";
$wsdllUrl = "";
$username = "******";
$password = "******";
$soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdlUrl, array('trace' => 1, 'exception' => 0));
$strWSSENS = "";
$objSoapVarUser = new SoapVar($username, XSD_STRING, NULL, $strWSSENS, "UserName", $strWSSENS);
$objSoapVarPass = new SoapVar($password, XSD_STRING, NULL, $strWSSENS, "Password", $strWSSENS);
$objWSSEAuth = new clsWSSEAuth($objSoapVarUser, $objSoapVarPass);
$objSoapVarWSSEAuth = new SoapVar($objWSSEAuth, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'UsernameToken', $strWSSENS);
$objWSSEToken = new clsWSSEToken($objSoapVarWSSEAuth);
$objSoapVarWSSEToken = new SoapVar($objWSSEToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'UsernameToken', $strWSSENS);
$objSoapVarHeaderVal = new SoapVar($objSoapVarWSSEToken, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, NULL, $strWSSENS, 'Security', $strWSSENS);
$objSoapVarWSSEHeader = new SoapHeader($strWSSENS, 'Security', $objSoapVarHeaderVal, true);
$manifest = $soapClient->CreateExportJob(array('ExportJobTypeName' => 'Shipping Manifest', 'ExportColumns' => array('ExportColumn' => array('manifestCode', 'manifestStatus')), 'ExportFilters' => array('ExportFilter' => array('DateRange' => array('Start' => $fromdate, 'End' => $todate), 'id' => 'dateRange')), 'Frequency' => 'ONETIME'));
$write->query("truncate `manifestdata`");
$export = $soapClient->GetExportJobStatus(array('JobCode' => $manifest->JobCode));
if ($export->Status == "COMPLETE") {
    $csvfile = $export->FilePath;