public static function url($id, $options = array()) { $options += array('full' => false, 'route' => true, 'slug' => true); $full = $options['full']; unset($options['full']); $slug = $options['slug']; unset($options['slug']); $route = $options['route']; unset($options['route']); if (!is_array($id)) { $node = self::read($id); } else { $node = isset($id['CmsNode']) ? $id : array('CmsNode' => $id); $id = $node['CmsNode']['id']; } if ($node['CmsNode']['model']) { $options += array('plugin' => $node['CmsNode']['plugin'], 'controller' => Inflector::tableize($node['CmsNode']['model'])); } else { $options += array('plugin' => 'cms', 'controller' => 'cms_nodes'); } $options += array('admin' => false, 'action' => 'view', $id); if ($slug && $node['CmsNode']['slug']) { $options[] = $node['CmsNode']['slug']; } return $route ? Sl::url($options, $full) : $options; }
/** * Get or set version info (DB) * * @param string $extension * @param string $newVersion */ public static function version($extension = 'core', $newVersion = null) { if (SlConfigure::read('Sl.installPending')) { return SlConfigure::read('Sl.version'); } if (!SlConfigure::read('Mirror.version')) { App::import('Core', 'ConnectionManager'); $db = @ConnectionManager::getDataSource('default'); if (!$db->isConnected() || !in_array("{$db->config['prefix']}core_versions", $db->listSources())) { if (strpos(Sl::url(false), '/install') === false) { Router::connect(Sl::url(false), array('controller' => 'install')); } return; } App::import('Core', 'ClassRegistry'); ClassRegistry::init('Version')->refreshMirror(); } if ($newVersion) { $versionModel = ClassRegistry::init('Version'); $id = $versionModel->field('', array('' => $extension)); $versionModel->create(); return $versionModel->save(array('id' => $id, 'name' => $extension, 'version' => $newVersion)); } return SlConfigure::read("Mirror.version.{$extension}"); }
public function oauth() { if (isset($this->params['url']['code'])) { $code = $this->params['url']['code']; } SlSession::write('Api.facebook.accessToken', r('access_token=', '', $this->Facebook->graph("oauth/access_token", array('client_id' => SlConfigure::read('Api.facebook.appId'), 'redirect_uri' => Sl::url(true), 'client_secret' => SlConfigure::read('Api.facebook.secret'), 'code' => $code, 'decode' => false)))); $this->redirect(SlConfigure::read('Api.facebook.oauthSuccess')); }
public function getSession($scope = null) { $this->accessToken = SlSession::read('Api.facebook.accessToken'); if ($this->accessToken) { return; } if (is_array($scope)) { $scope = implode(',', $scope); } $appId = SlConfigure::read('Api.facebook.appId'); $redirectUrl = array('plugin' => 'api', 'controller' => 'facebook', 'action' => 'oauth'); if (!empty($this->params['prefix'])) { $redirectUrl += array($this->params['prefix'] => false); } $redirectUrl = urlencode(Sl::url($redirectUrl, true)); $this->controller->redirect("{$appId}&redirect_uri={$redirectUrl}&scope={$scope}"); }
function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('fields' => $this->_getVar('fields'), 'domId' => Sl::uniqid()); if (!is_array($blockParams['fields'])) { return; } $form = $this->_getHelper('SlForm'); $fields = array(); $form->create('CmsContactForm'); foreach ($blockParams['fields'] as $f => $o) { $fields[] = array('inputName' => $f, 'inputOptions' => $o, 'inputHtml' => $form->input($f, $o)); } if ($fields) { $this->blocks['loop']->params[0] = $fields; $this->vars['domId'] = $blockParams['domId']; $this->vars['actionUrl'] = Sl::url(); return parent::parse($html, $blockName); } }
/** * Extended Router::url() with proper html entities and spaces replaced by '+' * * @param mixed $url Set to bool (true = 'with base' or false) to get current requestUri * @param bool $full * @return string * @static */ function url($url = null, $full = false) { return h(r(' ', '+', Sl::url($url, $full))); }
* @link CakePHP(tm) Project * @package cake * @subpackage * @since CakePHP(tm) v 0.2.9 * @license MIT License ( */ /** * Here, we are connecting '/' (base path) to controller called 'Pages', * its action called 'display', and we pass a param to select the view file * to use (in this case, /app/views/pages/home.ctp)... */ // check installation if (Sl::version() != SlConfigure::read('Sl.version')) { if (!preg_match('!/install|/users/login!', Sl::url(false))) { SlConfigure::write('Message.migrate', array('message' => __t('System files have been recently updated. Proceeding to database migration...'), 'params' => array('class' => 'message'))); Router::connect(Sl::url(false), array('controller' => 'install', 'action' => 'migrate')); } } // localized routes $langRules = array('lang' => implode('|', SlConfigure::read('I18n.langs'))); // home $home = SlConfigure::read1('Routing.home'); Router::connect('/', $home); Router::connect('/:lang', $home, $langRules); // prefixed homes $prefixedRoutes = SlConfigure::read('Routing.prefixes'); foreach ($prefixedRoutes as $prefix => $route) { Router::connect("/{$prefix}", $route); } // custom routes $routes = SlConfigure::read('Routing.routes');
/** * Redirects to given $url, after turning off $this->autoRender. * Script execution is halted after the redirect. * * @param mixed $url A string or array-based URL pointing to another location within the app, or an absolute URL * @param integer $status Optional HTTP status code (eg: 404) * @access public * @link */ public function redirect($url, $status = null, $useReferer = true) { if ($useReferer) { $ref = SlSession::read('Routing.ref'); if ($ref) { SlSession::delete('Routing.ref'); if (Sl::url($ref) !== Sl::url()) { $url = $ref; } } } // cyclic check if (Sl::url($url) === Sl::url()) { die('Infinite redirection loop detected.'); } // code inspired from RequestHandlerComponent if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) { foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) { unset($_POST[$key]); } echo Sl::requestAction($url, array('requested' => false)); $this->_stop(); } // show a human readable redirect message allowing debug output to be read if (headers_sent() || $this->output && Configure::read()) { $url = h(SL::url($url)); if (empty($status)) { $status = 'null'; } echo "<p style='background: #ff7; color: #000; padding: 1em;'>Redirect to <a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a> (code: {$status}) cancelled.</p>"; while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_flush(); } $this->_stop(); } parent::redirect(Sl::url($url, true), $status); }
function parse($html, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null) { $full = !empty($blockParams['full']); unset($blockParams['full']); return h(r(' ', '+', Sl::url($html ? trim(parent::parse($html)) : $blockParams, $full))); }
function parse($html = null, $blockName = 'document', $blockParams = null, $noCycle = false) { $this->vars['href'] = null; $blockParams = (array) $blockParams; $blockParams += array('align' => false, 'var' => 'CmsImage', 'thumb' => 'icon', 'zoomCrop' => false, 'quality' => 75, 'link' => empty($blockParams['filter']) || $blockParams['filter'] !== 'full' ? 'auto' : false, 'rel' => empty($blockParams['href']) ? 'colorbox' : null, 'href' => null); $autoLink = $blockParams['link'] == 'auto'; if (!empty($blockParams['id'])) { $image = ClassRegistry::init('Image'); list($data) = $image->find('first', array('conditions' => array('id' => $blockParams['id']), 'recursive' => -1)); } elseif (isset($blockParams['index'])) { $data = $this->_getVar("ImageGallery.{$blockParams['index']}"); } else { $data = $this->_getVar($blockParams["var"]); } if (!empty($data['filename'])) { // support for skin-specific filter versions if (!empty($blockParams['width']) && !empty($blockParams['height'])) { $blockParams['thumb'] = $filter = "{$blockParams['width']}x{$blockParams['height']}{$blockParams['crop']}"; $targetFilename = r('/', DS, WWW_ROOT . "files/cms_images/thumb/{$blockParams['thumb']}/{$data['filename']}"); // check for file if (!file_exists($targetFilename)) { $sourceFilename = WWW_ROOT . "files/cms_images/{$data['filename']}"; $this->_thumb($sourceFilename, $targetFilename, $blockParams); } } $src = "files/cms_images/thumb/{$blockParams['thumb']}/{$data['filename']}"; if ($blockParams['href']) { $href = h(r(' ', '+', Sl::url($blockParams['href']))); } elseif ($blockParams['link']) { if (!$autoLink || !$this->_getVar('href')) { $href = $this->_getHelper('SlHtml')->webroot("files/cms_images/{$data['filename']}"); } } } if (!empty($src)) { $this->vars['align'] = $blockParams['align']; $this->vars['rel'] = empty($href) ? $autoLink ? null : false : $blockParams['rel']; $this->vars['title'] = empty($data['title']) ? false : $data['title']; $this->vars['src'] = $src; $this->vars['href'] = empty($href) ? $autoLink ? null : false : $href; return parent::parse($html, $blockName); } }
public function actionLink($action, $url = null, $options = array()) { $options += array('title' => __t(Inflector::humanize($action)), 'url' => array()); switch ($action) { case 'back': $ref = SlSession::read('Routing.ref'); if (empty($ref)) { $ref = env('HTTP_REFERER'); } if (Sl::url($ref, true) == Sl::url(true)) { $ref = null; } if ($ref) { $options['url'] = $ref; } else { $url2 = array('action' => 'index'); } break; case 'clone': $url2 = array('action' => 'add'); break; case 'preview': $url2 = array('admin' => false, 'action' => 'view'); break; default: $url2 = array('action' => $action); } $url2['ref'] = isset($this->params['named']['ref_override']) ? $this->params['named']['ref_override'] : base64_encode(Sl::getInstance(true)->url(false)); if ($url !== null) { if (is_array($url)) { $url2 = $url + $url2; } else { $url2[] = $url; } } else { // automagically pass filtering params foreach ($this->params['named'] as $param => $value) { if (preg_match('/_id$/', $param) || $param == 'skin') { $url2[$param] = $value; } } } if (is_array($options['url'])) { $options['url'] += $url2; } switch ($action) { case 'add': case 'clone': $options += array('class' => 'add'); break; case 'edit': $options += array('class' => 'edit'); break; case 'preview': $options += array('target' => '_blank'); break; case 'delete': $options += array('confirm' => __t('Delete?'), 'class' => 'remove'); break; } $title = $options['title']; $url = $options['url']; unset($options['title']); unset($options['url']); return $this->link($title, $url, $options); }