Beispiel #1
  * Retorna uma instância já existente ou nova instância do banco de dados.
  * @return Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $instance
 public static function getInstance()
     if (self::$instance === null) {
         $config = Snep_Config::getConfig()->ambiente->db->toArray();
         $adapter = array_shift($config);
         if (strtoupper($adapter) == "PDO_MYSQL") {
             $config["driver_options"] = array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY => true);
         self::$instance = self::factory($adapter, $config);
         require_once "Zend/Registry.php";
         Zend_Registry::set("db", self::$instance);
     return self::$instance;
Beispiel #2
 public static function loadConfFromDb()
     $view = new Zend_View();
     $db = Snep_Db::getInstance();
     // TODO - buscar informações da tabela extensions
     foreach (array("sip", "iax2") as $tech) {
         $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
         $asteriskDirectory = $config->system->path->asterisk->conf;
         $extenFileConf = "{$asteriskDirectory}/snep/snep-{$tech}.conf";
         $trunkFileConf = "{$asteriskDirectory}/snep/snep-{$tech}-trunks.conf";
         if (!is_writable($extenFileConf)) {
             throw new PBX_Exception_IO($view->translate("Failed to open file %s with write permission.", $extenFileConf));
         if (!is_writable($trunkFileConf)) {
             throw new PBX_Exception_IO($view->translate("Failed to open file %s with write permission.", $trunkFileConf));
         /* clean snep-sip.conf file */
         file_put_contents($extenFileConf, '');
         /* Register header on output string of the file */
         $todayDate = date("d/m/Y H:m:s");
         $header = ";------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
         $header .= "; Arquivo: snep-{$tech}.conf - Cadastro de ramais                                        \n";
         $header .= ";                                                                                    \n";
         $header .= "; Atualizado em: {$todayDate}                                                         \n";
         $header .= "; Copyright(c) 2008 Opens Tecnologia                                                 \n";
         $header .= ";------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
         $header .= "; Os registros a Seguir sao gerados pelo Software SNEP.                              \n";
         $header .= "; Este Arquivo NAO DEVE ser editado Manualmente sob riscos de                        \n";
         $header .= "; causar mau funcionamento do Asterisk                                               \n";
         $header .= ";------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
         /* query that gets information of the peers on the DB */
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM peers WHERE name != 'admin' AND canal like '" . strtoupper($tech) . "%'";
         $peer_data = $db->query($sql)->fetchAll();
         $peers = "\n";
         $trunk_config = "\n";
         if (count($peer_data) > 0) {
             foreach ($peer_data as $peer) {
                 $sipallow = explode(";", $peer['allow']);
                 $allow = '';
                 foreach ($sipallow as $siper) {
                     if ($siper != '') {
                         $allow .= $siper . ",";
                 $allow = substr($allow, 0, strlen($allow) - 1);
                 if ($peer['peer_type'] == 'T') {
                     $select = $db->select()->from('trunks')->where("name = {$peer['name']}")->limit(1);
                     $trunk = $db->query($select)->fetchObject();
                     if ($trunk->type == "SNEPSIP") {
                         /* Assemble trunk entries */
                         $peers .= '[' . $peer['username'] . "]\n";
                         $peers .= 'type=' . $peer['type'] . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'context=' . $peer['context'] . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'canreinvite=' . $peer['canreinvite'] . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'dtmfmode=' . ($peer['dtmfmode'] ? $peer['dtmfmode'] : "rfc2833") . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'host=' . $peer['host'] . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'qualify=' . ($peer['qualify'] == "no" ? "no" : "yes") . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'nat=' . $peer['nat'] . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'disallow=' . $peer['disallow'] . "\n";
                         $peers .= 'allow=' . $allow . "\n";
                         $peers .= "\n";
                     } else {
                         if ($trunk->type == "SNEPIAX2") {
                             /* Assemble Extension entries */
                             $peers .= '[' . $peer['username'] . "]\n";
                             $peers .= 'type=' . $peer['type'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'username='******'username'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'secret=' . $peer['username'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'context=' . $peer['context'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'canreinvite=' . $peer['canreinvite'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'dtmfmode=' . ($peer['dtmfmode'] ? $peer['dtmfmode'] : "rfc2833") . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'host=' . $peer['host'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'qualify=' . ($peer['qualify'] == "no" ? "no" : "yes") . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'nat=' . $peer['nat'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'disallow=' . $peer['disallow'] . "\n";
                             $peers .= 'allow=' . $allow . "\n";
                             $peers .= "\n";
                         } else {
                             if ($trunk->dialmethod != "NOAUTH") {
                                 /* Assemble trunk entries */
                                 $peers .= '[' . $peer['username'] . "]\n";
                                 $peers .= 'type=' . $peer['type'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= 'context=' . $peer['context'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= $peer['fromdomain'] != "" ? 'fromdomain=' . $peer['fromdomain'] . "\n" : "";
                                 $peers .= $peer['fromuser'] != "" ? 'fromuser='******'fromuser'] . "\n" : "";
                                 $peers .= 'canreinvite=' . $peer['canreinvite'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= 'dtmfmode=' . ($peer['dtmfmode'] ? $peer['dtmfmode'] : "rfc2833") . "\n";
                                 $peers .= 'host=' . $peer['host'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= 'qualify=' . $peer['qualify'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= 'nat=' . $peer['nat'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= 'disallow=' . $peer['disallow'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= 'allow=' . $allow . "\n";
                                 if ($peer['port'] != "") {
                                     $peers .= 'port=' . $peer['port'] . "\n";
                                 if ($peer['call-limit'] != "" && $trunk->type == "SIP") {
                                     $peers .= 'call-limit=' . $peer['call-limit'] . "\n";
                                 if ($trunk->insecure != "") {
                                     $peers .= 'insecure=' . $trunk->insecure . "\n";
                                 if ($trunk->domain != "" && $trunk->type == "SIP") {
                                     $peers .= 'domain=' . $trunk->domain . "\n";
                                 if ($trunk->type == "IAX2") {
                                     $peers .= 'trunk=' . $peer['trunk'] . "\n";
                                 if ($trunk->reverse_auth) {
                                     $peers .= 'username='******'username'] . "\n";
                                     $peers .= 'secret=' . $peer['secret'] . "\n";
                                 $peers .= "\n";
                     $trunk_config .= $trunk->dialmethod != "NOAUTH" && !preg_match("/SNEP/", $trunk->type) ? "register => " . $peer['username'] . ":" . $peer['secret'] . "@" . $peer['host'] . "\n" : "";
                 } else {
                     /* Assemble Extension entries */
                     $peers .= '[' . $peer['name'] . "]\n";
                     $peers .= 'type=' . $peer['type'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'context=' . $peer['context'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'host=' . $peer['host'] . "\n";
                     # dinamyc
                     $peers .= 'secret=' . $peer['secret'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'callerid=' . $peer['callerid'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'canreinvite=' . $peer['canreinvite'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'dtmfmode=' . ($peer['dtmfmode'] ? $peer['dtmfmode'] : "rfc2833") . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'nat=' . $peer['nat'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'qualify=' . $peer['qualify'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'disallow=' . $peer['disallow'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'allow=' . $allow . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'username='******'name'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'fromuser='******'name'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= 'call-limit=' . $peer['call-limit'] . "\n";
                     $peers .= "\n";
         $trunkcont = str_replace(".conf", "-trunks.conf", $header) . $trunk_config;
         file_put_contents($trunkFileConf, $trunkcont);
         $content = $header . $peers;
         file_put_contents($extenFileConf, $content);
     // Forcing asterisk to reload the configs
     $asteriskAmi = PBX_Asterisk_AMI::getInstance();
     $asteriskAmi->Command("sip reload");
     $asteriskAmi->Command("iax2 reload");
Beispiel #3
  * Procura o dono de uma interface baseado em canal.
  * @param string $channel Canal da interface
  * @return object Objeto que representa o dono da interface (se houver)
 public static function getChannelOwner($channel)
     $db = Snep_Db::getInstance();
     $select = $db->select()->from('trunks');
     $trunk_ifaces = $db->query($select)->fetchAll();
     foreach ($trunk_ifaces as $interface) {
         if (preg_match("#^{$interface['id_regex']}\$#i", $channel)) {
             return PBX_Trunks::get($interface['id']);
     $select = $db->select()->from('peers')->where("name != 'admin' AND peer_type='R'");
     $interfaces = $db->query($select)->fetchAll();
     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
         if (preg_match("#^{$interface['canal']}\$#i", $channel)) {
             return PBX_Usuarios::get($interface['name']);
     return null;
Beispiel #4
  * Verifica se um grupo sofre herança de outro. Se um grupo é filho de outro.
  * A forma mais fácil que encontrei de fazer essa checagem é criar uma
  * instancia do Zend_Acl e colocar as informações todas lá e fazer uma
  * checagem simples.
  * @param string $parent suposto pai
  * @param string $node  suposto filho
  * @return boolean resultado do teste
 public static function hasGroupInheritance($parent, $node)
     $db = Snep_Db::getInstance();
     $select = $db->select()->from('groups')->where("name != 'admin' AND name != 'users' AND name != 'all'");
     $stmt = $db->query($select);
     $groups = $stmt->fetchAll();
     $acl = new Zend_Acl();
     $acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('all'), null);
     $acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('users'), 'all');
     $acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('admin'), 'all');
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $inherit = $group['inherit'] ? $group['inherit'] : null;
         $acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role($group['name']), $inherit);
     return $acl->isAllowed($node);
Beispiel #5
defined('APPLICATION_PATH') || define('APPLICATION_PATH', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
// Add standard library to the include path
set_include_path(implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, array(APPLICATION_PATH . '/lib', get_include_path())));
// Initializing Snep Config
require_once "Snep/Config.php";
Snep_Config::setConfigFile(APPLICATION_PATH . '/includes/setup.conf');
$config = Snep_Config::getConfig();
defined('SNEP_VENDOR') || define('SNEP_VENDOR', $config->ambiente->emp_nome);
defined('SNEP_VERSION') || define('SNEP_VERSION', trim(file_get_contents(APPLICATION_PATH . "/configs/snep_version")));
// Define application environment
$snep_env = Snep_Config::getConfig()->system->debug ? "development" : "production";
defined('APPLICATION_ENV') || define('APPLICATION_ENV', getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') ? getenv('APPLICATION_ENV') : $snep_env);
if (APPLICATION_ENV === "development") {
    require_once "Zend/Debug.php";
// Adds the modules directory to the snep module system
require_once "Snep/Modules.php";
Snep_Modules::getInstance()->addPath(APPLICATION_PATH . "/modules");
/** Zend_Application */
require_once 'Zend/Application.php';
require_once 'Zend/Config/Ini.php';
// Create application, bootstrap, and run
$application = new Zend_Application(APPLICATION_ENV, APPLICATION_PATH . '/application.ini');
// Adding standard lib autoloader capabilities to keep old code running
$application->setAutoloaderNamespaces(array("Asterisk_", "PBX_", "Snep_"));
// Keeping old links to avoid rework in too much stuff.
require_once "Zend/Registry.php";
Zend_Registry::set("config", $config);
Zend_Registry::set("db", Snep_Db::getInstance());
/* Fight! */
Beispiel #6
 public function boot()
     // Iniciando ambiente para ideal funcionamento da Lib
     // Coletando informações enviadas pelo asterisk
     // Iniciando logs do sistema
     // Iniciando objeto para comunicação com banco de dados
     // Atualizando request para facilitar trabalho das ações
     // Iniciando modulos e Actions das regras de negócio
     // Coletando plugins para regras de negócio
Beispiel #7
  * Cadastra uma regra de negócio no banco de dados do Snep.
  * @param PBX_Rule $rule
 public static function register($rule)
     $srcs = "";
     foreach ($rule->getSrcList() as $src) {
         $srcs .= "," . trim($src['type'] . ":" . $src['value'], ':');
     $srcs = trim($srcs, ',');
     $dsts = "";
     foreach ($rule->getDstList() as $dst) {
         $dsts .= "," . trim($dst['type'] . ":" . $dst['value'], ':');
     $dsts = trim($dsts, ',');
     $validade = implode(",", $rule->getValidTimeList());
     $diasDaSemana = implode(",", $rule->getValidWeekDays());
     $insert_data = array("prio" => $rule->getPriority(), "desc" => $rule->getDesc(), "origem" => $srcs, "destino" => $dsts, "validade" => $validade, "diasDaSemana" => $diasDaSemana, "record" => $rule->isRecording());
     $db = Snep_Db::getInstance();
     try {
         $db->insert("regras_negocio", $insert_data);
         $rule->setId((int) $db->lastInsertId('regras_negocio_id'));
         $action_prio = 0;
         foreach ($rule->getAcoes() as $acao) {
             $action_insert_data = array("regra_id" => $rule->getId(), "prio" => $action_prio, "action" => get_class($acao));
             $db->insert("regras_negocio_actions", $action_insert_data);
             foreach ($acao->getConfigArray() as $chave => $valor) {
                 $action_config_data = array("regra_id" => $rule->getId(), "prio" => $action_prio, "key" => $chave, "value" => $valor);
                 $db->insert("regras_negocio_actions_config", $action_config_data);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         throw $ex;
Beispiel #8
 public function editAction()
     $id = mysql_escape_string($this->getRequest()->getParam("trunk"));
     $this->view->breadcrumb = $this->view->breadcrumb = Snep_Breadcrumb::renderPath(array($this->view->translate("Manage"), $this->view->translate("Trunks"), $this->view->translate("Edit trunk %s", $id)));
     Zend_Registry::set('cancel_url', $this->getFrontController()->getBaseUrl() . '/' . $this->getRequest()->getControllerName() . '/index');
     $form = $this->getForm();
     $form->setAction($this->view->baseUrl() . "/index.php/trunks/edit/trunk/{$id}");
     if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
         if ($this->form->isValid($_POST)) {
             $trunk_data = $this->preparePost();
             $sql = "SELECT name FROM trunks WHERE id='{$id}' LIMIT 1";
             $name_data = Snep_Db::getInstance()->query($sql)->fetch();
             $trunk_data['trunk']['name'] = $trunk_data['ip']['name'] = $name_data['name'];
             $db = Snep_Db::getInstance();
             try {
                 $db->update("trunks", $trunk_data['trunk'], "id='{$id}'");
                 if ($trunk_data['trunk']['trunktype'] == "I") {
                     $db->update("peers", $trunk_data['ip'], "name='{$trunk_data['trunk']['name']}' and peer_type='T'");
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 throw $ex;
     $this->populateFromTrunk($form, $id);
     $this->view->form = $form;