Beispiel #1

$app = new \SlimController\Slim(array('templates.path' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/views/', 'cookies.secret_key' => md5('appsecretkey'), 'controller.class_prefix' => '', 'controller.method_suffix' => '', 'controller.template_suffix' => 'twig', 'mode' => 'production', 'debug' => true));
if ($app->config('debug') === true) {
    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
    $app->add(new \Zeuxisoo\Whoops\Provider\Slim\WhoopsMiddleware());
/** Create monolog logger and store logger in container as singleton 
 * (Singleton resources retrieve the same log resource definition each time)
 *  $app->log->info("Log error");
 *  try catch hook
 *  $app->applyHook('', $e->getMessage());
 *  $app->log->error($e);
$app->container->singleton('log', function () use($app) {
    $logpath = dirname(__DIR__) . '/logs/' . date('Y/m');
    $logfile = $logpath . '/' . date('d') . '.log';
    $old = umask(0);
    if (!is_dir($logpath)) {
        mkdir($logpath, 0777, true);
    if (!is_writable($logpath)) {
        chmod($logfile, 0777);
    if (!file_exists($logfile)) {
        file_put_contents($logfile, '');

define('APP_PATH', dirname(__DIR__));
require APP_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// load configuration
$dotenv = new \Dotenv\Dotenv(APP_PATH);
// define the app
$app = new \SlimController\Slim();
// configure application
$app->config(['templates.path' => APP_PATH . '/app/views', 'controller.class_prefix' => '\\app\\controllers', 'controller.class_suffix' => 'Controller', 'controller.method_suffix' => 'Action', 'view' => new \Slim\Views\Twig(), 'log.enabled' => true, 'log.level' => \Slim\Log::DEBUG, 'log.writer' => new \Slim\Logger\DateTimeFileWriter(['path' => APP_PATH . '/storage/logs'])]);
// configure models
require_once APP_PATH . '/vendor/j4mie/idiorm/idiorm.php';
require_once APP_PATH . '/vendor/j4mie/paris/paris.php';
ORM::configure('mysql:host=' . getenv('DB_HOST') . ';dbname=' . getenv('DB_NAME'));
ORM::configure('username', getenv('DB_USERNAME'));
ORM::configure('password', getenv('DB_PASSWORD'));
Model::$auto_prefix_models = '\\app\\models\\';
// configure views
$app->view()->parserOptions = ['debug' => true, 'cache' => APP_PATH . '/storage/twig'];
$app->view()->parserExtensions = [new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension(), new \src\twig\TwigExtension()];
// environment depending settings
if (getenv('APP_DEBUG') == 'true') {
    // configure logging
    $app->config('debug', true);
    // configure request logging
    $app->hook('slim.after.router', function () use($app) {
        $request = $app->request;
        $response = $app->response;
        $app->log->debug(sprintf('Request path: %s - Response status: %d', $request->getPathInfo(), $response->getStatus()));
Beispiel #3

ref::config('showPrivateMembers', true);
ref::config('expLvl', 3);
ref::config('showUrls', false);
// init app
$app = new \SlimController\Slim(array('templates.path' => dirname(__DIR__) . '/views', 'cookies.secret_key' => md5('appsecretkey'), 'controller.class_suffix' => '', 'controller.method_suffix' => '', 'controller.template_suffix' => 'twig', 'mode' => 'production', 'debug' => true));
if ($app->config('debug') === true) {
    ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
    $app->config('whoops.editor', 'sublime');
    $app->add(new \Zeuxisoo\Whoops\Provider\Slim\WhoopsMiddleware());
/** Create monolog logger and store logger in container as singleton
 * (Singleton resources retrieve the same log resource definition each time)
 *  $app->log->info("Log error");
 *  try catch hook
 *  $app->applyHook('', $e->getMessage());
 *  $app->log->error($e);
$app->container->singleton('log', function () use($app) {
    $logpath = APP_PATH . '/app/logs/' . date('Y/m');
    $logfile = $logpath . '/' . date('d') . '.log';
    $old = umask(0);
    if (!is_dir($logpath)) {
        mkdir($logpath, 0777, true);
    if (!is_writable($logpath)) {
        chmod($logfile, 0777);
    if (!file_exists($logfile)) {