/** * Test get log * * This asserts that a Slim app has a default Log * upon instantiation. The Log itself is tested * separately in another file. */ public function testGetLog() { $s = new \Slim\Slim(); $this->assertInstanceOf('\\Slim\\Log', $s->getLog()); }
<?php include __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; include __DIR__ . '/../../bootstrap.php'; $debugbarRenderer->setBaseUrl('../../../src/DebugBar/Resources'); $app = new \Slim\Slim(); $app->get('/', function () use($app) { $app->getLog()->info('hello world'); render_demo_page(); }); $debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\SlimCollector($app)); $app->run();
// ========== COMPOSER ========== require ROOT_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php'; // ========== CONFIGURATION ========== $config = (require APP_PATH . '/src/config.php'); // ========== PHP (from configuration) ========== // time zone date_default_timezone_set($config['PHP']['default_timezone']); // errors ini_set('display_errors', $config['PHP']['display_errors']); ini_set('display_startup_errors', $config['PHP']['display_startup_errors']); ini_set('log_errors', $config['PHP']['log_errors']); // session if (true === $config['PHP']['need_session']) { session_cache_limiter(false); session_set_cookie_params(0, '/', '', $config['PHP']['session_cookie_secure'], true); session_start(); } unset($config['PHP']); // ========== SLIM ========== $app = new \Slim\Slim($config['Slim']); $app->config('app', $config['App']); $app->view()->setData('config', $app->config('app')); require APP_PATH . '/src/dependencies.php'; require APP_PATH . '/src/middlewares.php'; require APP_PATH . '/src/routes.php'; // Error handler $app->error(function (\Exception $e) use($app) { $app->getLog()->error($e); $app->render('errors/error.twig'); }); $app->run();
} $mongoCollection = getMongoCollection('user'); foreach ($post as $key => $value) { $encode = mb_detect_encoding($value, array('UTF-8')); if ($encode !== 'UTF-8') { throw new RuntimeException('メールアドレスまたはパスワードに誤りがあります'); } } $result = $mongoCollection->find(array('email' => $post['email'], 'password' => getPasswordHash($post['email'], $post['password'], $app->config('salt')))); if ($result->count()) { session_regenerate_id(true); $user = $result->next(); $_SESSION['user'] = $user; $_SESSION['expires'] = time() + (int) $app->config('timeout'); $app->flash('info', 'ログインしました。'); $app->getLog()->info('ユーザー名「' . $user['username'] . '」(メールアドレス"' . $user['email'] . '")がログインしました。'); $app->redirect($app->config('static_path')); } else { throw new RuntimeException('メールアドレスまたはパスワードに誤りがあります'); } } catch (RuntimeException $e) { $app->flash('error', $e->getMessage()); $app->redirect($app->config('static_path') . 'login'); } }); $app->map('/logout', function () use($app) { if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { $app->getLog()->info('ユーザー名「' . $_SESSION['user']['username'] . '」(メールアドレス"' . $_SESSION['user']['email'] . '")がログアウトしました。'); } session_destroy(); session_regenerate_id(true);
* @author Damian Worsdell <*****@*****.**> * @copyright Copyright (C) 2015, Damian Worsdell and Bloom Labs, Inc. */ // Define our Namespace namespace Bloom\Schedule\API; use Bloom\Schedule\API\Model\Booking; use Bloom\Schedule\API\Model\Statistics; // Auto-load the classes via Composer's PSR-4 autoloader require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // Configure log writer $config['app']['log.writer'] = new \Flynsarmy\SlimMonolog\Log\MonologWriter(array('handlers' => array(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('data/logs/' . date('Y-m-d') . '.log')))); // Start Slim $app = new \Slim\Slim($config['app']); // Start log writer $log = $app->getLog(); // Set response headers $app->response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf-8'); $app->etag(md5(time())); // Define path & URL $req = $app->request; define('ROOT', $req->getPath()); define('URL', $req->getUrl()); // Bookings $app->group('/booking', function () use($app, $log) { // Returns the details of all current and future bookings $app->get("/all", function () use($app, $log) { Booking::all($app); }); // Returns the details of the next bookings for room number of :room $app->get("/next/:room", function ($room) use($app, $log) {
$_SESSION[$download['id']] = array(); } else { if ($download['status'] == Status::DOWNLOADING) { if ($activeDownloads >= 3) { continue; } $activeDownloads++; try { $_SESSION[$download['id']][] = (array) getChapter($download['story']['url'], $download['currentChapter'], $download['story']['metadata']); if ($download['currentChapter'] == $download['totalChapters']) { $download['status'] = Status::DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE; } else { $download['currentChapter']++; } } catch (Exception $ex) { $app->getLog()->error($ex); $download['status'] = Status::ERROR; $download['statusMessage'] = "Failed to download chapter {$download['currentChapter']}."; unset($_SESSION[$download['id']]); } } else { if ($download['status'] == Status::DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE) { $download['status'] = Status::BUILDING; } else { if ($download['status'] == Status::BUILDING) { if ($activeBuilds >= 1) { continue; } $activeBuilds++; try { $book = new \PHPePub\Core\EPub();
<?php require_once 'env.php'; require_once APP_DIR . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $app = new \Slim\Slim(array('debug' => false, 'cookies.encrypt' => true, 'cookies.secret_key' => 'd3@SD#@!TXZE@', 'cookies.cipher' => MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, 'cookies.cipher_mode' => MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, 'log.enabled' => true, 'log.writer' => new src\common\LogWriter(), 'log.level' => \Slim\Log::DEBUG)); //处理request数据类型 $app->add(new \Slim\Middleware\ContentTypes()); $app->notFound(function () use($app) { $app->getLog()->warning('url not found:' . $app->request()->getResourceUri()); $app->render('404.html'); }); //处理所有未catch exception $app->error(function (Exception $e) use($app) { $app->getLog()->critical('server error: ' . $e->getMessage()); $app->halt(500, "sorry! server error"); }); $request = $app->request(); $paths = explode('/', $request->getResourceUri()); if (count($paths) < 4 || strtolower($paths[1]) != 'api') { $app->getLog()->error('bad request:' . $request->getResourceUri()); $app->status(400); } $app->group('/api', function () use($app, $paths) { $router = ucfirst(strtolower($paths[2])); if (!file_exists(APP_DIR . "/src/routers/{$router}.php")) { return; } $app->group("/{$paths['2']}", function () use($app, $router) { $routerClass = "src\\routers\\{$router}"; new $routerClass($app); });
$namespace = substr($className, 0, $lastNsPos); $className = substr($className, $lastNsPos + 1); $fileName .= str_replace('\\', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $namespace) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; } $fileName .= str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, strtolower($className)) . '.php'; // error_log($fileName); if (file_exists($fileName)) { return require $fileName; } }); // Initialize Slim: $app = new \Slim\Slim(array('templates.path' => ROOT . '/templates', 'log.enabled' => true)); // Load config management library: require ROOT . '/common/config.php'; // Set logging level: $log = $app->getLog(); $log->setLevel(config('log.level', 0)); // Load default libraries: require ROOT . '/common/memcached.php'; require ROOT . '/common/db.php'; require ROOT . '/common/session.php'; // Setup the slim.after hook for printing DB log $app->hook('slim.after', function () use($app) { foreach (ORM::get_query_log() as $entry) { $app->getLog()->debug($entry); } }); // Add API functionality if (config('use.api', false)) { require ROOT . '/common/api.php'; }
$app->get("/install", function () use($app, $facebook) { $app->render("install.html", array("app_id" => $facebook->getAppId())); }); /* Facebook converts GET request to POST. Provide both for easier */ /* development. */ $app->map("/tab", function () use($app, $facebook) { $signed_request = $facebook->getSignedRequest(); /* If you need to like gate (yuck) you can do something like if ($signed_request["page"]["liked"]) { render liked tab } else { render not liked tab } */ $app->render("tab.html", array("facebook" => $facebook, "app" => $app)); $app->getLog()->info("Tab rendered"); })->via("GET", "POST"); /* User gave permissions to application. */ $app->post("/entries", function () use($app, $facebook) { /* Creates new user with uid, oauth_token and name if does not exist. */ $user = current_user(); /* Save extra data if needed. */ /* $user->foo = $app->request()->post("foo"); $user->save(); */ /* Also log to a file. */ $message = sprintf("%s (%s) participated in campaign (%s)", $user->name, $user->uid, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); $app->getLog()->info($message); $data["status"] = "ok"; $app->contentType("application/json");
$env = $app->environment(); $app->configureMode('live', function () use($app, $env) { $env['URLBASE'] = 'http://nesbot.com'; $env['URLIMG'] = '/img/'; $env['URLFULLIMG'] = $env['URLBASE'] . $env['URLIMG']; $env['URLCSS'] = '/css/'; $env['URLJS'] = '/js/'; $env['GATRACKER'] = 'UA-5684902-5'; $app->config('debug', false); $logWriter = new \Slim\Extras\Log\DateTimeFileWriter(array('path' => __DIR__ . '/../logs')); }); $app->configureMode('local', function () use($app, $env) { $env['URLBASE'] = ''; $env['URLIMG'] = '/img/'; $env['URLFULLIMG'] = $env['URLBASE'] . $env['URLIMG']; $env['URLCSS'] = '/css/'; $env['URLJS'] = '/js/'; //$env['GATRACKER'] = ''; $app->config('debug', true); $out = array(); exec(sprintf("php %s/bundle.php", __DIR__), $out); if (count($out) > 1) { printf('<div><pre><code>%s</code></pre></div>', implode(PHP_EOL, $out)); } $logWriter = new \Slim\Extras\Log\DateTimeFileWriter(array('path' => __DIR__ . '/logs')); }); $app->getLog()->setWriter($logWriter); $posts = (require 'posts.php'); $app->view(new BlogView($app, 'template.php', $posts)); require 'routes.php'; $app->run();